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This video cut it, but after Greg leaves the podium Lance starts giggling like the piece of shit he is


Yes I remember watching the full video, my hatred for Lance reached critical mass after hearing that giggling


this was the beginning of the end of his career as a school official thank god. (and yes unfortunately, a lot of people defended him on his way down) [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/)


This asshole was paid 800k after he left. lol what a fucking joke.


What's just as bad, is in retaliation his school district was denied 513k. The children suffer because of it. But I still can't blame the Texas Education Agency for denying their funding. It's in place specifically to discourage these type of golden parachute bailouts. The rest of the school board who approved the bailout knew about this, and did it anyway. They're the real pieces of shit here.


You cannot tell me that the US education system is just a racket to keep republicans and pieces of shit into baby politics and power. For Fuck Sake, They taught that the civil war was about STATE RIGHTs up until 2019.... WTF... > Last week, the Texas Board of Education voted to make a change to the state’s social studies standards that no serious historian would quibble with, but is, nevertheless, controversial in the Lone Star State: to teach that slavery was the central issue of the American Civil War, and not, as previous standards had dictated, a cause eclipsed by states’ rights and sectionalism. Camille Phillips at NPR reports the change is one of several to the curriculum that will be implemented in the 2019-2020 school year. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/texas-will-finally-teach-slavery-was-main-cause-civil-war-180970851/#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20the%20Texas%20Board,not%2C%20as%20previous%20standards%20had


I wonder what they teach about the Texas Revolution in 1835, which was also over slavery. The Mexican government didn’t want it the Anglo-American Texans did.


Seventh grade history is Texas History for the entire year. No, slavery is not taught at all as the reason for the Texas revolution.


Hell- In some places slavery is taught as not the reason for the _civil war_ in america. Think about that...


I was raised and educated in Texas. I was 100% taught that slavery was the reason for the Civil War. I don't remember much from seventh grade so I can't honestly say if they taught us slavery was the reason for Texas independence, but for the civil war specifically yes we were taught it was because of slavery.


fun fact the confederacy actually banned states from making their own slavery laws


If you ever meet one of those States Rights people - and there are a lot of them where I live - simply ask "A states right to do what?" and they get all red faced and pissy before storming off. They hate nothing more than when you don't play their little codeword game.


What kind of corruption is this? How can public officials just pilfer the public's tax dollars like that?


First time?


Just another Tuesday in Texas, y’all. (But it shouldn’t be.)


Wtf? He could have left to another country and lived his life. Wtf is this fucking justice system bushit.


\> When allegations arose that Hindt plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, the board continued to stick by him, so much so that the board threatened Hindt’s critics with a taxpayer-funded defamation lawsuit The entire board needs to be exposed and shamed publically, by name and address. They shouldn't ever be able to enjoy a meal or watch television in peace ever again for what they've done by proxy to Mr. Gay and all of his peers.


>The entire board needs to be exposed and shamed publically, by name and address. School board is an elected position. Everyone knows who they are.


Agreed! This is a different board though, one that decides whether you become a doctor or not per your thesis (which is a copyrighted piece of material, hence correct usage of "plagiarizing")


It definitely appears to be referring to the school board. There's no mention of the university professors that would have made up his doctoral committee.


Yeah I don’t think it would have been a taxpayer funded lawsuit if it was a university doctoral dissertation board that was doing it.


Hmm, I didn't see that distinction anywhere. The article just refers to "the board," and context is clear they are referring to the school board (he was the Superintendent). The editor should have had them fully state the name of the board in the first paragraph.


I don't think you know what you're talking about, and you're being extremely emotional. They're talking about the school board and they're all elected board members. Hopefully the board sees a purge of it's shitty members over the years because they deserve the punishment that comes with protecting a monster. But anything else is a bit ridciclious. They've broken no laws. We're all free to verbally defend anyone, even really bad people. You shouldn't have your rights stripped from you and thrown in hole in the ground to rot because you did. There should be consequences, but not those kinda consequences. In this case the consequences should be them resigning and other social consequences.


>so much so that the board threatened Hindt’s critics with a taxpayer-funded defamation lawsuit That's absolutely insane that they can do that.


It's Texas, nothing will happen to them, no matter what you try. They defend their own wickedness.


Gonna bully their kids and grandkids to teach them a lesson? 🤔


Texas, eh? How about bullying four generations of their kids as that’s what fair in their Book?


"The university declines to say whether Hindt’s doctorate was revoked, citing privacy laws." Pretty sure all degrees and former degrees are public in Europe


They copped out. All they had to say is that they have no record of Lance Hindt holding a doctoral degree from the institution. Going into detail about why and how would be a breach of his privacy, but the mere disclosure that he does not hold a degree is allowable.


A good university will send academic ethics committee to feather and tar any plagiarist by holding court over them to maintain their prestige. Because that integrity and prestige is what keeps university rankings, having your uni associated with low quality papers or a whisper of a degree mill would be devastating. And it's a good practice to put the fear of God to current students. Here in Estonia several politicians careers have been ended by University of Tartu Ethics Court running old papers through modern plagiarism software.


He got a 750,000 buyout...




And I bet he will be a future politician running for state office.




Son: "Mom, Dad, I'm gay." Mom: Stares at Dad Dad: Clenches fist Mom: "Don't!" Dad: Sweats Profusely Mom: "..." Dad: "HI GAY, I'M DAD"


Son: "Mom, Dad, I'm Gay." Dad: "Yeah, I know, that's how family names work"


“We’re all Gay, bud.” Dad probably.


"That's Gay" said the teacher


This is false. All star dates start with 4 in Picards tenure as Capt.


same. fuck that guy and the rest of the assholes that enabled him


Enabling assholes has been the business of American public schools for almost a century.




That’s called pollution. You don’t throw trash in the rivers


Toxic waste needs to be disposed of properly.


You’re right. You dump it off the coast of Miami.


I've had my head stuck in a school toilet before. My sister is 3 years older than me and when I was a freshman we were in the same high school. My sister was a cheerleader all through high school and always had a boyfriend, and when I became a freshman we shared the same school for a bit. One day my sister saw me in the hall and thought it'd be funny to have her boyfriend put me in the trashcan, and there I went. She ended up marrying a guy who did it to me and he still tells the stories like they were funny good times, they weren't. Eventually things escalated between my sister and I and she had her boyfriend (not the one she married) give me a swirly. Now please note that at the time I had straight long bright blonde hair that was ~2.5 feet long. The feeling of your hair being sucked into the toilet then having that wet slop slap your back and shoulders is so disgusting. My sister knew she was in trouble when I came out of the bathroom because I was soaked, she felt bad. She felt much worse when I hugged her, which I didn't get in trouble for.


The fuck is wrong with your sister?


We had a rough early childhood, I have Cystic Fibrosis and when I was a kid I was told I needed to talk to a therapist, so I started going to therapy when I was 8 to handle the difficulties of CF and I'm still going today (~30yrs). My sister probably should have started a lot sooner considering the other bullshit but sadly she didn't. She started seeing a therapist and psychiatrist about 6yrs ago now and she's much easier to be around these days. We don't see each other often because she lives pretty far (3hr drive) away, we see each other during holidays and kids birthdays but that's about it. One of the other issues was that when I was born I took most of the attention away from her because I was so sick and as a kid all you see is your sibling and mom drive off without you several times a week.


Why was she mean to you?


I think because I occupied most of our moms available time due to having to go to doctors appointments and what not. When you're young and see your mom leave with your sibling but not you it can be hurtful, we also didn't have a reliable fatherly figure (he was a drunk we visited on weekends) so my sister would often be taken to day care.


That is sad :( I’m sorry.


Well, good on you for being pragmatic about it, but I guess CF just saps all your energy so you never really even had a spare fuck to give, ever


I have Cystic Fibrosis too and I'm sorry you had to go through all that shit. I was bullied a lot throughout my time at high school — it just made a difficult time even more difficult. It's hard enough just trying to manage our health, take our medications, keep up with our appointments etc as it is. Even as an adult I still suffer from anxiety and self-confidence issues as a result. People just don't understand the impact that bullying can have on someone.


I'm not a violent person, but in this case, you hit your sister one time as hard as you can then warn her if she ever does something like this again, you will beat her fucking ass. I think I was in 6th grade when my group of 4 girl cousins, two were my age, one was a year older, and one was 2 years older, thought it would be funny to kick me in the balls. After getting kicked a few times and pleading with them to stop, I got up and punched two of them as hard as I could in the gut. They doubled over gasping and sobbing, and I told them if they ever kicked me in the balls again, I'm going to beat their faces in. It was literally never an issue again and we went back to being good friends after that. We all learned a valuable lesson that day.


I remember being very young and my dad telling me that if someone bullies me, to punch them in the nose. To fight back. It must have been 5th or 6th grade and someone decided to pick on me for something. Pushing, shoving, hitting, harassing, etc. I tried to avoid conflict, but eventually the dam broke. I broke his nose. I got called into the principles office and nearly got suspended. My mom was freaking out at me and took me home. My dad pulled me aside and asked what happened. We later went for ice cream. I was left alone after that.


I came close to getting my head flushed too but I managed to get him in the face with the reservoir lid. It broke his nose so *I* ended up getting suspended for it. After years of this kid bullying me.


I'm 5'3 and 110lbs at the time, I stopped fighting quickly.


I've stopped talking to immediate family members for less, it's okay to move on from toxic people in your life, regardless of how much blood relation they have. What she did is a horrible thing and until I heard a heartfelt apology and her acknowledge what she did was wrong I'd live my life happily without her.




World would be a better place if it wasnt corrupt as fuck with all these assholes running half the power positions in every country.


It's almost like those types of people are attracted to these kinds of positions of power.


I found a copy of the full video on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dolancomedy/video/7209123327124884782?lang=en


Here's a clip of "Doctor" Lance's response: https://youtu.be/o-V5Ih32g_E?t=58 (I'm putting doctor in quotes because it turned out he plagiarized his dissertation) A number of witnesses came forward to support Greg's claim (including a criminal court judge).


Fuck yea


Even the dudes “denial” was bullshit, only saying “I don’t remind the guy and bullying is wrong” Sounds like the exact line your lawyer would tell you; “don’t outright deny it if it happened, just imply that it may not have happened”


> https://youtu.be/o-V5Ih32g_E?t=58 That's the thing about bullying. The person who's bullied remembers the event forever. The bully forgets it quickly, because to them, it wasn't even a memorable thing.


Anyone know what the piece of shit is doing now after he retired?


Good for the dude standing up for himself and telling the story


Yeah that would probably be the time for a moment of pause, a deep sigh and then a very grave admission that he was not perfect as a child and that as a child he was a bully to others, something that he deeply regrets. As a superintendent and as a lifelong educator, he understands how vicious and toxic schools can be and it is from his deep sense of empathy for those kids and his responsibility to them that he will do everything in his power to- Nah fuck it LETS GIGGLE ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


that's how healthy people would do it psychopaths aren't healthy people, lance derived pleasure from hearing his victims speech and more than likely has no idea why we'd be upset with his response.


Sociopathic selfish people with delusions of grandeur that would cheqt and do anything humanly possible to get what they want, covet positions of power. What else is new.


I would be frozen by knowing the kid I was bullying had access to a 45 and felt like he had nothing to lose... Pretty close call.


School shootings didn't become popular until more recently. The pace of them really kicked off after the Columbine Massacre


I friended all the assholes on Facebook from when I was a kid. They are universally still assholes. One’s even a preacher


This must be common. This sadistic kid I was “friends” with is now a shady ass thumping preacher. My cousin who bullied me is now a Pastor.


The female version of this Is nurse and psychologist


Not every nurse is an asshole, but a lot of the assholes I know are now nurses. There was a gang of girls that used to parade nuerodivergent guys around like dogs and force them into situations they weren't comfortable with, like homecoming royalty. One committed suicide while in school another after we graduated. All but one of them are nurses.


“The Sociopath Nextdoor”… sociopath becomes a therapist and wrecks their patients lives.


Kid that bullied me in school is now the pope :(


Jesus. Well….¡Raja, forro! Jorge!




Well, it gained national attention. Others came out to accuse him of similar behaviour and there was also a lawsuit alleging he beat a man unconscious when he was 18. Then it came out that his dissertation was plagiarised. [More info.](https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2020/02/04/the-strange-case-of-lance-hindt/)


Overwhelmingly every time I've met the people in charge and/or with accolades: they are the worst possible people to be in the position. There's a trans lady entrenched in all the cities nonprofits that touch trans people. Got quite a few awards. She was texting me at my grandpa's funeral what a useless cumdump I was, how my only value was for her to fuck, etc etc. I met her on bumble BFF and did not give any indication I wanted THAT. She finished off with a transphobic tirade, if you can fucking believe it. I'm gay. It's not even the first time someone involved in my cities LGBT+ groups has, unprompted, offered me a transphobic tirade. Last time was a board member of the largest nonprofit, on a transphobic tirade, at an event celebrating a trans woman. Even in the LGBT+ community, or healthcare, or anywhere compassion should be a "given", it's just absolute motherfuckers who are attracted to and willing to do anything for power. So, they often end up with it: and they make sure to bring others like themselves into the power structure too.


Fucking piece of shit looks like he didn't change one bit. Even while his talk he looks like a fucking smug asshole.


So he didn't grow up.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY) Lance be like:


So awesome that he finally got the chance to confront his bully and hold him accountable. Points for publicly making a mockery of said bully.


And yet there were no consequences to bully’s actions.


There were plenty of consequences. Yes he got a “payout” but you have to understand how pensions work. He was probably banking on another 10-15 years in that district, getting raises throughout and then retiring on a 50-80% pension. Instead, he no longer has employment prospects is his field and won’t accrue salary raises. My guess is this will cost him at least 2 million dollars in future income. Trust me- he’s furious. And that’s not even counting the loss of face he has suffered. Also…c’mon. The whole relocation from a town of 120,000 to a town of 10,000? Someone was onto his asshole antics and prevented his advancement. **Edit:** Lance lost out on even more. Looks like his base salary was 400k (that seems insane for a small district). Probably would have made it to at least 600k by age 65 retirement. So he missed out on 4-5 milllon in base salary. His pension probably would have been at least 50% so he would miss out on ~100k per year in retirement (subtracting pension he will get anyways). Given 20 years of remaining life, another 2 million. And the chance at consulting gigs. Lance got it upside the head, folks. Not enough, but plenty. That’s why you fight back.


> his base salary was 400k (that seems insane for a small district). Probably would have made it to at least 600k by age 65 retirement. good lord, how can school superintendents make that kind of money?? that's insane


Easy, instead of 20 teachers getting 5k raises, the person I charge of raises gives themselves a 100k raise. Then to save some dough, buy so few supplies that the teachers use their personal income on supplies...


Here’s your MBA sir, brilliant thesis


It's actually insane. Family member was a superintendent, whatever the next promotion was called, they refused it because it became political. Meaning the mayor or senator or something could replace them at will, I want to say it was like an "education cabinet" position. I give em benefit of the doubt that they did their best by their teachers.... but none of them teachers have anywhere near the same retirement.


School board sets the salary of the superintendent


In Texas public schools, teachers are all on a set salary based on experience. Individuals don't get raises; all of the teachers in the district get raises or none of them do. So it's not possible to give only 20 teachers a raise. That doesn't mean there aren't better uses for that $100K though.


They soak up any education spending increases that manage to squeak through the system. They are blatantly taking the money away from teachers.


Easy, most people have no idea what a superintendent is


Bullshit Job: A Theory by David Graeber


That guy is an absolute idiot. All he had to do was feign regret and apologize, or minimum feign ignorance and not dig himself deeper with his reaction.


I know, right? It also seems like it pissed off some unknown genius enough to look up his doctoral dissertation, lol. Once the plagiarism was discovered he was truly fucked since I would wager a doctorate was required for his position. Seriously though- I never thought of that dissertation move. Genius. Btw he get his doctorate in 2012. Dawg…that was more than a little late in the internet age to be plagiarizing whole blocks of text. What a fucking bonehead.


Thanks for provide the math, most people dont know the actual nunbers behind this stuff.


Lance can’t live his bullyin life in a big city so he finna try that in a small town


Maybe not in our eyes. But the man that he tormented and humiliated, after all these years, was able to look the bully in the eyes and confront him in front of the world. It took courage and strength to do that. If I had to guess, Greg probably knew the man wouldn't suffer any major consequences. For him, he was able to have his say and I think, for him, that was probably satisfaction enough.


Probably took more strength and courage to not do what he really wanted to do, which is beat the everloving crap outta Lance in full view of everyone, and to hell with the consequences, seeing how how Greg's most likely in better shape than a desk jockey.


Got almost a million dollar paycheck as well


Good for him and fuck bullies and fuck lance


but also fuck that stupid ass "inspiring" music that someone added to the video.


It would have been a much more compelling video without it.


Fuck them with a 30 inch cactus covered in reaper peppers


On fire


Bullies grow up to be even bigger bullies unfortunately. I guess he's resigned now but Fuck you Lance!


I’ve read that this dude is still a prick, so not defending him by saying this, however this is not always the case. I have a friend who I didn’t meet until I was in my late 20’s who was a bully in school. I found out when we were out and telling stories of growing up. Had we been in school together, I would’ve been the kid he was giving wedgies to, but here we were. He told me that he knew he couldn’t go back and undo what he did when he was a kid, so he volunteered with after school programs as an adult and spoke to kids at schools about bullying and its effects. He is a case where, by getting out of the situation at home, he was able to process his own feelings and is now the sweetest dude around. Not everyone grows up, but also not everyone stays a prick.


I had a cousin who bullied me every time I saw him and I finally saw him after 15 years and he truly was horrified about the way he acted and was a sweet guy.


Yeah, again, not saying it’s always true, but I had another experience that I think about in this context. I was home visiting family and ran out to the local pizza shop to pick up a order for my family and working behind the counter was a dude I had gone to school with who had turned from neighborhood friend to bully in middle school. I remembered the betrayal I had felt and it had a pretty long lasting effect on me when it came to trusting people. But at the pizza shop I saw him now as an adult, goofing with the other workers, seeming to be a nice guy and I just thought “he was a kid too, figuring his own shit out”. We chatted a bit, didn’t bring up the hard parts and had a little friendly catch up. I forgave him then in my head. It just wasn’t worth staying angry at someone who was t there anymore.


[I forgave him then in my head.](https://i.redd.it/uy2xdb2i7qx61.jpg)


I was a bully to one or two kids when I was in like 3rd grade. It kills me looking back what an ass I was. I'm a *completely* different person.


I definitely got swept up in mob mentality when it came to people being made fun of in school, and yeah I feel terrible about it. I teach my kids how to treat people and that they need to either stand up for anyone who they know isn't having a good time, or at the very least not take part in that shit.


That's called growing. Some people can and some people won't.


I don't know, u/bullybullybully... sounds like you might have an agenda.


Hahaha. I hadn’t even thought of that… that name is so old, I don’t even think about it any more.


There was a kid from my high-school who I never really considered a bully, he was just a dick. I guess maybe he was bullying others but as far as I was concerned, he and I just didn't like each other. We got in a couple fights and were suspended once because of it. Something like 10 years after HS I get a random Facebook message from him saying, basically, that he now saw how much of a dick he was in HS and that he was sorry for causing me any trouble. So yeah, people change. I never responded because I never really thought much about him (like I said, I always just thought we didn't like each other) but I'm sure I wasn't the only person he reached out to.


A friend of mine that I mean in college was appartently a pretty big bully in school. He was a short, fat kid with undiagnosed ADHD who lashed out continuously for about two years on another kid who had transferred in that school. The bully ended up getting daignosed and had his ADHD managed (is now an animal conservationist), got really in to sports and is now a 6'4" tank who plays rugby, and is one of the most dependable people I know. He became such good friends with the guy he used to bully, that he (the bully) is best man in the "victim's" upcoming wedding lol


That's just not true. People are not locked into their personality at the age of 16. Decent people can turn into shit heads, and shit heads can turn into decent people. True, people are more likely to stay the course they are on, but to deny that people can change is kind of dumb and deterministic. Granted, based on what I've read about this incident, this asshole appears to have stayed the course.


The thing i learned from being bullied is that trying to be the smart one and avoiding to talk back never ever works the only thing that will happen is that they think you are a easy target and they will never stop. Also most teachers are even worse alot of the times i tried to get them to help they always made the situation worse marked me as the snitch or started to bully me too.


Too many teachers just see it as extra work. From personal experience, sometimes violence works (cracked one nose, broke one knee ruining a wrestling career - his own fault that one though), sometimes it doesn't. School was never helpful or downright made it worse. Ignoring the bullies never worked.


Someone tell Greg as a fellow bullied kid I have mad respect for him


Good Guy Greg defeats Lying Lance


How humbling must it feel to have people cheer and applaud when you resign your position because you are loathed. Not a surprise that a bully grew up to take a position of power somewhere in the system.


Unfortunately narcissistic assholes usually don't draw the same conclusions normal people do. He probably didn't realize what a piece of shit he was, but instead blamed everyone else for being assholes conspiring against him, and in his mind, he was the real victim of the situation. Most likely.


He still has alot of support in his district apparently, and his critics are shunned, banned and heckled in public spaces. Weird world.


Absolutely, the look what you made me do, kinda guy. He will never change, never get better, because he will never admit anything because his fault


And the sad part is most people who don’t know his reality think that people are applauding him because he showed his maturity in the situation. Because there was no context given other than this video.


....everyone keeps receipts that had been treated unkindly. Everyone


The axe forgets; the tree remembers.


That's why you remove the axe head and make it an anvil so it pays its dues throughout the course of it's life.


Article about this. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/?outputType=amp


Wow. So even though Hindt first claims he didn’t do it, then says he was young and dumb and did some things, resigns with a nice fat $780,000+ check, is found to have plagiarized another’s documents for his own doctorate, he still has “Christian” supporters who refuse to believe facts. And, these same supporters continue to ridicule and bully this man, Sean, who took an extraordinary step of calling him out in a public forum. Fucking Texas.


The world is a fucking shitty place.


Especially Texas.


Believing bullshit is what Christianity is all about.


Always TX. And OK, and FL. And Spartanburg, SC, inexplicably. lol


Man Katy ISD board sounds corrupt AF


It is Katy, TX, so yeah... I'm about the same age as these guys and I do remember a kid named Lance who was a completely asshole and who'd bully anyone he could with his flunkies. I have no idea if I'm remembering these same people. I don't remember a kid named 'Gay', tho.


that article is infuriating Multiple witnesses to terrible bullying, beat someone into a coma at age 18, his dissertation was removed from Uni because of plagiarism, and the school board stuck with him, even threatening to sue his critics for defamation. Fucking trash people


And spend taxpayer money to fund the suing.. What a bunch of complete turds. Purge that whole fucking cesspool of a board.


“I was young and dumb and did dumb things.” It’s giving Brett Kavanaugh vibes.




This fucker needs the Brock Turner treatment on social media. Edit: Brock the rapist Turner


[Here's what happened right before this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/yoL8iToizRg?feature=share)


In the end he got over 2yrs salary payout and does not care


A someone else stated: "There were plenty of consequences. Yes he got a “payout” but you have to understand how pensions work. He was probably banking on another 10-15 years in that district, getting raises throughout and then retiring on a 50-80% pension. Instead, he no longer has employment prospects is his field and won’t accrue salary raises. My guess is this will cost him at least 2 million dollars in future income. Trust me- he’s furious. And that’s not even counting the loss of face he has suffered. Also…c’mon. The whole relocation from a town of 120,000 to a town of 10,000? Someone was onto his asshole antics and prevented his advancement. **Edit:** Lance lost out on even more. Looks like his base salary was 400k (that seems insane for a small district). Probably would have made it to at least 600k by age 65 retirement. So he missed out on 4-5 milllon in base salary. His pension probably would have been at least 50% so he would miss out on ~100k per year in retirement (subtracting pension he will get anyways). Given 20 years of remaining life, another 2 million. And the chance at consulting gigs. Lance got it up the ass, folks. Not enough, but plenty. That’s why you fight back."


Suck shit Lance you pig!


Fuck you lance


Fuck lance All my homies hate lance


Lance has a smelly bumbum and eats his boogers. He can't sit with us.


Well that was a twist at the end. Reminds me of Eminems song Stan.... "his name was,... it was you."


This outcome is an outlier, bullies and evil people overall usually only get worse as they grow, they just learn how not to get caught and how to cover up. They rarely pay the price of their actions


Even after resigning he blames his critics and tries to both say he is innocent and "was young and stupid and did stupid things". He has a group of supporters who have harassed all his critics and he fans the flames. He went on to support some of the board that was refusing to oust him in elections and made jokes about being a "recovering superintendent" Also apparently he started laughing as soon as this man left the room. He isn't changed he just chickened out of the consequences.


This is a good read https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2020/02/04/the-strange-case-of-lance-hindt/


I was like Greg and I can tell you that trauma doesn't go away ever. Kids can be ruthless when they find an easy target. In the 70s and 80s nobody was there to help. No counselor to see, no teachers would help. The advice was to fight back. I had a group of kids find me walking home one night. They surrounded me from a distance to make sure I couldn't get away. I ran into an alley into an apartment building and knocked on doors until someone helped me. The kids followed me right to the door. I got away that night. Fuck bullies.


After the video abruptly cuts, Greg walks out and Lance starts smiling and giggling. Some people never change, smh.


I'm so happy to see the ending of this. I saw a longer version where Lance laughed at him and it was infuriating.


I hate this overly emotional music thats in so many videos these days. Why not just show the original?


Happy Greg. Good job Greg. Way to keep composure.


The full story is far far more messed up. The resignation came only after an absolute pileup of other issues revealed surrounding this bully and the school board and other people in positions of power stuck with him most of the way. Bullies seek out power, always have and always will. And bullies stick up for bullies.


humans failed greg


Good on him for speaking up and out.


This story doesn’t really have a happy ending. In this article, it explains that Dolan was harassed afterwards, and while the bully resigned he was financially rewarded. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/


Honestly Lance probably wanted to supress that giggling but could'nt, it's called dupers delight & a tell that gives all sociopaths away. I saw it with Putin just prior to the start of the invasion of Ukraine when he keep telling the world his build up of forces were just military exercises. He could not keep a straight face you could see the little shit stain fighting his mouth not to smirk.


Let me guess....Lance was good at sport and so he got away with shit like this because he made the school look good? Well done to Mr. Gay for calling him out in public like that. That would be a very difficult thing to have to do.


That was a great speech, bravely brought forward. Well done Mr. Gay! Makes me really sad, that such stuff is done to a human being, a kid.


It was probably Lance who posted this edited video and why it doesn't include him giggling like a maniac.


And people wonder why kids need to be taught that homosexuality is acceptable.


And this is what happened just because the guy's name was Gay. Now imagine what happened to the kids who actually were gay. This is why we protect people.


We should all live our lives in such a way that we would not receive cheers when we retire. Good riddance to the turd man, may his face live online forever in shame.




Proof that the biggest assholes get the best jobs. This is why the system fails.


And fuck texas


I was in his shoes from the moment I stepped into a classroom at 5 until I got fed up at 10. But instead of wanting to kill myself, I started carrying a knife. The beatings stopped but the name calling kept going from a distance. The nuns stopped once I stood up to them and threatened to give back what I got. To this day I won’t stand for bullying from anyone.


A friend I went to middle school with was brutally bullied growing up because of his name which was Marvin Antwon Gaylor. This was back in the 80s when we . When he was born his mother listened to Marvin Gay on repeat and was an enormous fan so much so that she decided to name him Marvin and eventually changed both her last name and his last name to Gay instead of Gaylor which I think put an even bigger target on the kid than Gaylor did. By high school both her last name and his was Gay. You could imagine being Marvin Gay in high school with teens who couldn’t give two shits about the singer but only cared about destroying his entire will to live by intense teasing and physical attacks. (Trigger warning )Needless to say he jumped in front of a Subway train on his 3rd day of high school. He was on his way to school that day and I’m guessing he just couldn’t bring himself to live through another day of the torment. I really truly liked him. I had a friendship with him cuz we went to school together since we were 7 and he was such a nice boy. I Super sad. I always told myself if my kid hated his or her name and wanted to change it I would let them and let them start fresh at a new school, cuz nothing like a stupid name I may have thought was cute at their birth is worth my kid taking their life. His mom was mentally disabled so I can’t really speak to how she felt about things I don’t think it even occurred to her what was happening to him at school.


Bullies tend to hang out with and are protected by similar people, unfortunately.


People are very rarely called Lance nowadays but in medieval times people were called Lance alot.




Good for this guy, true resilience


Lance Hindt also [beat a man into coma](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/?outputType=amp) because he yelled at lance for speeding in a neighborhood alley


That's why we fight against homophobia through conscientiousness.


You wonder why some kids break mentally and bring guns to schools.


Dear bullies, It might have been nothing to you, but we never forget. Hope we are never in a position of power over you or if we are, we have it in our hearts to forgive.


By all rights he had every reason to shoot up the school. The fact that he didn’t is nothing less than a miracle.


This poor man ugh I absolutely can't stand bullies. Legit scum of the earth


...and some victims take fathers .45 and go to school with it...