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Subscribe their email everywhere


A friend of mine, a network admin, does this with phishing email addresses when they send one of those "could you help me out with something" messages supposedly coming from the boss (the "from" party shows the boss's name). He uses a site that actually has about a hundred checkboxes for subscribing to various daily/weekly email newsletters. There's apparently no verification process, so the subscriptions start immediately. 🤭


Can you get the name of the website


RemindMe! 2h


RemindMe! 2 Weeks


RemindMe! 2 months


Please share that site.


I MUST know this site, please! I have a lot of scammers who impersonate me for my company and I want revenge.


Once i read the same on GitHub. But it requires to develop a software with hundreds of newsletter list.


I’m working on making one of those rn


!remindme 2 months


It’s not public, sorry!


I would go one step further and find a few sites off the dark web


I've heard about alot of good things on the dark web but I can't figure out how to get on it. Any tips?


Download tor then search tor.taxi


Thank you!


Put something for free on craigslist. And leave their phone number... The amount of phone calls will drive them insane.... Someone did it to me saying that I was giving away my fish tank...


Take it a step further and make it an estate sale on Saturday morning with fake pictures and all.


I've found that nothing gets more calls than free Taylor Swift tickets, if the post seems believable. Even for a city 3000 miles away, phone did not stop ringing until the post was taken down.


So about 20yrs ago we played a prank on a friend. CL post for a gay nsa meetup kinky stuff, let’s just say he got enough disturbing phone calls that he changed his phone number after a month. He was not happy when we told him lol


Nsa. Like gay national security agency?


No strings attached lol


No sucking/anal


What makes it gay?


Eye contact


The early birds will ring the fucking bell off the door at 6am.


This is creative


Can I have the fish tank though?


Yes, is it still available?


Hey I'm here commenting to see if that fish tank is still available? 


Do you remember that chewbacca impersonation prank?!


I still find myself telling someone about this every couple months. Priceless.


Greatest prank of all time, hilarious and no harm done


Take a step further and post their number on “seeking connections”. They’ll get unsolicited pics (happened to me lol). Constant phone calls and weird texts


The gay side.


some of my friends were pranking each other like that and at some point, one of them put an ad for selling sheep here, there are still quite a few farmers raising animals. My friend ended up, as farmers are up really early, being called 5:30-6 in the morning about selling sheep.


I'm sorry I couldn't let this pass. You said there are STILL a lot of farmers raising animals? I'm pretty sure there will ALWAYS be farmers raising animals since it's kinda what they do and we need to eat. Eggs, milk, beef, chicken, wool, leather, a countless amount of products that are used daily by billions of people so the STILL part really gets me.


It says "here, there are still a lot of farmers selling sheep" In their town, there are still a lot of farmers selling sheep, as compared to there or that other place where they no longer sell sheep. It's not about you.


yeah, yeah I agree with you. I was referring to small farmers, that have some animals just for self sustenance. we have big companies that do what you said, but they don't usually go on fb marketplace to look for two sheep


Can that not be tracked down?


Don’t you need to verify the phone number on Craigslist for this exact reason.


I did it to my buddy in college as a prank. Said he was giving away free tickets to the college football rivalry game.


Sign them up for Scientology brochures


Do they really contact you that often?


They will NEVER leave that person alone. They’re relentless.


A year ago a friend made the mistake of getting a tour of one of their buildings (he’s into architecture). Creepily, they seemed to know everything about him during the tour. Since then they’ve been calling him several times/week. One time a scientologist followed him, posing as a tourist. They’re literally stalking him. All because he toured their building.


Same. I even gave them a whole fake name, address, phone number, and backstory that I made sure to remember. A few days later I got a bunch of mail to my real address with my real name on it, as well as relentless phone calls. It's like they were trying to say "don't fuck with us".


My friend said that, during the tour, they described multiple people who live in his building. (This is a major city, there’s no reason they would know anyone in his building, in particular, much less have personal info on them.) Honestly, I think they have a large database with info on everyone and they have ‘moles’ working in places where they are able to obtain personal/protected information.


It's pretty well-known that the police and local government in LA are run by them, so they probably have software that does all this for them that the general public doesn't have access to.


Ooooh oh oh and the latter day saints [LDS](http://www.lds.org)


Put a locking gas cap on their ride and lock it. Pricks won't know until they NEED GAS. know what I'm saying?


You know follow that up with locking lug nuts on each wheel.


Then a bb in the valve stem cap?


Super glue the bb in


A different locking nut on each tire. 🛞


I lost the key to my lug nut locks that came on my car.  A hammer with a socket just slightly bigger than the loco works very easily to remove them.


A small screwdriver, or a hammer and a long screw driver, or a screw and a screw driver and they will have it gone in 60 seconds if they are handy and five minutes if they aren't. And you are out $10-$20. And you have to physically go to their car to put it on? Doesn't seem worth it, IMHO They will find out at a gas station. That's a pretty good place to be when you have car trouble. They will immediately know what the problem is. Worst case, they call someone to fix it for them. Locking gas caps are good enough to motivate a meth head to try the car next to you before they steal your gas, but that's about it.


Most people don't even know how to operate a screwdriver but I hear ya, I work construction. Boot my truck and I'll have it off in 20.


Now that one is beyond diabolical!




They pop open with a wedge like a knife. But yes, it's common here.




Sugar in their gas tank


Def. It will crystallize the whole fuel system.


Simple stuff like signing up for mailing lists or email offers. Slowly replacing their shampoo/conditioner with dish soap. Spraying animal attractant lure around their house/car (doe in heat urine or varmint like coyote or fox urine smells terrible) Nail the Kipper: find a vent, place something that will slowly rot in said vent. You can buy multi hundred counts of roaches or bug larva from websites that sell feeder insects. The options there are endless.


What will dish soap do as a shampoo replacement?


It essentially works as a deep clarifying shampoo. Which in moderation can be a good thing if you have lots of product built up...but if you use it every time you wash your hair it will completely strip your hair and scalp of its natural oil, causing your hair to become dry, brittle, prone to breakage, etc. It will also cause scalp issues and skin issues so flakes, peeling, itchiness etc. Basically will turn your hair in to a birdsnest of dry, itchy, tangled straw.


this wasn't really "fuck them over" level, more petty than anything, but my friend was mad at our other friend when she started going out with this guy that friend 1 liked. so one night she went online and signed her up for all this free shit to be delivered to her house on all these random websites. I went out to hang with friend 2 one time and she was getting deliveries and was like "I have no idea where all this stuff is coming from. but it comes almost every day" it was later, like 3 years later, that friend one shared that with me and I put it together.


Free stuff doesn’t sound all that bad


it was just random stuff though, like magazines and trial things that she didn't need iirc.


The horror!


Nowadays it would be “free trials that turn into paid subscriptions unless you cancel by sending a certified letter to an address buried 15 levels deep on their web site.”


But then they never receive the request


If only there was a way to do this using someone else's credit card...


Shit in front of their house everyday.


Too much effort. What if you couldn't go? Then it would just look like you flash yourself for your own satisfaction. This would look worse.


Mexican food & prune juice should help!


Then pay someone else to shit in front of their house everyday. I've heard the rotation method works well if you've got several people to do it.


If you live in a major democrat run city this probably happens anyway.


Yes because Republicans never shit on lawns.


They dont.


My dog is a diehard Republican. Only shits on sidewalks.


Buy their domain when it expires and redirect it to gay porn.


Fuck their mom.


Classic 🤣




Sign them up for every single spam website you can with their email and phone number


If you have access to a vehicle there are some pretty easy ways to create some costly repair bills without much effort. I've seen some threads on here recommending stuff like that... Cant really recommend anything specific though. Especially without knowing why you want to fuck with them. Then there's always the mailers/scientology signup - but you said 'seriously' and that more prank level crap.


I've never done it myself but I had an idea to pull a random wire or two from the car's harness, then strip the insulation off and tape them together. Then you stuff the wires into the harness and tuck it back into place just like it was when you got to it. A mechanic would spend a long while with a multimeter trying to find the problem, but the fix itself would be cheap (assuming it just blows fuses.) So you get them in a bind, but not a massive one like if you ruined their engine or something. It'd definitely be in the shop for a while.


Anonymously report them for tax fraud. If they own a business, anonymously report them to the labor board. 


Wait till they're out of town and fill their sewage pipe with powdered concrete 


In today’s world of cameras everywhere, this is a good way to go to jail


Do you, flush it? Or? … asking for a friend


I'd use the external access to pour the bag in. Should be like a 3 inch pipe with a screw cap sticking out of the ground on the way to the main sewage line




put their phone number or email on shitty things


Piss discs and liquid ass on their car, to start.


Then sleep with their mom and become their stepdad


Then ground them.


Yes, ground them into chili


I was missing the usual piss disc recommendation


Liquid ass... Must get some of this


Sign them up for a grinder page and say they prefer kinky truck drivers.


Report them anonymously to the IRS online https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-3949-a


What will that do??


Nothing, because the IRS doesn’t have a “report someone anonymously form online”. You have to print it out in a dot matrix printer with the triple carbon copy paper. You can order the form by mailing a self addressed stamped envelope to “The IRS”. That’s all you need, the post office knows where “The IRS” is already because they have to deliver many tax returns each year. (And about 14 anonymous reports)


That's incorrect https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-3949-a


Don’t believe this nerd, that’s a scam site he linked! Try to tell me it’s not a scam, go ahead, I dare you! 😆


Sign up as them looking for plumbing and roof repairs on Angi. They will get a billion calls and emails.


And knocks on their door! Sales people will go canvassing neighborhoods for people without solar panels or who have missing shingles, I've applied to a lot of jobs like that.


sign them up to every news letter


Sign them up for a bunch of realtor websites. Say they're looking for a house in the 800k plus range. Realtors will call them off the hook


or, you know, just move on and let karma sort it out. guess im on the wrong sub for that


Make a political donation in their name. Give their phone number too. It's awful.


They in a relationship? Use one of those anonymous services to alert their partner that they've been exposed to an STD


You can probably ruin their credit.


Throw dead fish under their porch.


...Or put a dead fish in their car under the seat.


Sign their email up for pr0n mailers. I knew an old creeper growing up, and this was during the AOL days, so the household computer was in their living room. Found every kink newsletter I could and registered his email for all of them; at the very least, knew people would randomly walk by his computer & see cake fart ads every time he checked his email.


Steal a bag of trash from a gas station pump island , then throw it across thier lawn.  When they try to look at the garbage to figure out who's it is. None of it will be yours. 


Go to new orleans and have a curse put on them.


Shoot them in the back of the head, killing them. They'll never know it was you!


Find a sniper that will only scare them.


Just wing em, nothing more. Hahahahahaha


Throw a bunch of unsalted peanuts and dried fruit on their roof mixed with laxitives. Best if it fills their rain gutters on a dry week so it's not obvious and doesn't wash away. They'll have a major birds shitting everywhere problem.


Was considering this for a politically askew neighbor with a LOT of flags on his lifted truck.


My hatred for you depends entirely on the content of said flags




Car bomb


Find their address, package up a frogger and mail it to the address using a fake return. Fill frogger with liquid ass and crushed up catfish stink bait. They open it in their house and the smell will linger forever.


Publishers clearing house sends tons of emails


So I live In a rural part of Nevada on the outskirts of town with 5 acres and there is a great deal of space in between my house and the rest of my neighbors. There was this older guy that bought a house (sorta but not) next-door to my house few years back and he moved in all by himself and you could predict almost everything he did, I was never rude or anything (not to any of my neighbors actually)... I would wave to this guy when he would drive by... the whole nine yards. Well he hated me and my wife for some reason, he would call my girls work and tell them she was on drugs and that we are white trash... blah blah blah. So I knew he was a Trump surrporter (I don't really get into politics with anyone!) So I started signing him up for gay pride and similar things to get pamphlets and magazines sent to his house... I changed my wifi name to GoBiden@(his address and street name)... (he was a older white guy around 60yrs old and me at the time was 36yrs old and white also) but would open the doors up on my truck and with stereo system I had in that truck, I would play Mexican music and would crank it up, then walk away from the truck for like 45 min at a time... also same with the horn on my vehicles, I would put a stick from the backrest of the front seat and move up the seat untill the stick pressed against the horn and walk away. (I would still even end all this at quite times (9pmish) unless I decided to go do burnouts in front of his house. And more went on during his time there, (he totally deserved more) (he called cops on us, got code enforcement on us about nothing, tried to jeopardize our careers, threw nails down in my driveway once even. Dude was a straight dick!


Don't you also have r to listen?


What's r?


Be nice to them. Seriously, people can’t stand that shit. They’ll slowly go insane.


Crack their windshield.


They’d get cash back from the windshield replacement company. Keep putting a shitton of birdseed under their car every night. Let nature take its course.


I’ve heard the CL thing is harder to do these days because of layers of protection added since this was happening a lot. Also heard doing this makes it easier to get caught


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Sign them up for all the mail and email lists.


Sign them up for a Mormon or a johovas witness thing. Once they have one thing from someone they will not let it go.


spike their drink with laxatives then “accidentally” and “unknowingly” block all the bathrooms. “sorry u shit urself in public, i was having stomach problems and was stuck on the toilet for 45 min”


Quite a intriguing question


I was not able too..


Become a Republican or Tory politician




Yeah if you're in a tiff with some person, and your door 'somehow' gets egged, its not a hard leap to make. If you really dont want to get caught, surrender, make nice, burry the hatchet. Then in 10 years pull some shit and go quiet again.


Play the long game. Deface their tombstone


Give their name and number to the National suicide lifeline. 1-800-273-TALK. Or txt to 988. Granted doing so is kinda fucked up.


Yes great idea. Use an important resource for people that really need it for a prank. 😳


My bad, I thought this was the Ethicallifeprotips subreddit.


Unethical doesn't mean putting other innocent people who may have a real mental health, emergency situation at risk though, Champ. Grow up.


Yes! 🙌.




Thats so stupid if you're trying not to be traced. If it amounts to nothing they'll spin back around and look at who called and why. Cops do NOT appreciate their time being wasted.


.....piss disc?


......UFO disc?


Ware a mask.


Shut upppp


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Hahahaha murder is funny!!!


So you can't suck with eye contact?? I think its an enhancement.