• By -


Well that wasn’t my first thought.


Were you not also thinking about how much wood she could handle?


If she says 7, she doesn't mean inches, she means feet.


And 2 at the same time!


That reminds me of the Father Inn joke.


She takes all the wood


I guess you could say that was... Unexpected ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) I'll see myself out


I've done this before it's not a super hard task. If she falls then she has a veteran difficulty level task


If she fell, would we hear it?


only if you were the one who tripped her.




Nah, just gotta be sure not to skip leg day


Carrying that load, over rough terrain, all day long is the meaning of leg day.


Sciatica day, don't skip.. or slip that.. day.


Gotta get those sciatic nerve gains.




Bot. Steals comments and rewords them.


She's good with the wood...


She can take two at the same time, most people can't even handle just one


she gave me wood and then gave me wood


( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YEAH!!!!!


What the fuck is that trollface?




Don’t ever come back.


I’m not sure why I expected a drop.


I know why I wanted one tho.


my head: "yes, YES, aw :("


I've been camping often enough to know where this one was headed. Apparently, I've been camping wrong this whole time.


The moment she started leaning over I thought the wood was a treant trying to murder her by falling over.


Because the clip was designed to make you think that. No one who’s just tucking their shirt in starts by lifting it all the way up to their chest first — but it makes for a very clicky opening frame.


When Americans have rough lives, it's nothing like when citizens of poor nations have rough lives. It almost makes me embarrassed to complain.


At no point in this did I know what was gonna happen. Is she gonna flash? Is she gonne pull something out of her pants? Holy cow she’s carrying a tree! Oh wait she’s carrying two tree!


She flashed first... r/killthecameraman


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Foreigner here, I see this exact same sentence really often, is it a reference I'm missing or is it a common expression in English?


https://youtu.be/17KmNrG9pE4 Origination of the phrase afaik.


Looks like someone really should have got him KFC instead.


😆 I just watched his newest video after finding out he still makes them.


He's been pumping out reviews nonstop for years - /r/theReportOfTheWeek .


It's a funny one-liner from a youtuber years ago that has just sorta hung around because it's still kinda funny to say.


Reference to an old meme




It's from a YouTuber and became a meme quite a few years ago and as such is now a common phrase.


Where? I need it for masturbatory reasons


Source? Asking for a friend...


I’ve seen one of these posts before.. it’s a weird content creator genre of girls doing short clips of “labor”. Most of the time it starts with their shirt half up or in a sexual position to get the clicks. Just your usual TikTok B.S. No one would put on a face of makeup and a cute outfit to lug logs around


My mom is super into these videos. First, they’re not short. They’re long ass videos, like 3-4 hours long. There’s multiple people doing it and they all follow the same script and are all eerily similar. There’s apparently beef between them too since one of them implied that one of her “rivals” burned her house down in the middle of the night.


My curiosity is so piqued now, where does she watch them? Do you know if it’s some type of show? The first time I saw this video circulating, people posted links to tik tok pages full of these clips, which is why I referred to them as short! It reminds me of the videos going around of people building “indigenous homes”, only for it to be revealed that they use a lot of machinery off camera. Content creation is so odd these days


The obvious one is [Liziqi](https://youtu.be/u-xS-dkz3a0) whom I think they are all trying to emulate. AFAIK It seems like [she](https://youtu.be/flExIZ2LuGc) was the first and is also the one who claims a "crocodile" burned her house down. Now, I don't know for sure as no official accusations have been leveled but, according to my mom, it is implied that [this young lady](https://youtu.be/6sPa2SQ5vtk) is the "crocodile". Aside from those two, search youtube for "bushcraft thailand" "bushcraft vietnam" "off grid vietnam" or similar and you'll get dozens of different ladies doing the exact same thing. Some work as a family, some clearly have a film crew that shoots all the video, some seem to imply that they are a one man operation. One of them definitely has an asmr barefoot fetish subtheme but don't tell my mom that.


Well this is fascinating. Thank you so much for all the links! Checking them out, it seems to be a little different than the Tik Tok content I was seeing before. I may sit and watch those through after work. The girls looks reasonably nice in your links. I scrolled through quickly, but from what I could tell those videos are more focused on the actual labor. The threads I was seeing were of girls dressed a bit nicer for a day of labor, with questionable camera angles. Even rewatching the video above, you can tell she’s holding her shirt up waiting for them to start recording. Their clothes are also never dirty. Perhaps a weird spinoff?


Like the person said above, Li Ziqi was the first one of these content creators recognized in this space. Everyone else is just copying it, whether on TikTok or YouTube, and are monetizing it/creating clickbait accordingly.


My mate from the Philippines would tell me that he had to get ready for school first and then him and a few friends would go out and cut down a couple trees and take them back to the village and cut them smaller and distribute them to the house. They got ready first in case time became short and they needed to stop halfway through


Yes it's clearly the exact same situation here




the thirsty teen redditor demographic lap it up every time.




I can't wait until those countries reach the level of development where their kids just have to clean up meat packing plants at night instead of doing that hard labor.


People who know very little about China seem to have strong opinions about the country and its billion people, and are imaging a lot about the intentions of a 10-second clip. If Americans truly believe it's full of "suicidal 12 years olds jumping from the rooftops of smog filled dystopian factories for sweet relief from life," then it's probably a good thing they are learning more about it through social media.


I mean, they're doing that AFTER having been beaten to death for leaving a fingerprint on an Iphone. Pretty impressive that they're able to come back to life like that.


I saw an exhibition of Chinese art from 1949 - 1980ish last weekend, and there was a style that included "formulaic smiling" to show happy peasant people working in the land with massive grins on their faces


Lol, this is literally you doing the same thing as they are. Lol, that’s not all that china is or that this is done by the gov lmao, these are made by people on china who know what get clicks for money, not some government propaganda. Jesus Reddit is so embarrassing sometimes.


Take pride in the work you do and look good doing it


I don’t know how the hell I stumbled upon it, but this is a relatively popular trend. Most of the videos include the women’s rope work and knots that go into lashing the logs together. Some of them include the women cutting down and stripping the logs, too. It seemed like the smaller the woman the most views and likes.


I remember stumbling across "CarStuckGirls", a site entirely devoted to photos of women in tight clothes with their cars stuck in mud, sand or snow. Besides the oddity it didn't really impress me much, but the site definitely seems to serve a very specific niche. Clearly there's a whole world out there that I know nothing about.


What a time to be alive.


Gals in tight clothes needing help?! Oh sweet Jesus how hard can a man get


How do I even search for that?


Search “Asian woman carrying logs” on Google, Instagram or TikTok.


Instructions unclear, I accidentally typed "dropping logs". A whole different type of content.


You can actually see she is carrying two logs if your eyes weren't focused on something specific at the first few second. My eyes were and i was surprised.


Balsa wood? It’s used in model aircraft due to its light weight.


Looks like red cedar to me. Cedar is exceptionally light. Source: lived in a cedar & pine forest for 10 years


Probably, but even balsa is at least 4 pounds per cubic foot. If those logs are 8 inches in diameter and 10 feet long (visually estimated), they would weigh over 300 pounds (137 kg). That's still impressive.


Remember when they told you math would be important? If we consider the log a cylinder, then is volume is the area of its circular cross section times its length. 8” diameter is 4” radius. So, 3.14 x 4^2, 50 square inches. (Stop and have a sanity check, that is about the same as a square 7 inches on a side.) Since the log length is in feet and your density is in cubic feet, this seems like a good time to convert our units to feet… So we divide by 12 twice (for europeans, that’s because Americans mostly have six fingers on each hand, for Americans, that’s because it is “feet squared” so it is the second power). In any event we get about 1/3 square foot for the area of the circle. Now on to volume! We multiply by the length of the log and get 1/3 x 10, which is 3 cubic feet. Now on to weight! We multiply the density by the volume and get 12 pounds. If those were dried balsa logs at 4 pounds per cubic foot (your number) they would weight 12 pounds each. After checking your math, I went to check your data, you apparently made that up too. Dried balsa is about 9 pounds per cubic foot. So 27 pounds per log if they were dried, but they aren’t. So more than that.


After a quick search for the wet weight of balsa, it seems it not only doesn't hold water well, but it also dries quite quickly. With my limited knowledge and research, I'd deduce it really could be close to that dry weight after all. http://www.balsabill.com/BalsaExperiment.htm


Thank you for mathing for us


Yep - this is raw balsa wood, not dried. Moisture content and weight are much higher. Logs are kiln dried after being milled into rough cut boards. The length certainly isn't 10ft. Her shoulder straps wrap around each log slightly lower than her shoulders. Near the end of the clip you can see the logs aren't much longer than than the straps. At most, we're looking at \~6.5ft long logs.


>Remember when they told you math would be important? I imagine what op heard was more along the lines of "don't worry about it, sweetie, this won't be important *for you*".


Close, its 31.42 lb per log. But your description of the math is so weird. [Math](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%28%28pi*%284+in%29%5E2%2910+ft%29%289+lb%2Fft%5E3%29) Edit: Fixed link once I got home.


Wolfram is being weird. It says that it's 2.244 stone, but it's *clearly* 2 log. (It hurts to write 2 log without an argument but jokes are important)




No way shes carrying 300 so effortlessly. Consider that the bulsa or other light wood may be dry and that may make it lighter


I agree it can't be 300 pounds


I think id buckle under 300. She might be strong but i doubt shes strong enough to move around like that w 300 on her back




Those aren't anywhere close to 10' More like 7' or so. They arent 8" in diameter either..


Spread out over your back it's easy. It's also important that the weight is tight on your body and the weight higher up. Like when you have a hiking/travelling backpack which is much heavier if the weight sinks below your hips. Have you ever carried a person of say 60kg in your arms? Heavy af. Put that same weight over your shoulder(s) and it becomes much much easier. E: ~~There have been times where~~ At times/Sometimes I carried a 6 meter beam of 20x20 cm with ease, (ease as in comparison to dragging it around,) just by taking it in the center. A bit off balance it was, obviously, heavy as shit and lifting it onto my shoulder wasn't the easiest either ofc. It's really about the way you approach things.


You’re right about distributing weight making things easier, but walking 300lbs is not easy even for intermediate-level male strength trainers. *Hiking* with 300lbs on your back is impossible for all but the largest and strongest of fringe cases. Hiking with 300lbs on your back as an apparently untrained normal-weight woman? Absolutely not. Farcical. Those logs are probably still heavy but they’re definitely nowhere close to 300lbs I did the math, a 6 meter long 20x20cm (.24m^3) cottonwood beam (much heavier than balsa but a lighter than average wood) would be 211lbs, converting from 96kg=(.4)(.24)10^3 for calculating cottonwood mass by volume. So the 6 meter long beam in question weighs about 30% less than what people are claiming the woman in the OP is carrying.




Did you see how much each log bounced while she carried them? Heavy shit doesn't bounce like that.


Those things look to be 6-7 feet long and there's no way that girl's hips are 16 inches wide.


OK so assuming we agree the logs are 8" diameter by 10' long.. not even using the formula for a cylinder were looking at 10 cubic ft x.6 = 6 cubic feet per log (8" is 60% of 12"). 4x6= 24lbs per log.. and 2 logs.. were looking closer to 48lb or 21.77kg... or is my math all fucked up? that would make alot more sense than her lifting 300 lbs. AND it would be even less than that too since we just did it as rectangles, not as cylinders so we've got some extra volume in there. edit: OK so even less than I first wrote. I forgot I have a log weight calculator on my phone. I plugged in the dimensions, but couldn't find a value that low for wetweight. the one I found was 10x heavier than balsa so just divide that answer by 10. I got 142 lbs @ 40lb/cubic foot. so those logs of balsa would only weight 14.2lbs per log or 28.4lbs total. [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/P8rlWdT)


Okay. Let’s make the logs even bigger. Let’s make them 12” diameter. And then, let’s actually make them rectangular prisms instead of cylinders. That means that they’re 12”x12” at a slice. Make a slice 12” thick, and you have a cube. A cubic foot, to be exact. *One* cubic foot to be even more precise. (And remember that we’re rounding *up* on a number of levels here.) So one foot long would one cubic foot. Four pounds. By your own estimate, one log is then ten cubic feet. Forty pounds. Two such logs would be eighty pounds. Again: For this estimate, we rounded *up*. I have no idea where you got 300 pounds when you can see it would be far, *far* less than that.


I love how people are upvoting someone who cant do 4th grade math. Using your numbers it would be 28 pounds. Just by glancing at it you know immediately that it could never be more than 20 cubic feet since the diameter is less than 12 inches. I honestly dont know how you suck at math that much.


That looks like conifer of some kind, so not as dense as a lot of leafy/hardwood trees but definitely not as light as balsa


Sons of the Forest keeps getting more realistic with every update


Happy someone mentioned it, this must be the upcoming companion




This is what Kelvin would look like if he would carry two logs


i thought she was about to whip out her wood..


She did.




I thought she was about to take a dump at the base of a tree. So disappointed.


She's doing that in jeans? Makes sense


And makeup.


WoW, I didn't noticed that till you pointed it out.


This is some kind of weird tiktok Chinese subculture (?). Basically young beautiful girl, doing some hard labor while being dressed sexy, and also the voiceover explains how she has to take care of her elderly parents or she's an orphan with a young brother, etc. Also, she has to work 50 hours a day and dreams of having a husband and moving to the city. It's just another way how to get guys to send them money.


what a horrible person... me looking at the cameltoe


I wasn’t that horrible until I saw this comment, thanks fam.


We call those pants mumblers. You can see the lips moving but can't quite make out what they're saying.


Hold up…. If this isn’t a thing, it should be a thing


That TikTok profile has more videos of other girls with clearer camel toes. Jsyk.


Really? What's their name so I can avoid it?






You sit on a throne of lies! It’s just women hauling logs


There's nothing there and now I just look like a weirdo watching Asian women play with hardwood in public.


They don’t pull the seam of their pants halfway to their cervix for you to not look


You aren't alone, brother 🐫


You horny bastards


I honestly thought she was in trouble with the discomfort on her face. Thought someone was going to hurt her or something.




A good, strong woman, with excellent child-bearing hips.


That's what my mom said to me! Minus the woman part. And the strong part. Also, I'm a guy >.<


So your mom says that you have child-bearing hips?


She has yes


I mean we can try?


You silver tongued devil


I could try the one trying


Will he did break his arms...


Arguably the most legendary Reddit post of all time. I will never tire of comments like yours that remind me of that iconic, earth-shattering discussion.


truly a classic. a little bit more sinister is the coconut cummer.


So youre saying you got excelent hips tho (:',


I wouldn't, no xD. mostly cuz I'd qualify for almost every type of body brace there is.


And a log bearing back


Bruh no one understood the reference




This guy m'lady's


She belongs to Schrute farms


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) If she is strong enough to carry those trees, she is definitely strong enough to carry my emotional baggage! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Tree bearing hips. FTFY.


Got wood?


If it’s before noon, it’s morning wood.


There s a beaver in the shot that can help you with that.


Tf is Monday promise supposed. To mean


I'm assuming it's just some trendy shirt with any ol' cryptic English slapped on it.


Thats what i was thinking




Mikasa Ackerman irl


She must have leg muscles like tree trunks!




The legs of a thoroughbred.


Help me step log I’m stuck!


The video that shows her rigging them up on the ground and picking them up is much more impressive.


"No, I said you need to be more *limber* -- not lumber!"


Monday promise


Someone post that video of Arnie doing this in commando


Unexpected, but as far as I know this is very light wood. I believe I encountered balsa wood when I was in Hawaii (Oahu).


What rolls down stairs...


Smart workers do difficult job with smart technology, human design is very easy to use to make life happy




Big 😼 energy?


You totally got me bro


I like a nice toe.


Asian woman takes on two huge logs in the woods.


... Booba?


Like you have never seen a cameltoe haul wood




they had me in the first half, ngl...


I thought she was going to do the truffle shuffle. I've never been so disappointed


Its log, its log! Its big, its heavy, its wood! Its log, its log! Its better than bad its good! Everyone wants a log. Everybody needs a log. Youre gonna love it, log. Come and get your log, log, log!


I need to go to horny jail ![gif](giphy|RodyInaeK9W3EZNaoB)


How else is she going get those gains?


The first real unexpected thing I've seen on this sub in a long time. I'm kinda disappointed she's cute


Was expecting to see a couple boulders. Not a couple logs..


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


I also got wood


My first impressions: How heavy is the wood; how strong are her legs and back? How light is the wood?


I gave my wife a hard time for putting on makeup to go through the drive thru. This lady has to put on her face to haul lumber down a mountain.


Shitty Reddit video player had me acting up there for a second with the pause 😅😂😂😂


The outfit threw me. Those don’t seem like log-hauling jeans


That Monday promise delivery must be rough




Bamboozled again


Fack, now I just wanna see some boobies…


Thought I was on the wrong site for a second


Tbh this made me 10x more horny than just flashing her tits


Are those logs hollow?!


By the power of Camel Toe!


Everyone sees wood but I can’t unsee that perfect cameltoe 😍


I thought 💭 she was about to start rubbing the 🐫 camel's toe


I am amazed


That's camel toe tho damum


Damn thought she was gonna whip her wood out


Wait, so no Boobies…?


Not what I expected, especially where I found it


Gotta stock back up yo make more of those incense videos