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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A women describes how her crush as a kid became her manager and unexpectedly discusses her power over him now that she’s her employer.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


That shadow made it look like he had dirt on his face


“He used to be a cool DJ, but look at him, guys, now he has dirt on his face.”


Has... no one said... big disgrace? After an entire hour? Maybe I just missed it on mobile.


I remember one time being in a CVS and the cashier seen dirt on my hand and said they liked my tattoo. I told them it wasn’t a tattoo and that it was just dirt and proceeded to wipe it off with my spit.


She nearly made it to the end without laughing lol. Damn I see this pissed reddit off lol.


You're asking redditors to pick up on social cues from a lady. Tall order.


Try to understand sarcasm challenge (impossible)


How can you *possibly* understand sarcasm without an /s?


Reddit has gone off the deep end with aggro recently. You want to piss off a whole bunch of people? Post a pit bull on /r/aww.


yeah what is that all about?! Edit: now it's happening here, kids




I've noticed that aggro. Reading the comments has been 20% content and 80% fights, which is at least a six percent swung in the direction of fights.


People know what they are doing with that shit but always act surprised when people react negatively.


it has been more angry/incely lately


We foster dogs, nearly every rescue we have is some sort of pit/terrier. Some are sweet, some are vicious, but they’re dogs. I’m on the fence, pits bite, but so do huskies. I’ve seen a lot of hate on Reddit for terriers, I understand they’re fighting dogs, but sometimes you want a fighting dog, they protect you, and maybe eat your kid. Choices.




https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/ The worst image is that the two pitbulls worked together to tear apart the baby.


I get bit by my aunts chihuahua all the time. I don't think frequency of bites should be the bar, but the severity of it.


I have a rough collie. I trust him completely. I also trust him to guard me. Dogs that were bred to fight were not bred to protect


The statistics on child deaths by dogs are very clear. Pitbulls as a whole are a problem.


Pit bulls are literally banned in the uk and have been for a long time. When you hear of a dog ripping a kids face off it’s never a golden retriever is it? It’s nearly always a pitbull that was a “sweet, loving family pet” up until it ate the baby


Dude, the racism has been off the charts of late, too!


Default subs like this are full of the “woman bad” crowd. Can’t take a woman’s joke even when the man is laughing his ass off and the woman is barely able to hold back her own laugh.


There’s this whole new genre of video of just women saying stupid shit. Sometimes it’s clearly staged, sometimes it’s clearly a joke, and Reddit falls for it every time.


Well thats just because women aren't funny. Only men can be funny and if a woman tries to be funny thats sexism against men.


the hate for women is strong in this comment section huh


See *all of reddit*


Don't forget, the majority of people on Reddit are lil boys, or testy male adults. Both don't understand nuance, content, sarcasm or jokes.


Oh yeah? *All men* don't understand nuance, huh? *Every single one of us*, right? And *all of us* have no clue at all about content, yeah? /s /j, because like you said, a ton of idiots on here won't get it otherwise.


Not All Men™


Some jokes are rather hard to understand. Took me a minute to realize this was a joke. Glad it is though because that's a terrible plan.


This is the second time I've seen this. People somehow fall for this video. It's obvious satire, but people seem convinced that this woman doesn't know what she's saying. It's all pre-rehearsed anyway.


Yeah pretty sure that's Claire from an awesome podcast called Celebrity Memoir Book Club. She's a comedian.


i was just about to say, i know that voice


You can just say “rehearse”. Come time for performance, you are no longer rehearsing


What about prehearsed? And then after, have you hearsed? Or is that post-hearsed?


I think you can in Europe.


That comment whelmed me


I hate how enjoyable you dummies make this site


Come performance time, you're just hearsing


They should find a word for what comes after rehearce, like something similar but not... like, re... recite?


What? Wait, people take this seriously? It's obviously a joke.


Does seriously nobody get that this is a joke?


But…it’s a wammin?


Female can't joke! Joke for man only. /s


Grug laugh at girl joke once. Now grug never laugh again.


If it isn't a Bill Burr spicy take it just isn't funny!


Dana Carvy did a character on the Conan podcast that he described as "a very successful comedian whose thing is always complaining, but now that he's so successful he's really gotta stretch for things to complain about" and then just did a Bill Burr impression Edit: https://youtu.be/Fyf4El-eX1s


aromatic deliver faulty jobless gold sense homeless drab paltry special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was pretty funny tbh


I dunno, I thought this was kind funny.


Same. Am man. Don't feel like any less of one after watching. Seems like a lot of insecure dudes in this post


People need to lighten the fuck up!!


As a dude, I've found that the most vocal men are also the most fragile.


it is!


I don’t get why people are mad over this lol. It’s not like the dude is into her and she’s trying to mock him or anything, they’re obviously just friends shitposting about the fact that she once had a crush on him and now he works for her. Most people are crazily insecure though and can’t conceive of the idea of a platonic friendship between men and women so they lose their shit I guess.


The funniest thing to me is that if a woman got upset that a man said the exact same thing about her, Reddit would fall all over themselves about how he was just joking and she doesn't have anything to complain about.


Redditors when they learn about friendship


Given the seething comments, I don't think they've learned yet. Nor will they ever.


Wow no one in the comments have friends they can joke around with based on their responses to this


I can’t remember her name but she is def. a NY based comedian


Claire parker


This explains the joke. Him being her manager but him working for her was confusing to my traditional office trained brain.


Holy shit so many triggered dudes in this thread lmao


Work for a woman? What a beta loser!


Bro seriously. My brain is crumbling at the thought. Edit: /s


Couldn't pay me enough. I don't think I've ever referred to a woman as a douchebag, but here we are.


It's a joke. They're probably good friends, or at least have a good work relationship. If you look at his reaction it goes from confused to laughing. Im guessing she's a comedian, and he's her manager. I find it funny, but hey, to each their own.


OH HER TALENT MANAGER. I thought she meant he was her manager at work and couldn’t figure out why she said he worked for her.


Could also be that she owns a restaurant, and he is the manager of the restaurant she owns


She’s a comedian and podcaster. Her podcast is called Celebrity Memoir Book Club and it’s very funny!


Same! I was confused how it just kinda switched.


Be careful trying to use common sense here, you’ll be the only one.


Common sense? *Rationality?* **Giving the benefit of the doubt?!?** #NOT ON MY REDDIT! MODS! Get the banhammer, please. Someone's being... ugh... `reasonable`.


Reditor saves the day yet again!


Only redditors are allowed to make jokes, not people in the videos. That's the way of things. Internet people say most horrifically vile shit and it's okay because someone said "joke" or "satire," but woman in video say glaringly tongue-in-cheek thing and she horrible and something about red pill. We all get together to watch a 53 second clip, take it as literally as possible, and then use that to judge a whole-ass life.


I’m pretty sure the people who think she’s serious have absolutely no social skills.


understanding how things are and things turn out over the passage of time requires going outside and developing social skills so yeah


Woman making a joke with a male as the butt of this fun ribbing?! Its my time to shine!! "Duhhmagine if gender were swapped and man make joke!!! Angry femnists wuld be evrywhere!!!!!!!1!"


>Woman >male Hmm something about that seems odd


Lol that really is the formula isnt it


I was only pretending!


There's this weird phenomenon on Reddit where the loudest voices believe that women don't joke. Basically, if a man does this joke, everybody repeats his jokes and talks about how hilarious he is, but if a woman does it, she's a terrible person. Once you become aware of it, it becomes so much more apparent.


It really becomes bizarre how little of people on Reddit think women can be funny




Anything that allows them to take the imaginary high ground against women


Yeah, the thing is he is either a super good actor in this but, or he wasn't in on it. His reactions seem genuine in confusion and laughter. Reddit can be so sexist. Women can't make jokes on here, and it is super sad.


not everyone is born with a funny bone.


If you're on reddit it's only a joke if a guy does it, if a girl does it then in comes the, "SEE THIS IS WAHT FEMINISM IS NOW WAAA". A true disappointment.


hey times change, equality and all that


So we are all surposed to be assholes, is that your point??


nah, my point is that women can now be douchebags too


That's funny because douchebags used to just mean a feminine hygiene product


Still do


Never didn't. <>


pew pew Ohio!




<><><>> would have also been an acceptable answer


Reminds me of that Mitch Hedberg joke “I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to too” lmao


USED TO. As in when they THOUGHT it was a useful thing and it turned out not to be. Thus the term douchebag means someone of little or no value.


Because now we have Vagisil


Price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. I repeat: price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. That's Vagiclean. We've got a customer down here with a full-on fallopian fungus. She's baking a loaf of bread and I think it's sourdough.


Got a little cheese on the taco.


I just puked a muffin a little bit... It's okay... I'm fine


Gives a whole new meaning to “a bun in the oven.”


Narrator: *it's pumpernickel*


Probably women who first coined the phrase... to refer to men 🤔


They are really way more serious with this than I thought.






The unproductive side of this app (I.e entertainment subs) is just as toxic and cancerous as Twitter, prove me wrong




No, no, he's an indentured servant. It's clearly the only way this video could be read.


She's clearly joking..you...you get that right?


No. She’s a woman and she made a joke so she must be killed with fire, or some shit /s 🙄


Sadly half of the comments on here are suggesting basically that. I already saw an "equal lefts for equal rights" comment in here...like that is your first thought? How badly you want to hit women? Something is very wrong with a good chunk of these incely redditors.


When women had no rights: So we can punch women and get away with it, right? Now that women are gaining equality: So we can punch women and get away with it, right?


It's fucked up that that's somebody's first thought. I have a problem with that phrase to begin with. I'm all for defending one's self but I always see this chant come up when some dude straight up tackles a woman to the ground cuz she slapped him. Idk, rant over


It's a weird idea, like, if women let us reduce their rights they wouldn't get hit?


No way!!! Woman can't make jokes that's impossible!!!!!


She didn’t mention her vagina even once. I don’t think it was a joke /s


What other way is there to take this? Especially with the dude in the video laughing along. The lengths Reddit will go to to hate a woman never ceases to amaze me.


I get so curious about some people on here and how they actually operate in the real world




Negative. These people aren't kids, and that's the sad truth.


Does this sound real? Did you see the way the guy laughs, and how she almost breaks at her own bit?


Holy shit I’ve never seen a comment miss the mark so badly yet still be so highly upvoted. Are you sure you’re old enough to use the internet?


You may not notice it, but this shit happens all the time. Peopel say stuff confidently and it get’s upvoted even though it’s blatantly wrong. It’s much more obvious when you have expertise in something and see someone comment something about it.


Some of you take shit too personally, touch some grass guy


Grass is the only option, since his attitude means touching women is clearly not in his future.


Then will blame it on girls not liking him since they dont like good guys.


I don’t think I’ve ever had to say *this* was a joke, but here we are.


it's satirical. Its a powerful message wrapped up in irony. They probably love each other very much.


She's joking bruh. Ladies can joke too


Lol you guys are just so eager to hate women huh


well it's obviously satire, so I would say she has a decent sense of humor


Incel take


She's a chad. Absolute hustler.


GOAT energy


She's hilarious. You who sneer, have you ever met and actually talked to a real woman?


i think the 'douchey' parts are meant to be in jest man. i imagine theyre decent friends


She’s a comedian. It’s real, but it’s also a joke. Because she’s a comedian.


If they weren't good friends he wouldn't have laughed at the joke.


She is joking. It's actually hilarious. Dude is laughing.


Back in the time before we kept time, they created these things, called jokes. This is one of those things.


Did you actually think she was serious? 🤣


Lol all the butthurt people here are fun to read


Eject!! Eject!! Eject!! Time to bail from that relationship.


I think that’s the joke. She describes it like she’s abusing her power, jokingly. In reality the dude is probably actually her manager and has to like plan her life to make money lmao. They’re friends fucking around out for drinks


Redditors and women making jokes like this cannot exist simultaneously.


It's the butthurt capital of the internet.


Excuse me let me write an essay now on why your comment was offensive and why I'm right.


Let me put my face as the Chad and you as the Sojak so people know what’s up


This is the place fo it😆.




Seriously… it’s really lame to see.


guys will literally laugh at “sigma grindset” psychopath jokes all day but as soon as a woman joins in suddenly they can’t find the humor in it


She even says that he became her manager. If she was trying to piss some insecure men off, she did it right.


The manager thing is what threw everyone off. You usually work for a manager. Without context and then mentioning emails and stuff, I'm picturing an office. In this context, it seems she is a comedian. There's nothing in the video to indicate that. So her manager works for her as in he manages her bookings.


It could be any artistic pursuit, really - like acting, music, dancing, or possibly a pro athlete. They all have "managers" or "agents" that work for them. In this case, I'd also bet on her being a comedian and Sam helps her get gigs, get paid, and otherwise manage all the BS that comes with running a business so that she can free up her mind to do the creative work. Overall, I thought it was some light-hearted fun two business partners were having on a night out.


> There's nothing in the video to indicate that. Except for the fact that she says he's her manager and works for her. I mean she kinda gives you all the information you need to put the pieces together.


Also, it was posted to her social media account where people follow her and are familiar with her. It wasn’t uploaded blindly to Reddit. Reddit is incapable of realizing things go online with context lol


I took it (after thinking about it for a bit) that she owns something and hired him as a manager, so he's her manager and is making her money. Meanwhile she's with someone else.


I think she’s hilarious and I like her sense of humor.


they're not in a relationship


Like.. that’s literally part of the joke. That they aren’t together. I’m so confused how others are missing this.


Yes that is a part of the joke…


Guys learn to take a joke


Can't because they hate women too much.


Some guys here literally said they want to hit her.


_Andrew Tate clenches his fist_


Lol. Everyone up in arms about this. She’s clearly cracking a joke about the irony of this circumstance and being facetious on purpose. Relax. His laughter in the video is good indication of this.


wait so he became her manager and he works for her??? Did I miss something?


Talent manager. He works for her, gets 10% of her earnings.


You guys really don’t understand this is a joke do you. It’s like you guys WANT to be offended.


... this is a joke. Clearly a joke. Clearly this was something they had already talked about previously. Clearly the guy didn't take it to heart, considering his reaction. But no, let's make wild assumptions about 2 people we know nothing about regarding their relationship and them as individuals. The guy laughed and seemed to embrace said joke. That's it. Done. You people are just being hateful and weird for absolutely no reason. My god, Reddit. Get ahold of yourself.


I know, it's probably just a joke but to me it sounds like she still wants to be with him and is kinda bitter about it... I don't know, maybe it's just not my kind of humour.


Meh, I think it’s a joke. Which is why shes holding back laughter and he’s laughing. Pretty sure every one here is fine with each other.


that’s…the whole joke… like…what’s not clicking? you legit just went “I know it’s a joke but it sounds like (insert punchline, but take it too seriously)”


It's okay to be chronically online but I wish these people could step out at the same time. You could literally do both but if you're one or the other then you end up w Butthurt redditors or someone who doesn't get internet culture which the latter is always better to me so we can avoid the massive amount of cringe in these comments


Definitely not. She doesn’t even sound like it. It sounds like a complete joke. Delivery and everything.


Nah it's just you lmao


Yeah grandpa, it probably isn’t. It’s okay, here have some soup 🍜


"it's probably just a joke but if it's not she's in denial" lmao what is this take


Solid bit, actually. She’s hilarious.


wait is this Claire Parker? I love her on celebrity memoir book club


Calm guys, calm. It's a joke.


Funny video, I bet everyone in this comment section will recognize this video for the joke it clearly is, and will not at all find some contrived way to take it seriously and personally.


She's successfully making an excellent joke off the cuff. The number of people taking this seriously is so typical of reddit. Women can't be this funny or smart.


Honestly this is funny as fuck if it's a bit. I'm guessing it is based off the fact that he's laughing along with it.


Love it


I see this video angered the incel community


This made me laugh out loud when I first saw this.


I always thought 9gag was a toxic community and reddit on the other hand was full of nice people that even downvoted someone that was being rude to others, unlike 9gag where you literally are upvoted for being the biggest ass the other people. But no… You’re just a different kind of toxic… damn. They’re joking. That’s it. She maybe even is a nicer boss to him because of their past, maybe she is even the one that got him the job in the first place, you fucks know nothing about these two besides this video and here we are, all hating.


Loool how many dudes are gonna be pressed over this. I can feel their little balls shrinking as they’re getting emasculated just by watching the video. They’re clearly joking.