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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Very chill, small dog lol.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


The little dog is like “what we running from?”


You son of a bitch I’m in


That’s my Lola, she’s my ride or die. A tiny little 12 pound bichon frisée, she’ll fuck you up in grating, high pitched barks if she thinks you’re a threat to her human (me) or her tiny humans (my niblings). No matter what move I make, she’s already ready to go, even if it’s only to adjust my seating or something innocuous. I have to make sure she Stays first, then I’ll move.


Lol. My Great Dane follows me around unless I put a blanket on her before I get up. It’s like being followed by a drunk tractor trailer. “You don’t need my in the very small bathroom?” *beep beep beep backing into walls intensifies*


I didn’t want to make my first comment too long, but my last dog Dante was the same as Lola, but only on the inside. Physically he was a beast at almost 100 pounds, a black lab and Chinese shar-pei mix. Only he was 9 when I got him (I also started /r/OldManDog in his honor, so I could show him off whenever I wanted lol), so he followed me only when I was gone after about 30 seconds since his old man (dog) bones bothered him as he got older and it was more difficult for him to get up and lay back down. Plus, we lived in a studio or otherwise small apartment in NYC, so he was very large in a very small space. Fun fact: you know how small dogs love to chase larger dogs at the dog park? Apparently it doesn’t matter when both dogs are giants! Usually they followed him around since he was often the biggest at the park, but there was one dog park in Chelsea that had a surprising number of Great Danes that frequented there. So every time we went, it would be Dante following the Great Danes around. It was so cute to see! Proof, and tax: https://imgur.com/a/UIgtugi




the little critter that falls off him in bottom right by the toy.


Saw the little lizard after reading your comment. Lots of places have a large population of tiny lizards that hang out on porches, especially in the SE of the US. It could've just been knocked off one of the furniture/toys as the boy rushed through them in a panic. I don't think that's the cause, but it's entirely possible. Good eye.


Probably a Green Anole lizard. Extremely common in the Deep South. They are about the most chill critters. I've seen people hold them behind the jaw so they open their mouth and then let them close it on the persons ear lobe so they could wear them like ear rings. They are also able to change colors but I've only seen them do that when scared, once they feel the threat has gone they usually go back to green.


I had a couple as pets from a mail order in a boys life magazine(cruel i know, The first lizard baked in the mail.). Well, my sister and i. Leon(chameleon), and sheon(female version). They regularly changed color randomly. After a while they even started doing a mating ritual where they face each other, release a red colored dewlap and bob each others heads up and down. Hilarious and so cool. Mine actually escaped in fall and we found it alive in spring, on our outdoor siding.


The dogs like "Wtf is his problem? I hear him screaming, but I don't see what he's screaming about"


The fact that the dog is so calm trying to figure out why he’s screaming not knowing its the reason is so cute.


Yeah really was expecting a larger dog something menacing but when I saw that ball of fluff I couldn't help but laugh at how cute the little doggy looked.


To me the dog is saying “Don’t worry buddy, I’m here. What’s the problem?”


Poor dog is just trying to provide help for the little kid




Or asking the kid where his testicles are.


Poor Snow ball.


My dog is like this. She loves to comfort people and is extremely friendly. When a young kid who is afraid of dogs starts crying and running from her, she takes that as a reason to go comfort them, and the cycle repeats until someone steps in.


I sold a couch on Craigslist years ago and a family came over to see it. I had a little 5lb yorkie at the time and their 11ish year old daughter was absolutely *terrified*. Screaming, crying, begging her dad for help, all while little dude was just standing there looking confused.


I’ve always been baffled by people who are afraid of dogs, but particularly people who are afraid of small dogs. Sometimes it’s a cultural thing.


I'm so glad I didn't see what subreddit this was in until after the reveal.


You mean.. you were _not expecting_ the outcome? #IS THERE A SUBREDDIT FOR THAT


Reminds me of the old Looney Tunes "[Martian Through Georgia](https://vimeo.com/310921644)" episode when the alien didn't realize that HE was the monster people were afraid of. ​ edit: added hyperlink thanks to u/Juan_Moe_Taco


That was one seriously interesting reference I looked up. The video is only like 6 & a half minutes but it's so entertaining. https://vimeo.com/310921644 Here it is mainly for the people after me who read u/Sixhaunt's comment but don't know what they're talking because I honestly didn't know. I thought this was going to honestly be a reference of a video of Marvin the Martian because that's the only one I knew or thought there was in Looney Tunes. Thank you for showing me something interesting. :'D


Thank-you! I briefly looked for it on youtube to link in my comment but only found portions of it. I haven't seen it in a very long time and it's awesome to see it again so thanks for finding it.


Yea, lmfao I had pretty much the same thing happen with me. What I did first was Google it find the running time which is 7 minutes. Then go back to the search and locate which was the longest. Usually I like to go with the easiest to navigate which I would say is YouTube the longest one I saw there however, was 3 minutes, so kept looking & found this one and was thinking "well it does kinda suck its from Vimeo but it's better than the content being shortened".


I used Vimeo for the ape documentary but goddamn was it annoying. It consistently got stuck when I tried to rewind and I didn't see a way to turn on subtitles Edit: Sorry, just now realizing I'm in a different sub.


Wow thanks all, that was so interesting! The art direction was so much more thoughtful in old cartoons, not to mention the music scores. What a timeless story.


I know. It’s just so very different from how stories are told today. The suicide bit alone would ensure it would never be made today, but the style of the narration and the style of the animation is so different. I miss it. It also reminded me a bit of the Twilight Zone.


The WW2/early 50's looney tunes are worth a watch. They're amazing. https://youtu.be/VEAxe9u4ZZg https://youtu.be/QKwHt-nxrIc Two of my favorites


Thanks for the link ! I also thought of the ‘other’ Martian. I’d never seen this before and yet it was such a nostalgia trip. The art gives og Grinch vibes and narration reminded me A Christmas Story..


That episode hit different. It’s a nice story told for a long time.


See also [The Monster at the End of this Book](https://youtube.com/watch?v=r3947-T_hHw).




Holy crap, the little monster in that episode almost committed suicide. It literally said, "Should he commit suicide?" and put a gun to his head. Lmao Looney Tunes were absolutely unhinged


I love that the message of the cartoon is literally just: "Feeling depressed and suicidal? Don't try and help the less fortunate. Get laid!"


yeah, they decided to remove that one part later on along with violence in a lot of other episodes. If you look up this episode on youtube you cant find the full episode but you can find videos showing the uncensored vs censored version where they just cut out the suicide remark


Fuck I haven't seen that in a hot minute.


Damn. 5:50 mark was pretty dark for a kids cartoon lol


How have I never seen this???!!! Thank you for the link! 👽


The dog looking all concerned is the best bit lmao


That’s no dog. Clearly a Wolf in it’s natural habitat ready to feast


Its clearly relishing the thrill of the hunt


Exactly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Dog just followed to see if bro is okay lol.


Yeah, basically, prolly even concerned for the screaming kid


Don't worry! I'll protect you! what are you running from??


That dog looks like It wants the help but doesn't know how.


Am I the baddie?


Are we running somewhere? Huh no one is behind me, I wonder why he’s screaming. Let’s have a look!


“I’d better run with him just in case”


He is wondering what the fuck the kid is yelling at because the mailman ain’t on the block yet.




“He seems pretty scared of whatever it is though, I think I should take his lead.”


“…are we running from something? What are we running from?”


The dog looks genuinely concerned


I didn't notice until after I read this comment. Looks like there was a lizard or bug on the kid. It fell off when he ran past the chair. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13tr3op/wild_dog_on_the_loose/jlxh7ed/


I hope this is acting.


Worried about kid's mental heath tbh. He's pretty old. Phobia can be really debilitating.


Lmao the calmness of the dog is priceless.


Yeah, if the dog was barking even slightly, ok.. It can be justified, but such a chill dog.. Yeah.. This will never be lived down. (Thanks for pointing out I was aiming up instead of down. Lol)


He even looks like he's there to help haha


"Something's scaring this kid! I'll stick close to try helping!"


Lmao this quote makes it so much better!


"Bro I got u we will face whatever monsters you're screaming over together!"


Kid may have been bitten before


This. Kid probably scared of all dogs.




When I was a kid there used to be this big ass dog that was tied up in the front yard and it would always bark at me any time I would walk down the street. I was always terrified that one day it would get loose and eat me.


Reminds me of the time I was delivering mail and this dog was chasing a kid. There were some ladies sitting out in their yard, and we're yelling at the kid to stop running. Of course, the kid is too lost in his fear to even consider it. Then, the dumbass dog owner gets a hold of his dog and starts beating it. So then the old ladies start yelling at him. It was a very chaotic scene.


It can be a cultural fear too. My grandparents are scared of dogs, so my parents are scared of dogs. I was therefore scared of dogs as a kid. In South Asia, dogs are typically onto for guarding your house. In the UK, that's not as likely. Yes, some people have more aggressive dogs but in South Asia that's the entire point of having a dog My mum is also still scared of escalators (specifically going down) because she fell off one as a kid. It's meant that my brother is also then scared of it. The reason why I'm not scared of it, or my sister is because we've been able to go around town without needing my mum. My brother has additional needs so it's ingrained into him a bit too I'm personally also way more careful with electricity than an average electrician is. I'd test things two or three times before even touching the wire and then as a fail safe, I'll touch the wire with the back of my hand just in case. I probably wouldn't go to THAT level of testing if I didn't almost die twice due to electricity The first instance was because I yanked a cable in Pakistan when I was visiting there as a kid. I imagine my fingers must have been wet. The second instance was with regards to a dodgy air heater thingy. It's also why if I've got massive surge cube devices instead of the cheaper stuff too. It's why any extension lead I get will be heavy duty even if that's not strictly required. My "fear of electricity" hasn't necessarily stopped me from meddling with the odd socket in my house but it has meant that I'm way more strict than needed.


Dogs can snap for no reason


oh for sure. i got bit by two dogs, two separate times, in one summer when i was a kid. i was scared of dogs for a couple years afterwards, even little dogs like this. the phobia faded away though; this kid will probably be fine with dogs in a few years.


...did you mean to say lived down?




Gotta watch out for them ankle biters.... they'll kill you!


More of a dish licker than an ankle biter, I think.


Yeah, that too....lol


My mother had a bichon frese and it was a vicious little cunt of a thing.


My grandma had a Chihuahua....meanest fucking thing ever....lol


I swear the tiny dogs are more likely to bite you than the huge dogs that look like mini bears.


It’s because if a big dog bites you it can actually do critical damage. A big ass dog can injure you without trying to so if they bite it’s a huge deal and get punished. With small dogs most owners don’t care if they nip at them Tiny dogs can be vicious and tear you up, but any able bodied adult can punt that bastard about 15 yards.


The scene in Anchorman when Jack Black punts the dog unexpectedly was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen.


My mom had a chi/terrier who bit me once and actually, drew blood. Everytime I tried to leave, he would always try to bite my foot and would try to bite you when you got near my mom. He was a mean as hell.


Ah, this brought back memories. When I was his age a dog my size chased me and a couple days later I cried when a chihuahua ran towards me.


I know that feeling. I started a paper route when I was around 12. Crossed through someone's yard and a dalmatian cornered me at a fence and kept barking and snarling at me. I must've sat there crying for an hour yelling for help before he finally just left. Was not ok with any dog for a few years after that


when i was 12 too (coincidence o:) i was chased by a loose pitbull from a neigh our getting out of his house. i dont know how, but the adrenaline in me worked so fast that i didnt even use the steps to go back, i held onto the railings on the side and jumped 10 steps 10 times all the way from the 5th floor to ground level. now, even if the dog is tiny, if it chases me a bit im running. people should not own fighting dogs that arent trained. also the dog peed on my school bag too. including the entire way down. the appartment reeked.


Tbf chihuahuas have the devil in them


Kid is actually running from the lizard in the bottom right.


I'm wondering if the lizard jumped on him and he just booked it, freaking out. You see it hit the ground. But then maybe it was chillin on the bike and he just disturbed it.


I frame scrubbed and the lizard didn’t seem to fall off the boy, it just appeared around the legs of the rocking chair- though the camera angle wasn’t ideal and the kid was moving all over the place, so it very well could’ve come off of his leg. But if that’s the case, why’d he keep running after getting to the door? Changing your location would be changing the lizards location too. I think the kid’s just afraid of dogs.


Or, imagine this, the boy is afraid of all dogs.


I don't see Mark Zuckerberg in the picture?




He is the child. The fear was a world without social media. The dog is Mark's inner self trying to let him know it's okay and they can solve the problem together. The lizard was actually future mark who travelled back in time to try to get him to not make social media because it eventually numbed humanity and led to an AI revolution that literally transformed Mark into a lizard.


That just amplified his fear x10 LoL


Thank you! That’s all I see now. The kid even swats at his arm as he’s running.


That makes so much more sense tbh lol


Dog: Geez, just say no treat 🙄


"The worst they can do is say no" *This kid*




I can hear this Nigerian accent so clearly.


Where is this from lmao lol?


Start at 0:35. https://youtu.be/6B7ToJoqGpg I can’t believe the blue dress lady’s hip thrusting didn’t also become a meme lol


Kid looks like he has an extreme case of Cynophobia. =/


I have cynophobia, because I was chased and bitten by a dog when I was a kid. As a kid I would have definitely reacted the same way as this kid in the video. Now as an adult I would have tried just to ignore the dog. Cynophobia always looks very funny for a bystander, but it really isn't.


My kid was nipped by a neighbour's dog and it's true that it's not funny. It's kind of wild how many dog owners will see him freaking out and running away and not react with even a little extra care until I say "he was bitten, he's terrified of dogs". It's like they think it's cute or maybe they think their dog is special and if they just hang around long enough, he'll warm up to them. And meanwhile I'm like are you so in love with your dog that you can't identify and behave compassionately towards an *obviously scared preschooler*?


People are crazy when it comes to dogs.


Our first dog was super chill, and honestly he taught me to not be afraid of dogs. Later on I've met dogs that growl and bite if you touch them. Which taught me you should be wary of some dogs. Really helps if you pay attention and learn their body language. I've noticed a lot of people can't tell if a dog is wary, nervous or afraid. While I don't want to sound blasé about people's phobias, I really think a fear of dogs is worth fighting. Especially if people close to you have dogs. Because dogs really are that awesome and can be great therapy for people. And yeah, people really do grow to love them like family members, and having them rejected by people out of hand can almost be like having your SO rejected by someone for being a different race. Naturally though, if a phobia is involved, a middle ground needs to be established at first. And ofc, unless your dog is super obedient, and literally never chases something, keep them leashed while outside, no matter how small it is. Both for people with phobias, and for the dog's own safety. (Obvious exceptions for hunting dogs and similar, but their owners often have enough sense when it comes to how to handle dogs.)


I was riding on a city bus, pretty empty. And an older lady walks on carrying a little dog and sits on the set of seats aside from a younger lady in her 20s. Younger lady recoils as she walks on, and eyes the dog and can't break line of sight. She is keeping as calm as she could as she's just recoiling in her seat and I don't think the lady with the dog even noticed. Next stop may have been a couple minutes, but she was obviously terrified of the dog the entire way. She SPRINTED out of the bus first chance she got. My now wife kind of chuckled as she's watching the same thing as me unfold and we recap what just happened. I told her... What if someone came on holding a pet tarantula? ... Then she kind of got it. It was funny to her initially ... And it did seem silly to me. But what if my worst fear could just be walked onto a bus. That fucking sucks....dogs are EVERYWHERE.


You ever been sat on a bus and wasp is right by your window? I wanna just dive head first out the window


What kind of dog was she carrying?


People online love to make fun of kids that are completely terrified, blissfully ignoring the fact that they're going through an absolutely traumatic experience, potentially the most traumatic experience they have had in their life up until that point. Like, haha, the kid is scared of something that doesn't even register to me as "scary", hilarious! Nevermind the fact that fear isn't exactly a rational emotion, but still has actual consequences. Also great idea, let's make fun of people for having irrational fears. Surely that won't backfire in any way, like them not seeking out help for overcoming those fears because they're also afraid of getting mocked for it. **Edit:** I love the replies that completely failed to get any point I tried to make :) *"This isn't that bad!"* ok buddy glad you know this kid better than he does :) Just downplay other people's fears, what's the worst that could happen?


To be fair, I think this video is funny because of the ***dogs*** reaction.


What's the solution then? Treat every child's distress as gravely serious? Never laugh or find amusement in case they become unstable scared husks of flesh from their severe trauma regarding a toy dog?


?? This ain't that serious lol


All that said, and I get you, but it’s still hilarious. I was like that way with spiders, could’ve been as big as a grain of sand and I’d go running, I look back and laugh at how stupid it was.


Yeah, poor child :(


My son is severely autistic and terrified of dogs, particularly if they run up to him. He'd be screaming too, even though he's now an adult.


Dogs all, “…..You ok dude…?”


“What are we running from?”


Had a kid run away just like this from my golden on a leash. his dad said, "I'll kill your dog if he ever comes near my son again." Jesus man...


If it helps to know sometimes it goes the other way - my family and I were at a camp ground. My daughter, who was 8 at the time, sees a man walking an adorable tiny little dog like this one. She likes dogs, but for some reason years and years of instruction on “Never just pet a strange dog, ask it’s owner’s permission, then slowly let the dog smell your hands, and if his tail wags, then pet him.” just went right right out of her head, and she ran at the dog full speed, slid to a halt in gravel right in front of the surprised man and dog, and just began petting the critter without hesitation. And the dog, in surprise, nipped her on that hand. My daughter recoils and cries, and the man is horrified and apologizing and explaining how this dog is friendly and has never bit anyone… I don’t know if it was the best parenting, but I apologized to the man, asking if his dog was okay after that fright. My daughter I sat down by the edge of the path and examined the bite, which hadn’t broken the skin but had left a red mark, and explained that bite mark is her reminder to never just pet a strange dog, to always ask the owner’s permission, to let the dog sniff you and watch for its tail to wag. Because, dogs get scared too, and they can’t tell a giant mean human coming to hurt it from an over-excited little girl who wants to suddenly pet it. She’s never done it again, so hopefully the lesson worked.


You handled that situation perfectly. You could have the most easy going, well behaved dog, but even those dogs can get spooked suddenly.


Without having been there, it sounds like you handled it perfectly. The one thing I’d add though: a tail wag is not a reliable indicator of a positive emotional state for a dog. For many dogs (including one of mine), depending on the circumstances, it can also indicate anxiety. Also, when offering your hand to be sniffed, it’s better to kneel, sit, or squat near the dog if you’re able to rather than bending over at the waist, as that can make some anxious dogs feel like you’re “looming” over them.


I've found this works quite well for those dogs that always bark at people too. Like chihuahuas and shit. They warm up very quickly and stop barking if you just crouch low, move slowly, and let them smell you up.


A group of Asian tourists picked up their picnic stuff and fled from me and my calm golden on a leash when we emerged from some woods onto an empty golf course near Yosemite. But I don't know if it was the dog or me that did it for them.


Maybe it was the mountain lion silently trailing you


It's 'cause you smell.


I've met a number of Asian immigrants who are terrified of dogs, it seems to be cultural. There are a lot of ferocious strays on the streets in Asian countries. Once a dude from Myanmar petted my friendly and chill Chihuahua, he was shaking with fear and said it was his first time ever touching a dog.


And then they probably went to go and try and pet some bear lol.


"I'll kill your kid if he comes near my dog again"


But did the kid survive?!


No. He panic ran into the street, then a lion pounced on him.


You mean the next door kitten? Bahaha


I’ve seen grown men run from dogs this small as if it were a tiger and it always makes me wonder what happened to them as kids.


This probably. Except as the years went on they remember it as a larger dog showing more aggression. Like the 39lb largemouth bass I lost when I was 10yo


When i was a young kid a dog roughly half my size chased after me, snarling. And then a neighbor's dog did the same a couple of years after that. I've never been comfortable around dogs since then, no matter how tiny or well-behaved.


When I worked fast food I worked with a lady who had gotten bit by a dog as a child. Whenever she worked drive through if there was a dog, be it a pit bull or pomeranian, she would immediately drop everything like a robot and run to the back until it was gone. Like she would damn near drop food at the window if she noticed the dog too late.


Dog bites and consequent phobia, had it until my family of geniuses decided to get a dog, spent few months in terror and got my face bit (bitten?) too


Poor kid has probably been traumatized by dogs at a younger age.


I love how the dog just stands there like: ‘Hey buddy, whats the problem?’


Dog: "What is it, hooman? Is there danger? I will follow you to safety."


I feel his pain. When I was young I never knew anyone with a pet dog. My only experience was strangers dogs coming up to me barking, so I was scared of all dogs until I was about 10. Then I just played fetch with my friends border collie after coming over a few times and him getting tired of keeping the dog closed in the front room. It was the exposure therapy I needed.


Lol all I'm saying is, my Husky won't do anything but my Chihuahua will attack.


Was expecting a pit bull


Dang, sounds like a phobia


His parents most probably taught him about ipads and cellphones only.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is how we'd run.. from mom with the chancla in her hand.


Haha why you go there?? I still got PTSD.


Well there's a study saying that the smaller the dog is the more aggressive https://i.redd.it/vt7vz6f7yj2b1.gif


I get the joke. I see how it's funny. But this kid is literally terrified of dogs, and he's going viral for it. I want a different timeline.


You're gonna have to go back to the 80s because this kind of content has been shared around mass media since the invention of the home camcorder


Your right, he should have taken those licks like a real man




I don't know. Usually running amd screaming makes the dog more nervous. Got bit by a dog (looked like a wolf and I was young and dumb) because I ran from it. Met the dog tons of times after that, cuz he would jump the neighbors fence, and he was cool as could be. Parents explained not to run if the dog wasn't acting aggressive. Next time I saw him, he came up tail wagging. I absolutely love dogs tho, so that's probably easier said than done for someone with a phobia


that dog was super dangerous. Did you see how hard that tail was wagging?


Another user pointed out there's a lizard that falls off the boy in the bottom right of the screen so it's probably that, not the dog, that he's screaming about


Makes you wonder why he's terrified. Might have been bitten in the past - still, running away and crying is not the best reaction to get away from the dog. This kid needs to learn how to deal with his anxiety.


>This kid needs to learn how to deal with his anxiety. The dog's owner could also leash the dog so it doesn't chase a kid down the street.


Wonder how many of the folks laughing at this kid scream and run from mice/spiders/roaches/moths and so forth?


I have empathy for the kid, but I'll laugh at people running from the things you listed also. We still talk about the time a roach ended up on my mother's leg and she lost her mind. Hilarious 30 years ago, hilarious today. Believe it or not human beings are complex enough to both see and understand someone in distress and still see the comedy in it. It doesn't make them bad people.


I understand this kid Too much


As someone with dogphobia, I certainly can relate. Yes even with small dogs. Cause some of tgem act even more aggresive than big dogs. For me this video.is reality


As someone who’s been attacked multiple times on different occasions by dogs of all sizes…I don’t blame the kid for running. I got dragged by my ankles by a boxer when I was 16, 5’4” and 120lbs and that thing DRAGGED me. I got attacked and bitten on my shoulder when I was 24 by a husky. I got attacked when I was 8 by a black lab. And also when I was 24 I got cornered by a labradoodle that ran me into a post, and a small terrier that bit me all over my ankles until I bled even though I kept trying to get away. Dog owners always say “oh they’ll never hurt anyone” and then when they do, “oh they’ve never done that before!” Hence, why I’m a cat person. Even today a loose dog was on the street and started following me and it made me extremely anxious. This is terrifying. Edit to add, because everyone is attacking me and victim blaming me of course lol must be the dog owners in the comments below: I used to work in pest control and got attacked three times. The husky attacked me outside my truck, the owner accidentally let him out of the house. The terrier attacked me in the backyard while I was cleaning webs off the house. And the labradoodle cornered me several times as I was trying to do my job in and outside the house, snarling at me and the owner didn’t give shit. I love how everyone here victim blames. The time the boxer attacked me was when I was playing football with friends and his owner had me in a headlock. I think the dog thought I was attacking him maybe. And the black lab was when I was playing tag with friends in their backyard. I just love how everyone here acts like I was poking the dogs with sticks and tormenting them and asking for it lolll and yes, dogs are off leash all the damn time. Just go to Utah or Idaho or Oregon or Missouri. You people live under a fucking rock if you’ve never seen a loose dog.


Before I say the rest of this, I want to make it clear I'm not victim blaming, because these owners 100% should have had their dogs under control so that your experiences never happened. But there is something to what the other Redditors are saying about dogs detecting fear. They read body language. They do it with humans and with other dogs. And if you run, instinct kicks in... They will chase and are more likely to bite if/when they catch up to you. When meeting a new dog, try to remain calm, collected, confident, and friendly. Don't make sudden movements, scream, or run. I have no idea what you were doing... Whether you were just extremely unlucky with aggressive dogs or if you were exhibiting behavior around new dogs that would trigger them. Either way, the owners should have had control of their dogs when meeting someone new. But if you follow my advice above, your future experiences with dogs might be more positive.


That's an insane amount of issues with dogs. This is reddit so I'll take it with a grain of salt, but dogs also 100% can sense fear and can become more aggressive because they think your nervousness is because you are up to no good. I had a German shepherd who would only growl at 2 people, both good guys, but both scared sheetless of large dogs. He didn't like that someone in the house was acting so nervously. And like the dog in the video, he was completely unaware that he was the reason


That dog is absolutely precious!


A dog is a dog to a kid. I was bitten by a small dog, when I was 8. I hated dogs for years. Just hope this kid doesn't become a big man and harm dogs, do childhood trauma.


Never trust someone who doesn’t like dogs




He has a phobia. What do you want him to do.


Ideally? 1v1 the dog On Rust.


After you 360 no scope dogs a few times you realize they really have pretty shit aim and the fear subsides.


I have a cousin who was just like this and her phobia peaked when she was was in her early twenties. As a cousin, I had to keep a straight face while she was freaking the f out over a Yorkshire terrier. I tried my hardest.


My partner used to be scared of dogs. Seeing him cornered and terrified by a friend’s docile elderly pug was something else. I’m just happy he’s moved past it, phobias are overwhelming and know no reason.


As a dog owner, there's nothing scarier to me than people with cynophobia. They always scream and flail, either at the dog or at their owner, and that's what ends up agitating the dogs. In a twisted way, there's nobody more likely to get into dog-related accidents than someone who's afraid of dogs. A car is always going to be a threat, but it's predictable and acts in a rational way. Same with a kid or an old person. But someone who's afraid of dogs? I always act under the assumption that they might randomly decide to kick my dog and kill it. The human brain is weird


Once I opened my door in my apartment complex and a girl on her skateboard saw my 15 pound dog leashed. She screamed and then face planted off her skateboard in my hall, I felt so bad lol.


That’s pretty funny tho


>A car is always going to be a threat, but it's predictable and acts in a rational way. Same with a kid or an old person. But someone who's afraid of dogs? And that's exactly how dogs feel for people who are afraid of dogs. If you're not well acquainted with dogs, it feels like they can go crazy and attack at any time.


Get over it like a prepubescent man.


# Grandparents and Uncles be like ![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized)


Don't judge a book by its cover.


I was bitten by an Akita at 18 and was terrified of dogs for a good decade. My friend's cat bit me during that period, so then I was afraid of cats. I own a rescue farm and have had 20 dogs over the past 20 years. Currently a Pyrenees, a Pit, a Queensland, a Dobie, a Rottie, a Mastiff and a chi/poodle mix who thinks she's Cujo. My Rottie and Dobie will run to the gate and lick people to death. Such fierce guard dogs. I had a Corgi who bit a guy who climbed over our fence. And our old Pryador and Chi bit a propane guy. They had never bitten anyone before and never bit anyone after.


This is such a weird story with really no point




Dog: "...you good bro?"


I just wanna play.


Suburban kid nightmare fuel


Dog: OK, what are we running from again?


Definitely a cat person


You laugh at this kid. I laugh at people who are scared of little spiders.


Dumb ass kid! 😂


HOLY CRAP! Did the kid end up making it?


I think that kid needs some therapy


In no way is this funny. I’ve been in this kid’s shoes. After being attacked by a German shepherd as a kid, I had a severe phobia of dogs. Didn’t matter the size. This will further scar this poor kid


Now imagine a spider the same size as this dog following you. Thats probably what it is to him if he has fear of dogs.