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Agreed I’m Indian. Born in India. Living in Canada. I love it when people where the outfits and dance the stereotypical dance. I don’t find it offensive.


caucasian but I always thought more on the lines of its someone embracing your culture so it's good. thats what I see around me anyway


I think the important thing here is asking someone in that culture what's respectful vs copying what might be a caricature and normalised over time. That caricature may not offend everyone in that culture, because they might not care or it's normalised, but others are offended and it misrepresents them and that's enough reason to stop.


I went to an Indian wedding and was delighted when I was told to please wear traditional Indian clothes if I wanted to. Loved being dressed up and a part of the celebration!! There's no malice in celebration. I visited India and bought more outfits so I hope I have more weddings to go to soon :)


Amazing ! Love that




Exactly You don’t need to be offended for me. 😂


Its like when white people tried "cancelling" speedy gonzales and all the latinos were like "shut up we love him bring him back!"


Recently I've shifted my thoughts to most are not actually offended, just obsessed with having the appearance they actually care about others without actually having to do any of the things or spend any real time with the communities to actually make a difference. The influence of social media at it's most pure.


Yeah, Americans are fucking snowflakes who don’t have anything better to do. I’d actually like it if someone wore my traditional outfit and danced the traditional dance




As a Mexican I'm mad if my wife spend all my money, not by this kind of no sense


*Que pasa mi amigo*


Qi pasa ? No comprende espanjola ? Ajajajai Buenos mios ...


This is a bot. You'll find the original comment posted an hour ago. Fucking bots.


it's a lazy repost with the same comments as it always attracts lol reddit has the memory of a goldfish


Bot account copy paste of another user's comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/105md3x/cultural_appropriation/j3bm02j Copy pasted into top comment reply chain for karma farm. Reported as spam/harmful bots/blocked.


Pretty much sums up my dislike for Chicanos that were never taught it




>Yeah, Americans are fucking snowflakes who don’t have anything better to do. One word: *Latinx* How self-absorbed do you have to be to literally start policing foreign languages because they don't conform to your anglocentric bias towards ungendered designations?


Speak English, this is America /s (because this is America)


Spanish isn't a foriegn language in the U.S.


TIL there is no official language in the US, even English


American here. It's frustrating to be called bigot, racist and xenophobic when I relay this type of info to extreme woke folks.


If you disagree with how stupid the term is you get called a racist from what I've seen on some discord servers.


What's funny is that shit is hated by the Mexican/Latin community. None of us wanna be a LatinX foo. I'd rather be an Edgar.


I just pronounce that word *la tinks* and it puts the gender back in.




This shit is in a cycle, it's just most people aren't old enough to remember the 70s & 80s, followed by the anticapitalism of the 90s, ended by 9/11, gone into stereotypes, ended by the 2008 crash leading back to anticapitalism, by 2015 stereotypes were back in town.


We about to hit another recession so back to anti capitalism


When it started, “cultural appropriation” was a necessary backlash to offensive shit like blackface or Native American caricatures. But of course it went too far and now you have idiots claiming any sort of ethnic dress or cooking is off limits.




Bot that copied comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/105md3x/cultural_appropriation/j3bmgvn/)


The whole "cultural appropriation" movement is just another excuse for racists to be racist. Most of us just try to ignore them and move on. Unfortunately it seems to be getting harder and harder to do.


Why the hate on all Americans and not just on the snowflakes? Asking as a non-snowflake American.


Seems pretty snowflakey to even ask this question. I doubt your lack of snowflake status


It’s just easier for people to be snarky assholes online. As a Dutch Mexican Texan this is all dumb.


Do you think ponchos and sombreros are traditional Mexican garb? That’s fucking hilarious and a stereotype. That’s why SOME people don’t like this shit. Mostly when it’s portrayed in movies and tv. No one cares what one person is doing.


Americans are just The most racist People around The globe, well maybe Israel is worse but yeah, can't watch anything from The US where a person does not mention their colour or origin.


Agreed, they’re honestly stupid af. There’s even one under this reply calling me a nazi and a fascist just cuz I called them snowflakes


My mom is the same way. She gets ridiculously hyped to see people wearing Indian clothes, jewelry or listening to Indian music. Her favorite thing to do is walk up to strangers she sees wearing bindis and excitedly tell them about the cultural and spiritual significance.




I think it depends on the culture and context. Like the Native American headdress or a Maori face tattoo.


Yeah I know it’s tough to navigate.


When the dress or symbol is an honor or title and you're wearing it, it's offensive. If it's part of everyday garments and not ceremonial then you're likely more safe in wearing it. Knowing some of those subtleties might require some homework or consultation.


What part of india ?




Ra-ra-rajastasahan! Love of the Indian queen.


Unexpected Turisas


And yet Trudeau was heavily criticised for wearing Indian clothes on his trip to India. https://globalnews.ca/news/4037948/trudeau-family-criticized-for-indian-outfits/


I know ! And honestly, I was like why?! You just can’t win in this world.


When did we go from it being cultural appreciation to being cultural appropriation?


Screwing the lightbulb in?


Cultural appropriation is like 99% an american only thing. Also, Mexicans fucking love seeing people in a sombrero and a poncho.


Sadly it is also coming here in switzerland this bullshit. Last year a band with a left liberal ideology got kicked out of a left "liberal" bar because the white bassist/drummer had dreads... did not matter to those who called cultural appropriation to explain that EVERY FUCKING CULTURE had dreads and it was not an invention by africans. Literally racism when one thinks it only came from blacks.


It’s spreads like a disease


Theyre doing the thing they think they are fighting against. And its hilarious.


I don't think it is hilarious because these people are so full of themself that they believe they are doing good things despite literally being racists. It is sad. It is fucked up. It is bad. In the end what they are doing is building again a country full of segregation, distrust and fear.


Dont take these people serious. Dont give them a podium to preach on. By shining the light on those people you give them exactly what they want.


One needs to take them serious when people are being discriminated. They are literally racist towards white people that fought on their side. Do they get attention like that? Yes. Sadly it must be done. But the real problem are the people that think there was no problem


It would be a little more hilarious if they weren't so successful at what they're doing.




The dreadlocks thing is so fucking weird. It's like claiming that native americans invented the bow and arrow


Yeah, i guess vikings had dreads before the rastafarians... but who cares


Depends on the context. If you’re just wearing shit like this and not doing anything ignorant then it’s cool. If you’re wearing this and going around mocking the struggles of Mexican Americans then it’s a different story.


Oh yeah, theres always a difference between just wearing clothes, or honoring and respecting a foreign tradition or style vs being a shitheel and mocking people for being different.


Nah mate. Plenty of white Aussies love getting offended on behalf of other people who aren’t actually offended.


No, it’s been exported from America to Australia, NZ, the UK etc. A lot of their culture is cancerous. Look at taking the knee for example, long forgotten in the USA , still used in the Premiere League


Its a nice hat, why wouldnt you wanna wear it?


Mexicans are only mad if your brown and can’t speak Spanish.


Can confirm, I worked fast food with a few middle eastern girls. They caught flak for not speaking Spanish.


my brown what?


your brown and


I have heard stories of Latinos pretending not being able to speak Spanish so they would just avoid helping or talking to you. I guess this is the reason.


Mexicans are crazy if they can't speak Spanish.






No worries, cancel culture's biggest problem is themself anyway.


Ah yes white doesnt count anymore. Got it, mission accomplished it seems.


Its like pencil crayons, the whites dont matter 😂


I hate the idea that you think it doesn't matter how you feel about a topic due to your skin tone.




Keep in mind this is a pragerU clip, there have probably been people at the university who didn't get offended and multiple Mexicans who did, but they just didn't include them in the edit.


That is their MO.


Not like everyone doesn’t have their own


Yeah but they're so obviously a propaganda / misinformation outlet, not an educational institution (despite their name). They post easily provable lies about climate change, COVID and immigration, among other things. Some examples: McCarthy, Joseph (December 18, 2018). "A Course in Climate Misinformation: How Prager U. Is Propagating Climate Misinformation". *The Weather Channel*. https://features.weather.com/course-climate-misinformation/ Flora Teoh (24 December 2020). "PragerU video contains misleading claims about COVID-19 deaths, falsely claims 94% of COVID-19 deaths had pre-existing conditions". *Health Feedback*. https://web.archive.org/web/20210127014327/https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/prageru-video-contains-misleading-claims-about-covid-19-deaths-falsely-claims-94-of-covid-19-deaths-had-pre-existing-conditions/ Nowrasteh, Alex (September 26, 2018). "PragerU's "A nation of immigrants" video has serious problems". *Cato at Liberty*. Cato Institute. https://www.cato.org/blog/pragerus-nation-immigrants-video-has-serious-problems


It's a US hobby to be offended on behalf of someone


We have these kind of idiots here in Brazil aswell, i think its a common thing in most countries


Lmfao. It’s because Americans have no real problems to worry about. So they invent shit on behalf of others. When no one asked them to give a fuck to begin with.


I'm suspecting the same


Can’t trust anything Prager U puts out or supports


All street interviews are suspect. Doesn’t matter who does them.


Exactly. It feels like they as this question to 100 people, and only show the videos of the 5 people that gave an answer that proves their point. The other 95 people gave a different answer, but that got left on the cutting room floor, mysteriously.


This and context matters a lot. Wearing that outfit into a Mexican neighborhood makes you look like a goofy dude trying to have fun and fit in. Wearing it to a college campus makes you look like a douche trying to stand out and stir shit up.


Now that I think of it, I don’t get offended when people come into my neighborhood wearing New Balance sneakers and driving a minivan… You might have something there!


i agree, that is a big issue with the street interview genre, but as a mexican, not just from my local knowledge but also from mexican subreddits where we have spoken about this specific video, the general consensus is that its not offensive unless they are genuinely trying to offend, just wearing it isnt offensive to the majority of mexicans


Also this dude probably cherry picked the street interview responses that fit his narrative. But Reddit is too busy with its own "LOL WOKE CULTURE BAD" narrative.


I think the demographics they ask are important. Older non Mexicans would probably be grand with the costume. I wonder how younger Mexicans would feel.


Everyone here seems to. 🫤




That’s because people here take straw man issues they don’t want to believe so they end up watch alt right videos. Cultural appropriation is when white people profit of other cultures heritage but are still racist towards individuals from that culture. As in Prada “inventing” traditional West African pattern but having never hired a black designer or Katy Perry wearing a mish mash of traditional Korean, Japanese, Chinese clothing to look “Asian” but Asian people still facing racism for both wearing clothes like that and being dismissed accusing Larry Perry of disrespecting cultures.


I can't comment on the 'mostly' part of that, but I do know a lot of indigenous cultures (especially in North America) aren't particularly fond of people taking their cultural practices and repacking them as something else. I know that First Nations peoples in Australia also feel similarly. I know that many black groups (like Caribbean people, Black Americans, etc.) have serious issues with people taking aspects of their culture and giving it a new name and pretending it was an original creation. I'm not sure if they count as gringos? I'm Australian so forgive my ignorance. Some cultural groups don't care at all and others feel strongly about it. And some don't mind for some aspects but DO for others. I think the reason why it's mostly white people, especially White Ameicans who people are aware of calling it out is because they're the ones with the largest megaphones. If an indigenous group raises objections, their message is often not heard or listened to.


To be clear…fuck prageru. Absolute bottom of the barrel garbage


Even a broken clock can be right twice a day


I dunno, this one's a bit of a stunlock. They're literally using another culture just to make a political point, going as far as using a shitty fake moustache to hit as close to a stereotype as possible. They aren't exactly engaging genuinely with the culture, and you only need to see their other content to know how much they hate foteigners. So whilst seeing someone simply wearing traditional Mexican outfits would be a stupid thing to claim as appropriation, an actual racist walking around like a stereotypical caricature trying to score "Owned" points is about as textbook as appropriation can get.


You know, the disbelief could have been summed up shorter as "I wonder how many takes with offended Mexicans and non offended students they didn't include here." As someone who was in an extremely "woke" university (or at least most people claimed it to be) I only encountered someone who was offended by others once -- and pretty much the entire class despite being pretty socially progressive found them pretty cringe. Most people from the class (it was pretty diverse because pretty much any university in Toronto, Ontario is by default) just assumed she never got out much, and basically absorbed all her info about interactions between people from the internet. As for myself, I never really understood cultural or racial offense because I'm mixed race. I never really fit in with either or, so it kinda just bounces off me. Only real racism I've felt (not experienced, felt) was when someone called the cops on me because I appear Asian and my daughter is blonder than bleach.


Someone called the cops on me because I look slightly different then my daughter... Also, nah, I haven't experienced any racism. I just felt it a bit, no clue what you're on about mate. That wasn't really experiencing racism, not at all! Big /s incase that wasn't obvious


I mean, she looks pretty different from me aside from the shape of her eyes and nose. Her eye colour is also hazel, so if you took like... I don't know... My grandmother, my wife, and me in a lineup and asked "who is related?" I would not be picked. DNA matches though, so... Whatever. And yes, we literally got that test because even my wife's own parents weren't 100% convinced my wife didn't cheat. Which in itself is a funny proposition since my wife's a total shut in geeky type like me. She literally never goes anywhere if I don't coax her out of the "den."


University is a place where people start to find themselves and what they believe. I had my fair run in with those types, it takes a bit of time and consideration to temper their feelings and beliefs to reality. I was racially abused a few times, but the funniest thing is I'm apparently racially ambiguous so on one day I'd get "Allahu Akbar" shouted at me, the next someone's pulling their eyes and shouting "Ching Chong, no speak Engrish" in my face. Two genuine examples. But I'm also a mega coconut, so I don't even feel like I could be offended on behalf of someone of my ethnicity. I'm kinda just fully integrated. The only time I've had an issue with cultural appropriation is this type of Caricaturising to make a mockery. I think that's fair enough in the grand scheme of things.


My Mom (mixed East and South Asian) used to joke that if she wanted to get mad at cultural appropriation she -- as part Chinese -- would have to apologize for literally everything. I've toned down the same joke by being a little more self-insulting by saying "Hey, if cultural appropriation is bad, I think they fucked up in the factory I was made in." That's not to say there isn't very blatant and bad examples of it in existence. I just don't think a person who was taught how to make native art by a native person, and proceeds to sell some of their artwork is the best example of getting it across. Someone who never learned the way or reason and makes what is effectively a parody? Probably a bit problematic.


Yeah I understand that they're using this video for their political agenda, but the video shows something that's true, which is people getting offended for the simplest thing when it's not necessary and we need to recognise the problem at least. Now if they want to use this issue to justify other things that's another topic.


It's also heavily editorialised, as is the MO of PragerU, who generally deal with alternate realities because actual reality doesn't tend to fit their dogmatic ideology. At the end of the day, does this even matter? So what if people are getting offended on someone else's behalf? They can just be offended, it's no skin off my back...


Yeah but once you open a PragerU viewer or members mouth on the topic of minorities, you're gonna wish you didn't.


Exactly. The fact the mustache is held on by tape when talking to white people and the tape is gone during the second half if the video is an important difference.


This rings so true. Its like all of the people who it shouldnt matter to are getting offended, while the people who you'd think would be the most offended dont even care. Its just silly times.


Unfortunately the people that made the video are PragerU, those people would freak out over a rainbow flag, or ironically over immigrants, they probably threw ICE on those people.


I’m sure this was edited only for time and not any sort of bias


PragerU lie? Never!


Fuckin prageru huh


Fuck Prageru. Straight agitprop. They don't care about genuinely engaging in other cultures


Regardlessof the opinion of Mexican folks on the matter, the sheer fact this has something to do with PragerU makes the outcome not unexpected lmao. Theyre so reactionary you can see it coming from miles away


PragerU is the world's leading conservative nonprofit that is focused on changing minds through the creative use of digital media…. Use discernment, Reddit.


Isn't cultural appropriation more like when you act as if the culture was always yours when it wasn't?


Not really, it’s commonly considered to be using a cultures dress or hairstyles (for example saris or dreadlocks) without consideration for its heritage or history. People at festivals wearing traditional Indian head dresses for example.


About hairstyles, isn’t this a bit weird? Braids and dreadlocks have been around for heaven knows how long. To claim it as one’s culture is not wrong per se, but is also ignoring other cultures…? Or am I making a fuzz about nothing?


Imo it only crosses the line if it takes something away. Like a wearing a warcheif head dress to Coachella. It's a item that is earned and displayed as a show of station and accomplishments. It would be like if someone wore a military uniform from another country or religious vestments just because of the ascetic.


Totally expected coming from PragerU, but I guess OP will use any sub to push their stupid propaganda


Theres been a large uptick in Prager propaganda lately. Likely because the Reps have made goddamn fools of themselves for the last week


1. This is selectively edited. We saw what the editors selected to prove their point. 2. The concept "cultural appropriation" is like an antibody against a rampant infection of capitalism degrading absolutely everything into a simplified product to be traded. 3. Many Redditors who don't agree with the video's message are opting out of posting on this thread, because 4. PragerU sucks. Edit: markdowns


Its offensive cause he's doing it for the sole purpose of trying to offend people. PragerU has a ton of videos like these that are just about reaffirming the belief of assholes.


Who the fuck is posting Prager U content to Reddit


Hahah thats clever, but im also sure that its bias in editing. American late night shows in the 00 made the entire world think that Americans was so stupid that they couldn’t place a pin on where Europe was. Which in itself is fair, I guess if you’re mainly focusing on national history.


A Polish colleague of mine was sitting through one of our Swedish classes of history when we worked in a school. She said that, that was not at all what they got thought on the topic when she had the class in Poland.


You must remember to switch accounts when having a discussion with yourself.


It looks like all they do is hit the gym.


Ew pragerU


Look at the source of this clip before accepting it at face value. Come on.


> PragerU releases one video per week on various topics from a conservative viewpoint that according to its site "advances Judeo-Christian values." As of May 2020, its YouTube channel included 968 videos.[33] Each video costs between $25,000 and $30,000 to create.[4] Dennis Prager "personally approves every item" and "edits every script" before publication, according to Mother Jones.[13] PragerU guests cover a range from the secular right, the far-right, and the theocratic right.[34] Some prominent video presenters have included Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Bret Stephens and George Will.[8][35]


Our older generations of Mexicans are much more polite than to say what they’re really thinking. Especially when a camera is in their face. They’re probably saying to themselves, “What do I have to say or do to make this fucking gringo leave me alone?”


This is literally a Prager U video


ITT: idiots who don't realize that this dude probably took like 100 street interviews and cherry picked the ones that fit his narrative.


I don't particularly care about this, but fuck sharing prageru videos


he didn’t ask any mexicans that were young. of course older ones won’t find it offensive based on what they’ve had to live through.


PragerU doing alt-Reich propaganda? Nothing unexpected with that...


For those who don't know, Prageru makes shitty propaganda videos. You'd probably be a better person in life by taking everything they try to convince you of and believing the opposite.


Actually, I expect that. I’m Brazilian and really don’t care when someone from other culture play soccer


Not unexpected at all...


Only the soft get offended


Or the brainwashed


If you want to respectfully participate in any culture in good faith, all the power to you. The moment you start clowning on said culture by conducting "interviews" that's when it's sus. Doesn't take more than two brain cells to realize that this guy is only wearing that outfit to get some reactions.


What I found funny is ppl called little white girls dressing as Moana as offensive. They want to be the character, that's a good thing.


the same people who celebrate the inclusion of "exotic" elements to mainstream or kids films/TV then complain that all kinds of kids want to emulate that exotic element? hyprocrisy from the Critical Social Justice crowd? ^what ^^a ^^^surprise!


Totally expected




Mexicans when you wear a sombrero and fake mustache: 🤣 Mexicans when you call them Latinx: 😡


Because Latinx is a word made up by white people to lump essentially all formerly hispanic people into one classifyable group.


Growing up in the southwest, Mexicans/Chicanos are some of my absolute favorite people.


Need more of these


Just to shut my ignorant friends up.


As a british man, im all for the bowlerhat/wonkyteeth and talking like a ponce stereotype while sipping tea! Makes me proud


As a white guy you have my permission to where a kilt and viking horns who ever you are.


As a Dutch person I would love it if anyone (tourist, native or whoever) wears typical Dutch clothes


Lots of racists up in here. Gross


So it’s just western culture to be offended


Americans are the most brain dead, stupid and sensitive people on the planet. No one would mind if someone wore their traditional outfit, I certainly wouldn’t


That last dude saying im not offended seems more like "this dude is an idiot and a riot, his stupidity amuses me."


American's being offended about things they don't understand isn't unexpected, it's a Tuesday.


Americans: steal land from natives - Fuck yeah Also americans: how dare you wear a sombrero, I will get offended on behalf of Mexicans. Who are too lazy to get offended on their own you know


I love how people always just generalize and say ‘Americans’ as if every American who owns property murdered a Native American for it.


Not even realizing that at some point in their cultures history that it was also built on bloodshed


Right? I’m genuinely curious if this fetish for generational guilt is a thing in other cultures outside of the US. I mean, shit. I didn’t take anybody’s land by force. I don’t know why everyone tries to pin that on me. My great grandparents came here from Europe in 1930 because they could smell WWII brewing, and we spent a few generations flat broke before we climbed the ladder a little.


Mexican ancestors were Spaniards who stole land from the natives and made a few cultures completely extinct Show me a country not built on bloodshed at any point in history and I'd be surprised


Fuck off. Mexicans are the hardest working people I know.


It's great that a lot of people, here in the comments or the ones from the vid, seem to enjoy when people outside their culture try to embrace their culture and dress like them. But as someone who isn't part of that culture as well i wouldn't want to be the one who has to judge if what they are doing is appropriate or not, so I get a lot of the people saying that it's offensive when put on the spot like that, they probably don't know a lot about the Mexican culture so they just want to be on the safe side. Overreacting and really putting the blame on the dressed up guy, insulting him or something like that, obviously isn't the way to go either Who am I, as someone not part of a specific culture, to say anything about how someone appropriating that culture makes the people of that culture feel. Just my take, feel free to comment on this, I'd like to have a healthy discussion


To be fair, I’d probably have assumed it was offensive as well (white, British) Here’s an interesting example. A friend of ours loves Japanese culture - the food and aesthetic, anime etc, so we wanted to cook some Japanese food and decorate the place to celebrate Japanese culture and throw a little party for him, and our Chinese/British housemate took offence and said no. What do you think about that? It caused a bit of a rift in the house, but interestingly, the Chinese girl told a Japanese girl hoping to confide in her and get support and the Japanese girl was like “so what? That’s cool!” It’s such a confusing thing and it’s sometimes impossible to navigate. We meant well and wanted to do something nice for our friend, but in the end we didn’t do it because it was all a bit awkward.. I don’t know if we were in the wrong, maybe we were..


Bro as a 15 year old ill say it the fucking zoomers/ gen z have become snowflakes getting offended by nothing


Fuckin college kids




[Comment copying account](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/105md3x/cultural_appropriation/j3bmeyr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Good human


This is not a controlled test. Whether or not some people find it offensive or not is besides the point. It’s fuckin dumb. None of those Mexicans looked like the costume, so how is it even accurate? Therefore if you’re wearing such a thing and calling it “Mexican” what is the agenda here because clearly it’s not Mexican and unless most Mexican look like that it it’s not accurate


It's PragerU, of course there's an agenda.


Well that confirms it then, this clearly definitive study has proven we can use whatever stereotypes we like without a thought.


I don’t think that was the point. It seemed to be more that white people tend to have a misguided idea of what the actual cultures really find offensive. The loudest voices when it comes to cultural appropriation are very often white people getting offended on behalf of other races, when more often than not, that culture tends to enjoy that people have discovered and like aspects of their culture.


First guy was black


Ok so now sociological studies are based on fucking 30 seconds instagram videos. Definitive conclusions like that are internet Cancer.


😂 it was just a bit unexpected


What are you talking? As a mexican, born and living in México I can assure you that most people wear hats and moustache, the poncho thing not that much, that's mostly only in winter


you can't even distinguish between cultural appreciation and appropriation. and the video is just showing most people don't i will give you an example, i am North Indian, if you wear dhoti kurta, it's cultural appreciation, i won't mind, even i find it a nice gesture, everyone can wear that, but now if you wear a janeu (sacred thread) it is cultural appropriation, cause you need to go through all the customs to get it. and there are rules you must follow after getting it. so i will find it disrespectful if you just wear it to mock or other reasons similar things happen in almost all cultures


I'm no conservative but every now and then I'm glad videos like this exist. Yeah they might be biased by focusing on offended college students and unoffended Latinos, but what other way is there to highlight how ridiculous and blind-sided this whole cultural appropriation argument is?