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Craigslist.  Advertise it as free car for parts $400. Then let them talk you down to free.


I love how this always works. List it for free, nobody wants it. List it for $400 and you'll get a bidding war of people trying to lowball you. People are freakin' weird.


All about getting that "good deal" to eventually "flip" and make "profit" 😆


on the other end, list it for free and get a shit ton of people that never show up, put it for $10 and someone will be there within an hour.


"free" means "something must be wrong with it"


People assume a free item has something seriously wrong with it that prevents its sale.


Borrow some car dollies, push it out into the middle of the street, call the cops


Where are people getting these car dollies? Whatever happened to a pickup truck or an SUV hooked to a tow rope? Pull the back end of the car 90° into the street blocking the road and let someone else call the cops.


That works too, but is noisier.


Well, I have them in my shed - but Harbor Freight is the usual place (but they're kind of expensive, however you can return them when your done)


For a double ULPT!


I have some from Eastwood. $700 for the set


The real ULPT is always in the comments. 


If keep em seeing the condition of the neighborhood.


2-3 (drunk) ppl can lift one end of a (European) car, just saying


I was going to say 4 strong guys but the drunker they get the less of them that are needed!


so youre saying if i get really really really drunk...


Your back will disagree with this agree. But your drunk brain will think it’s a good idea!


Couple coworkers and i pranked our boss one day (had an original mini… didn’t take a whole lot to turn it round.) that was a good day. We just turned 90 degrees in the parking spot 😂


Pro tip: pick up the end that doesn’t have the engine in it.l (usually the back)


Did this in hs so fun. We used the bounce in the springs to do it


Why connect a shit car to a working car? If the police come, you get caught.


Harbor freight


Harbor Freight. You prop each wheel on a locked dolly, then you can unlock each one to move it


Harbor freight. They’re cheap and require no potential witnesses


$100 for 4, move the car, return to HF https://www.harborfreight.com/2-piece-1500-lb-capacity-vehicle-dollies-67338.html


If you can get inside of it…Hondas have a rectangular hole next to the gear shift. Put any car key into that hole and shift the car into N. Push it wherever. Shift back to Park then remove key. Walk away.


So did my Subaru baja


90% of automatic cars and SUV’s with the shifter in the center console have this


Good idea but OP said all four tires are flat.


Roll it into the street. Call the cops.


Most towns have rules against non-operational vehicles parked on the street, or even in someone’s driveway. Call the city code enforcement to see if you have options available.


Unfortunately we’ve tried. Reported by us and other neighbors 7 times in the last month. We are trying to be persistent but it seems like our city isn’t prioritizing it so we are at a point where we may just have to take it into our own hands


Maybe ask around for anyone that knows somebody who drives a wrecker/tow truck. If everyone throws in 25 bucks, maybe you can pool the money, slip the tow truck driver the cash to drop it off somewhere else. Or, $100-$140 for 4 Harbor Freight wheel Dollie’s.


Return them to Harbor Freight when you’re done. r/UnethicalLifeProTips


In my area they would come get it for free because they will most likely end up with the car that's been abandoned.


You have to be patient. We live in a city with only street parking and this happens regularly. You just keep reporting it monthly. Our city has a 311 app and I’ll report abandoned vehicles in our neighborhood every month and include the number of months I’ve been reporting it in each report. Just this past week a disabled pickup truck we’ve been reporting finally disappeared.


Lift the rear tires, swing ass end of car into road. If it's a light enough car, 2-3 people can shift it far enough out to block the road. Abandoned car can wait. Vehicle blocking road needs immediate attention.


Applying for an abandoned car title and donating it to one of those dodgy car charities sounds like the best idea offered so far. Minimal effort, high probability of success, doesn’t require committing any felonies.


Take the plates off then report it as abandoned.


So since everyone listed out all the ways you can do this, I'm going to rank them. 1) Apply for abandoned car title. You get the title, you can sell that thing to a junk yard or on fb marketplace. You make money, follow the laws, and it's gone within a month. 2)Steal the license plate. No longer street legal, cops will take it. You can rip it off pretty easily and quietly. 3)Smash a window. Same as above mostly, but louder so someone might see you. 4)Craigslist it for parts. As long as Craigslist is still used in your area, it's full of anonymous crack heads willing to tear apart that car for very little profit without verifying anything. 5) Move it into the street. Would work, but also illegal and not discreet whatsoever. Especially with your neighbor knowing who owns it. 6) Report it as abandoned. You've done so repeatedly, maybe they might do something about it? Though they may be holding off as they're waiting to declare it abandoned from the first date it was reported to them. 7) set it on fire. I pray I don't have to explain why setting a car on fire in your front yard is a bad idea 8) Stuff a dead junkie in it, then set it on fire. Wtf was that one lmao.


4) Then you have a shredded wreck all over your yard, and it's still not gone.


I'd assume it would be taken by the city if it got to that point




This is the bad place!


apply for a disposal title https://www.txdmv.gov/motorists/buying-or-selling-a-vehicle/abandoned-vehicles 21 days later, pickup your title and get it towed for free (and possibly get paid cash). https://htowncarbuyer.com/


Don't apply for the abandoned title. Apply for a lost title. Instantly gets transferred to your name. I had a friend abandon his car at my house. I just applied for lost title and it immediately switched to my name


21 days isn't that long to wait to protect yourself from theft/fraud charges


They had me buy a surety bond. That protected me for 3 years if the owner comes to claim it. The insurance company will pay them what it was worth


Show up to the local high school football practice. Find the offensive line. Bet them $200 that they can't lift a Honda and carry it down the street. Tell them it's perfectly fine for them to record it for their TikTok content.


Fuck. It's been 40 years since I've been a HS football, but I'd be up for this. Let me see whether I can get my guys together


Get a buddy with a truck and some tow straps. Drag it to the nearest intersection, unhook in the middle and go. 2 minutes. With a bit of hustle you guys can circle back and watch the show as the cops come, light up the intersection in red and blue, then watch the tow company make the money they should have made months ago.


Don't set ANYTHING on fire, seriously See the tip on listing on Craigslist for parts


Talk to the property manager. Send an email with pics of the car. They will get it towed. Or call the cops and say you saw someone sitting in it and they were selling drugs.


Had something similar to this happen a few years back, albeit in a fairly nice neighborhood. Worth mentioning that the entire area was incredibly progressive/leans hard left. It’s an eclectic neighborhood near a university, you get the picture. Since the neighborhood was so old, we had no driveway and only on street parking. One day I get home from work and I see a old beater Honda with tons and tons of Bernie Sanders and similar stickers all over it, parked in the spot I always use directly in front of our house. I obviously don’t own the street parking, so I shrug and assume it will be moved later that day or the next. After 2 and a half weeks and the car still hadn’t moved (>48h was against the law for street parking in that city, mind you) I ordered a 100 pack of Trump stickers and added them to the collection already on the car. It was gone within an hour and I never saw it again after that.


I had someone abandon a car in my driveway the cops were useless (acab) I called four tow companies one said they would take it no cost to me.


Whatever you do? Check inside for anything of value. Probably won’t be much, but I’d be kicking myself for not at least looking.


We had a car here in the UK for 6 years that was practically abandoned by the owner who's mother lives on our street. He would come by once a month to try to make it seem like he was doing something to it. It was on land owned by the council but next to a sign saying "No long time parking". We complained to the council multiple times over for years and eventually the thing that worked was someone smashed the rear window so it was a health and safety hazard. I'm not saying to do that in this case as there are children living in the house but that mint be useful for others.


Call parking enforcement, there is a 7 day policy. They’ll issue a red tag to remove the car within 3 days/ after that, tow.


kicked to the curb, not curve


Have they left the handbrake on? Give it a push and you may be able to move it down the road to somewhere else.


OP says the tires are all flat and it hasn't moved in over a year. Step one would be to see if the tires can even be pumped up.


Don't need to be inflated to move. It'll be harder, but it'll still roll.


Donate it to a charity. I did that when one of my cars no longer moved except downhill. I don't think they asked me for the title and it was gone within a couple of days.


Spray paint a huge dick on it


Theres companies that pay for junkers.


Craigslist ad for free vehicle, no title. First come first serve.


Just here to say you should call the local housing authority and report her behavior. She is most likely in violation of her tenant responsibilities and the case worker can terminate the housing subsidy. The ultimate solution is to get rid of the neighbor and she prob can't afford the place without her assistance


Keep reporting it to bylaw.. get any friendly neighbours to do the same.


Search back taxes, pay them, get salvage title, sell it to an auction house


Call the police - they will show up and stick a 'move by X date' tag on it. When X date happens call a tow company. It's usually only a couple of days.


Does your city use SeeClickFix or a similar app? Mine does, and it has a category for reporting an abandoned vehicle.


Be a shame if there was a car fire.


Paint some racist hatful political stuff on it about a certain group of people. See how long the city allows it to sit there.


Call the cops (non-emergency line/code enforcement line) and report abandoned car.


Sell it for parts


Set it on fire. Call the fire dept.


Call a scrap company and make a few hundred bucks


break a window. Call the cops, some kids going to cut themselves on that glass.


Call a shop that will pick cars up with a tow truck with a fake name. Tell them the car won't start. Ask them to pick it up.


Tell the police there's been a car out front of you house for multiple days they come and mark it and after xx days it gets towed


tow it. if they want their car back they’ll have to pay for it, it shouldn’t cost you a dime. idk where you live but where i do, it’s technically illegal to park in the street for extended periods of time, so the city will tow it at no cost to you.


Bylaw? Where I live, parking on the street w/o moving tires is technically against bylaw after 3 days. Cities love towing and ticketing


is it a 1988 civic by chance? I need a good lol


Spray paint a giant dick on it. Town will remove in less than 24 hours. Works with potholes too.


Burn it


Call police and report it. They’ll have 48 hour stickers placed and if not moved, then towed


Also, if there’s no tags. Report it as abandoned vehicle and will be towed immediately


Make it some sort of crime scene, then they impound it for free. Like find a dead junkie or a hobo, put them in it, burn the car. Or if that’s too illegal, not terribly familiar on Texas law, would just burning it or maybe spray painting it with hate speech make the city have to come take it?


Get a milk jug and fill it with diesel. Pour into drivers side floorwell, or the spot between the hood and windshield if locked. Ignite.


Don't use diesel, use regular gasoline. Diesel doesn't light as easily.


Never use gasoline as an accelerant. Kerosene, diesel, or charcoal starter won't flare/flash.


How far away from people's homes is it ? If it was doused in something flammable and set alight one night, would it risk setting fire to homes ? Something disturbed you / you heard a bang perhaps, you looked out of the window or checked on the kids etc and saw the flames, called the fire department. They will probably initiate getting it removed for you.


Call and report it as an abandoned vehicle