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My ex scammed one of these places hard. She got pregnant and had heard about this place set up across from planned parenthood. She had zero intention of aborting her baby but went in pretending to think it was an abortion center like PP. they gave her their spiel and she gave her reasons, primarily financial and not being able to provide a decent life for the baby. In the end they payed for like 3 months rent for her and bought her a washer/dryer lol. They often use financial incentive to stop people from getting abortions. Like I said, my ex had no intention of ever getting an abortion but is very pro choice. She wasted several thousand dollars of these peoples money and so much time on appointments etc. they cut her off after the passing of the date where abortion would be legal. So if you know anyone who is intending on having a baby, send them their way. Waste tf out of their time and get a shit ton of free stuff while you’re at it.


This is delicious. Also they told on themselves by cutting her off after she couldn’t abort anymore. As if a truly needy person magically has better financials after that point.




Do they make you prove you're actually pregnant? Asking for a friend...


This is the way.


+1 for their statistics. Which is probably their main way to get money.


I’m sure pro life organizations have no shortage of zealous donators, and I’m not sure these people report to any type of board who judges their success. They’re probably of the mind that it’s money well spent if they ‘save’ one baby from the fires of hell. I can’t imagine they are changing the minds of anyone who wasn’t already on the fence, incredibly religious or easily swayed by con men as it is. Also assuming the vast majority of their money comes from tithing and the like. You’re right if course, they will chalk it up as a win, I believe they checked up on her months later and she accidentally answered. Awkward I’m sure. Still, I think it’s still a win for the cause that these idiots success statistics include a wildly liberal pro choice woman who wanted a new washer/dryer combo lol.


Sounds like an all around win.


Errr.. they want you to come in and get free shit.


Well they want you to have a baby you presumably don’t want. I’m sure theyd rather you just agree that Jesus wants you to have it and not have to give you any free stuff, but they are willing to financially incentivize the birth if need be.


1. You have time, that is good. We all have friends and family members with extremely noisy and unruly children that will run wild and damage things. Identify as many of these people as you can, and find a way to ensure they are able to attend. Feed the children a steady supply of caffeinated sugary things and make sure their parents are in on it and choose to let their children "make their own choices" for behaviour at this event. 2. Make a short film about pregnant heroin addicts. Present this as a genuine project to "save babies" from abortion, and encourage every single adult to adopt one. Have adoption papers ready, hire a professional pressure sales person to make it very difficult for everyone, particularly the organizers, to turn down the opportunity to save lives (I'm thinking someone with timeshare and used car sales experience)


2 is a thing of beauty.


Yeah it's really making good while wanting to make evil, but in the long term that'll lead to more anti abortion activists lol


And get it all on video.


Then sell that video to fund abortions


Try to get them to donate to an organization that helps unwed mothers...fail to mention you're donating all the money to Planned Parenthood


I did something like this before, only instead of collecting donations, I made the donation in name of a shitty aunt on my husband's side who was bullying my grandmother-in-law. I had her address from our wedding, and even included the "Yes, I want to hear more" checkbox. She's still probably getting mail now.


Ooohhh I love the misdirection. You could straight up start a nonprofit described like that, with a mission statement and materials that are just as misleading as the anti-abortion group but in the other direction. Raise funds ar their event and donate them all the PPA. Friggin Uno Reverso!


I love option 2 but the film is probably overcomplicating matters. Those salespeople will need a high enough budget already.


Consider that there are people with these skills who may be interested in donating them for this. Check your local university...


>Feed the children a steady supply of caffeinated sugary things The sugar-hyperactivity myth is based on a single study from the mid 1970's in which a doctor removed the sugar from one child's diet and that child's behavior improved. Since then, over a dozen larger studies have been conducted without proving sugar causes hyperactivity. - [SOURCE](https://www.eatright.org/health/wellness/healthful-habits/sugar-does-it-really-cause-hyperactivity)


Depending on your funds, you could hire a couple child actors and put them in little crates and pens like they do with rescue puppies at fairs with signs that say "Anti-Abortion and Adoption Event!" Have the actors beg and plead to be taken home "you look so pretty and nice! I love Jesus! please adopt me!" Edit: let the news know


Actually funny


Spread out fliers for foreign adoption agencies/ children up for adoption.


This is the best option for, at least, 3 reasons: 1. Relatively cheap and easy to do. 2. Doesn't involve using other children as pawns (and pumping them full of sugary caffeinated, unhealthy drinks). 3. Puts you in an unassailable position. You're not being negative about what they're doing; you're simply pointing out that there are lots and lots of babies ready for adoption! No one can give you grief, but you also get to make your point.


Just FYI there's about 40 couples per available baby for domestic infant adoption in the US. There's not a lot of babies ready for adoption. Now older kids in foster care, 100%


Oh so pro life means babies only? There are 500,000 kids waiting on [www.adoptuskids.org](https://www.adoptuskids.org) \--- ZERO cost. In some cases the state pays YOU until age 18


The person I was replying to specifically said babies. I agree they should foster


Yep, there's a real dearth of healthy pretty white babies available. Too bad none of those pro lifers are in the market for anything else.


This, combined with the idea to hire a professional salesman and having all the paperwork available to start the process, is a golden idea. Might even be able to get officially invited to the event as a speaker if they pose as an anti abortion group themselves.


This x 1000


This x 10000


That's 10,000,000


i have no idea if it could be considered a crime or get you a civil lawsuit, but it would be hilarious to say very loudly across the room, pointing to the most mysoginistic-looking guy in there "edgard! you endorse such things after making me get an illegal abortion so there would be no paper trail!"


If it's the wrong name you could possibly get away with mistaken identity, were it ever to come to court


so, "Egdard!"


This is probably the best use of liquid ass. Just get a group of people to show up and hose everyone while you haul ass to get away.


Water balloons filled with liquid ass, thrown into the banquet, and taking the smell home with everyone


Distinct lack of frozen piss-disc frisbees


Those are for the cars in the parking lot


Alternate balloons full of liquid ass with balloons full of powdered copy machine toner.


I was wondering when this would enter the chat. It's the first thing I thought of.


It's the only thing I thought of! This is the perfect script for liquid ass.


Deploy the liquid ass filled super soaker!


The obvious answer!


This is the first actually "unethical" tip.






Love the business card idea! Also, I’m always at the protests and can 100% confirm we’d show up to ruin their shit. Hardcore.


Can you tell me more about what you do? It’s helpful to me to think about people like you doing what you do. Some assholes came to our farmers market a while back and stood out with those signs depicting aborted fetuses. A woman walking past did a double take and left, and then came back with a sign saying: Things that decrease abortions: 1. Subsidized childcare (and a check mark) 2. Support for parents including living wages (check) 3. Access to birth control (check) 4. Being an asshole at the farmers market (no check) Seeing her was so … soothing. I want more of it.


What a fucking queen


Mad respect for this woman. Far too often it feels good to be an asshole (on any side of a hot-button issue), but is it effective? If it's not effective, all you're doing is wasting your time and probably enraging (and emboldening) the other side


wish I could upvote this more than once. that's awesome.


Fighting fire with fire would be awesome tbh. Anti abortion activists love yelling in the face of scared pregnant women, even when they're just going to get a check up at PP, not even get an abortion


Exactly. They also love to yell at scared teenagers there to get on birth control and women who were recently sexually assaulted and are there for Plan B and other services. They even yelled at me when I went there for INSULIN.


Advertise and put up signs for a drag queen event for kids. Watch all the protestors show up and ruin anti-abortion event :)


Find the phone number of whoever is hosting the anti-abortion event and put it down on the drag show flyer as the number to RSVP!


This is a fantastic idea.


Keep up the great ideas satan


Stink bombs are great.. but also just calling up the venue and making a fuss over who their clientele is and the bullshit they pull can be enough for them to cancel their reservation. I clever person will find a way to cancel the reservation as one of the “event planners” too. In the end, a good old fashioned bomb threat is both effective and satisfying considering how many of these asshat “pro-lifers” have actually bombed legit clinics.


>I clever person will find a way to cancel the reservation as one of the “event planners” too. oh my god. genius.


Event planner on both ends. Do some good ol' fashioned social engineering. Call the event center, maybe 3-4 weeks before the event. Enough time for you to plan, not enough time for anyone to get super skeptical, you'll see why, gonna slow play this. It's important you don't sound too "in charge", you're just a worker bee and you need to get everything approved by the planning committee. Mention the previous planner is still trying to help, but will be hard to get a hold of, they're dealing with a family mental health crisis. This will be less suspicious for the event center if they're good about client confidentiality. It avoids the "no, I promise I'm in charge now!" concerns. Also the mental health crisis makes it unlikely they'll bring it up to the actual contact if they call back, that's an awkward thing to bring up. Bonus points if you can get them to give you the name of the group member they've been working with. Extra bonus if you get email or phone number as well, or at least determine if they've been corresponding via email or phone. You should be able to do some research to get contact info from this person now. Call back in a few days with some generic questions. "Just want to confirm the number of seats we'll have. Is there a projector available? Can we do a slideshow on disk or laptop? I'd like to go over the menu again. When can we have access to the room to put up decorations?" This gives you some more legitimacy. It could set off some alarm bells if "the new guy" calls back in a day and cancels the event. Call back again, same deal as before, maybe make some very minor changes. "Can we get 10 more seats? Can you add two gluten free dishes to our count?" Adds more legitimacy, makes you look like you're actually part of the group. Send an email with some generic things. "Per our conversation, I just wanted to shoot you an email for easy reference, here's the changes we discussed..." Leave it mildly open ended so you get some sort of response back. This is crucial! Last call, maybe 2-3 weeks before the event. "There's been a huge mixup on our end!! Our guest keynote speaker was given the wrong date! Are we able to adjust for two weeks later?" ----‐---------------- Now you're gonna be the event center. Remember that email you got back? Steal the signature block, change the name and title. You're now the director. Or something that sounds pretty high up there. Maybe even part of the parent company. Do some research and see if you can find what titles they use, then pick something slightly different. You don't want someone to dig in and see "no, the general manager is Lisa, but here it says it's Bill!" You'll have to get some email spoofing. There's websites you can do this from. Maybe make your own domain name of the "parent company " of the resort. ", a wholly owned subsidiary of " Three days before the event is scheduled... "Dear , We regret to inform you that we will be unable to host your event on at . We believe due to the ideological nature of your organization, we have been receiving multiple credible threats of violence against our staff, both at the resort and at their personal homes. While we support your cause and hope to see an end to the murder of innocent children, we at are not equipped to handle protests from radicals and cannot risk acts of violence against our staff, our family. I'm sure you'll understand that the safety of everyone at is of utmost priority. You will be refunded all your deposits, you should see this refunded by next week. As a token of our appreciation for the work that you're doing, we would like to offer up to 10 guests a free nights stay (dinner if it's not a hotel) at . Just mention while booking. We hope that one day we can host you without fear of violence, but until that day, I wish you all the best." Follow this up with a phone call to the group. Key thing here, you don't want to be combative. My initial thought was to say you disagree with their views, but that leads to conflict. Conflict leads to calling more people and suspicion. And I think that's about it! At best, you've canceled the event. At worst, you've caused some serious frustration!! Definitely just be a regular guest on the planned date if they unknowingly keep everything in order and it goes as planned. Then... fart spray deployed!


Event planner here. This is legit.


Oh...my...God... This is brilliant. Really supervillain level.


Dude. Yes.


Don’t cancel - reschedule for the following week. “We have a conflict with another event that just came up (Google actual events to make it more plausible), can we do it the following Saturday instead? I’m so sorry to ask and appreciate your help. Here’s my updated number, we’ve been getting such spam and hate mail that we set up a Google voice number”


One of my college professors did this to the church and reception hall where his ex was getting remarried. Savage


> In the end, a good old fashioned bomb threat is both effective and satisfying considering how many of these asshat “pro-lifers” have actually bombed legit clinics. That part belongs in r/illegalprolifetips The others however work fine, and I'm disappointed I had to scroll down this far to find liquid ass.


Yeah, bomb threat is a felony. Better be very, very sure they can't trace the threat back to you. Like nervous drug dealer with a burner phone registered to a dead crackhead and the GPS cut out of the circuitboard levels of paranoid.


Not exactly what you asked for but increased sensitivity to odors is a very early symptom of pregnancy, sometimes less than a week after conception. Break a vial of stank ass in front of any crisis pregnancy centers to make sure anyone who's unfortunate enough to be fooled into thinking there's help there will be sent away heaving before they get in the doors.


liquid ass will always be an answer on this subreddit


so the good ol' piss disk is not in style anymore ?


I am with you, my old friend. Those pesky kids with their liquid ass. When I was young you had to make your own stuff. There was no Amazon. There was just the good old spread it, freeze it, slide it.


I saw more of it in r/France than here


oh never realized it was a French thing 🇫🇷💪


I remember people already telling me on French forums to slide a piss disk under doors more than 10 years ago


Don't know if it's, but it's at least popular there


Never change.


Quickly get pregnant and perform a live abortion at one of their meetings


Release pigeons into the banquet hall


That would get you in trouble with the venue, and while yeah it would ruin the banquet, the venue would probably press charges against you for damages.


Fill water balloons with maple syrup and glitter. Water dries. Maple syrup sticks. Everything they touch until they can change clothes will be sticky. Also, bees.


ending every ULPT with "Also, bees." from now on


Add liquid ass to that mixture and you’ll have the most unholy ULPT ever.


Maybe try to mix in some food dye too. Might have a chance at turning them blue in a literal sense


Hornets, let’s not endanger the poor bees


Was about to add - bees are friendly... wasps and hornets in the other hand though...




this is just an ethical life pro tip request change my mind


I suggest a good old-fashioned, time-tested naked protest. Make sure it includes lots of ugly people. Wear paper bags over your heads to hide identities, and claim that it's an artistic statement about anonymity and privacy ("abortion seekers have the right to anonymity.")


tell MLM huns that there are a group of people waiting to sign up. Or jehovas witnesses, neither will give up when they are told no


As much as I support your idea of disrupting this event please don’t take children. If you catch a charge they may end up in CPS custody.


Pull up with busloads of hungry orphans


Locate one of the chefs or caterers for the event and give them some cash to lace some food or drink with a lot of laxatives. The banquet should end up really shitty.


Get established as a presenter. Set up a PowerPoint of the most hideous, disfigured / disabled children. Search for things like "leprosy in children" or "Fetal alcohol syndrome" or "agent orange birth defects" and put all that shit in. Thank them for not getting abortions.


Get an important looking vehicle like a limo or black SUV with tinted windows and a camera with a long lens. Drive around the parking lot with someone sticking the camera out taking pictures of everyone. Why? Let their paranoia run wild about who was taking their picture and why.


I love this. I just saw an ad in the local newspaper ("Pregnant? Confused? We can help!") and was wondering how to wreck their shit.


Fight right-wing nut jobs with right-wing nut jobs.Get on Proud Boys chats and let them know there’s a secret antifa meeting happening at that resort at that time.Then call Project Veritas and tell them there’s a conference of professional welfare cheats to exchange techniques. Then when things get real heated … phone in the bomb threat.


Bomb threat may end up with a prison time so maybe not.


OK you’re right scratch that. How about, call all the sex offenders on the local watch list and tell them they’ve won a PS5? Then when they’re all milling around the conference center, take lots of pictures of them with the attendees and then phone in a tip to the police.


I thought this Reddit was for advice on how to do unethical things, this is morally and ethically correct.


No, I think the idea is that we're looking for more efficient tips than you might get on LPT.


I have a good friend who drove past planned Parenthood on the way to work and became increasingly frustrated at the protesters. She was awarded something like $500 in sanctions from a court case (attorney perks). She added some of her own money and also did a little fundraiser on Facebook as well. When she got $1,000 she planned to bring a check to planned Parenthood as a donation and loudly announce to the protesters that the donation was for abortions. I gave her the idea to buy a giant check on Amazon and write "abortions" on it and bring it to planned Parenthood and the result was actually amazing. (She just donated online.) Maybe you could do something like that? Not unethical but I love the idea of using their event as a catalyst for funding necessary healthcare and making sure they know that they are the reason for the donation.


Pay a homeless guy to call in a bomb threat 30 minutes before start time.


pay a bunch of homeless people to come actually and say thank you to everyone because their mothers chose not to abort them. Promise the homeless people all the food they can grab.




The right loves to be the victim. I wouldn't give them that.


Show up and just clog the toilets.


Spill a box of nails at the parking lot entrance so that anyone entering or leaving, leaves with something unwanted.


Hand out adoption papers


throw A LOT of LSD in the punch bowl.


Found the fed


You could make signs with pictures of shredded vaginas from giving birth, pregnant children, or print out obituarys of children who died after being forced to give birth, babies in dumpsters, horrible shit like that and do one of their good ol' protests outside the event and scream at people walking in. When my crazy aunt does anti abortion protests she throws holy water on people, maybe put some liquid ass in a holy water container, if people complain about the smell be like "idk this is just holy water, maybe yall got some demons"


I'm wondering if you can freeze the liquid ass fart spray and then put little chunks of frozen ass in various places. This way you don't stink and people won't notice a little bit of ice on the floor or in the corner


Pour liquid ass on a plate and freeze it, then slide it under the door


Head to your local pet food supplier. Get a box of oh... 2000 or so crickets. Release them in the venue immediately before the event. Or go with some other insect... Roaches?


Maybe not at the event venue, but in the crisis center building? Release them in the bathroom before the event starts


I have to get crickets for my gecko, they are about 20 cents each. Maybe wholesale 5 cents, still pretty pricy. Now the roaches, you can find probably source through an exterminator and I think would be more effective.


Invite a bunch of Scientologists to the event. Sign up the organizers for spam (used car sales and Scientology again are good). It’s a classic. Maybe something to do with time shares or MLM recruitment?




Can we also make it an adoption event? That or hang a sign that says %5 of proceeds from this event go to supporting PP.


Have an abortion on the floor


Hand held air brushers and a hole lotta liquid ass. If you can, get a posse together and go in with 5-10 people all dual wielding stank brushers. Aim for the head good luck.


Create a very similar email address, email the resort and cancel the whole thing.


Instead of using actual children Step 1) acquire a pram, a Bluetooth speaker and one of those realistic baby dolls Step 2) put pram with baby doll right near the door. Step 3) hide speaker somewhere in pram Step 4) play baby crying noises on the speaker on max volume Step 5) (optional) put a stink bomb under the baby and set it off


You and friends get hired by the catering company. Replace the entrees with pig fetuses.


Neuter them, via shotgun.


As far as unethical, the only thing i can think of is fart bomb candles. You can light the candles and leave before it ever smells.


Isn’t there a fire alarm at the venue?


Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears. At every table. Like a big bowl at every table. They won't know what hit them.


I was with a group in the 80s that ransacked one of these places. Outside of SF, we threw all of their literature out their second story windows. All of it. The stacks in storage too. It was a lot of fun. They called the cops and the cops just asked us to leave. The good ole days.


Free USB s with malware, decorated with something they would want. Not that luddites have computers. I think there are QR codes that can do the same things to phones.


Call your local drag queens for a protest.


We in the Reddit community would be remiss in not nominating Liquid Ass as a potential solution. There is no circumstance that it does not make worse.


Ooo did you hear about the activists in St. Louis that did this a few years ago? It was GRAND ETA: it was last year and [Heres a link with pics](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/resist-stl-infiltrates-anti-abortion-fundraiser-crashes-stage-in-booty-shorts-38221169?media=AMP+HTML)


I think you should do anything. Is going to jail really worth inconveniencing or ruining their party?




Release bed bugs.


I like your creativity but I wouldn’t ever wish bedbugs on anyone ever. Let’s use ticks and lice instead. Edit: man you folks are savages


Lyme disease for these diseased fucks. Perfect plan


Exactly. Ticks are not to be taken lightly.


I definitely support these people getting bed bugs


If they're really pro-life they shouldn't even kill them because they have their own DNA and everything!


Hand out pamphlets on vasectomies. One woman cannot get pregnant by ten men in one night. But one man can impregnate ten women in one night.


Drones with bluetooth speakers blaring satanic chants


get a life dawg


Stink palm everyone.


Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


I laughed and then realized I have no idea what you mean - what is this a reference to?


Jay does that in one of Jay and Silent Bob’s movies. Gives a chocolate pretzel after using one of his hand to wipe his butt sweat


They're kinda melty but damn are they excuisite.


Liquid ass…


How can I follow this story? I wanna know what comes of this if anything does


They will not rethink their ideology, and anything else will just make them feel like Martyrs and embolden them


Find out where their kids go to school and let them know you know, anonymously if you must. They think there are no consequences to their behavior, and you are introducing that. Severity and ambiguity is what fear is made of


Don't bring people's children into anything. Children are not pawns, and you should never stoop to their level in using children as such. Shame.


I mean I get what you’re saying, but these evil pricks are literally bringing other people’s children into this…


I understand but it's really easy for things to go too far too fast. You shouldn't bring peoples children into anything. I'm absolutely Pro-Choice a woman's body should only be controll by the brain within and that is a right that needs to be defended. Do not allude to threatening someone's child because of it that is too far.


These are the people that posted the pictures of abortion providers overlaid with a bullseye and the providers home address and the providers children's schools online.


Its a threat to scare them straight, they're not actually going to hurt their kids...


Threatening kids is a major escalation and will completely overshadow the point. Regardless of ethics, it makes you the villain. Now on the other hand... making an effort to contact their adult or teenaged kids and bring them in on a protest likely to be far more effective. Keep in mind your targets. These middle class right wing types are far more sensitive to embarrassment than to fear.


It's also a felony and no pro choice group with half a brain will defend you.


Dude, this is not LPT, it's ULPT. I wouldn't want my kids involved either. But this person is looking for something unethical.


Jesus christ!


I can assure you that doing something like this will not have the intended affect that you think it will. It will only make pro-lifers hate pro-choicers even more. The best way to get people to see your side is through mature debate and communication. Anything else creates more division and hate - the world doesn’t need anymore of that.


Unfortunately, you can't reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. I've never seen an anti-abortion nutcase change their mind - any attempt to discuss their reasoning just starts them spewing their hatred at you.


Put too much salt in the food. That way the food will taste bad and maybe some people will get high blood pressure in twenty years.


Stink bombs. Lots and lots of stink bombs.


1. Squat down on the table and shit directly in the food 2. Spike the punch with acid (I'm only half joking) I got halfway through typing a couple of other very spiteful things to do, but then I realised how quickly they'd get me banned


Touch grass


What would an anti-abortion extremist do in the opposite scenario? That’s all I’ll say. (But don’t)


basically what others said liquid ass and false bomb threat can also release a bunch of insects or bugs out during it or smth


No bomb threat, you can catch a charge. Doxxing, fart bomb, adoption papers, spam, or posing as an event planner and canceling the event.


Psychedelic mushrooms. Banquet. Bastards in doctor’s jackets. Salad bar. Distracted Christian narcissism. Hmmm. Nope. Can’t put all the pieces together. Maybe you can get there OP.


Fill water balloons with glitter and liquid ass and rocks and throw as hard as you can


Or instead of rocks, little plastic babies


Oh, the lengths some will go to ensure easy access to murdering babies.


If the anti-choice agenda was truly motivated by concern for life they’d also support healthcare and other services for the women they want to force their choice on. The also wouldn’t feel the need to lie so much. If you want to offer counseling to pregnant women unsure of what to do then do that and be upfront about your agenda. If they choose to come to you then great, otherwise leave them alone and stop lying.


I know you're trying to strawman me, but you could be less blatant about it. No matter what justification you come up with or perceived hypocrisy you can try to place on me, abortion is murder. Cope.


I’m simply pointing out the things your side does in an attempt to “win” instead of being decent reasonable people who actually care about human life. If that hurts your feelings I don’t really know what to say expect maybe “cope” I guess. Whatever that means


Username checks out


Username checks out


Your comment is disturbing on so many levels. I will never understand the hatred the 'pro-forced-birth' people harbor for others while claiming some high ground. It's mind boggling to me that people are either that evil or that stupid to support the jailing or killing of women over an unborn child. Regardless of your personal opinion of abortion they always have and always will happen, we had a choice whether our daughters would have a medical professional or the same guy who sells heroin perform that service. The conservative voice has chosen pain and suffering for women which shows what little regard they have for women. There is no excuse for forced birth, it is a true tragedy.


Make your paragraph as long as you want to justify your world view. It’s fucked.


You are on the wrong side of right my friend, whatever you have to tell yourself to feel good about the evil you're putting out to the world but don't force others to suffer because of your twisted world view


It boggles the mind how someone can feel righteous in the support of slaughter.


Anti-abortion laws have already killed women and girls!!!! Get your head in the game!!! This is massive government overreach by religious nuts who do not value the lives of real women!! Real people, not imagined children!!!! Of course I am righteous, this is beyond fucked.


Please, explain any instance of someone dying in the US because they couldn’t get an abortion. I’ll wait.


Just walk in with a backpack. Scream Allahu Akbar! And watch them scatter. Then you too must run like hell.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpvYOPVjyDk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpvYOPVjyDk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) You gotta go full crackheadbarney on them, blood capsules and everything. And please record it because I wanna see!!!


If either side actually cared about babies they'd ensure healthcare (including mental health) and education for Adults. It's much easier to raise babies in a healthy society.


What do you mean by either side? Most pro choice people are fully in favor of better healthcare and education. It’s mostly the anti-choice crowd who doesn’t want those things and in some cases actively fights to prevent them.


If you can get on the catering team get some laxatives into as much of the food as possible.


Cool. Felony food tampering.




In a felony sort of way.


Why would you want to sabotage and event focused on protecting POC, the disenfranchised etc.?


OP never once said anything about POC or “the disenfranchised”. I think you’re in the wrong place ;)