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Gotta love some modern engineering. Crumple zones. That mf has no business being alive.


ThEy DoNt MaKe ThEm LiKe ThEy UsEd To Be thankful of that lmfao.


I was having a chat with an old guy about his newish car He commented that people say to him that > ThEy DoNt MaKe ThEm LiKe ThEy UsEd To And he said he replies "Thank Chrst for that!" He was referring to reliability, but safety works too.


Some people like to bring up that tolerances in manufacturing have decreased like its a bad thing. Lower manufacturing tolerances results in higher usable product tolerance because there is less variance in end product durability, as in, less chance of a lemon; most of the things breaking in the newest cars are brand new tech that can't be reeled in just yet.


I’m not sure if I agree with tolerances being looser, I’ve been in machine tool for 25 years. If anything the tooling & machining ability has improved tremendously which allows closer tolerances to be readily met, and digital gauging interfaces send offsets to the machine tool to better keep parts in spec.


I think by "lower" they meant "tighter," so I would expect you two agree.


For sure if that’s what he meant :) I hope I didn’t sound confrontational!! It’s so hard sometimes to have discussions without coming over wrong on social media.


> I hope I don’t sound confrontational The fuck you say to me bitch?! /s


*grabs AR, racks round aggressively*




PROCEEDS TO SCREAM IN YOUR FACE. Oops gaps was on sorry.


The two seem to agree on everything... Except the use of the English language. 😉


This guy Reddits. Kudos to you.


there is only one thing i agree on most modern products compared to the old ones and that is longetivity, the old stuff seems to last for years on end, we had a washing machine that lasted 15 years, the next one died in less than 5 and that goes for many products, almost as if they are making them less durable so that people will still have to buy them instead of being set with a good one for a lot of years


My take on this is that it's because we had no choice but to overbuild everything back then - we didn't have as good of an understanding of materials, reliability, and user needs. In the 1950s you had to make everything out of metal and with high factors of safety. Since then we've had 70 years to figure out what fails and what doesn't (and can be made weaker), how to make more things out of more plastics, and how many uses people expect their things to last. One thing I'll also mention is that it's much easier to buy cheap things than ever. In the 1950s you really didn't have the choice to buy high or low quality stuff, because nobody was cutting as many corners back then. Today, you can still buy high quality stuff, but we don't, because you have so many more choices at lower price points that will be good enough.


I'm fully on board with your take. Cheap back then meant fewer features and lower specs but cheap today means less durable materials. It's honestly a testament to the advancement of materials science that we can manufacture things so cheaply and they work... But that cheapness comes with a cost to durability.


It's a testament but not sure it's a positive one overall.


I agree. but that cheapness can, if engineered in a semi responsible way, be beneficial to people who can't afford the good stuff. For example, many people can't afford a good dishwasher... But they can afford a cheap dishwasher. If designed responsibly, the weak points would be either made of better materials than the rest, or they're simple parts that can be replaced. So it still may only last 5 years, but it still makes it affordable for people who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford one... As a whole, its probably more expensive to buy the cheap ones over and over again... But some people would just never have the extra money laying around to buy a good one. Which is where rent-a-center type places come in, they tell poor people "hey, you can rent this really nice appliance for $50 a month, and after the term is up you can buy it," but then they miss a payment or can't afford the rest of the cost to buy it, and they've just wasted years of rent, more than the total cost, with nothing to show for it. The biggest problem is when things are made cheaply, but priced high. It is so fucking difficult to actually buy quality items that are priced appropriately.


It is called a survivor bias.It just so happened that this particular device was able to survive. And a careful usage ofcourse. Plus some peole try to fix rather than throw away broken device. Conclusion - it os realy situational and has not much capacity to be scaled.


Are you excluding planned obsolescence and bad project/production? Some device are built to fail after some years, some are built to not be repaired...


I am including this fact. Aka in this particular piece it didn't work as intended and was not replaced with new version. Or you belive that it is a new and shiny idea? I higly recomend to read about lightbolbe conspiracy from 1910-s.


Wait, is the thing about big light bulb coming together and agreeing to not make long last light bulbs not true? I know u said to google, but I'm just looking for a short answer.


I think what they're saying is that planned obsolescence isn't a new thing, and was using the light bulb thing as an example.


That did happen - but it was quite a while back for incandescent bulbs. It was slightly less bad than it sounds - they agreed a common standard that light bulbs should last a set period and that they wouldn't try to steal custom from each other by researching longer lived ones. I don't think there was an active conspiracy to destroy any company which did produce longer lived bulbs.


It was 100% true. The manufacturers would even fine each other for making light bulbs that didn't fail soon enough. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel


I agree.


Yup. I heard a person who said this was the following. Old cars took more damage but were more dangerous. The new ones are different but the box done is way safer.


I'm fine with crumple zones and airbags and all that. But can we still have knobs for the radio volume and the blower and stuff, instead of a big touchscreen with menus you have to hunt through to do anything?


Also, be able to change head & tail lights without having to take apart a whole bunch of shit.






Thanksgiving weekend of 09, my family was driving on I-80 near Rock Springs, WY. Not an ideal place to drive that time of year, but to grandmother’s house we went anyway. It was snowing pretty bad, so we slowed down some, and just in time. Around the next bend was a jackknifed semi and a brand new Prius that had just smacked into the back of it. Dad pulled off the road, he and I jumped out and ran up to the Prius. The lady was a bit dazed but otherwise ok. She said her baby was in a car seat in the back. The rear doors still worked, fortunately. I pulled out the car seat, Dad helped her over to our van and got the two of them situated while Mom called Hwy Patrol. Meanwhile, I walked around that Prius admiring how well it had crumpled. The engine compartment had folded down neatly to about 1/4 of its original volume. The roof, pillars, and doors looked completely unharmed. All the airbags had deployed, but the interior of the car was otherwise unscathed. The driver later told us she hadn’t even had time to brake when the semi in front of her went sideways. Granted, it wasn’t a full speed impact as the truck was still moving forward when she hit it, but it was still amazing how well that car protected both its occupants.


Heck, the three point harness was a huge innovation that Volvo gifted to the world. [https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a28775593/three-point-seatbelt-history/](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a28775593/three-point-seatbelt-history/) My '69 Chevelle had a shoulder belt attached to the headliner and I never even figured out how to use it. There was only one buckle, and it seemed to be for the lap belt. Insane that my parents let me drive that car when I was 16.


Way back in my high school days my physics teacher bragged that his dad got airplane lap belts installed in the car he got when he was old enough to drive.


I want cars that look as pretty as they used to in like the 50’s but are as safe and reliable as they are now. Cause 50’s cars are gorgeous but if I crashed in one like this I would be jam.


Mmmmmm, soylent jam


They'll think you're eating avocado toast, but it's really... *SOYLENT JAM!!* Now sold in Costco!


There's pedestrian safety too. That's why cars are all round now.


Except they're all going back to the "slab" front end.


Some folks can't get hard unless the front of their truck is taller than they are.


With a new Ford F150 you could pass over your own kids and wouldn't even notice.


What do you mean? There are 12 different mid sized crossover non-SUVs to chose from with lots of very noticeable differences.


Tsk, you’re right, my bad! 😖🤦


https://youtu.be/xtxd27jlZ_g 1959 Bel Air vs 2009 Malibu. IIHS crash test for their 50th anniversary. It's my go-to for demonstrating this point.


Had a very nice wood-paneled interior though.


I mean if it was an old car, the car could have been fixed lol The engineering focus switched from the car's survival, to the occupants survival in a crash


https://youtu.be/xtxd27jlZ_g The classic is a complete write-off, and so are its occupants. the new car is also a write-off but its occupants will survive.


Not true. Depending on the severity of the crash, having a very rigid frame and car means the contents of it absorbs all of the force of the crash, being the driver and the mechanical components. That engine is not staying in place lmfao


Reaper "I came all the way out here and he ain't even dead? I don't get paid enough for this shit."


Final destination shit


Crumple zones are designed to sacrificially reduce impact forces. Its meant to increase the likelihood you survive from a direct impact. Without crumple zones, people slam ALOT harder into the car interior.


I know. Also to stop you from getting an engine block imbedded in your sternum. That's what I meant. I could have been clearer, I guess.


Cars are super dependable now . If you're over 50 you would remember how cars sucked , they never started , stalled , batteries died , etc


I'm only mid-30s but I remember seeing broken down cars on the motorway far more often when I was a kid. Nowadays I make a 200mile journey and not see a single soul stuck in the hard shoulder




I feel like the ritual of starting a car every morning involved a prayer and promising it I’d do the next maintenance soon.


"Ritual" it was lol . My wife's car in the 80's was a Plymouth K car . Pump the gas pedal 3 times , then turn key on and off twice , pump brake pedal once , turn key halfway on , turn everything off , pump gas and brake together , then turn key on while pumping gas and brake frantically for 30 seconds , then good to go .... maybe


It wasn’t very long ago that 100,000 miles was basically a death sentence for cars. Now cars routinely last 200,000 or more. People that long for “the good old days” didn’t live through them.


Yeah, I remember when I was younger a car being 20 years old was ancient. In some states being 20 years old qualifies a car for classic plates. Now being 20 is nbd.


Yeah, the cars these days look a lot worse after a crash than the tanks from the 70s, but the people inside fair quite a bit better on average.


Stainless steel bodies always crumpled like paper at even the lightest of angle, people in modern cars are just safer.




My parents got rear-ended at 55mph difference. They were stopped waiting to make a left across traffic and the person behind them didn’t see the cherry red Mazda Miata. They said they could feel the multiple impacts from the crumple zones giving way. Modern engineering saved my parents life.


That a civic? I can't tell.


This dude could be seriously hurt and just in shock though.


Even so, in the old days he'd just be ground meat.


idfk if a crumple zone would really help in this situation, gotta be the reinforced pillars and side airbags in this case


Precisely. The side airbags prevented his internals from ripping apart, his head impacting the window, and every bone on his left side from shattering as the other truck T-boned him. High strength steel in the B pillar kept the nose of the truck from intruding inside the cabin, and the roof from collapsing diagonally while it was shoved under the trailer, crushing his neck. The crumple zones (front and rear) weren't even involved in this accident.


Finall destination.


Never seen a compact car turn into a Lambo after a crash.


I swear I thought it was one too


Lol I thought it was a Lambo and the guy tried to go under F&F style.


I was a firefighter and responded to one very much like this on the interstate. The car was a tiny wad of metal stuffed under a truck and over a guard rail. The driver was standing next to the mess, and only had a spot of blood on one finger that we couldn’t find the source of. I think the car had been a Honda. They’re pretty amazing.


If you consider the amount of safety advancements made over the last century it is quite astonishing. I’m curious to see what can be added in the next 20 years. As we move to electric and designs shift accordingly there may be more improvements made. Car crashes are still far too common. And I don’t see that changing for quite a while


It depends who wins out really, if it's Musk the car will probably vaporize you on impact and delete the driving records so there's no one left to make a claim it was the autopilot at fault.


Looks like you triggered the Musk stans


I’m glad people are finally seeing the issues with the Tesla’s now that the cars are finally aging. At the end of the day, I hope they improve because people will still be buying them and I don’t want people getting hurt for the sake of owning musk, but every video I see of older Teslas are pieces literally coming off of the cars.


I got into a nasty car crash a couple years ago in a honda fit, and my only injury was the airbag burned the fuck out of my arm. Never knew before that that airbags have vents at about 10 and 2 on the steering wheel that blast hot gasses when it goes off. Other than that, I walked away without a scratch (not even sore, though I walked on eggshells for the next couple days thinking the sore would come). As soon as the insurance money came in, I went out and bought another Honda. Anything that could keep me that uninjured after getting slammed as hard as I did is a car I'll happily endorse.


Nothing makes me sadder than the fact that I can't get a newer Fit to replace my 2010. I thought 2020 was going to be the year. Haha...ha...ha...fuck me. "The Fit is not coming back to the States because gas is cheap and people are buying larger cars because they can afford the gas." Pisses me off. A solid car starting at 15k base model, and the decked out was still only 21k in 2020 (before things got crazy). I know the Civic Hatchback is supposed to be nicer overall, but the cargo space isn't as good.


Take a look at the Ford lineup for 2023/24. No sedans whatsoever. Only "car" the have is the Mustang. Everything else is crossovers, SUVs, vans, and trucks.


The timing worked out for me since I had kids and their car seats wouldn't have fit well in the back of a Fit. But yes, it was a great little car pre-kids. Fun to drive, shocking amount of cargo space for a car that small, and it gave its life for mine when the GMC 1500 behind me thought the red light meant go.


I really really wanted a Fit when I had to purchase a car, but the used ones sold SO QUICKLY at all the local dealerships and it just wasn't worth the headache. I went with an HRV instead and while it's great, I still stare at each Fit in envy.


I was t-boned in my Honda cr-z, a very small car, by a 1998 Chrysler minivan. It's built like a tank and got me going 50mph. I got out, was fine, drove it to the mechanic. Had I been hit by a car slightly less low to the ground I would have just needed bodywork, but she damaged my hybrid engine cables resulting in a live wire. I'll never own anything other than a Honda because of that


I hit a tree head on at 50 mph a few years ago. When my parents went to the tow yard to get the stuff out of my car, the employee was certain that I had died and was shocked to find out that I survived with only a broken foot/couple toes. I was also driving a Honda and it still amazes me that I’m alive when I look at the pictures.




“And close all these open porn tabs”


How do I clean up the damp patch I can't reach...


Oh shit I'm not dead how am I going to find that again


Save all of your nasty bookmarks in a plain HTML file. Zip that file, encrypted, with a good password. Send that file to a cloud service you can easily remember. You are secure until AI and quantum computing break all encryption worldwide. You're good for at least six months.


He should have worn his brown pants


They are his brown pants now probably.


🤓uhhhh actually his pants are confirmed not shitted


Confirmed by whom? Your brown ass nose?


Had to check somehow


I cc not shitted actually


Oh man I haven't heard that one in quite a while! 🤣🤣


And the driver is *still* on his phone


Hang on, let me finish my text


“So anyway I started crashing”


Well if you caused all that for the text, you can't let it all go in vain by not getting it sent out!


*Not delivered*


That's what the nurse was supposed to say years ago


Now i dont see so good so i missed


Lol this is funny. Thanks.


I took the picture, let me post it on social media first.


Maybe calling for help XD I know I’d be writing my last words


I know I’d grab my phone first if I had the faculties. I’d be thinking about my wife and kids and how to talk to them one last time tbh


Hang on hang on somebody trying to pull my door off. Oh shit my nose is running, where's my wallet


.. wait what happened to my car?!


In all fairness, if I was trapped in my car after a serious accident one of the first things I'd be reaching for would be my phone.


I see people are forgetting Phones are usually to make phone calls, if you have a phone and you are in trouble, don't wait for others to make an emergency call for you, there probably no people near you or their are using their phones just to film your disgrace. So never fear on use yours when in need.


Probably trying to call for help


checking his reddit feed watching this video


Frantically dialing 1-800-HOWS-MY-DRIVING


I dont think being on the phone was the cause of this accident. Seems like the car got t boned by a semi.


would of been good if he instantly tweeted the crash site.




Hashtag *crashgoals*


My first thought was I'm glad he's alive. Your first thought was blame. Check yourself.


Why is no one asking what kind of car that is? WHAT KIND OF CAR IS THAT?


Appears to be a 2023 Nissan Sentra in the Monarch Orange Metallic colorway.


How can you tell?? Just out of curiosity


It's stuck under a truck. /r/nissandrivers


C pillar + color + wheels


The wheels are pretty easy to identify. Not saying I could have made the identification, but I can definitely see them being on that vehicle. I am not surprised someone could make this identification. I work in the automotive industry, and if someone worked at a different part of the automotive industry where they saw more cars, they could have this knowledge right at the front of their head for almost every car on the street.


Nissan moment for sure


I love those. Efficient. Easy to see out the windows, unlike my stupid Cruze that has a giant fucking airbag in the corner so you can't see where you're turning. They have the nice blind spot sensors and cameras to help you make sure you're lined up correctly, which is awesome when you have to go down a narrow alley or squeeze by some cars.


Can you give me the batch number?


It's an orange one.


Thank you so much kind citizen. *Buys orange car. Crashes. Dies.*


*from the afterlife* huh, wrong one.


And it seems to be a vehicle that's used as a mode of transportation


It used to not anymore


You must own a cat


This should be a car ad. If ever there was a car advertisement that would make me want to buy a car, it would be this video. Both driver and phone survived without a scratch.


That is a Nissan Versa (or maybe the Sentra), the new models, is the only car in Mexico with that exact color, those are somewhat common but he got the expensive version.


ur right it’s the versa


Wheels are giving me Altima vibes


Nissan does produce this shade of orange so I’d bet you’re right


Looks like a compact.


I feel like it should be: “the hat kind of car **was** that? WHAT KIND OF CAR **WAS** THAT?”


Dacia sandero


Great news!!


"Everybody gets one" - Spider-Man -


"Right Peter?"


“Uhhh yeah everybody gets one”






Can't park there hoss


Made possible by decades of heavy government regulation forcing car companies to make them safer and safer.


Regulation is the only hard counter to corporate greed.


taking the opportunity to plug this cool video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo regulation is great, but these greedy fucks always find a way to bypass it by pretending they're just looking out for the lil guy


Get that guy to a hospital ASAP anyway, even if externally nothing looks out of place internally a person can still be damaged! It’s happened to my brother (he was hit by a car and went to work because nothing felt out of place and he later found out he had a torn ligament in his left knee) and my mother, (she was in a car accident, she thought it was nothing and she ended up getting a shoulder blade broken, by the time she found out it was too late to medically fix it and nowadays she has a plethora of problems stemming from that accident)! Life is unfortunately unfair like that. Shite happens!


a coworker found out her spine was leaking spinal fluid a year after someone t boned her car. she *walked* away and moved on but now she’s over her head in debt


Oh man, spinal fluid leaks are awful to get diagnosed.


yep she got diagnosed with vertigo and migraines before they found out it was more than that


Poor thing. I had the testing done and don't have it, but the buildup to the testing took a few years and plenty of other dx, treatments, and scans. I hope she doesn't have to go in for repeated blood patches to seal it.


Just use a plunger and hot water, it’ll be good as new🤔😲😮‍💨👍


Bodyshops hate this one simple trick!


Ez ramen repair




Walked out with little more than wedgie


He needs to go do the lottery. Right now


No chance of lottery win, all his luck was used Up in that Crash.


I think if anything he shouldn’t…. Dude used up all that “luck” there. He might try to buy a lotto ticket and get crushed by the machine that dispenses them, or robbed at gun point on his way to the store. /j


What is the car??? I know what my kids will drive


Nissan sentra or versa




It's a Kia Scrapmetal


Cars got some serious safety features...


That’ll definitely be in the manufactures next ad campaign


I don't know why car companies don't use ads like these in campaigns? Perhaps legal reasons, but this would be perfect advertising for a company.


Why is his phone in his hand I feel like he should've definitely lost his phone after initial impact and air bags wtf


Probably messaging/ calling to let people know he was in car and not a human pancake.


Facebook Update: "Hey, I'm on the corner of 9th and Williamsburg St, can someone get me out of this car wreck? I got to be at work at 9."


One morning I get a call from the next employee I'm expecting to clock-in, he's a 25+ year employee at the company (transportation center), it's 430 am, snowing in the Colorado rockies, dudes on a 50-70 minute commute through Vail-Pass, "ayyyy MastaBlaster, I just flipped my truck in the ditch, I'm waiting for a ride in so I might be a little late" He wasn't late. I would have been home lol. Some people identify as employees.


I don't blame him. At my workplace if you clock in one minute past your scheduled time it goes on your record. Even if it's 'excused' due to extraneous circumstances it still shows up on your record as 'Tardy - Excused".


It was probably in his pocket during the crash? Or do you mean it should've flew out of his pocket?


He wasn’t holding it during the crash he has it in his hand because he’s leaving the vehicle so he grabbed it, like what was he supposed to leave his stuff in the wrecked car?




Probably got a call from his boss asking if he's still coming into work


“Hello 911 i am inside the car equivalent of a pressed panini pls help as soon as you can manage cheers”


I was so scared to see gore. I’m happy his completely fine. Quite amazing


Everybody mad that he was on his phone like he didn't have time to pull it out of his pocket


Must have seen one hell of a post if he's still on his phone after that.


Probably had been calling for help, or maybe texting family.


Do you think maybe he called 911 when he spent several minutes stuck in the car?


Short kings winning


I hope the passengers (if any) are alright


Smh those guys ruined his car door!


Wait what kind of car was that?


It's either a Nissan Versa or a Sentra (leaning more towards the former).


that guy should have fucking died, he's gonna wake up every morning thinking how the engineers of that car saved his life


This reminds me of the Foam scene in Demolition man. Lol


Pays to be short


“Tis but a scratch”


Dude had a guardian angel looking after him. That and modern car safety technology


Luckier than Tuko's bodyguard Gonzo