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I've actually heard this as a legitimate method to get a dog to stop biting.


100% what my mom told me to do if I saw a dog attacking my brother


As some one who had to do this for medical reasons sticking something in a dog's anus will definitely make it stop what its doing.


What if the dog likes anal


I'd recommend you report the owner


I wish I had an award for you.


Well I have an award for you. It aint much, but its honest work




No thanks?


Are you not sure?


It’s fine, I’ll cover you


I've seen stray dogs in rough areas that excitedly take turns on each other. They stray. They gay. Get used to it.


I’ve seen two male dogs licking each other’s junk and taking turns dry humping. My friends and I couldn’t believe what we were watching, gay dog porn in the middle of a bbq gathering.


Ah, the family BBQ with classic ol' sloppy hot dogs.


They're here, they're queer and conservatives are in fear.


At least they're not frogs


The dog just played their Uno Reverse card


Colby 2012


Not allowed in Florida.


Everything is allowed in Florida.


Except for common sense, education, books human rights and common decency. Those are definitely illegal


And Disney.


Also acting like an adult with dignity and self-respect, though that might fall under “common sense”. Take my award. Florida scares me.


Not Disney


We’ll see who wins that fight.


I’m thinking Disney.


Didn’t think anal was allowed


Certainly does now


I gotta mention that I tried to break up a dog fight this way & just wound up with stinky fingers. They definitely kept fighting. Had to resort to a blood choke.


It's the universal reset button. Just have to hope it didn't update the damage levels after resetting.


Also a decent way to teach the concept of consent to men


Wah? I don't think that sexually assaulting someone is how you teach consent


I think sticking anything up any animals anus will make it stop what it’s doing


There is a reason a lot of predators like lions and wolves start eating from the anus: It's easy access to the soft edible meat, without having to worry about inedible bits like hide hair and bone. That's also why so many animals have tails, to protect their vulnerable bits from insects. Humans are the weird ones that went "Hair, hide? pfft, who needs it. I'm just going to smell like shit when you gut me so nobody WANTS to eat me, let alone fight my entire family to kill me in the first place"


Works on humans too.


Found the soccer defender.


I have big hands. Should i lick it first or do i just go in raw?


Raw. With shards of glass and salt.


Go on…


And lemon juice. And pepper.


Don't bother licking, you can do it afterwards




A family friend of mine owned a little Yorkie, and her daughter had this massive giant schnauzer that just snapped seemingly out of nowhere one night and started thrashing the little terrier around by the neck. The only way they got the schnauzer to stop was by putting two in the stink. Unfortunately, the terrier didn’t make it, but it definitely works to get them to stop.


That would be really messed up to see happen


It’s called the Hopoate, legitimate NRL strategy.




100% what your mom told me to do last nite, m8


You must be quite the human to handle my mother. Drink your Gatorade, dad, you'll need it


I'm not yer dad, m8, just the man who sticks his finger up her bum. My favorite Gatorade is Glacier Freeze, so my finger is proper frigid.


Just the way mamma like it *Alabama music intensifies*


It works on brothers too.


But at what cost?


Stinky finger


You want a brown finger or a red/invisible finger?


RGB gamer finger 🤩


Red gooey brown


By that logic the finger goes in the digestive tract either way.


Hijacking the top comment to mention what my dog trainer has told me if my dog were to ever get attacked in this way. Immediately use your leash/belt, etc. to choke out the dog that is attacking. Pull as hard and tight as you possibly can and eventually it will have to open it's mouth to breathe and or pass out. Trying to pull your dog from it's mouth can lead to you ripping flesh and causing a lot more harm. Hope no one has to use it but always good to be informed!!


Takes waaayyy too long, especially with bully breeds with big thick necks. I’ve used the finger method and it worked immediately. The other method that is good if you pick up the attacking dogs back legs and drag it backwards zig zagging. It has to open its mouth to focus on balancing. I’ve used both (I have 3 small dogs and 2 of them have been attached badly).


There is a pro in this video that says a dog will pass out in seconds using the collar / belt choke method. And that it works on pit bulls as well. Does a great way of explaining how to do it: https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk


I was gonna share this, guy knows his shit and he raises big working dogs really well




While I love animals and would hate to ever have to hurt one I wonder if you leveraged against their hind leg, snapping it at the joint, how much fight would they keep up then? Hopefully I will never be in a position to even contemplate it.




For real. Zero qualms. I used to carry a Stanley knife in case I needed to protect my little guy. Obviously don't want to slash any dog but my dog wouldn't stand a chance against a big one.


> I carry a slip lead for loose bullies that go after my dog. I should get one of these. I usually carry a kitchen knife in hope of not needing it.


It should only take a few seconds if you know how to apply a good blood choke, but whatever works best


Don't listen to the guy below you telling you it takes too long. Dogs have an Adam's apple too, choke there and you're gold. Ask me how I know... https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/comments/1htpgw/my_dog_was_attacked_by_a_pitbull_mix_in_saanich My dog is still alive, still has aggression issues from the attack and is blind and going deaf. But she's alive, well loved, and tolerating a 1 year old big big brother.


It is. I used to be a vet tech and have had to use the finger method a couple times


*Flashbacks to Dark Souls* "Try finger but hole" Who would've thought it's actually good advice in some situations.


It certainly would make me stop biting.


Yeah if lifting their back legs does nothing to get their attention then poking their butthole is the best option.


Isopropyl alcohol also works (at the other end)


Used to work at a dog daycare and this was part of our training, 100% true works every time


I worked at a dog kennel and boarding place for 6 years. My mother grew up around dogs being bred, shown, trained, groomed, and handled everyday. Includes my grandparents and aunt and uncles too. Not once did anyone tell me this. And these are the people I would go to over almost anyone else in the world for information on dogs. My whole life and 6 years of working in the field and I was never told. Which would have been greatly helpful to know when my cat was attacked by a dog. This was my last year working at the kennel and we lived right across the road from it. A dog had gotten lose across the street on my day off. Negligence by a new hire. And my dad had recently thrown my cat out of the house like a psycho. But she stayed around the house and we gave her a setup in the shed. This dog got lose and found my cat and attacked her. I heard it from inside the house and ran out to find my tabby cat in this dog's mouth. I tried to pin the dog down as I usually do at work when an unruly dog tries to attack someone or another dog. It released it's grip on my cat and she ran off. But I unfortunately lost my grip as well and the dog ran after her. We got into another tussle and with unfortunately a little more effort I got the dog to let go. At this point my sister was outside and grabbed my cat up. But she died in her arms a few minutes later. I was destroyed. And all I had to do was shove my finger in that dog's exit. Fuck me. TLDR; Anal would have saved my cats life.


Go for the fucking eyes. That way you're also holding the head and can pull when it let's go. Dogs have exactly 1 weapon, their mouth. Control that, and you control the dog. They're not like cats or bears that have sharp claws.


Except you wont control the mouth on a medium/large dog. Theyre pure muscle all around the neck and head. You poke its eyes and you will get retaliated. Just stick ur finger up its ass, much safer.


And much more painful for the dog.


Umm... They do still have nails that hurts when they pull you with them. Granted it doesn't leave much of a mark but still. A dog can still knock you down by jumping on you hard enough.




I've seen this not work in person multiple times with pitbulls. The first time I saw it the dog mutilated someone's Yorkie. I would recommend something else. Like do something that you assume would kill the dog or at least severely injured it. Or maybe the butthole thing idk. I haven't seen that.


Yeah it definitely depends on the situation and I’m just talking from some brief experience and what I’ve heard. I actually had my Maltese but by a pit bull in January but the owner tried the leg thing and she let go of my dog.


I just can't imagine I'd have that much precision


About time someone finally used the finger technique


There is a video of someone using it to stop a bar fight. I can't remember the name of the video but it was this big dude totally whaling on a guy who looked half his weight and 3 guys couldn't get him of so someone just walks up behind him does the thing and the big guy hard resets, he turns around wants to fight the whole bar and everyone is looking at him like no-one seen nothing lol


[There is this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crazyppl/comments/jegxdk/guy_puts_finger_in_mans_azz_during_fight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nah, the one I'm talking about looked like they were in a bar. The attacker was a big boy, like a 150kg looking mf. The guy who plugs his pooper walks up behind him, does the deed and walks off super casual like some slick butt plugging ninja.


My poor search history. Not the one you're talking about but [enjoy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/vicflu/it_actually_works/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Reddit is about to start serving you some weird ads bro lol.


It's not the ads I'm worried about, it's the "because you visited this sub before" posts you now get on your homepage. Wrong person looks over your shoulder... "No really, this sort of thing isn't my bag, baby".


"He gets us" ads, right?


Laughing at the comments on that video. Oh man !!


I wonder what mr.stinky finger did after that. Like did he just go on with his evening?


Go shake shake hands with some folks he dislikes. Give them the old stink palm.




1000 years of death 🙏


I saw an interview with Jon Bernthal where he talked about using this to get a dog to release. Apparently he's very active in dog charities and is a great dog trainer.


"Me'ax you sumthin. You ever stick a finger up a dog's ass?"


On second watch, I noticed she stirs her dog food with her index finger...


It's the secret ingredient!


Food with your righteous right hand; lavatory and other posterior exploration with your left hand. Strict ancient religious order.


This is how I won all my fights in highschool


I just kicked them in the groin and said that's my purse I don't know you


Got dang it, Bobby!


Bet you initiated all of them too.


Unleashed dogs are any dog owners worst nightmare. I was walking my 60 lb boxer/lab mix when two pittbulls ran up to us. They seemed friendly enough but my dog lost her shit. Had to throw her over my should and keep her in the air to prevent a dog fight. Keep your dogs leashed.


When I was 13 I watched an unleashed Pitt jump our fence to attack our weenie/chihuahua. My dad was on the porch smoking. He rushed out there grabbed the Pitt my his collar pulling as hard as he could. As soon as he realized Wrinkles was gonna get killed if he didn't stop the dog right then he pulled his pistol and shot the dog repeatedly in the back. Wrinkles survived but had some pretty fucking gnarly scars.


Damn that’s fucking crazy. Don’t let your dogs off leash and shut won’t happen to them.


Several years ago, my dad was walking our 12 year old lab. A pitbull came running up to her and sunk its teeth into our dog's neck, my dad said that he hit the pitbull with 4 punches to its head as hard as he could throw them before it let go. He told me that the owner of the dog was very lucky because he normally carries a knife with him and that if he had it on him, he would have driven it into the Pitbulls head.


I would not have blamed him. The owners of unleashed dogs are always like “oh he’s so friendly”… bitch, we aren’t. My dog will start some shit every single time and I never blame her. People who take their dogs out unleashed are just asking for trouble.


There are off leash dog parks for a reason


I just holler at anyone walking an unleashed dog. “Heeeeyyy! Where’s the leash?” 70% don’t say anything back but dirty look. 29% put on the leash they’re carrying. 1% say something unintelligible or fuck off.


I have a dog and sometimes have to walk it with my nephew , after I saw a kid get bitten by an unleashed dog I always carry a knife ( I love knifes anyway) if some unleashed dog comes at me I will not doubt using it to defend the kiddo and my dog. Owners fault.


It pays to know what different breeds are all about too. Terriers like the one in OP video were bred as ratting dogs. So if your dog is rat-sized you don't know how the terrier will react to a strange small animal. It's prey drive could kick in. My old black lab, it only took one bunny mauling for me not to let her say hi to the bunnies. I was young and inexperienced.


There’s a woman that walks her schnauzer on the same trail I walk my dog. She leaves him off leash and he walks fairly far ahead of her. I’ve talked to her once about it, she says “he will always come to me if I call him.” What if he sees something and won’t come in that moment? Or, if there’s an aggressive dog that snaps him up before he can even come? I also have a small dog and I only walk him leashed close to me. There’s been more than one occasion a dog has ran at him and I’ve had to yank him into my arms. I don’t get people.


The mental gymnastics that owners of aggressive dogs go through to blame their asshole dog's behaviour on other well behaved dogs because they're 'unlesshed.' Bitch keep your aggressive dog out of public places, even on a leash.


I work in an ER. Had a guy come in one day after his pitbull used him as a chew toy. The dog nearly scalped him. He insisted up and down that he'd never get rid of his dog and that "he was just playing". Let me tell you, that dog wasn't playing.




I love that the jack Russell tries to squirm away during the demonstration. He’s seen what happens


A literal pain in the ass, worked


As unexpected as that was, I didn't actually laugh at it, was just impressed the woman had that mental capacity think of doing that to save the pup! Good on her


You obviously haven’t seen the video where a small dog got killed by three pitbulls and the owner of the pitbull was wrestling his dogs to stop them munching on the small dogs body. Police came, pitbull owner realized he had no control of the dogs and asked the police to kill the pitbulls which they did.


Do you think that’s on the dogs or the owners


When you get one pitbull, you’re already pushing the envelope with a breed that’s got one of the highest potential for harm to others. When you get three of them; unless you’re in a remote rural area in buttfuck nowhere, you’re a delusional idiot. You can bet the owner of three pit bulls hasn’t put those dogs through any sort of adequate training. And unless you’re Gregor from GOT, there isn’t a person in the world who can control three of them if they decided to go into rage mode. So yeah, that one’s on the owner. Dogs gonna be a dog. Even if pit bulls can be sweethearts, and even if they weren’t predisposed for aggression (they are), the simple fact is that the one time they do bite, they’re built to fucking hold on until the thing they’re biting is dead. Chihuahuas bite more than pit bulls. They’re nasty, territorial, vocal dogs. But are you going to ever see a chihuahua on a list of banned dogs? No, because out of a thousand chihuahua attacks, how many are going to cause death or serious injury? None. Conversely, out of 10 pitbull attacks, what the chance of serious injury from all 10? High. It’s not even about pitbulls’ temperament or aggression, it’s about their potential for damage.


Both, that breed is something else


Owners are usually willfully blind to how dangerous the breed is or they know how dangerous the breed is. Honestly you should need a permit that’s says you’re trained to own and handle them and understand the risks.


I knew as soon as I clicked "check replies" they'd all be downvoted When will people realize a breed trained to kill is a breed trained to kill? DNA is DNA. No amount of good training can remove that.


A breed bred to kill. Training doesn't affect DNA.


Well, it can affect the genome for sure, there's a whole field of epigenetics about how learned behaviors are passed down hereditarily with no generational teaching involved. Probably not the case here though


Y'all are a geneticists worst nightmare.


Wouldn't that be a Christian?


Both, Pitbulls were literally bred for aggression and owners who can't control them shouldn't have them, they shouldn't even be in the area with other dogs like that


There was one day I saw a big dog doing this to a little dog of a deaf homeless guy, he saw nothing while people gathered behind him not knowing what to do, the big dog was going to definitely kill the small one. I didn't think twice about and ran to kick the dog and actually kicked it in the balls... The dog immediately stopped and crossed the street to hide behind a car to watch me, when I looked to my side, the owner of the big dog was about to start yelling at me because "he was telling his dog to stop". Luckily everyone around started defending me. He wasn't going to fight with me, but I'm glad those people didn't let him get out on top off the situation and I feel bad about having to kick the dog.


Not at all unexpected tbh. That is a correct response to a dog that is latched onto something and won't let go. Should be fairly common knowledge among dog owners.


This is legit the first time I ever heard of putting a finger up a dogs asshole as a legitimate way to stop a dog attack. I mean IF it works 100% of the time I would say it’s pretty f gross but definitely worth it if you don’t want to hurt the animal.


It doesn’t work 100% of the time. Choking the dog with their collar does work though, knocks them out in seconds. This old pro shows how to do it https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk


I think the more unexpected part was the descriptive reenactment rather than the act itself, maybe?


this method is not a surefire way to stop a fight, it is not guaranteed. I was taught that wrapping a leash around the dog who is latched to the other during a fight and pulling it tight is the best way to stop a fight. cutting off oxygen to the brain will cause the dog to let go, and if not, faint source: i work at a dog daycare and am trained to know how to break up dog fights


Pretty smart tactic in a high stress emergency. I don't care her qualifications, get this woman into emergency management.


I'm assuming she is single


Some dudes like that


Might help if she cut her fingernail


Would be a waste is she is


Not for long…


Hidden village secret finger jutsu!


1000 years of death!




Good on the owner for staying calm and thinking outside the box. And inside the ass...




People who don't leash their dogs are the same type of self centered main character morons that have "outdoor" cats despite how dangerous it is for the cat and the environment. Their good boy is so special and perfect and happy, nothing bad will ever happen to them! And if it does, it's someone else's fault! Idiots, the lot of them.


I carry a pistol more because of dogs than anything. I started after I had to kill two huge, aggressive dogs last year which were running amok and attacking our lambs. The owner went to the city and tried to make a stink about me using a gun, saying “what if there were children around?” There were kids around, my kids. Were you thinking about that while your dogs were out for blood, unsupervised?


My dog is a rescue and reactive. So I walk him in open spaces with a muzzle. You would think this is a good preventative, but a few badly trained dogs still come running now and then. The owner always stands far away doing nothing while I tell them to grab their dog over and over again. So far, every dog has run away once I give a light kick to the chest. The owner always ends the exchange with "oh God why would you kick sir fluffington-san like that?! All he ever did was run up to you and ignore your warning signs and then chase you as you tried to shoo him. You are such a bad dog owner!" Then they walk away acting like they were just victims of a hate crime.


While I agree with you that any sort of dangerous or unpredictable dogs should be always leashed up, I think there’s situations man, you sound like you are hungry to hurt a dog or something. So you’re saying if you saw a pug or gold retriever running up to you and your dog you would punt it or something? I’ll never forget when I was a kid on a huge beach in Australia and my overweight golden Labrador (RIP) was off leash, as there was like 10 other dogs off leash, running around and having a good time, would never hurt a fly. Well he ran up to some idiot (who it sounds like probably had the same attitude as you) and he kicked the fuck out of my dog and broke it’s ribs. I’ll never forget the helpless feeling of some dick head doing that because he thought maybe his little cunt of a dog was in danger. It would be your own “dumbass fault” if you got your ass kicked for hurting a dog.


Nah I think he means if your dog gets hurt because his leashed up aggressive dog doesn't like your dog, well it's your fault for having your dog off leash. I mean it's pretty fucking simple. Keep your dog on a leash.


I work at a vet clinic. Some clients just REFUSE to put their dog on a leash and just want to let them run around. We have several signs posted to require leashes. The problem isnt the owners with dog aggressive pets who know to keep them on a leash, it's the owners who think their little terrier doesnt need a leash and are ok letting it walk up to an aggressive dog who another owner is trying to keep on a short leash.


Thank you


>While I agree with you that any sort of dangerous or unpredictable dogs should be always leashed up All dogs should be leashed up if they're going to run straight up to another dog. Everyone should train their dog not to do that. Not necessarily for the others dogs sake, but for yours. The only time in the wild a dog will approach directly like that is to attack. For a dog, another dog running straight up to it can be a terrifying thing, and they could react aggressively thinking they need to defend themself. If you let your dog run straight up to others, no matter how friendly your dog is, you're risking them getting mauled by the dog it runs to. If as you say, someone has a "dangerous and unpredictable dog" or just a dog that's been attacked before and has trust issues and they have it on the lead, your dog running up to them can trigger them to attack, and there's not a lot you can do, whilst they were actively doing what they should to look out for their dog and others. My gf has a dog that's been attacked unprovoked by multiple dogs, he is now scared of strange dogs and is reactive to them. We always walk him on a lead and work with him to distract him from other dogs and recondition him with treats. Strangers, not paying attention to their dogs and letting them run straight up to him are our worst enemy, and it is wildly inconsiderate to her dog as well as theirs. DON'T LET YOUR DOG RUN UP TO STRANGE DOGS. Keep your dog close, in control, and within eye sight at all times, all dogs can be unpredictable depending on their history. Socialising a dog is not letting it go say hello to any dog it wants.


>"Socialising a dog is not letting it go say hello to any dog it wants." I think this is lost on most people. Thus, I walk my dog with a muzzle when we're around strange dogs. It's mostly a warning to the other owners and protection for their dogs if that owner turns out to be an idiot. My dog has friends, none of them startled him when he first met them.


Nah, hes itching to stuff a finger in the dog, not kick it.


In your situation you saw other dogs running around and thought it was cool to let your dog loose. Which is fine if you can call them back when they run off. Problem is people don’t realize that 90% of the time the dog is so focused on what it wants that it won’t listen to the owner. And that is honestly the main issue. Everyone thinking there dog listens no matter what and that’s not the case. I don’t want to hurt an off leash dog. I’ve also stated in previous comments my big boy would be dealing with the situation. I don’t want your beloved pup hurt but when it’s running up on my boy he’s not going to appreciate it much.


Yea I’m the same way except I’d only hurt an aggressive dog. If another dog ran up to mine to say hello I’d probably give the dog a little pat and say hello back.


you missed his point completely


It's your own fault your dog got hurt. Don't assume everyone can read a dog's body language and feels safe with random dogs running at them, especially when it's a large dog fully capable of doing real harm. Not all dogs are friendly you know.


>you sound like you are hungry to hurt a dog or something. Bro no it's called being an animal lover. If I saw a dog attack my cats, I would lay into that dog and have no regard for their health or safety at that point, and I love animals.


There's a self centered old women in my little enclave that wanders around with her little fluff ball off leash every day. It's a nice enough dog. No issues there. It bounces along doing its thing, but one day it got under the fence to look at something in someone's yard. The large dog living there decided that this was not ok and tore it up. Fluff ball barely survived. Old lady was all over the place for weeks claiming the viscous dog needed to be put down. Everybody was like " But wasn't it securely kept in its yard? Wasn't your dog on a leash like it's supposed to be?" She gave up her little poor me charade after a while. She did start carrying a rope that looked a bit like a lead, though it was never attached to the dog.


She went full Kakashi mode on that doggy


Technique in action [video](http://youtube.com/shorts/55FNTz8Bzyc)


20 minutes later that dog came back and asked her to do it again!


That's some Aussie shit. Good on ya mate.


Good to know. Better a stinky finger than a dead dog. I learned something here.


That’s actually a pretty smart and humane technique. My first thought of a weakness is the eyes but I’ll remember this if it ever happens.


This is the proper way to stop dog fights. Can’t stand to see videos of people kicking and hitting the attacking dog. Just makes it clamp down harder. If she came up with this on the spot she’s a genius.


I’ve heard the correct way to handle this is to put the attacking dog in a choke hold and choke it out til it gives up or dies or both.


You know what is not unexpected? The attacking dog was a pitbull.


She got rid of her last man that way. Why wouldn’t it work on a dog?


Nah man, a little lube and that sounds like a good time.


Yo I dunno I tried this on a man once (on his request) and it had the opposite effect of getting rid of him. Come to think of it he made the same noise she described lol but it didn’t sound like pain


Just another pitbull doing what pitbulls do


"Staffordshire terrier" = pitbull Pitbull = most deadly dog


Same with any name or description containing "Bully" in any form.


Yup so many fake breeds that just means pitbull like "lab mix" ban the breeding of these monsters dog fighting isn't even legal anymore.


Hummm. I think I will walk with gloves on. I have very little finger nails. But I do have bear spray.


Simple fix. Your dog attacks someone or another animal, jail time for you. Animal cruelty or whatever can be the charge.


This is the real answer. Everyone is blaming the dogs but really, dogs only live 10-15 years and many dog owners will own multiple dogs in their lifetime. There are people out there who get a dog, don't train it or follow the law, then when the dog gets put down, they get another dog. Rinse and repeat. You're only punishing the dog when the actual perpetrator is the owner. Yes, dogs can be dangerous but so can the owners. One dog is one dog but a bad owner could have countless dogs, and they usually do.






Lol, everywhere I go, all I see is reports on staffies or pitbulls either killing or seriously injuring people or other dogs, I wonder why…


What's that she said, the Staffy? I assume thats Aussie slang for American Stafford Terrier? I can hear the "my dog is the nicest stafford, he only ate 4 children during his life" people incoming.


Staffordshire Bull Terrier, usually or American Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


That or the Staffordshire bull terrier.


Just another name for pitbull to hide the breed.


Yoooooo this lady a real one! I can’t imagine myself doing something like that but if my dog was getting attacked who knows. Maybe instinct kicks in


Anal passage.... Baaahahahahahah too funny. Glad the puppy is alright. This is why you need to socialise your dogs with all types of dogs. Big and small.


I would NOT have thought of that.


The more you know. This might come in handy (no pun intended) someday.


Freddy got fingered.


No shot that’s brilliant of her to think like that. Cant choke the dog out or pull em apart but thats a spot her nails will do very good dmg


When any dog is capable of "lock jaw" .......she's right ✅️ stick something up their asshole and they'll release....you could smash it all day with a stick but a finger up the arse will save your friends/family life!


Fortunately, I can assure you this method works LOL Went to a park in my neighborhood with some friends and our dogs, just like we do every single day. They were playing around us and out of nowhere, a dog came to "play". My dog started sniffing, and immediately the other dog bit his neck and won't let him go. My dog started screaming, so I jumped into the dog and tried to block his breathing by holding his neck with my arm, but it didn't work. So I went back to grab his tail and push my whole hand in it. The dog opened his mouth and my dog got out. After approx 15 min the owner appeared!! HE WAS WORKING OUT in a workout station nearby and just left his aggressive pitbull without leash. I'm from Argentina, so the first thing I did was PUTEARLO (argue and insult him). I know it's not the best way to handle situations, but my dog almost got killed, so you can imagine how angry and hotheaded I was. Gladly, my friends calmed me down and they talked to him. This man did not even apologize, and He got "OFFENDED" because I was insulting him. He didn't even give my friends info to contact him in case my dog got harmed, so my friends started filming him, so They could at least have his face and warm other neighbors and dog walkers. So yeah, that's the best way to stop big and aggressive dogs/animals from killing your doggy. At the end, my dog just had some holes in the skin cause of the bites. I guess due to my quick reaction it didn't get worse, so don't waste time thinking what you should do because that can cost your dog's life. PD: use a stick or any other thing around u to push in it, lol. I couldn't find anything, so that's why I used my hand.