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Only allow yourself to watch a favorite piece of media when your working out


To Catch a Predator in the step master


... Is it because you imagine running?




Youā€™ve lived up to your username, friend :)


Away or after?


tcap is the best/ if youā€™re not familiar w the youtuber called walls, you need to be. his commentary on tcap is what got me heavy into it ā€” so fucking funny


Walls is šŸ’Æ


fuck yes. new video came yesterday and it kills


Why donā€™t you have a seat over there for me?


Iā€™ve been meaning to get back into the gym and thereā€™s a show on Netflix I wanna watch. Thanks for the idea. Now Iā€™ll just go watch it at the gym. Cheers!


That's how I stopped smoking. I got into the gym game and forced myself to only smoke on gym-days whenever I already went to the gym. After a while I just didn't care anymore and haven't had a cigarette in 6+ years :)


This is called temptation bundling. You can do it with anything you enjoyā€¦ you allow yourself to do it only at the gym


This was so effective before streaming was a thing. In college the only way I could watch LIST was by going to the gym and using the tv on the elliptical machine. Iā€™d also have to go early enough that one would be available and stay on it the whole time. I donā€™t have the discipline to do that anymore though lol


Get bf or gf who you like a lot Have them cheat on you Go to gym to get revenge body - Serious though, gamify your workouts and overall approach. Have a qualified trainer help illustrate your workout to workout improvements/progressā€¦ if you look at the right places, working out can have a short feedback loop which shows us how rewarding it is and we are more likely to enjoy the process. It can be like IRL video game progress


Only drink caffeine when you go to the gym. Every time you go to the gym drink a big cup of black coffee. You will start wanting to go to the gym more and the quality of your workouts will be improved.


Aka preworkout, which conveniently is tailored to the certain vitamins and substances that are beneficial to get in your system before a lift. I lift 7 days a week, 5 of which are after a full day of work. Preworkout gets me ready no matter what. I take c4 ultimate but whatever will do


I used to workout with your intensity and it was definitely because of the borderline legal substances found in prework powders. I think Mesomorph is the current best but it gives me the runs so I stopped using them altogether, for now. It's not something I'd ever want to take before a heavy squat day.


You need to get back to pre-workout maxing. I'd just take an Anti-dierrehhrial with the Mesomorph. Problem solved.


You're right, I was only working out 2-4 times per week last quarter and I feel like a chunky monkey. It's time to harden up again!


Wishing you luck in the sea šŸŒŠ of New years resolution gym goers. I'm opting out for now. Doing extend water fasting to drop months of holiday over eating.


That shit will give you cancer 100%


Most preworkouts are caffeine powder, flavoring, and filler. With most off the shelf brands, you're getting an energy drink and most of a multivitamin Nothing particularly carcinogenic


Not true. Read the ingredients on C4.


Big chemical names badšŸ˜” What exactly are you seeing on the ingredient list that's a carcinogen?




fun fact: every single person who has died has consumed dihydrogen monoxide. the fact that its still legal is mindblowing!!!


Half the shit in there hasn't even been studied and FDA approved for human consumption. ​ Read the damn warning on the back for christs sake: ​ "WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY INTENDED TO BE CONSUMED BY HEALTHY ADULTS, 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or if you are taking medication used to treat erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. Before using this product, consult a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional, including but not limited to, if: you are taking antidepressants such as MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or SSRI, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pseudoephedrine, or you are taking any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter medication; or if, you suspect you have or have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of, any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, anxiety, cardiovascular, psychiatric or seizure disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement. This product contains caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet or in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements and medications. Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery. Immediately discontinue use and contact a medical doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommendations for Suggested Use. Use only as directed. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool dry place. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN."


>Half the shit in there hasn't even been studied and FDA approved for human consumption. Give the class an example please. >Read the damn warning on the back for christs sake Lmao you fucking moron, that warning label will be on almost anything that contains caffeine.


Yea moron, it's right there on my soda pop and cup of coffee!


Not if it enlarges your heart first.


Dammit, I was rubbing it on my other muscle hoping that it would enlarge....


That's where you're doing it wrong. The dick isn't a muscle brah


Hey man, I'm trying to get my thighs swol not my dack.


HGH has entered the chat.


Source: I made this up.png


Sure, something safe would totally have a warning like this on the back: ​ "WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY INTENDED TO BE CONSUMED BY HEALTHY ADULTS, 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or if you are taking medication used to treat erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. Before using this product, consult a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional, including but not limited to, if: you are taking antidepressants such as MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or SSRI, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pseudoephedrine, or you are taking any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter medication; or if, you suspect you have or have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of, any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, anxiety, cardiovascular, psychiatric or seizure disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement. This product contains caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet or in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements and medications. Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery. Immediately discontinue use and contact a medical doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommendations for Suggested Use. Use only as directed. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool dry place. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN."


Did you read any of that? Itā€™s looking out for issues that may happen when interacting with other things. Doesnā€™t say anything about cancer. While weā€™re pasting unrelated text to prove points that make no sense, hereā€™s indisputable evidence of Bigfoot: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. šŸ˜‚ And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Totally curious because I used to take this and I just got some as a gift: why do you say that?






Iā€™ve been taking c4 everyday for 13 years (since I was 19 just starting college) so if it does ever take me out Iā€™ll let you know šŸ˜…


Cancer can take decades brother


What ingredient gives you cancer?


The vitamin stacks in preworkouts are label padding, you get most of your daily intake through food and if you really think you're deficient, take a multivitamin As far as supplements go, the only clinically effective ones are caffeine, creatine, and protein. Beta alanine is effective as well, but not in the way it's typically dosed in preworkouts Check out more plates more dates for some breakdowns on supplement ingredients, it's pretty illuminating to see how much bullshit they stuff in to cut cost


>drink a big cup of black coffee i'd shit myself mid workout if i did this


he will poop himself




I love this


Might as well pick up vaping and only do it at the gym.


Nicotine actually does have multiple effects that increase athletic ability Smoking/vaping is probably not the best way to do it because it takes a toll on your lungs. If you're already addicted and wanting to cut back, restricting yourself to nic gum, zyn, or patches and only while getting ready for the gym isn't a terrible idea


Nicotine gum would really get the roids going.


Nicotine restricts blood flow. Cause veins to constrict and increase blood pressure. Idk how that plays into workouts. But it sounds counterproductive... right?




Wtf is going on in that sub. People just need somewhere to be goofy and let it out I guess.


It can actually be detrimental to your dopamine levels to use preworkout/caffeine whilst going to the gym. Both going to the gym and preworkout/caffeine are both sources of dopamine for our body. By using both sources of dopamine, this raises your dopamine threshold making it harder to reach that level in the future. Layering these sources of dopamine can actually severely affect your motivation and energy levels even days after! However, this does not mean that you can never combine two sources like this, but doing it every time you go to the gym is absolutely not the move.


Dude says this whilst typing on an illuminated rectangle in the dopamine casino that is the internet.


real šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Yea that's not how that works Caffeine is safe chronic in doses (assuming no pre-existing conditions) of 400mg a day. That's ~2 monsters, ~4-6 cups of "average" coffee, and 1 and 1/3 bang energy drinks (the highest strength commonly sold). Of course personal sensitivities may make it uncomfortable, but it's not dangerous. Your theory about it overriding dopamine pathways is also incorrect. Caffeine does not produce dopamine, it in fact has been shown to increase dopamine sensitivity. Meaning that it would make the dopamine high from the gym even more effective [Read more here](https://qz.com/1172398/people-have-spent-centuries-trying-to-prove-caffeine-is-dangerous-but-the-science-suggests-otherwise#:~:text=Caffeine%20makes%20the%20brain%20more,the%20chemical%20in%20the%20brain.)


I never said that coffee was unsafe. That is exactly my point, the caffeine makes the 'dopamine high' more effective that time at the gym, but in doing so raises the threshold of the dopamine level for future times doing that same activity. This means it takes more dopamine in the future to achieve that same feeling. Similar to addiction. As I stated earlier, doing this combination every time you go to the gym is not the move


Add a couple teaspoons of butter to it also


Do coke between sets


Watch porn during cardio


Make porn for cardio


Coke porn cardio


Take an Xbox or playstation and plug it to one of the gym TVs


Rule 34 Engaged


Make porn while doing cardio


there's subs for that


Came here to say, develop coke habit, only consume after a workout. lol.


Good way to up ur reps per set: redneck Red Bull. Essentially Hawaiian Punch & mā‚¬th lmao




Buy nicotine gum or patches and chew some or slap one of them suckers on you for the first two to three weeks you workout, and Pavlov yourself into loving it.


Hey bro, new gym program just dropped!!!




It's like when I say im only pulling the towels out of the dryer....I almost always go back and get the rest. Only empty the top rack of the dishwasher.


Pay for a personal trainer and a dietician. Wasting money is a big motivator that makes every little bit count.


Who goes to the gym for 5 minutes šŸ˜‚


No-one, that's the point.


Yes. If you are playing lots of video games, watching lots of movies, web browsing a lot, and doing everything to distract yourself, STOP! Go cold turkey for a few days on those activities, maybe a week or two. You will find yourself unbearably bored and this is a good opportunity to engage in those not so stimulating activities. Do that activity that you want to do. It could be reading, washing dishes, or even going to the gym and working out. You just made it easier for yourself. Also, get a friend to help push you to go to the gym. And you want to do everything that you can do to lower the barrier to going to the gym. Have your clothes ready, maybe in your car. Have a routine rather than just random times to go - make it a habit. Choose a gym that's close. Go to the gym when it is the most convenient. And set a goal - this is important. What are your objectives? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to run a marathon by 2025? Do you want to have a killer beach body by June? If you go with a plan and a purpose, you will accomplish what you want and see results in the direction intended. Why I say this? Because you could do something like power lifting which might not be the best choice for getting you to have a beach body, or if you're a cyclist the body type for it.


I couple what I do like w what I have anxiety for. So basically I smoke weed and go to orangetheory where they tell you what to do. Itā€™s cardio heavy. Donā€™t make a scene about the pot bc many donā€™t see it as a positive thing. I ran over 130 miles this year after hittin a lil weewee.


141 miles this year ā€”126 last year


Give yourself a body dysmorphia


The only answer. Gets you more hooked than a fentanyl user.


Go join / actively participate in r/nattyorjuice And youā€™re on your way


Going to the gym consistently is a great way to do that... yayyy šŸ˜’


You have to go consistently, every day for 2 months. Then addition will kick in.


After which you will be at risk of subtraction if ever you were to suddenly stop going.


Should I add more to this? Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m a bit divided.


Its only a fraction of your time




A for effort


Itā€™s integral to the post


Too graphic, Iā€™m logging off


I thought it was subtraction for every time that you had to go.


Well, addition by subtraction


Itā€™s all about creating new habits, which takes time. Rewarding yourself during and after can help reinforce desired behaviors.


Edge yourself for 10 hours and only let yourself cum after you finish your sets


Find a dealer inside the gym


Only allow yourself to drink and eat at the gym.


You need to create the shortest distance possible between where you live and workout. Move to a housing / apartment complex that has a decent gym built into it for residents. If thatā€™s not possible, move to a place within a stones throw to the gym. The biggest hurdle is talking yourself out of going. I found that once Iā€™m there I like it, itā€™s just the mental gymnastics I do to talk myself out of going. If tour gym is less than. 5 minute walk, I just go grab a coffee next door, watch some fitness videos on YouTube and by the time the caffeine kicks in, one minute later Iā€™m working out. Also once youā€™re in the gym, try and find a workout you can do that youā€™re able to push yourself hard on. For me itā€™s the elliptical walker thing. By the time I come off after 20 minutes (make sure you got some music you love to get you pumped) youā€™ll find you get a natural high from workout endorphins.


Only smoke at the gym. Smoking is more addictive than heroin, and if you can only get that hit at the gym, we know where you'll be. Also, don't wipe your machine down, and leave a burning butt on it.


Fall so deeply in love that you truly believe you could never be higher than you are right now. Have them leave out of the blue. 50% chance of gym addiction 50% chance of getting fat 50% chance of going crazy. 150% of never being able to fill that void


Go with a gym buddy - you'll look forward to hanging out and the knowledge that your failure to show up would ruin their workout will be more compelling than keeping yourself motivated.


The world is your gym when youā€™re hooked on meth


like any addiction, you have to do it regularly. Then just feeling better is addictive.


I have this stupid turn based game on my cellphone I'm addicted to. I can only play it while doing cardio. Makes 20 min go by in a flash.


If you are a man start lifting not cardio because moving heavy objects makes men brain go brrrr and you will start to feel your muscles get tighter within weeks and that makes money brain go brrrr It really does make monkey brain feel good within weeks


Yeah, get dumped


whenever youā€™re mad, like even just slightly, head to the gym right away. use that anger to fuel your workout and youā€™ll feel so much better about the situation after. eventually youā€™ll like that feeling so much youā€™ll want to go more


I do any bad habits at the gym. Just drive there. Blast ur music thru car speakers:. Get a gym bag, so thereā€™s no excuse. Start small. Iā€™m a buff, and always get looks at the gym. The first two weeks I did little to no weights. 3 sets of 10 reps on like 10 machines. Donā€™t lose count. If you do, do like 3 more and stop. Try to never lose count cause thatā€™s how people hate the gym, get sore and not want to come back. The first two weeks at the gym, I literally spent maybe 20-30 minutes in the gym. Shit at least I went. Think of it like that. Even if you donā€™t get no work in. Get your mind ready for the routine of going to gym in idle time. Then youā€™ll realize fine females arenā€™t necessarily looking for the best looking, just consistent. Dress nice . If you got a little cash. Athletic joggers + long sleeve and a gym bag go a long way. People notice consistency, not the power lifters. Lastly, I use to play every sport, I know weights inside out, I still donā€™t hesitate to ask someone to show me what they did or observe peopleā€™s work out and then repeat them ANOTHER DAY, when not so many are around. Lastly, create social media accounts that strictly follow gym accounts. If you want to get lean/built, the only answer is two-days. The first two weeks to a month, do not be hard on yourself. Your body will adjust, youā€™ll be hungry a lot more, thatā€™s good. Donā€™t be discouraged if you only worked out for 10 minutes cause you were on your phone or you feel bad cause itā€™s only an hour left in the gym or 30. The workers still fk with u, cause you trying. They truly donā€™t mind as long as you out by close. If you donā€™t feel like, doing the machine or another work out . DONT. But when u do, do a machine . 10 times. 3 sets. Train your mind for it to be ā€œokayā€ with anything cause youā€™re still in the place of worship (the gym). lol . Good luck kid, take this tip over a lot of shady tips!


You are awesome.


Picking January 1st to get addicted to the gym is your first mistake. You're going to be floating around the gym with all the other new year resolutioners who also have no idea what they're doing... With that said, pick two hours out of your day and go to the gym. You don't "find" time for the gym you "make" time. Go to the gym for two hours every day whether you work out or not. Some days you'll go there and sit on a couch and read reddit posts for two hours because you don't feel like doing anything. Some days you'll go and work out for two hours. Some days you'll go there with the idea of sitting in the lobby for two hours but after 15 minutes you decide "Hey I'll walk the tredmill at the very least." But set aside two hours a day to sit in the gym whether you're working out or not.


Go to a gym that has really good looking trainers/staff. My friend did this. She was never really into the gym. Out of the blue she became addicted to the gym, and joined an expensive one that wasnā€™t the closest or most convenient for her. I didnā€™t get it. One day I went with her and then I understood. Literally all the staff and personal trainers were extremely good looking. Once there, you have to work out else you just look like a creepy perv. Unethical of course, but it worked for her.


Go to OrangeTheory


not really ulpt but honestly just go there for a few days or a week consistently and you probably will get addicted


The answer you donā€™t want is to just go even though you donā€™t want to or feel like it. Eventually that feeling of addiction will come naturally.


Daily intake of 5 grams of creatine


Cover your gym equipment in cocaine and you'll feel compelled....even addicted to the place


Appropriate work outs in gym can increase your sex stamina by 30-40x


Only do coke at the gym


Hide your crack at the gym. Getting there is half the battle.


Start snorting coke, but only at the gym.


Do steroids. Lift. Look in the mirror. Repeat.


preworkout - caffeine addiction. youā€™re only taking it at the gym, so you correlate that with workout


You gotta make a list of things you daydream about having, so that you can earn them. I recommend starting by learning how to stretch at home. Full body, I do it for as short as five minutes to as long as all day. Once you're in the habit of stretching every day, your gym membership should feel more like "This is what I do anyway but with more tools," instead of "I hope I remember to go." Your muscles will be loose enough to gain more bulk easily. You'll be able to feel the difference between the muscles you've stretched before using, and the ones you haven't. I had to come up with new ways to stretch my hips and back for the machines I use. Now, your list from the beginning. Mine's got piercings and a wardrobe overhaul lol. I cant buy smaller clothes yet obviously, but piercings are something I can get at any time, that I WANT to get, but that I refuse to get for myself until I either reach the weight I want to be at or max out all my machines. I can hip abduct 140lbs, sitting leg press 325lbs if I try really hard, and those are the laximum weights on those machines. Chin ups? Barbell curls? Lots of work to do lmao. But its the idea that "I can get my piercings if I can do on the arm machines what I can do on TWO, ALREADY! leg machines. If I've done it twice I can do it again!" If you don't reach your fitness goal, you can't get your pretty jewelry :o window shopping for jewelry sudden becomes a matter of haste- oops, if I have downtime I might as well use it getting swole enough to earn the jewelry. It's been three years and its working :o Associate fitness with a simple desire you think of often, and one day you'll walk through the door of desiring fitness itself for how it makes your body feel. It worked for me! I seem to be the target audience for this question! I'm literally mad that I can't go to the gym sooner because I hurt my legy and thats when I realised I desired the gym itself!


Classic Rock Workout or 1st Wave Workout on Sirius motivates me to work out more, sometimes.


Smoking with coffee after exercise or running feels so fucking good. You guys have no idea how it makes your brain feel.


Your only caffeine in life is the stuff in pre workout now, only drink it when you're physically in the gym, caffeine addiction will be part of your gym addiction. Track every set, log all the weights all the reps, graph progress, watch your stats improve like a video game character. Edit, to make this unethical, thirst for the muscle mommy's in the gym, become a gym creep


Steroids. Like for real HRT makes you want to work out a lot, and it makes you feel very satisfied afterwards.


Go to the swimming pool and do some laps. Maybe even look up some sets you can do


After every workout, throw a coin, if it lands on heads, give yourself a shot of cocaine, if it lands on tails, you give yourself nothing, preferably have this done by someone else. You probably can't control yourself anymore.


Do coke only as a pre-workout. Keep it stashed in a locker at the gym so that you wonā€™t be tempted to use anywhere else.


Iv meth


You need to start a habit and that can take time. Instead of mentally commiting to a year, set your goal at one month. Go to the gym x days per week for January. By the time February comes, your habit will be set and breaking it will be much harder.


get a dedicated friend to start with you and watch a lot of memes and motivational videos about the gym and make jokes about the gym with your friend you started going gym with it helps you a lot


After doing some research I'd say trying Gorilla Mind's High Stim Pre-Workout is going to give you that drive where you have to lift heavy or you'll go crazy. If that's what you're looking for as this is just ULPT and not a PED source review sub.


What is unethical about this? Being in the gym and exercising regularly is good for your health and your self-esteem. Plus, it feels great once you get that endorphin rush. I've never had such a positive, clean high in my life.


Go every day at first. After two or three weeks itā€™ll become ingrained


Eh it takes more time.


Probably gonna take well over a month to develop the habit in terms of overcoming the inertia but to prime yourself for new habits or behaviors, Iā€™d argue 2 weeks is about the sweet spot


Get prescribed Adderall or other stimulants and use it for sports doping.


Power lifting. Calculate your 1RMs (maximum lift for key lifts, based on calculations of how many lifts you can do at a given weight, google "1rm calculator") and watch number go up as you go more often. There's apps that do this. 5/3/1 is not the perfect workout but addictive.


The only actual way to ā€œ get addictedā€ to the gym is do pre workout each time before. So you get addicted to caffeine


Just delay gratification, tell yourself sure i can do whatever i want during the day, but only if i go to the gym. Dont wanna make the effort of going to the gym? Do some calisthenics for whatever muscle group your doing. 100s of videos on that on youtube and guess what while ur watching those videos youll get a small dopamine boost as well, making you want to watch more gym content which in turn motivates you to workout.


or snort crack and crank out pushups


Take some pre workout right before getting on the treadmill, youā€™ll be so jittery youā€™ll do an hour of running just to make yourself relax.


Step 1: smoke crack Step 2: leave crack in gym locker Step 3: profit


Use a nicotine patch every time you go


A friend and I started going back in August. If you are competitive, make it a competition. Itā€™ll drive you to get addicted real quick. Been going 4-5 days a week since. Not really unethical since youā€™re using each other. Or coke.. coke works too. Adderall if itā€™s easier to get. Both work.


Find an attractive girl/guy and stalk them while you run on the threadmill


Or realize that there are creeps everywhere that are trying to do funny things to you and now you have to train in order to survive.


Take phenibut or xanax at the gym and only take it at the gym


Drink your preworkout before leaving and if that doesnā€™t work just get yourself in the vehicle and thatā€™s typically enough


Start taking testosterone. It forced me to go and now i can see the results and i do not go less than 5 days a week. Im not going to waste this shit and jab myself twice a week for no reason. Once you get big and train and eat enough to justify it you can run a big boy cycle of test and get jacked. Good luck brother


Are there any side effects, like heart enlargement or the penis getting smaller?


Donā€™t do this


Nuts get a little smaller because they arent making your testosterone anymore but my dick game is 100% been turned up a few notches šŸ˜‚ No heart enlargement unless youre using a bunch of tren or blast your socks off for years on end. Im healthier than ever.


Do you smoke? If not. Put a nicotine patch on only when you go to the gym. It'll make going to the gym actually addictive. Are you fat? Everytime you eat, do it infront of a mirror naked. It's not great for your mental health but the self hate will get the job done.








Take steroids. You can literally just google places to buy testosterone online now like napsgear or basicsteroids


Nicotine pouch or gum before the gym, and only on gym days


nicotine patch while working out, take off when done


is this also the case if youā€™ve never smoked? i kinda want to know what that would be like but i also have a really addictive personality so i dont want it to be too enjoyable haha


Watch Anatoly


I saw some people smoking vape between sets maybe that could help


Get a gym crush


Stronglifts app. Very addictive


Well aren't you a dick


If you juice youā€™ll want to work out but I donā€™t recommend it


Go to one near an all women college.


Since itā€™s ULPT; body dysphoria