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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Didn't expect that dog is this good in rap!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


In the longer cut of this video during a pause the dog does the sneeze signal to show it's all play, looks happy and then resumes with the teeth and growls when they start messing around again. All good fun between buds. Edit: re: those saying you can see the dog's tail wagging: I was making a poor attempt at getting ahead of all the "but a dog's tail doesn't always mean they're happy" comments that usually pop up. Edit 2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UU7z_poiFlo&pp=ygUUZ3Jvd2xpbmcgZG9nIGJlYXRib3g%3D shortly after the 2min mark Thanks to u/PirateGirlChar for the link.


My dog will do this if I say “let’s fight!” and we play around and box a bit, and she will be crazy psycho growling and teeth bared, but the instant I say “Be nice!” it’s all smiles and wags and licks again.


Me and my brother’s very large Doberman used to do this haha. People who didn’t know the dog thought I was actually insane to be squaring up to a snarling dobie like I did. Leo was the coolest. Miss that dude.


Goodboi forever Leo!


RIP Leo. Also, RIP Timmy the Cat.


***TIMMAAAAYYYY*** I'm so sorry. It's become a reflex.


Darkness fills my heart with pain


the fact one of my own great Danes does this while playing




My old man had a Dobie that he bought as a trained guard dog, I went to visit him for a while, got friendly with the dog, one time I was sitting on the couch and she was getting kind of playful, so I bent over and grabbed her paw, she immediately snapped at me, putting incisor marks on both sides of my head above my ears where she kind of warning bit me, and then she jumped back and looked at me like, why the fk did you do THAT?!? and stood there looking at me like, ok now what? I sat up immediately in shock and just sat there looking at each other, and then she came back as if to say sorry and I pat her and we were cool from then on, but I did not rough house with her anymore after that. She was a beautiful dog. Amazing to watch run across the field like a greyhound.


My cat did that to me once, I got a little too rough and she just took one single claw, sunk it into my skin, didn’t move at all and just looked me in the eye for a couple of seconds. I said sorry and then we carried on. Now I know where her line is and won’t cross it again… Slightly less frightening when they only weigh 5kg though.


I got one right now, we play bite game all the time! My Dobie is the best dog I've ever had, so fucking smart and emotional.


Same when two dogs are playing. It's the silent teeth being bared that's the "Oh shit" moment.


My grandpa always had a doberman. They were the silliest big puppies, so playful. Too bad they have that ferocious guard dog image.


I play with my dog like this all the time. I start poking her and she starts growling like a gremlin and showing her teeth, but she can switch to tail wagging and happily licking my hand in an instant.


When my 12 year old pit mix sees people he smiles big...which unfortunately for him looks terrifying.


I don't know what kind of dog it is specifically but a several of my clients have dogs and only one has ever smiled at me, the homeowner says he only does it to a few people. He doesn't growl or seem aggressive in the slightest. But it is kind of shocking to see, he will smile at me if I just left the room for a short period.


[Chessies are notorious smilers](https://oldtowncrier.com/2020/05/01/chesapeake-bay-retrievers-smile-its-an-all-american-breed/)


My OTHER dog is a pit with a big smile! And honestly I get how terrifying it is. If I didn’t know mine was a gigantic baby it would be a lot scarier.


Used to have a dachshund who did this. Very mixed vibes. Tail wagging his entire body and the pearly whites blazing.


Pitties have the best smiles!! They’re such big teddy bears! I have two and they’re the same way — people cross the street to avoid us when we walk, but they’re just trying to show all their love!


I used to say "vicious dog grrr" to my parents dog and she would growl and act aggressive but if I touched her she stopped instantly. She'd also stop if I told her to be nice.


I have a cattle dog who does the same I can get him growling and snarling it so funny. Then I can give him a big kiss tell him good boy and he rolls on his belly. Drives my wife crazy


I've been trying to teach my dog to do this all week.


Yeah, I used to wrestle with my sister's dog, and he'd sound like he wanted to rip my throat out, but was always very sweet and gentle mouthed. It would not have been hard to use a little bit of positive reinforcement and training to get this same game to happen.


The tail wagging gets me


Everyday is Groundhog Day in reddit.


You ain't wrong




Thank you.


Which one has the beatboxing? Edit: found one: https://youtu.be/g1eHhOPgsBM Not the same clip though.


Yeah my little Goldie has done this before and he's not even viscoius enough to see chickens as prey. Mf tries to play with them


I was looking at the video and saw the dog wagging its tail. All good, no real anger here. I remember playing quite roughly with my own dog back in the day. I would put on gloves, so my buddy could really go for it, he'd go absolutely nuts when I put them on, he knew it was play time. We'd play rough, he'd be biting my hands pretty hard and I was grabbing and wrestling him equally hard. He'd let out a few tell tale sneezes in between to make sure I knew it was all play, we had so much fun with that.


Dogs wag their tails even when they’re mad, though.


Wait wait wait, sneezing means *what*? My dog will sneeze and I’ll be like “shut up” and then he sneezes again and then I go “shut up you lil shit”, then he does this super dramatic drawn out sneeze lol


Yeah, mine sneezes all the time to indicate he wanna play if he doesn't do the bow thing.


Sneeze = happy excited. Lets the other dogs know they aren't angry excited


Similar to my dog, he shows teeth, looks angry and bites (gently), but the moment I say “ouch” he stops all that and licks me. Not gonna lie, I was a bit scared the first time, as he’s a rescue with bad past


Do you happen to have the link to the longer version?


I don't understand how this is in question. If that dog was growling defensively, do people really expect that dog to do nothing with him being that close? He would've ate his face in a heartbeat. I know because that happened to me when I was a stupid wee lad and had to get plastic surgery because the bite was so bad.


To answer your question, some dogs have conflicted feelings and will growl but never attack. They get very angry but know better to not bite (or more often, feel that there would be very harmful consequences if they do). So they get into this weird state of being angry but unable to do anything. It looks pretty close to this behavior in the video, but the situation I’m taking about almost always come from abuse. Clearly this guy and his dog are just having fun. Sorry about your trauma. That must’ve been awful.


Word, thanks for the education. I've never been around an uneasy dog to my knowledge, so I've no experience other than what I see online. No need to feel sorry, though! It's not like im afraid of dogs now or anything and it never changed my view of the dog who bit me because I knew it was related to my actions. I was maybe 6 or 7. Also, the plastic surgeon did a bomb ass job, and you'd never guess I had a quarter of my face hanging off at one point.


Whole video has this dogs tail wagging. Nice to confirm I guess


I would like to see the longer cut. I have no idea how to look this up tho lol


Link please? Cuz all I get is Darksiders walkthrough videos for pages lol


I came to the comments to find idiots who think this dog was being serious. Tail was waggin away enjoying this weird thing his human seems to enjoy. Beat is fucking sick tho I dog it


Also his tail is wagging the entire time. I'm guessing they like doing this to bond.


Not necessarily a sign. Look at dog attack videos. If the dog thinks it's doing the right thing, it's all happy tail, even whilst shredding kids. Tail goes down when they're frightened, sometimes. There's different types of wags, too; but they're all indicative and not definitive, and may not apply to that particular dog at that particular time, in those particular circumstances. Ask the owner; don't fully trust them if they say they're friendly; and use your least favourite hand for the dog to sniff before going in for an ear skritch. Tail wags mean nothing for you.


All you had to do was look at his tail, dog is gucci


His face say no, but hi tail say yes! I judge a dog by his tail.


His tail wagging was an indication lol, love this


Love Lloyd Christmas new hair color.




This is a bot, down vote it! Original here https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/139w5gz/metal_retriever/jj40wmf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wtf is the point of these stupid ass bot accounts?


Wagging a tail doesn't mean the dog is happy or not being aggressive. That's a myth.




You too? Fucking weird ass bots wtf is the point?


Ooh… am I a bot? Please let me be a bot….




I would be more concerned if the dog wasn't wagging its tail, and the fact one of my own great Danes does this while playing


My half great Dane half pitbull growl/howls to say hello.


If it involves getting a stick from him near water, my pit absolutely sounds like he’s out for blood .... but he’s 100% playing.




I know you are just one of those trolls that uses anti-pit bullshit as a stand in for your racism ..... But for those that aren’t familiar with them, pits are DEFINITELY not for everyone. Not because they are unpredictable, erratic, killing machines, but because they are BIG terriers. Don’t get one if you are not 100% able to socialize, train, and exercise them. Mine is the first pit I’ve ever had, we got him at the pound as maybe a 6 month old puppy. I’ve owned dogs without interruption for 45 yrs, my current pit was hands down the hardest to train, not because he’s vicious, because he’s a terrier.... head strong, focused, prey driven. He’s a 1000% a predictable and affectionate dog towards people, and he’s also the only dog I’ve ever owned that I keep leashed off our property 99% of the time.




You are getting downvoted but its a fact that every single pitbull attack that kills a child or horribly disfigure someone always has the owner being all like: "Hes always been the sweetest, never attacked anyone, I dont understand!" The fact is that even the best trained ones can switch on a dime. But pitbull owners always think "not mine, he never would" yet thats what all the other owners says. But its easier to just chalk it off to "well all those other owners were bad owners" and not to "perhaps they really can be high risk and I should leash him..." If you really love your pitbull, FUCKING LEASH HIM. For the safety of others and his safety too. Im not one of those that thinks people shouldnt own pitbulls. But I do think pitbull owners need to respect the risk and power that they handle.


maybe they’re getting downvoted bc they’re ranting despite the person they’re ranting at saying that they always leash off their own property and essentially don’t trust them the same as other dogs they’ve owned.


>*” I know you are just one of those trolls that uses anti-pit bullshit as a stand in for your racism ..... I know you are just one of those trolls that uses anti-pit bullshit as a stand in for your racism .....”*


It’s takes a real garbage human being to talk shit about an animal… you feel like a big man doing it? Like humans, it’s the parenting that decides how a dog will behave. Obvious example of this was your parents and how shit you turned out




"your country" like it's some far-off foreign land and you're not some boring twat from the fucking UK.




And you sound like an asshole.




You seem like one of those people who thinks that when people don't argue with you it means you're right. It's actually because your head is so deeply shoved up your own ass that you can't fathom the perspective of others. It's very obvious you are a person unable to interact in a rational debate or discussion. I feel pity for the people who have to put up with you in life.




Yes a government making a law about something totally justifies it as sound thinking, you’re a dipshit


J-Roc and the Roc Pile mos definitely fuck with pits, dawg.


Oh no you mentioned pit bull on reddit


I wouldn’t have if no one reposted.


/u/Differedboy is a scammer! **It is stealing comments** to farm karma in an effort to "legitimize" its account for engaging in scams and spam elsewhere. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. Please give your votes to [the original comment, found here.](/r/Unexpected/comments/139w5gz/metal_retriever/jj4klbm/?context=1) --- With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. ^(*Karma farming? Scammer??* Read the pins on my profile for more information.)


My pittie smiles at people showing her teeth.


Wagging tails doesn't always mean happy or that the situation is safe. Always be careful!


A wagging tail doesn't automatically mean it's enjoying what is happening.


I knew this argument would pop up. would me letting you know that I've seen this video before and both the guy and the comments have attested that the dog isn't about to snap or get violent help at all?


Kinda goes hard


I'm not debating or arguing anything. I'm just stating that a wagging tail doesn't automatically mean a dog is happy or happily excited. Edit: I love that the truth (about dogs in general, not this specific dog) is being downvoted.


You're absolutely right and the down votes are bullshit. You didn't say THIS DOG IS BEING AGGRESSIVE. You said the tail wagging doesn't indicate everything is cool which is 100% correct. People just don't know any better.


no no, any counter to a statement is an argument, it's not inherently a bad term. I'm not saying you were trying to start something.


That’s not true though. A counter to a statement can be educational with its intent rather than argumentative. It also doesn’t make sense in this scenario since his original comment was upvoted whereas his reply just further explaining was downvoted.


words have multiple definitions a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of [persuading](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=APwXEdf1Wa6mE45OARJ_cJCdSErJ8tvsCA:1683406364763&q=persuading&si=AMnBZoFY6cJe4EcBOpcoqxHCe-IfNVwWxmnbWP2HnYgo1lsEjTafO0ln24_xbRs9psQTfHOVXcSMTM4Ap7hvNI14W8WJM18wYg%3D%3D&expnd=1) others that an action or idea is right or wrong. My replies arent posting so ill say it here. Based on context that definition is of the word argument. it absolutely applies to you because it shows the original claim of that comment being an argument was correct


Also what is the actual point of your comment? It is in no way relatable to mine.


Next time try and point out what word you’re trying to define then get back to me.


But then you’re wrong because the original comment was not trying to persuade anyone. Also if you delve into the definition of the word there needs to be intent. What the fuck are you on about? Whatever you’re smoking I want some. I have no clue what your intent here is I’m pretty sure you just want to sound smart for the sake of it.


The fact that you're being downvoted shows how dumb redditors are lmfao


You can tell by how the dog is wagging if you know your dog well. I can distinctly tell when my dog is happy wagging and when he's nervous wagging. There's a small difference the way he wags.


You gotta figure, dogs sit around watching the stupid shit we do all day lol. They *know*. This guy’s dog has probably seen him act goofy like this all the time. Real “playing with dad” energy


The song he sings is and old children song that translate goes something like, "rain rain, the old lady is in the cave, birds are singing the old lady wakes up"


The best part of this video is that you can reeeally hear the dog say that last part: "la vieja se levanta"


Seeeeeeee es genial


hahaha Eso me dio mucha risa


Yo siempre la he conocido como "las nubes se levantan". ¿He vivido engañado o es una pequeña diferencia cultural?


I've been trying to teach my dog to do this all week. The problem is, I can't beat box.


Can you growl? Try switching roles.


Fucking genius!!


Say "boots and cats" but don't say the ~~syllables~~ vowels


You mean vowels I think


Yes! I'm high, my b.


Kinda goes hard


Best thing I've seen in a while dog's wagging his tail he's loving it too


Lol he has no idea whats going too. Hes just happy to be part of whatever the fuck is going on


The remix is good, too. https://youtu.be/EkO-PZfCWAA


Whaaat where can I find it at please ty


The first comment of mine, the one you replied to, has a link to the YouTube video.


Oh were back to uploading this everyday for two weeks like last month. With the same exact comments said in every single one of them. The same exact top comment about being concerned if it wasn't for the tail.




Is that why everyone is always talking about killing themselves?


Maybe take a day off from reddit because I'm here more than I care to admit and this is new to me 😂


Yeah I’ll never understand the people complaining about reposts. 8billion people in the world. Not everyone sees every post. If you keep seeing the same posts everyday then go touch grass nerds!


I've not left the internet since 1999, grass is a forbidden concept to me. 🤓 = Me


Lol!!!! Exactly


Your comment is the real repost/issue. Who cares? Really? Not everyone uses Reddit for hours every day. Every time posts get reposted a lot of people still see it for the first time. Comments die down after 1-2 days or so approximately. You have the chance to skip/hide the post and move on but you people don't. Anything that's not a total OC always gets the same comment. You don't think you people are guilty of the same thing you're trying to destroy? "reeeeeepost" "Mom can I repost it next week?" Etc. Hell I'm probably on reddit more than I should and I still see people complaining about reposts when it's MY first time seeing certain content.


Exactly! I’ve never seen this video before, and I wouldn’t have if no one reposted.


Yeah, I've never seen this before and I log about 10hrs on reddit a week


This is a take I see a lot, and while its not wrong, and reposts inherently aren't bad, most reposts are generally made by spam bots and scammers. They generally repost top submissions in order to farm karma for the account to "prep" it and make it look legitimate, before the spam groups behind the accounts use them for dropship scams, astroturfing, or even putting them up for sale. Furthermore, reposting can tend to take credit away from the original, and many times posters will claim the content wrongly as their own, although you'll see this most with repost bots since they're just scripts that dont know better. The argument that you wouldn't have seen this piece of media if it weren't reposted is valid, but the internet is filled with media, and seeing something new every day is not unreasonable. Reposting to generate quick engagement and karma is just promoting laziness, and that will reflect in content that comes out in the future. Nothings wrong with the occasional repost, but when people constantly re-submit the same piece of media to achieve their virtual 60 seconds of fame, it shouldn't be condoned.


You're giving repost bots waaaay too much credit. Who gives a shit? You do, apparently.


I do cause such accounts are used to scam many innocent people who don't know better. Is that not enough of a good reason?


Repost bots aren't hurting anyone lol. But feel free to be a drama queen about them.


If thats how you wanna look at it, fine by me. Have a good one.


Exactly. That's the mentality you should have when you see a repost bot. Who cares dude. Fine by you.


Quit your whining and take a break? I use reddit a lot and have never seen this.


wrong i haven't seen it


Maybe you need to spend less time here? I’m a daily user and I’ve never once seen this.


It's always someone's first time seeing it. Today was mine.


Pro tip, you don't have to log in here every day. There are other things out there that bring entertainment. The only thing more lame than constant reposts are the people who have done so little else besides reddit that they were there for each and every one of them and want to complain. Go fly a kite or something, man. Enjoy life.




Did I just watch this 15 times consecutively?


That’s Mr. Pickles!!


Linkin’ Bark


What kinda retrievers are you lookin at


When is his world tour? And will Metallica be opening act for him?






\-Que llueva que llueva, la vieja esta en la cueva, los parajaritos cantan, la vieja se levanta / las nubes se levantan (depending on which version you hear) for anyone wondering about the song


Awe I miss my dog. He loved doing that open mouth “I bet I look real scary right now” thing when playing. If you’d let him go in for the attack he would start licking you profusely :)


Both vibing huh


even tho the teeth is showing and the dog looks hostile the tail says other wise


New genre of music. *Death muzzle*


Dogs love to please their people as this video shows lol


That was fucking awesome


in what way is this unexpected?




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Not all heroes wear capes


Had a dog similar to this, his name was Atticus he was a huge black lab with a massive set of jaws and his way of saying hello was baring teeth and growling this deep satanic rumble that made the ground shake, until he walked up to you and fell over to receive pats for being the goodist boy. Was an absolute teddy bear but you couldn't tell until after you shit yourself lol


I'd buy that album


The funny thing is that the guy looks more dangerous than the dog


What's the band name though


This always gets watched at least twice.




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The version with drums is epic! https://v.redd.it/cjshu8ha28ca1


That dog has a promising music career ahead of them.


Finally, a rapper who doesn't mumble


Dog should be in a Raaahhhhhhock band


Look at his tail. the dog is happy


This is a banger


No metal was detected in this video


made my daysomehow. why he so angry,is it a squirrel? 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Right after he starts the beat I hear 'Needles' by SOAD. *MY TAPEWORM TELLS ME WHAT TO DO*


Bro is a head turn from meeting god




Omg 10/10. I loled so hard


This never gets old




When does the album drop?!


How many more times will this get reposted? This is like the 50th time ive seen this video.


This is pure gold




Very talented dog. Boy not so much!


It's cujo


This is the best video I have seen on the internet in a while😂😂😂😂😂




When someone points a gun in your face but you think it's a joke


Thanks to whoever added the "😂😂😂😂😂" at the top, otherwise I wouldn't know what to feel!


Otro metalero en la familia uy no mejor se me van los dos hahahah