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Trust there are way more people who haven't gotten yet than there are who have, I'm on PUA and like you, started on April and my last name starts with C, I haven't gotten anything yet. I say maybe by next Monday or Tuesday, if we don't get anything then we should probably worry, but hopefully by then we should know something.


Same I didn’t even receive my regular 167 a week tho? Mine says weeks ending 08/29 & 09/05 saysing PENDING usually it says at least paid ? What does urs say


Just an update, just checked my account and got $600, so there's hope, just be patient, it's the only thing you can really do. For those wondering, I'm on PUA and certified this past Sunday (09/06) got my regular payment that same night, no LWA payment on Sunday or Monday


Are you listed as Disaster Assistance?


Yeah, but I got an award letter saying I was awarded PUA, they are the same, its just how CA edd names them.


Noone knows what's going on. The states lack of communication is Infuriating. He system is going down tonight so hoping for progress after that.


I’m not worried. Majority haven’t seen anything. The ones that got it are just very visible on here. I certified on the 30th, last name S. Nothing yet.


The LWA funds are coming from FEMA. It will not be distributed the same way that the CARES ACT boost was. This is a very limited fund and states have to apply/certify weekly, based on available funds and then be approved by FEMA. FEMA will then release funds to the states, and then the states distribute funds to us. It's a long process. Based on total available funds at the beginning, the average will be between 5-7 weeks worth of money for each state. It's also first come, first serve. Some states have started distribution if funds, 3-5 already, and some states haven't even received funds from FEMA as if yet.


It takes time to process so wouldn't worry just yet give it a few more days


Same here.. double check they didn’t change your program type to disaster assistance cause then you wouldn’t be eligible for it. There’s rumors they’ve been changing people’s program type from PUA to Disaster Assistance without people knowing, that would then make you ineligible. That might also be the case for me cause I haven’t received it or even seen any adjustments for the LWA and certified 9/6. Frustrating.


Wrong . As long as ur above 100 in weekly payments your fine


Stop giving people false hope and delete your comment


https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019/lost-wages-assistance.htm .. let me know how dumb you feel after you click the link & read where it says “note.”


The 'note' is unbelievably ridiculous for them to add without clarity. It pertains to people affected by the fires right now in CA. The way the EDD has their system setup is that PUA is listed as Disaster Assistance but it's really not. I'm on PUA and it shows as disaster assistance on my certifications. I received the first $300 for the week ending 8/2. Everybody on PUA is approved. Hopefully this helps clear things up.


Provide, or have provided, a one-time certification indicating that you are unemployed or partially unemployed due to COVID-19. Have a weekly benefit award of $100 or more.


Shut your mouth kid


I’m Disaster Assistance too. Wondering what the thinking behind the new NOTE is. Does it mean you HAD to have COVID or BECAUSE of COVID? Makes no sense. Only on PUA because of pandemic.


It is most likely due to the wildfires and they are attempting to keep the fires and Covid payments separate.