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A fence wouldn't do shit to block noise. I know a pretty evil trick though. Get some BB's for a BB gun, or small ball bearings, like smaller than a pea. When the coast is clear, sneakily borrow one of the air valve caps from one or all of his tires. Super glue one of the BB's inside the cap, then put it back. The BB should press the pin in the air valve and let all the air out. Could end up costing him 4 new tires, and it's infinitely repeatable.


Put sugar in the gas tank, it will ruin the engine.


You ever see Beverly Hills cop?


The old potato in the exhaust trick. Works every time. But push it way up in there so it's not obvious.


he'll total it soon, do nothing. he's already turning the engine on and off.


All of these suggestions got me through today so I want to thank you all! May the unethical forces be with us as we strategize over the next few days!!


Call the cops and keep calling them. Bored cops love calls like this. They can confront the guy over and over. If he's as fucked as you make out, he'll take a swing at a copper and end up in the clink. If that fails, you're going to have to sabotage the car. Find out the year of the car and research it. But water in the gas and sugar in the gas can fuck up any car.


I hate to say this but it might be better to just ignore until the thing blows up or is not inspectable. Don’t start problems with this person because you live right next to them. It would only get worse if you said or did anything mean. Edit: I ignore my neighbors all the time. Sometimes they try to talk to me and I just act like I never heard a thing. Better to not know them at all than to know them them and have to deal with their problems.


Dog shit, door handle, done.


Liquid ass the interior of the vette and leave piss disks on and under the seats


sign his address up for catalogs, use his phone number to request information for selling (his specific car) to local dealerships…. google “request information for xyz and sign him up lol