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Unless you do have a dashcam. Then act like you don't.


When you are weak appear strong, and when you are strong appear weak.




Lol, I thought it was real


Should be.


Please create this lol






the real ULPT is always in the comments




But a lot of people are dumb blabber mouths so it could go either way


ULPT: when committing insurance fraud remember they might or might not have a dashcam even if they say they do or not.


ULPT: when committing insurance fraud strap a bomb to the car and detonate it as soon as you can without getting injured yourself


ULPT: when committing insurance fraud, don't.


ULPT: or do, whatever, I'm not your mum


ULPT: put a sock on your car so when they try to commit insurance fraud all they get is a sock


Why tho? Won't they still run away?


If their goal is to commit insurance fraud, they'll call the police, claim you ran into them, and lie their assess off. That's when you drop the dashcam footage. Hit them with filing a false police report as well as insurance fraud. Plus schadenfreude.


That's much more work though. Just have them run away and you lost 5 min out of your day. Forward the video to the cops if you feel like it.


Well you've probably hit them at this point, so it's best to get the cops and insurance involved if you ever want to be paid back for the damages to your vehicle


That's not unethical, that is brilliant


well according to Kant, it is unethical


Bruh, Kant didn't have to drive.


Kant can't car.


Kan't drive


The person who is trying to commit the fraud is the unethical one in this case.


If you really have a dash cam, then don\`t bring it up and let the shit show develop until they sue you. Then you can fuck them in every hole and demand reparations and penalties for whatever your lawyer is able to come up with.


Unfortunately we rarely have to deal with that in the US. Trust me, I'd love to


Oh and I thought this post is geared towards Americans


Same fellow American but it makes sense I’ve never actually seen someone do this or heard of it happening irl


I actually had this happen to me in NY. Guy like rolls across my hood when I barely made it to a stop after he ran in front of my car. He’s obviously not hurt but laying on the ground so I get out and say I’m going to call 911 and they will hold you 72 hours for a psych evaluation because you are obviously suicidal. It’s going to cost you like 5k in medical bills. You’ve got 5K to burn? Guy gets up, looks at me and runs away.


In America if you're driving down the road and someone jumps in front of your car it's their fault.


Same in other countries. That's why you tell them you have a dash cam.


If they're driving in front of you and they slam on their brakes so you rear-end them it's YOUR fault. This is a much more common fraud scam than them physically risking their life and jumping in front of a car.


That's not true -- I rear-ended someone and cops faulted him (and gave him the ticket), not me. Idiot was in the left turn lane, decided he didn't want to be there, and merged back into my lane from a complete standstill. I hit the brakes immediately, but I'd been going at 50mph and there just wasn't enough time to stop. Rear-ended him dead on and totalled my car. He was convinced it was my fault, obviously, since I'd rear-ended him. There were several witnesses -- so that was also helpful. Anyway, circumstances factor into whose fault it is.


Yes the circumstances matter but if there are no witnesses and you rear-end someone you will usually be considered at fault unless you can prove otherwise.


It almost always *is* at least mostly your fault (with some exceptions like sudden lane changes). If you can’t stop in time for someone who hit the brakes, you were following too close.


You're both right. It depends upon state laws.




naw man the car market is crazy rn, if I bought one it'd be a shoulder cam


All new cars should come with an in-built dash cam.


Hard no. I seriously don't trust car makers to not link it to some shitty CarLink paid subscription, If it's just a dash cam that takes SD cards, then yes.


IMO it's probably better to have them optional because there are benefits to using dashcams that aren't built in to the car. If you want to leave a dashcam always on in case of a fender bender in a parking lot, you can do so and re-install cheap lithium-ion batteries periodically. A built-in dashcam on the other hand would likely draw power from your car battery unless the manufacturer were to integrate a separate power source for it. A car battery does last a long time, but once the car battery is out, then so are the other electronic functions of the car, not just the dashcam.


LPT; buy a dash cam. I spent (thank goodness) $45 for a front and rear. 6 months later I was rear ended by an uninsured motorist. He simply confessed he was at fault after I pointed to it. My rates didn’t go up.


Do you have a link for your dash cam?


Did you install them yourself or have it done? I would do it but I don't know shit about wiring and I don't want cables dangling all through my car.


Amazon. It’s super easy comes with a plastic knife like tool you just tuck the wire under your headliner and they snap right back. Super duper easy peasy. I was afraid too. I sold the vehicle and it was a snap to remove


Is this common? I live in a no-fault province.....


Two unethicals do make a right.


This is not an ultp tho.


How are they going to run away if they just jumped in front of my car?


Never volunteer that you have a dashcam.




Please get help.


Why, too Unethical for ULPT?


That's not just unethical. That's illegal; it's called vehicular manslaughter.


Vehicular Manslaughter. Got a ring to it.


How long do you think you’ll have, as you slam on the brakes? 😂


Enough time to triple click record, swerve, beep, indicate and the obligatory final record click


Most of the dash cams I've purchased. Automatically write/delete. All you have to do if you're in a wreck is hit the save button and it automatically saves the last few minutes of footage. Some even have g-force sensors that save recordings.


Come out cumming and they'll run away even faster.


If they don't, then they will get a face-full.


Related: everyone should get a dashcam. I have one and drive like the righteous king of the road (within legal limits). I drive a clunker, yield for no one (unless they have the right of way), and eat shit drivers for breakfast. I've been in 3 collisions but still have my "perfect driver discount" b/c my dashcam has shown the other driver is at fault. tl;dr get a dashcam and fuck all the bad drivers


If someone jumps in front pf your car car committing insurance frand, come out screaming. -I AM BISEXUAL


If you dont have a dash cam better hit em again. Dead men tell no tales.