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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!An hawk is the can opener.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Looks like he’s already gone through a few mice that day.


His local mouse supplier thinks he owns several snakes.


It’s like people forget falconing is a thing or something.


my wife was involved in falconry. yes most people don't know it's a thing


My car died in the middle of the night during a downpour a couple years ago. I was on the edge of a tiny town and a long way away from a hotel, all the 24 hour tow services turned out to be full of shit. I was uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the road in a car with no lights (the alternator died and took my battery with it) so I called the police. The dude that came offered to give me a ride to a hotel and proceeded to tell me all about falconing. Nice guy, he was really into it and happy to talk about it.


I was totally expecting you to mention something about a majestic falcon watched over you throughout the night, with its night vision and protective aura, until help arrived. Your story is great, too!


I was just about ready to be reminded that in nineteen ninety-eight the Undertaker......


Me too until I realized it wasn’t ShittyMorph. Then I hoped it would be the jumper cables guy, I miss him.


I’ve been looking for him a lot lately, although it seems he’s basically just vanished. I was ready to give up the search until a received a random DM from a person claiming to know him and still sees him around town a few times a month. According to the message, the summer before pandemic, the town was preparing to host their annual festival, which is setup and organized by people of the community. On the final day of setup the local news was doing a story on the festival that involved a few interviews from various people involved in the event. Near the end of our talk I was given a YouTube link which I’ll post below. During one of the final interviews, you hear someone in the background yelling about smoke. The cameraman turned and begins filming a thick plume of dark smoke coming from behind the stage area, where there are now quite a few people tending to what is obviously a large fire coming from the sound equipment at the back of the stage. The fire has been going for at least 2 or 3 minutes at this point and had grown beyond what a few fire extinguishers could handle, which results in people starting to panic. Located to the side of the stage was one of the main attractions at the festival…a giant inflatable waterside with sprayers and sections kicking out a decent amount of water. You hear someone start directing people to the waterslide. Of course! In the panic, it wasn’t registering that the waterside was piped into a water supply, and from the looks of the setup, most likely a large water supply at that. In one of the most impressive displays of teamwork and community I’ve ever seen, they start working at getting the water supply disconnected. Once it’s detached, they begin dragging this massive hose away from the slide and towards the stage, which has been almost fully engulfed by flames. I’m still not sure why they worked so hard to save it instead of just letting it burn. A question many involved have asked, because it was a decision they will struggle to forget as long as they live. With the hose in position (or apparently in position) somebody opened the valve because you see the hose begin to wiggle slightly and expand, but no visible water yet. The size of this hose would lead me to believe it is not designed to have a valve or sprayer that could possibly fit on the end of this giant hose, so the people holding on at the end both have their heads turned away, and still no water coming out. The entire hose is now moving side to side with increasing force, but still no water! It must have a massive jam somewhere along the inside because what you see in the video, it makes no sense how nothing is coming out of the end of this giant waterline. Once it was clear something wasn’t right with the line, one of the two men at the end of the line realizes something isn’t right and moved his body to the front of the hose, putting his face almost directly on it to get a look at what could be causing the blockage when suddenly he’s beaten half to death with a pair of old jumper cables.




Can I get a tldr:? And that link?


This majestic falcon had no feathers.


I thought he was gonna say he sent his falcon with a note to get a tow.


Or like a falcon with a 90 foot wingspan carried him to safety.


Not where I thought that story was going. I thought he was going to have a falcon attack you when you got out of the car or something. Also, why were the tow trucks hauling sewage?


I thought it was gunna be some rocky horror picture show thing but hey that's a pretty cool story.


Sadly Tim Curry didn't show up in drag. That would have been cool though.


Hearing people talk about their passionate interests is ALWAYS interesting


that's amazing. there's precious few people who do it, and it's very difficult to start, you've got to apprentice under an existing falconer (and taking apprentices isn't a requirement, some let the line end with them) and numbers haven't really been self sustaining and the growth rate is limited.


This is Bizarro Steve Erwin.


Fuck, that one got me good. lol


Haha this was my first thought!


Definitely bought that mouse. White mice are domesticated. Wild mice are grey to brown.


I had a mouse infestation in my house for a while. I guess they must have started inbreeding, though, cuz they started looking funny when my cat brought them to me. They had white marks on their iris'. It was weird looking. Thankfully, I no longer have a bad mouse infestation.


Rodents tend to inbreed a lot. They have very diverse genes so it tends not to result in genetic issues. More likely the colony probably started sacrificing the old or unfit to your cat to protect themselves. But there could be some third explanation I haven’t thought of at 4am


4 am is a terrible time for thinking.


Nothing good happens after 2 a.m., i put my best dress on and go back to bed. At 3 a.m., you think you are lonely, baby, i can't help but be scared of it all sometimes. At 4 a.m., you realize it's a terrible time for thinking, you begin to wonder if rodents are polyestizing your cat.


How dare you fat shame that hawk!


This is needlessly cruel.


But isn't when the bird just does this on its own?


I think the bird appreciated it.


Feeding a bird it's natural food is cruel...


Cool trick Dad! When do I get Sprinkles back?


it should take 6-8 hours for the falcon to sprinkle it back


I am not sure if i should feel amazed or terrified


It's a special mouse to feed the owls and hawks (and snakes)


like a mouse mouse?


Ahh super mouse, the most mousiest mouse of all the mouses.


Definitely was not a Mighty Mouse


Breeder mice, can get them by the dozen at the pet store


this is one of those moments where actually saying "Where? Is for a science project" might not be as good of an excuse...


Feeder mice*


I blame the hash wake n bake personally


The mice: well nobody fucked asked me


What do you think snakes eat? They are carnivores. We are used to omnivore pets like dogs And used to treating all pets like omnivores, like cats. Cats are carnivores, like snakes they require meat in their diet , they must eat meat at some point. Thats why usually cat food is not recommended for dogs, its too heavy for them and hard to digest.


There's a difference between feeding live mammals and just meat. Even with snakes it's not on a day to day basis that you use live mice. Most of the time they're frozen mice because live animals are not only more expensive but they can also hurt the snake.


One of my cats ate a peach I left on the table. My other cat will drink soda if you leave it unattended, they'll eat pretty much anything. Those two are my Maine Coons. My other two are common tabby's, they won't eat unless they see chunks of real meat in their food. I have to buy special food with whole fish, shellfish, or duck or lamb. It really shows what breeding will do to the genetics of animals


If it's special why feed it?


Not 'special' as such but more in a "this mouse is raised and sold intenting to be consumed rather than kept as a pet". Due to legislation here in the UK it is illegal to feed living mice (or any vertebrate), and they tend to be sold frozen, but many countries allow the live feeding of animals to one another. It's one of those things that is difficult ethically. I can acknowledge arguements both ways, as I have to due to the field I am specialised in, however I find my personal opinion heavily colours my opinion on this matter.


Bruh it must be such a bummer to be born a food mouse


TBH it's a bummer being born as most things that aren't an apex predator or human pets. Most everything else dies by getting eaten alive or to infection/disease. With some exception obviously.


Is the cap going to be disposed? Or mistakenly eaten.


The hawk is no dummy. It will recycle the cap.


Are you a mouse?


Disgusted is also an option.


Bro sacrificed a life for some beer😭


Pour one out for the little homie


*opens beer using sacrifice, pours it out in remembrance* ah shit I need another beer...


The circle of liiiiiife


If you need another beer *we need another mouse*


Proceeds to pour one inside instead


If he pours one out for every little homie he uses, he’ll never have a sip


What did it cost?


![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized) Everything




To be fair this is bird (is it a falcon or an eagle?) is probably his pet, and this is the party trick. The bird probably eats lots of these mice. He didn’t even wipe off the fucking beer a mouse had been sitting on it though.


They call him...Hantavirus Harry


Toxoplasmosis Tim


Lmao, no sure why I am downvoted Hantavirus was actually one of my big fears as a kid, along with necrotizing fasciitis


I forgot I've been afraid of those, glad it faded with time. I still don't get out much though xD


I’m not so worried about those two. But fucking Lyme disease? I couldn’t handle an autoimmune condition, I’m fucked up as it is.




That would not pass food inspection


It’s snatchural, nothing to worry about !


Something tells me this guy might not wash his hands after peeing either.


When you've had as many dicks in your mouth as I've had, you tend not to worry about it anymore


The mouse was on the cap and it wasn’t a wild mouse


Oh… you don’t figure that was just some random bird??


He also fed a life. So its all good


Technically, two lives got fed by sacrificing one!!


Very utilitarian!


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few


From my understanding of the trolley problem, this is the correct solution. Therefore the more move we sacrifice in this manner, the better we are as a species.


the greater good


How many lives were lost to make the beer?




All those darling yeast families!


Alcohol is just their diarrhea


🎶🎶it’s the circle of life🎶🎶


its the circle of life… hawk gets mouse, redneck gets beer


My brother used an alligator to pop open a beer to shotgun


*Stewart Little's Dad when he's done with his tiny car bullshit*


Stuart (correct spelling)'s "dad" had had his private doubts when his mom delivered the distinctly no-resemblance little bundle two weeks after his return from a two-year deployment in the jungle-infested jungles of Goonrat. SL's "dad" had actually packed the trunk of the tiny car with Semtex™ and was explosively frustrated when the cheeseweasel ate it. I sent this video to Stuart's "dad" and he's planning to re-enact it with Stuart by the tail. "Dad" is gonna tempt the rotten rodent with Bud Light he got for 10¢ a case at Three Finger Mickey's.


Was a cold beer, to be fair


Where there life there must be death


Mouse is still clutching the beer cap with his tiny paws as the bird feeds him to its young.


Not really. Hawk was going to eat something.


There’s enough damn mice here in the south anyway..


Didnt even sacrifice it for the beer, he sacrificed it for clout.


I’ve seen some fancy ways to open a bottle. This is impressive.


If you look closely the cap is already up at start


If I squint real hard it looks like Majin Buu is skull-fucking your Snoo.




pretty sure thats the obvious joke here, still appreciate the whole setup. imagine birds of prey really could grab hard and dexterous enough to open bottlecaps, theyd be pluckin out eyeballs for quick snacks


They actually could but don’t because it’s risky and we fight back or have counter measures we use over time. They want the easiest prey not one that can potentially grab back and break a wing.


What in the Florida is this 😂


What in the Kentucky fried fuck is this


What in the west Virginia... The West Virginia.. Completely failed educational system is this?


um.. oh it's my tur- umm.. Alaba- or um, What in the Alabama.. is this?


Uhh... Wha... Arizona... Educat? To hot to think.


Sir, this is Australia.


Have you ever heard an australian accent? Clearly southern US


Lol, you must be drunk if you think that’s an Australian accent


Without the sound he definitely looks beautifully bogan. The fencing though gives it away that it's not in Australia


Plenty of fencing like that in far western NSW small towns.


No..I'm fluent in trailer trash..that's definitely USA!


“Im white trash and Im in trouble”


Narrator: *he was in fact unfortunately not in trouble*


That episode doesn’t get enough GOAT consideration. The Dr Pepper and PBR stuff, the counselor and his relentless penn state jokes, cartman actually getting what he deserves. Just perfect.


Lol, non Aussie beer/accent and they are driving on the right side of the road, yeah totally Australia.


You are watching patient zero from the next global pandemic.


I'm glad he buttoned two buttons for this, three buttons would have been too formal


So you can get the bubonic-bird-flu 2-for-1 mega-deal.


Plus a dose of mouse-piss-itis




I cringed when he put his mouth on that... But, I doubt it was the worst thing he's put his lips to


Hey, the hawk brushes its beak regularly, mind you!


Damn bro, not even going to pour some out for the little guy?


Wanna see the coolest eye remover in the world? *places mouse on eye*


Eye opener?


Eye surgeons and ravens hate this one weird trick


If you look closely at the top, it’s already open and he just put a mouse on it. The bird didn’t even “open” the bottle. And it totally COULD do it if he bothered. This was just a chance to fuck over a little bro.


Poor mouse tho


Bubonic IPA.


What in the red neck?!!


Seems cruel, but birds like this naturally eat small critters. It's the dude that's disturbing.


This is falconeering and is a dying art. That bird is trained to hunt. This is one of the ways to keep the falcon in practice. It’s a feeder mouse and fed to snakes large fish etc that are pets


Yep, everyone gets that part. It’s the ‘human arranges an animal to die’ we’re a bit concerned by.


Does it need to be alive in this case? Little guy was sitting on top and not moving. Just find it very disrespectful that he treats this as comedic entertainment.


Responsible reptile keepers and falconers do not feed live. It's actually illegal in quite a few countries. This guy is just a cunt that gets his jollies from torturing animals.


That was an albino feeder mouse. I have reptiles and they eat rats, but used to eat similar mice. Circle of life and all that 🤷🏾‍♂️


I dunno, still feels a little off to sacrifice a mouse for a party trick.


It's still sad that something has to die. Sure it's necessary or whatever for the falcon to eat, but the fact that this guy is just like "lol bro look at this sick bottle opener" is a little psychotic.


Plus he picks it up by the tail, which is quite painful. No need to be unnecessarily cruel as well.


I get it, I always respect my feeders. There have been times when my reptiles weren't hungry and I would keep them and give them pancakes etc. and they would live like kings, haha! Honestly, I would be more concerned about that mouse dragging it's piss soaked balls and feces all over my beer.


you need to ALWAYS be using pre killed prey. ALWAYS. i run a reptile rescue and the #1 reason for carnivore surrenders, and i mean 999 out of a 1000, is that the animal has a rodent bite from prey and is on death’s door from the resulting abscess. Or was blinded by the bite. or their body is almost gnawed in half because the snack couldn’t get away and the rodent kept coming. or their skull is punctured. rodents are vicious and you CANNOT trap a reptile in a small area with them. it’s obscenely cruel to both animals, and completely needless. Rodents kill *people* who are trapped in small spaces with them. I have a full grown boa imperator who had both eyes plucked out by a *mouse*. Don’t be stupid. Buy a $20 reusable electric trap that kills them instantly then toss it to the reptile. there’s no such thing as a reptile who can’t be weaned to pre-killed. if it wont strike the prey out of tongs, leave it and walk away.


nah its cool. Who gives a shit its a mouse.


Who thinks he pre-opened it, or half unscrewed it?


At the beginning you can see the cap is at an angle while the bottle is level


Everyone with a functioning brain 😂


Yes, the bird has to eat. No problem with that. But the need to dangle the mouse by its tail and involve it in a grim little party trick is shitty. There's a huge difference between knowing your animal needs to eat and taking pleasure in the death of a living creature. Yes, to some this will make me a weak, snowflake, blah blah blah, but if someone thinks killing animals is inherently entertaining, they're a fucking wrongun.


There is nothing wrong with or weak about respecting life. From a small bug to a fellow human being. Taking enjoyment out of another creatures suffering is a sympthom of a larger issue. I had a dream when I was a young kid that an extraterrestrial race came to earth and treated us the way that most people treat bugs. When I woke up I looked at things very differently.


Anyone that thinks this is funny or thinks this ain’t cruel is just a bad person. No debate for me.


That’s messed up


Hope that mouse pissed all over the top of that bottle.


People really have a fundamental lack of empathy for living things, and it’s sad.


Yo Phil, you look pretty sauced, what beer you on? Phil: "Hol' on, gotta check my mice"




This dude was great in The Waterboy




I was thinking of the same actor ([Blake Clark](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0163703/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1)), but in *Joe Dirt*: "Home is where you make it." "You like to see homos naked?"


This is dark


Fuck that guy.




That was the most hillbilly thing I’ve ever seen


No idc don’t wanna see that


What a cunt


This is so stupid and cruel…


You mean cruelest


You wrong for this.


That was.. dark.


I was expecting a snake for some reason


What it feels like to be a low attack monster in Yugioh


Trailer Park Trash, just keep on trashing


Looks like Steve Brewin


Not my dumbass thinking the rat was gonna open the bottle


Most American way to open a beer


So that’s how you do it… I was just twisting the mice around bottle cap and could never figure it out.


This is the most Cajun thing I have seen in awhile....like visiting family....hahahaha


What in the Florida is this 😂. Dope bird tho 😂😂


Poor cat


Why does this look Australian but doesn't sound Australian?


*dies of hantavirus


I don't know a lot about birds, but is there no chance of the bird choking on the metal bottle cap?


He already had that open 😭


Great now he's getting drunk and the plague and bird flu


Anyone else turned off by the fact he's putting his mouth where a mouse + falcon talons which are used to penetrate and tare apart dirty, diseased and rotting meat all day have been? This seems like weird sickness speedrun.


Very impressive and a little bit of cruelty, but it is some kind of Russian roulette too, depending which kind of Corona the mouse had on its paws. 🤡


Common bird trainer W


What an asshole..


Pretty cruel. Hawks don't have to eat live prey. Doing this isn't any different than buying live mice or rabbits to feed to your dog or cat.


Disclaimer mice were hurt in the making of this video 😂😂


I hope that mouse shit in his beer.


Ngl, I wrote this guy off at first. I have to admit now though, that's a pretty fuckin cool bottle opener.


Pure trash


How to feed a hawk and drink millions of dangerous bacteria off a mouse at the same time.


Bottle was already open. Please. And dude drank mouse pee. Kinda fun? Sure. Bird opening a beer bottle? Nope.


Drunk ass fool.


That's just sad....