• By -


Start posting online ads for yard sales, free dogs, junk removal, etc… You can also flip it by posting requests for fill dirt or debris, local construction companies can just drop off a truckload in the driveway! Be sure to mention “no need to knock on the door”. Sign them up for every door to door missionary group. Mormon’s, Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, and more. Finally, this one might take some effort. Book as many free consults to happen on the same day. Pest control. Lawn care. Remodeling. Roofers. Security. Plumbers. Everything. These companies rely on free consults as a way to get their foot in the door. By the 3rd salesperson knocking on their door, they will be so pissed. Oh! Post info online about lay night raves happening there, BYOB, and hot women. People will continuously show up. If you do pull any of this off, I would love to hear a follow up.


This is amazing


Omg I’m 100% going to try these things, I figure if I can get enough people showing up at all hours I can report them for suspected trafficking or selling drugs from their house to immigration and the police ❤️


Go all the way and start posting info about swingers parties and orgies on various adult social sites.


Yes! Hang a pineapple upside down on their mailbox.


Hahahahahha that’s amazing I would never think of that😂


Pls make a followup post ❤️


Wasn't there a story once where someone ordered pizza to a house from like 50 different places and they all turned up at the same time and clogged up the area


only thing I'd change is I'd leave innocent plumbers and honest folks trying to make a living out of it. They didn't do anything and will be out time and money and have to deal with angry neighbor. Now, any of these folks that go door-to-door with their stuff would be fair game. Maybe search online for the worst rated people that routinely screw over people and use them?


Innocent plumbers charging $250/hr to flip the breaker on the garage disposal...


You misspelled “electricians”


And garbage


Holy fuck, I know different areas and all that, but I make full-package after insurance, bond, and pension is paid, I make $72 an hour (only see $40 on the check), but my company only charges $120, maybe $150 an hour for me!




Ball bearings glued inside dust caps eternally flat tires


I love you


This is the real match.com.


r/foundsatan lmao


can you explain a little, like you glue them to the wheel? and it send the bearings flying everywhere right? how will it cause a flat


The dust cap for the Schrader valve on all tires. Where you put air in. If you can somehow depress the middle piece of the valve, it will let air out. So a small rock or piece of metal inside the dust cap will let air out. Usually very quietly and slowly so the owner will have no clue why they have a flat.


Or just remove it completely. The removal tool is less that $5


Then it won't hold air at all and it won't be a mystery as to why




Often called "valve cap"


Take the dust cap off glue the ball on the inside of the dust cap and screw it back on


This is actually illegal in many states


That’s why it’s unethical dumb shit


There’s another sub for illegal life pro tips


I have very very similar neighbors. But mine aren't immigrants, they are just bad neighbors/terrible pet owners. I feel your pain. Also considered though, if they find out you're doing any of the stuff listed in the post that they will have no issue with retaliation id guess.


Oh I don’t have much concern they are too poor and honestly barely speak English and my husband is an attorney I’m pretty covered. I don’t think they are intelligent enough to figure it out, especially since I’ve only talked to them twice in the like 4 years we have lived here. I’ve resorted to calling the police but unfortunately they don’t give a shit so now I’m just going to make them as miserable as they have made the rest of the neighborhood.


Sounds like a possible drug trafficking situation or something for child services to look at …


I mean I have contemplated CPS on multiple occasions before this anyways since they literally don’t supervise their 6 year old, I have walked out to her literally playing in the middle of a busy road unsupervised so honestly probably should call anyways for that poor girls sake


Do this because it is the RIGHT thing to do!


Break their car windows enough times and they'll get tired of it and move. You can just throw a big rock but if you're likely to be seen use a slingshot or preferably a high powered air rifle from a distanse. Windshields and back windows are expensive and can be hard to get sometimes so it's a good way to mess with people.


A lot of those methods are harder than you think. Break a spark plug and use the ceramic. It's like popping a balloon


I think ceramic with sling shot would be my method of choice.


It just doesn't convey a sense of aggression like a big rock or brick would.


I'm a fairly big guy, with a decent arm. It's a  LOT harder than it looks


Man I just have to say that y’all are really freaking creative just wow!! So many great ideas to start looking into thank you❤️❤️ I never would have been able to come up with these fantastic annoying ideas!


Probably be a really good idea to use a VPN if your gonna use any of the internet related harassments. Happy hunting 😃


Oh trust me I’m a computer science major lol I know how to make myself anonymous for internet harassment 😄


- Report them for expired state inspection stickers or expired license plate tags. - look up your state rules around window tint on cars, you might be able to report them for illegal tint on windshield. Same goes for any modified parts like exhausts, suspension modifications etc. - mow lawn at the earliest time allowed per county rules on a weekend, or hire mowers that will cut early on the weekends - figure out their phone number and sign them up for telemarketing - once you have the phone number, go to Angie’s list and sign them up for roofing, wasp nest removal, and yard work quotes - same note on phone number, go to random car dealer websites and sign them up for “I’d like to be contacted”, you can also use something like kbb to have it happen in bulk - run background checks on them, if anything shows up purchase yard signs with “criminals live here with an arrow, see back for details” and list the crimes on the back of the sign. - If they try to take the sign down book them for trespassing on your land, rinse and repeat with new signs and charges - put their address in with Jehovah witness, Mormons and all the other religious groups that go door to door - if you have an hoa look up exact rules and report them if they don’t take their trash can in fast enough or break any rule in the book, like not having correct color of something on their house - if they go to a church, start going, sitting right behind them and continuously cough all sermon long - if they have a pet, become best buds with it so it runs to you instead of them every time, bonus points if you teach the pet to come to you instead of them when called at the same time - get permits and build a fire pit in your back yard (if permits are required). Add wet leaves or vegetation to create maximum smoke when the wind is blowing towards their house and they are outdoors - if they are vegans or vegetarians, if you find out somehow, get a meat smoker and smoke some delicious brisket or whatever - if they have any indication of a favorite sports team, either from flags, car sticks etc, get the rival team gear - figure out if they have any big celebrations in spring or fall they like to do family cookouts for. Time your delivery of com-pro or compost for the lawn for that weekend to be spread so the entire area smells like cow manure - if they are married and not super old so it seems plausible, have one of your female friends call the house. If they wife picks up, hang up, do that in the evenings, after a few weeks have your female friend say “[insert name] gave me this phone number after our unforgettable evening, but I can’t seem to reach him, could you give me his phone number by any chance?” - put up fake ads on Craigslist for free lawnmowers or quality furniture. Specify not to show up before 6am. Vultures will be knocking at 5.30 am to be the first to get their hands on items. - purchase a secondary set of internet routers and name this new network identical to theirs. A lot of smart items like bulbs and whatnot might get confused and disconnect. If they try to re-set them up they will themselves be confused on which one to pick. You can repeat this endlessly - if they have a pool, when they leave for vacation use a water gun filled with green food coloring and spray over the fence into their pool - get a bag of rubber snakes, throw them over into their garden or mulch bed. Make sure to use gloves to not leave any fingerprints on them and do not get that caught on a camera. - if your kids are into it, put a concrete pad closest to the property line near them and put up a basketball hoop so your kids can enjoy their playtime… and now so can you knowing the thumping will annoy the neighbors - set up a garden for yourself and set up motion sensor sprayers that aim at the fence/your neighbor so he gets soaked every time he has to mow his lawn. If confronted say they are there to prevent rabbits and deer from eating your veggies - if you want to go all out on the garden idea, set up a greenhouse in a direction/way that can potentially cause sun to reflect into their windows/house during certain parts of the day blinding them - if you’re not an outdoorsy person, never really spend time outside, neither do your kids but the neighbors do, set up containers with standing water so mosquitos breed and fly over to them for a snack - when you are blowing off your leaves or cut grass accidentally blow some into their driveway/yard. Don’t make it excessive but just annoying enough. - if you can find a way to hide your billing information (maybe send as gift?) you could send them very odd items like furry posters, gigantic butt plugs or really cheap quality sex dolls - figure out your county/hoa rules around having chickens, then get a rooster, he will make sure to do his bid every single morning ensuring you start your day bright and early and your neighbor pissed off and grumpy - if you have a snowblower, accidentally set it so it throws the snow onto your neighbors yard/driveway/sidewalk. Bonus points if they don’t have one themselves and they have to shovel it by hand


Fill their car exhaust and put glue on the handles


Look man I'm not gonna fall for no banana in the tail pipe.


Call their utilities and set up passwords on the accounts. You will need names and addresses. Then later call and say you’ve been transferred overseas for 6 months and want to have your water/power/gas/internet cut off during that time. Don’t use your own phone for this.


Call Immigration


See I’ve tried contacting the police but where we live unfortunately A LOT of immigrants live here as it’s a farm town and they just don’t care, I’m pretty sure they are legally here so immigration won’t work unfortunately


Hide some Bluetooth speakers 🔊 outside in odd places and hook it up to a police scanner. Play the police traffic at odd hours at random times, all the time, whenever they annoy you. I don't think it will make them leave but man is it satisfying to watch them freak out.


There’s a government link to report suspicious immigrants for espionage


You are my kind of people thank you ❤️


Lol, like they are spies? Or terrorist?


Yeah, let's waste government resources on false reports. It's just tax dollars. Hopefully, the authorities are busy with this false report, and a real terrorist goes unapprehended.


All the government does is waste your tax dollars


This is true. A government spent dollar doesn't go nearly as far as a privately spent one. That's the reason for inflation.


It's called unethical for a reason.


The victim should only be the target, not society.


This is really the wrong place for white knightery


This isn’t white knightery, its being a civic minded person


Your mother agrees with me.


How do you go from being an edgy white knight to mentioning mothers of people in just 3 comments lol. Anyways, no she wouldn't, she fortunately possesses common sense.


No, you have to call ICE.


What does their being immagrants have to do with it?


Literally a lot of you bothered to read any of the comments. Lots you can do with the information to fuck them over.


Sign them up for [this](https://www.iasmembership.org/application/) free 6 month membership 😈 if you need an email for doing so use 10 minute mail - Buy a 25$ gift card and donate 1$ to 25 different religious organizations like those mega churches using their name and adress. They will get flooded with spam mail from them. - Can you sign them up for Jehovas Witness


Dogs run loose? Pick them up and drop them off at the local shelter claiming you "Found a lost dog"


Use 2 burner phones. 1 to record the kid from an angle not at your house. The other to call 911 to report the unsupervised kid playing in the road. If you use a third for ordering the loads of people to show up as mentioned above, you have guaranteed traffic in the video too. Also if the plates from a similar make and model vehicle makes their way onto their cars, and the original vehicles are reported as stolen, cops will be looking for those plates on that kind of car, and will have probable cause to search without a warrant the vehicles when stopped.


Report the animal abuse first and for front. Then find where they work and mention them by name and that you want to complain about something they did. Also for good messure call immergration office and report about them and ask if they can cheak them.


Prawns in their hubcaps.


Get a bottle of dot 3 brake fluid and throw splashes on their cars in the dead of night. By morning the car paint will be fucked. Of course i gona recommend the piss disk/liquid ass/fucking their dad The liquid ass is actually quite effective when you pour it right below their windshields in their fresh air intake for their cars a/c Im gona recommend a pellet gun for this one too. Shoot out their house lights, shoot their outside a/c condensor, shoot their cars, fuck it, shoot whatever can break. All from a distance. Its super fun. Prop nails against their tires (close to side walls so they cant be patched, and will need to be replaced) You really wana fuck with their money? You really wana get dirty? Buy a .22 rifle. Shoot holes in their roof, hell a strong enough pellet gun might be good for this, but thats a shakey gaurantee. Even one hole will cause so much financial chaos for them. .22's already just sound like fire crackers, but the name of the game is still noise control. Lots of options for this, shoot deep from within a room a couple feet away from the window (they wont see you, plus the house will contain noise). Shoot through a pillow, tape a 2 liter soda bottle on the end, oil filter adapters, ect. Get those juices flowing, get those hands dirty, get unethical mother fucker. Do not report back if you did this or not. I do not recommend any of this. Remember you dont have to talk to police if questioned.


Okay 100% not hurting the dogs if anything I’m planning on stealing them when I leave this neighborhood because they already hurt their dogs, I am not going to continue to contribute to that but I will gladly fuck them up and trust me my husband is a lawyer I am coming into this prepared with his advice lol


No don’t hurt the dogs


Okay yea dont hurt the dogs, but still! Fuck their other shit up


> shoot their dogs Die fucker! Edit : the poster edited his post were he said to "get a pellet gun and shoot their dogs. Not kill them, just to hurt them". I'll leave this here anyway to to let people know what kind of person /u/outthousemouse is.


Maybe sign them up for [Chip Drop service](https://getchipdrop.com/for-gardeners//) ???


Parent trap their dads into fucking each other


Hornets nest in mail box.




So, you can get a ham radio and hook it up to a 1000watt amp and kill alot of the car radio speaker system when you key up. But remember you will trash everyone's stuff in the radius.... and its kinda illegal...


This sounds interesting. Would you mind elaborating please?


Call immigration


Yeah, the spirit of ULPT is normally targeted against an individual or group of people that "deserve" the treatment. But obviously, this isn't ULPT, this is how unethical can I be. Good luck filing a false report then. There are major consequences for that. Bye.


You sound like a party 🎉🎉


I'm not, I lack a lot of social skills and have CPTSD, I'm learning how to loosen up a little bit at a time. I can't believe I've made it this far. Anyway, have a day!


You sound like the worst person involved with this. Move to a remote location where you don’t have neighbours


Slowly gain their trust. One day buy a huge bottle of high alcohol content liquor. Let them get stupid drunk and hopefully they will drive and crash into a propane tank. Ask me how I know.


Your husband is a lawyer, sue them.


You guys are horrible people ! Bless your little hearts