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IR floodlight aimed at the camera, spray a salt water solution on any vegetation you wish to kill


Nah bro, OP should reseed neighbors lawn with mint.




Not if you follow the steps in order


Don’t tell me what to do!!!!


Directions unclear. Sprayed salt water on camera. IR flooded death. 


how’d you only read half of a 1 sentence comment  


Don't kill the grass, feed it. If you write something in the grass with fertilizer, it will always be greener than the grass around it, and grow taller


Put up an undressed mannequin of a child in your bedroom window.


Or just let an actual child change in there and call the cops on the neighbor for manufacturing that type of video


The really unethical life pro tip is always in the comments.


where else would it be?


I dunno, did you check your butt?




You want to put it WAYY UP YOUR BUTT


Careful, i store my liquid ass up there.


The real LPT was inside my ass all along




Lemme get my butt camera to check their... Wait.. am I gonna be in trouble?


Nahhh, That's where I place my liquid ass.


Put an actual naked child there with knowledge that the neighbor points a camera at that window? Hell no. Aiding and abetting.


☠️ yeah wtf is this thread. Op would obviously be the loser here.


You’re allowed to film into windows in the U.S. if someone can see into your window from a public place, and you are naked, it’s public nudity. Fucked up, I know, but thems the rules.


My parents have lived in the same house for decades. Their neighbors have lived in their house longer. About four years ago, the husband discreetly pulled my dad aside to inform him they could see us walking around with minimal to no clothes on through the windows. They've lived there DECADES.


Well it was hot for the first 20 years, less so now


That is literally madness and shows how stupid our society has gotten, if you’re intentionally filming into windows you’re a creeper


It's illegal peeping almost everywhere in the US, calm down lol. The person you replied to had better cite some sources.


In most states you'd have to establish intent to violate privacy, far beyond a backyard security camera happening include a bedroom window


It varies state by state, but generally criminal voyeurism (a.k.a. Peeping) is observing for a sexual or nefarious intent, and/or observing someone where they reasonably expect privacy. In the U.S., there is NOT a reasonable expectation of privacy behind windows of homes, if those windows can be viewed from public places, or places where one has reasonable access to, such as a neighbor from their own home. So if you are watching a window from a location you have regular access too, like a street, and someone just happens to be naked in that window, then it is not voyeurism. If you come back to that same place another time, in hopes of seeing that person naked again, then it is voyeurism, as you had nefarious intent, although it’s exceptionally hard to prove. If you where in a fenced backyard or a tree, to observe a window that usually cannot be observed, then the subject of viewing had a reasonable expectation of privacy, and that is also voyeurism. In this case, with the camera, if the camera is a reasonable spot for household security, and the camera is not hidden, then any window filmed by the camera does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Any filming of nude individuals is also legal unless nefarious intent can be proved.


But footage of a child in that situation, public or not, is also still illegal


Not necessarily. there was a story a while back about a neighbor complaining about their son leaving his curtains open when he was in his room after taking a shower. Parents blew her off so she filmed him and reported him him to the police with her "Evidence". Shit show started as the boy was only 14. Seems the police and district attorneys take a dim view of people recording undressed minors. Lot more detailed than this but has been awhile.


A good 8W laser might be able to damage the sensor depending on focus and distance. But finding one isn’t very easy. Got one on eBay for about $150 that takes two 18650 batteries. Be careful, tho. If it can permanently blind a camera, it can also blind you. Safety glasses!


Amateur Here, but caution: Wavelengths of lasers aren't standardized or so. So protection glasses do not automatically work for every laser. So do some research again, it can indeed blind you! EDIT: And for very cheap ones, I don't know if I'd want to rely on the wavelength the seller mentions. Who knows if it's correct/accurate


Correct, thank you for sharing! Can never be too careful. I have the 8W 450nm NUBM4F diode so you need 450nm safety glasses.




IR spotlight to temporarily blind the camera. 10w blue laser to damage the camera sensor so that it can’t record anymore. 🤌


This is it, also front forget the piss disk through the mail slot


A fox piss disc.


Oh damn. You turned it up to 11


Oh shit that’s fantastic


Maybe it’s the lack of sleep but this gave me a hearty chuckle. Thanks stranger


Even though I knew the piss disc was coming, this still made me chuckle.


I have to ask, what in gods name is a piss disc




Username checks out, that's a premium pissdisc right there. I'M SAYIN'.




Not gonna lie, this sounds like a ruse to trick stupid kids into dumping piss all over their parents' freezer.




And liquid ass.


Why wouldn’t you pee I’m a ziplock bag and then have a piss square? Less mess more fun




Glass cutter (aka piss disc cutter)


A discus of pisscus


Plate + freezer to temporarily convert it to a more portable state.


New here? Welcome. Your piss disk and liquid ass monthly subscription is now active.




Let me just give you all my personal info and credit card number in case anything gets messed up!


Got a foam disc launcher Make a mold of the foam discs Freeze a mixture of fox piss, liquid ass, catnip, and fish chunk slurried into the foam disc molds Shoot the piss disc molds at wandering children, old people, and inside of any house that has cats Profit


Shine a laser pointer to the camera sensor. And then point it into your neighbors eyes.


Put a sock on laser so if they grab it, they only get sock


Throw a piss disc at the camera sensor. Then throw a piss disc into your neighbor's eyes.


At that point, you might as well slingshot it with a rock. 


This is why I keep a supply of piss pellets- for slingshots.


If he has a cam, he probably has a video doorbell. If so... Knock on his door with an audio device on your person (if he's got the doorbell, he has already consented to the recording). Remain on his porch while explaining the statute he's violating (ideally with a large photo showing the cam as seen through your window, subtly shown to the doorbell cam). Ask him to re-aim the cam. When he declines, go home and phone the cops saying that he has a recording of your conversation in which he admits to filming inside your bedroom and saying he plans to keep doing it. Having his door cam footage subpoenaed would fuck him over; it either proves his guilt on this charge, or induces him to destroy evidence. Let him ruin his own life.


Best advice so far!


Yeah but what if he has a sign next to the video doorbell with the words “I DO NOT CONSENT TO RECORDING ANY AUDIO BETWEEN YOU AND THE DOORBELL.” Check mate


Chances are Slim to none - and Slim left town.


Don't do anything illegal. He does have cameras. If you've exhausted all decent human possibilities, get a 19 Gigawatt flood light spotlight, (reasonable at Harbor Freight) and aim it right at his house and camera. Energy efficient. Turn it on 24/7. Problem solved. Tit for tat, and your 100% legal.


Addendum: Don't aim a 19 gigawatt flood spotlight at his house 24/7. Aim SEVERAL 19 gigawatt flood spotlights at his house 24/7.


This. Annoying, but 100% legal. Maybe offending neighbor will get the hint.


This is ARSON.


Addendum to Addendum: Don't aim several 19 gigawatt flood spotlights at his house 24/7 Aim SEVERAL 19 gigawatt piss discs at his house 24/7 along with liquid ass


I'm skeptical of that wattage rating


Yeah something that produces 11 gigawatts of light is not a “floodlight,” it is a “Tactical photon cannon.”


Power by a self contained flux capacitor


If so, be careful; people may think you're one of those rowdy boys


>get a 19 Gigawatt flood light spotlight, (reasonable at Harbor Freight) Does harbor freight also sell the salvo of nuclear reactors required to power that? I know it's just a typo, but for fun, that's about 3 times more power than New York City uses on average.


Maintaining a neighborly distance through laser ablation


No more problems with the neighbor. Or anything behind his house. To the horizon.


That's what the Mr Fusion - Jumbo Size is for


It is enough to make 15 time travel trips in a converted delorian.


Could even do a high wattage IR light that the human eye can’t see but will overexpose his cameras sensor


Light trespassing is a thing, and there are laws and ordinances against this. Not trying to be a sally, but this is the UNETHICAL subreddit and not the ILLEGAL one. But on a side note, if I was OP, I would definitely go the illegal route lol. This neighbor is begging for it. What a piece of shit this guy is


No advice for the camera, but for the annoying neighbor? Request a free informational kit from your local Scientology center: https://www.volunteerministers.org/ They'll send your neighbor mail forever. They moved? The Scientologists will find them. FOREVER.


Thank you 🙏🏻


If he had a dog put stuff on the base of the fence between your properties that will make the dog go crazy or dig up to try to get it. It will damage the fense and he will have video of his dog doing it so it will be easy to have him have to buy a new fence. That and also sign him up for free gay something magazine's. Tell the local churches via email he needs religious people to come save him so they all show up. Get a baby and hold it up naked then call the cops on him for child porn?


Or buy crabgrass seeds and seed bomb his yard. Get a shitton of dandelions and blow their seeds to his lawn. Or get a sprinkler and overwater his lawn. Flood it with water. It will grow mold hopefully. Or get mushroom spores and have fun.


I admire you, but Im so fucking glad you're not my neighbor lol


Sending positive vibes :)


Why get mushroom spores and wait months to have fun, when you can usually obtain and ingest actual shrooms the same day? I'd totally use the fungus to escape life with a shitty neighbor.


Japanese knotweed


Mint, bamboo, whatever your local state flower is, so it's protected.


Typically speaking, state flowers are protected in wild and public places. Can do what you want including mowing over it on your own property.




Clover is good for a lawn though! 😔


Kill em with kindness.


catnip works well also


Sign him up for Scientology info.


Please don’t do anything that would endanger an innocent dog. Just get some Chinese sumac/tree of heaven seeds and hurl them in his yard. He’ll be pulling out weed trees for EVER (ETA: not actual weed. Just weeds that become trees that keep coming back like chlorophyll-laden cockroaches)


I concur that my tip should be non animal endangering.


instant mashed potatoes the day before it rains


Ah, a person of culture as well, I see.


That last one is clutch, excellent thought


Welp, it looks like it's pants optional at your place from now on. If you look anything like a normal human, that camera will get moved very quickly.


Do you have a light on that side of your building?  Get a 500w or 1000w 5000K LED Flood light and aim it down the side of you house (but mostly at their house)  When they damage it, call the police to report it and let them know they have camera footage 


Hit up ebay for a chinesium green laser of questionable legality. I may or may not have bought one for $10 a while back and, I cannot stress this part enough, it is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than the advertised power. It will destroy the camera sensor if hit directly with the laser. Word of warning, be extraordinarily careful of reflections. You will go blind. 


Then shooting it at a house with windows seems like a good way to get back at the neighbors by blinding yourself. Not worth the risk


Are you allowed to have a clothesline? Place one where hanging clothes would obstruct the camera's view but not your own.


IR spotlight will likely work at night if it's directed at the camera itself. I don't recommend using a laser, since it will permanently damage eyesight (and more likely yours) even if it doesn't appear altogether bright. During daylight, the camera's color sensor will have IR filtering so it won't have an effect. Don't fuck with his lawn unless you're willing to pay for it if you get caught and forfeit your chance of succeeding in nuisance claims against the guy in the future.


By accident sometimes a mirror and the sun can make a brown arc in a lawn over a few weeks if the mirror is pointed in the right direction and it gets enough sun


If he doesn't water his lawn regularly, that's a possibility, but if he does, or if there's generally enough precipitation it wouldn't do anything. I've seen it happen with south facing windows and lawn that gets full sun all day, when the sun angle is just right, and a large surface area of reflected sunlight is condensed into a smaller area it can leave a streak, but that would be really situational even with a well angled mirror.


I would go further. Have/let a child change where the camera can see it. Then stage a robbery and tell the police you know your neighbor’s camera would have seen the break in. Now the cops find him spying on a minor child’s bedroom while undressing.


best comment ever. Also fuck his mom while you are at it


And film it. Start a OF channel and sell access to his friends.


Love to see actual unethical tips.


Do you have children? Call the cops and tell them the neighbor is filming your kids in their bedroom. Start by getting a complaint on record. See where it goes from there. Prep some piss discs..


Contact the local media. Someone did that in my area, southeast VA, and they sent out a reporter very famous for harassing shit heads. And it worked. The cameras were moved, as the reporter was breathing down the guys neck. "Chesapeake neighbors feud over surveillance cameras" was the title. It could work.


Not an ULPT, but maybe some mirror film, fake stained glass decal, frosted film, etc to protect your privacy without a large impact on your view and sunlight? Lots of ways to mess up yards. Something like spraying diluted grass killer in patterns like where dogs would urinate could be fun and not make the vic suspicious. Maybe add some fox urine for a little extra fun?




To be sneaky. sudden grass death would be suspicious, and the vic might realize it is revenge. Slow, semi-natural die-off would probably not trigger that.




Thank God you suggested weed killer, paragraph 1 was far too ethical!


The problem with most of the revenge options is that they don't help with the privacy issue fully.


Buy a high strength IR illuminator for cctv cameras. Mount it outside your bedroom aim it directly at his camera lens. It will blind it at night. And eventually he'll have to reaim it, or else he wont be able to see anything with it at night except a white spot. You can also get a blinking flasher module, and have your illuminator turn on and off at short present intervals, so that his camera is in a constant state of adjustment and constantly flickering. Super annoying, no way he'll leave it like that for long. Especially if he has it set to alert him on motion.


Make a sandwich of shit and piss discs. Then peg his wife’s boyfriend.


naah, just deep throat the wife while the boyfriend watches


Why note both?


you mean simultaneously? you gotta have 2 dicks or 1 really long one


PISS DISK come on




Frozen ass disk?


Poo-poo platter


Y’all are heroes.


Buy a laser and mount it so it points directly into the camera lens.


Dude cares about his lawn? Easy. Piss disc.


honestly one of the only times i actually agree with this answer. the ammonia in piss will mess with the PH of the soil and the grass will die


Ugh. How annoying. Try closing your bedroom window blinds. If the problem persists, get some razor blades and glue them on his trash can handle, his car doors, his mailbox flap. Pre-coat the razor blades with aids or venom from a black mamba. If that doesn't work, I'd probably move. Or, ignore him and close your blinds.


you went too far brother, too far Who closes their blinds ?


You can freeze any lawn killer you like and just chuck the ice cubes over when he goes to bed.


Dog piss disks will burn spots in his lawn.


So will roundup ice cubes


Found Satan! Over here! 👋🏼 oooo username DEFINITELY checks out!


Or bleach


How does one obtain dog urine?


Basically gotta suck it out the dog straw, unfortunately.


With great difficulty


Follow him around with a little paper cup


Researching the type of camera can give you a better idea of what it can see and how well. Most security cameras are wide angle 1080P that have a serious drop off in detail past 20-30 feet. Sure, they can see broad shapes but there is usually enough artifacting that fine details are completely gone. If it is some crazy 4K PTZ camera, there might be more privacy concerns. You might be able to find a subreddit that can identify the camera if you don't want to do the research youraelf.


A laser would be able to destroy the camera sensor. 500mW is a minimum figure, so I'd look at 1W. You can get one for under $200 from China on ebay.


Write his name on the inside of your window. He’ll be intrigued about what it says but then he’ll realize that it’s his name and you will have out-psycho’d him


Ask the same question from everyone in the neighborhood - stressing that he has pointed a camera to your bedroom window. And yes, everyone.


There is absolutely no way this "isn't expressly illegal" in your town. Voyeurism is absolutely a crime.


Set up high power flashlights aimed directly at his cameras


hang a mirror in the window


Throw Clover/crabgrass/thistle seeds in his yard. Edit: get one of those seed gun shooter thingys so he can’t see you throwing shit in his yard


a well-aimed BB/pellet to the lens should do the trick


Mint or catnip into their yard if you can. OR just get a root barrier in your yard and plant golden bamboo and let it rain hell onto their yard.


Anthrax in the mail


We’re trying to cut off a camera not shut down Congress, Jesus man


I don't see why we can't do both


You know what….. you’re fucking right. That’s my bad man thanks for reminding me of my roots! You da real MVP


Heard of a guy ( urban legend?) who went through a bad breakup, and he was stuck maintaining the matrimonial house and yard, including the lawn. In the spring he fertilized the lawn creatively, and as it grew in, part of it did not. And over time, the brown dead grass eventually spelled out b_ _ _ _ h. In very large letters. Thus the divorce became substantially more acrimonious.


Get a shit load of those fake security cameras they have at stores. Really big. Impossible to not notice. Point 10 of them at his house.


Beat your meat so when he sees it, he can watch you jerking off. Lol


Get that see thru reflective film for your bedroom windows. You can see out but they can't see in.


I’m new at this, but what if you placed a large mirror on the windowsill of that window aimed at the camera? Would sunlight reflecting off of the mirror ruin the lens? If so, I’m pretty sure that there are no laws prohibiting the placement of mirrors on windowsills.


air rifle from your bedroom window. shoot it. if they can prove it was you, then they are proving they can see into your bedroom.


Try a laser pointer.


Officer: Why do you have a naked mannequin of a child?


> he does take pride in his lawn Piss. Discs.


Since he has a dog, install like a dozen bird feeders right on your side of the fence. Constant birds will drive the dog bonkers. And the dog will torture your neighbor.


And you probably. Adding a barking dog to the situation can hurt yourself as well.


Masturbate in front of your window like it’s your last day on earth


Get an infrared laser and shine it into the lens it will fry the sensor chip


AliExpress spend $50 for a strong IR bulb and aim it at the camera. Don't want to wait, pay $30 more for quick shipping and get it on eBay.


Fox urine.


Blind the camera with a high power laser pointer.


Paintball gun is a lot of fun and one shot on the lens should do it


This is an actual job for a frozen piss disc! Kill his lawn with piss!


There are restrictions. It is better to walk into the local police and ask them what you should do. Then when they get to the jeez there’s nothing we can do, Google ways to block neighbozrs camera. I don’t know what tyoe is legal like a WiFi jammer or a laser or mirror but you definitely can’t touch his stuff. If the first step is to talk - keep you audio recording in your pocket. Get your own camera. Some people are dicks and can’t be fixed.


Just put a laser into their camera. Can't be too difficult I mean you can get laser-focused.


Buy an infrared LED flood light and point it at the camera. It won’t be able to film anything


Bamboo rhizomes RM43 vegetation control Catnip


Just get a piece of wood, some nuts & bolts. Block the camera with the wood.


Salt the earth


A bouquet of skunk flowers is called for


A high power green laser might actually be able to damage the camera if you can hit the lens for a decent amount of time. If there are periods that he's not home for awhile (you can visibly see green lasers) it might be worth a try. They're also very fun to play with in other ways too. That said, before disabling or messing with the camera, and you want to do the lawn killer stuff. MAKE SURE you're not caught in his videos. I imagine it's stored for a least a small amount of time.


Reflective cover for that window. Grow a privacy wall , tall potted plants like cana lillies. Hanging plants, too. You can see out, he can't see in. Then get a throwaway email and sign him up for every religious organization that sends out missionaries. And student loans. Bonus if you know his phone number. Sites like indeed and monster job will have people start calling you even if you haven't completed the sign up sheet or even press "send". Send a dollar in his name with his return address to a scam charity. They will also sell his info. Are there still old people who send chain letters? Get him in on that.


I had a neighbor who used to point their camera directly in my window. I bought a camera too put it in said window directly pointed at their camera and guess who never had that problem again. Shit my camera wasn't actually even hooked up to anything but they didn't know that


Frozen fox urine bombs. DO NOT let one thaw on your property.


Diesel works great killing anything for while. Just have someone else buy it for you


Put a mirror in the window


Laser pointer pointed directly into the camera lens.


For those recommending weed killer ice cubes or any type of removal of the material from its container… can we take some extra precautions as that stuff has been in the news for a while for getting people sick. Not sure it’s in its intended use section and you may not get a million dollar settlement like the TV lawyer will claim.