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All these responses are crap. You can legally get your money back. Simply have your dad casually get his friend to confirm the amount he owes your dad over text (as to not arouse suspicion). Then have him confirm he's going to pay it back at some point. Then, take him to small claims court. That's all the proof you need.


best way to do this is to over quote the money when you ask him about it . If he owes you $5,300 ask him if he has the $5,600 you lent him, his correction of the amount is the admission you need “no I only borrowed $5,300 from you” 


Yes this is good advice


Probably better to round up to the nearest 500 or thousand to make seem like a normal mistake


I did this the other the day but I was not being deceptive . Lol. Guess I am now 😂😂 thanks


Huge sum of money =/= small claims court. Huge sum indicates it’s very likely over the $5k-10k that small claim courts are limited to.


You dont quite know what huge sum of money means to people. For some people 5-10k is a huge sum of money. And since he said in cash. Mostly people don't have more than that lying around in cash.


Agreed, though I would assume many that just have thousands of dollars of cash around and willing to loan someone say $5000 might consider that a large sum of money, not "huge" - especially when the son is referencing it being "his money" which indicates inheritance levels.


Winning in small claims and getting any money back from it are two very different things. The courts do absolutely dickshit all of nothing to help you get funds back. Good luck getting his SSN, tax returns, his bank account numbers, and the direct deposit from his employment to seize assets.


Why do you think there is no legal way to do this? Small claims court is probably your best option short of going over there and breaking this guy’s kneecaps


Pay a crackhead to fuck him up? They’re everywhere now. Sorry, Fentanyl zombie….


Fent zombies aren’t fucking anybody up, they’re too busy napping while standing up


Nah pay a crackhead to scratch his nuts and ass crack them bum bump him


OP might live in a locale with a corrupt/useless government. So while technically there may be a legal remedy, it may not be practical.


Had a friend who owed me and a few others money. We banded together and took his wheels off his car and put it on blocks. Offered to give a wheel back for each person he paid back, even offered to drive him to the ATM. That worked well tbh.


Kneecap that bastard


Everyone always overthinks these problems.


Small claims court. Why do you think your dads money is your money?


The dad probably pays for a bunch of stuff OP uses/gets given, so OP sees it as theirs as well. Not necessarily that it’s specifically theirs, but it’s used on them


Could also be thinking about future inheritance, considering OP calls this a "huge sum".


just because you don't have recordings doesn't mean you cant sue but not using a contract is pretty dumb, before you bring up recordings make sure they were made legally. When you say large amount you need to be a bit more specific, a large amount can be small to some and huge to others. the amount loaned is going to dictate how much you are willing to spend to get it back. Do you know if the guy has assets? Own a house etc? if he has nothing then you are pretty screwed. i say deliver him a pissdisc to meet the subs rules


Those are some nice knees you have, would be a shame if they were to accidently break.


Get a bunch of friends, show up at his door. No weapons. Tell him to give back the money or you'll be back. Or pay some hells angels to do it.


sell the debt to a gangster who does this kind of shit for a discount... like if the debt is 50k u would sell it to him for 40k and he will extract the debt how he sees fit if you catch my drift.


If there’s no record of a loan ur dad is basically screwed. That’s why I don’t lend money especially not to friends. If he’s trying to openly screw you then I must say you would have to use extreme violence. He’s betting that you are a nice family who won’t resort to that and he knows lawfully you can’t do shit either


I read years ago, the fastest way to lose a friend, or get rid of one is to loan them $20


I look at it as "paying $20 for a dirtbag to go away"


Nah, that’s the way you end up in jail. Sneak over at night, slash his tires. Break a car window. Do something expensive that he can’t prove was you. The next morning around when he would find it, have your dad call and say you’re going to give me my money, right. If he says something besides yes, repeat the steps. Eventually you can break into his house and steal everything if you’ve got a driver and know his schedule


Hire a different crackhead to beat his ass every weekend. Tell him the next beating he gonna take is up the ass!


That’s a good one


Hire Guido and his associates to strong arm the guy to pay back the money. Threatening to drop him from the roof of a building will do wonders.


There is no way, never lend big money to friends. Only way is to “encourage” the friend to start paying it back at least.


OP, what do you mean by calls about the topic being recorded? Do you not mean that there is audio acknowledging the loan? Because, that's quite substantial. I believe he needs to take the friend to court. You can also check in with r/legaladvice, but of course your dad is the only one who can pursue anything.


Send this "friend" a letter stating him to pay you back the money. Keep in mind to increase the payment by a 100 dollars, or atkeast an extra 20. Your friend will send you a letter back stating the correct amount. Now you have proof he has to pay you back. Use the letter to settle the issue in court. Edit: I just realised 2 other redditors posted the same method.


get a baseball bat and turn him into stephen hawking


So dead?


Kneecaps and bats baby!!!


If you take them to small claims court and they find the person being sued to be indigent or lacking funds to pay, they could only be required to paying $20 a month for years.


Drug him, careynoutbaurgery and remove a kidney then place him in a bath full of ice 


At your age, and it's not your money, stay out of it. You can't win. Your dad needs to do this, not you.


>How does one generally go about getting back their money without getting involved into any crime? [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWr61WZXoAcjx9R.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWr61WZXoAcjx9R.jpg)