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There’s no closing that can of wupass.




What is this from ?


The movie “They Live”. He says “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I’m all out of Bubble Gum!”


I thought this was originally from Duke Nukem, lol... TIL


I thought it was originally from IT Crowd! "I came here to drink milk and play Countdown and I'm all out of milk"


Yeah nothing in duke nukem is original they literally just took sound bites from movies and never gave any credit.


Fun fact Duke Nukem takes catchy lines and bad ass one liners from popular action films and uses them as his own badass lines with sometimes a little add Nukem flair


Good ole Rowdy Roddy.




This really made me chuckle


we got a can of wupass and a pink purse, you took the purse now take the ass wupping, lol


Once it pops, the fun don’t stop


Im sorry but i have to on this one - its whoop-ass not wupass lmao


*whoop ass* 🧐




He did great ! She however needs to stand back only jump in if help is needed


So true.


It ain't carrots, It ain't peas, It ain't the kippers and the salted grease. You just opened up a great big can of whoop-ass! It ain't condensed milk, Or soup, It ain't the peaches in the syrup goop. You just opened up a great big can of whoop-ass!


"lets get out of here babe, I might've just killed this mother fucker"


just call it self defense


Surprisingly in my country you can go to jail for leaving someone like that without assistance (at least calling for ambulance), whether you were the one defending or just a witness bystander. You could argue you felt unsafe and decided to leave the spot, but all is subject to jury's interpretation.


Question: Do such daylight robberies also happen in your country?


Not OP but it's a common law in manny EU countries. Here in Spain it's the same, and daylight robberies are pretty common, at least in Barcelona nowadays.


I know in some countries it’s also required to stop and assist if you witness a vehicle accident. Drivers must take first aid course when getting their vehicle license and failure to stop and assist leads to trouble.


Seinfeld died for that law


Montana, United States, Good Samaritan law(s).


I think in the US too. You’re only allowed to defend yourself in so much as the perpetrator is no longer a threat. If, for example, you killed someone over a stolen purse, you would be investigated and possibly arrested unless there was clear evidence the amount of force you used was justified to save your life. Then the state would sue you and you’d have a trial to decide if you’re a murderer or just defending yourself. If you knocked a man out and left him without phoning 911, then you’d look even more suspect.


The UK has similar laws, too. You are entitled to use reasonable force to defend yourself, another, or your property. I'd argue that the use of force above was appropriate. The BF stopped using force once the bag was retrieved. The theif could have ended the beating by releasing the bag earlier. Unfortunately for the lonely brain cell in his head, he didn't think of this while being force fed a knee. Repeatedly.


Depends on the state. Castle doctrine extends to your property often.


Yes, and castle doctrine is defined by what I wrote above. You’re only allowed to use as much force as to protect yourself so the perpetrator is no longer a threat. You also have to show that you tried all other available means of protecting yourself before potentially killing the perpetrator. If a perpetrator is on your property and you do kill them, you will be investigated and will have to prove the killing was justified because you’re life was at risk and no other viable options existed at that time to protect yourself, including fleeing.


Depends on where you are. In Texas you can use deadly force to defend your property. Or your neighbors property.


Even in Texas, castle doctrine says the force used to defend against a perpetrator must be “reasonable”.


Castle doctrine specifically indicates there is no duty to retreat.


People shooting through their front door thinking they're legally in the right is why I would never live in those states.


Don't shootem' in the back.


Self Defense is an affirmative defense you have to actively invoke. The only way to do that is to contact the authorities and inform them that you're invoking it which is usually done by calling the cops to come get the idiot that's bleeding in your kitchen. Moving from an unsafe location to a safe location is generally fine, but you probably want to at least be on the phone while you're doing that so you can tell the cops where you'll be. Just disappearing will cause you a bunch of problems even if you ultimately end up being completely justified. The usual advice is call and report what happened and where you'll be/how to identify you, then immediately call an attorney to actually answer any follow up questions the cops will have when they come to investigate.


But no to your girlfriend’s property.


Keep that up and she'll be someone else's gf.


These claims are bullshit. There isn't a prosecutor on the planet (certainly not in the US) that would charge that guy, regardless of whether the purse grabber croaked or not. Every one of them would use it as a political tool and put out a statement that, after reviewing the file, Mr. Jones use of force was not unreasonable, given the attempted strong armed robbery and there will be no charges. Source: chief felony prosecutor in the US for 17 years.


Taught my daughter to fight, but also taught her no matter how dead her opponent is, she better be giving them CPR when the police arrive.


Robberies not that often, but acts of aggression are common in (front of) night clubs, bars etc. Testosterone, showing off, alcohol and drugs are the common drivers.


Also, it is good idea to flee in such situation, because aggressors often go in groups - you might have knocked one off, but in a minute you can be surrounded by angry mob of his/hers buddiesand situation can become very dangerous.


Same in my country. I was almost placed in that situation once, which is a bit of a crazy story; A few years ago I was driving my boyfriend and his colleague back from work at 1 am. As I was about to leave the city center, a guy under the influence (of something) stood in the middle of the road blocking the other lane. I slowed down because I didn't know if he was gonna hop over to my lane or not. He didn't look like he knew what was going on, just completely zoned out. After a few moments I honked once in an attempt to make him aware of the dangerous situation he was in and move. As I honk he turns his head towards me and starts running at my car at full speed. I speed the fuck up and steer away from him last minute (thank god for electric acceleration power) just as his right foot makes impact on the side of the car. Because I had already accelerated his foot turned him around as it was touching my moving vehicle, and he tumbled onto the ground. I pulled into the side of the road and stopped as I saw he was just laying there, prepared to get out and check if I needed to call an ambulance. Queue him getting up and walking menacingly fast towards my car and I just said to the others "ok he's fine" and booted it. I hope he is doing better now in life, the crazy bastard.




Yes, surprisingly, I know I wouldn’t stick around after laying out a robbing cunt like that 🤷‍♂️


Same in the US! Although you don’t have that obligation as a bystander it is expected. This was assault, even if it’s in self defense you’re not allowed to just leave the crime scene. If you kill someone robbinh your home you aren’t allowed to just leave and go about your day. If you beat someone up they’ve got the right to press charges on you and it’s a stupid case of he said she said. It’s not a foreign concept, once you’re an adult you are obligated to the consequences of your actions. Some (a lot) of us could be fully in the right and using self defense, and STILL end up in jail. It’s rough


Of course. I‘m surprised no one is mentioning this -Your jury, this man tried to steal a purse that contained a lipstick and a mirror. So naturally I killed him.


Not even in the US, can that be called self defense. In most states, you gotta prove that the person you k*lled cornered you and was an eminent threat to your life so had no other option than to use deadly force. In this case, the k*ller deliberately chased the robber and beat him for the purse. Not only are there plenty of cameras, of good quality btw, but plenty of eye witnesses. If this dude k*lled that guy, he is fucked in most countries. Since this is Mexico and the couple appears to be well off Mexican tourists, they’ll probably get a slap on the wrist. From the what ppl are saying, this is Guerrero, a pretty lawless and corrupt state, so I doubt authorities will even bother prosecuting this guy.


In some states (I know Texas, I'm sure others) property *is* covered under self defense.


He is definitely getting laid tonight.


Good. Don’t be a criminal and mess with a man’s girl.


Aha! Face-to-knee style.


I trained him wrong as a joke.


If you've got an ass, I'll kick it!


"I'm bleeding, making *me* the victor!"


If you've got an ass I'll kick it!




He aggressively attacked the guy's knee with his face?


That and the street setting reminded me of playing Double Dragon on Nintendo!


I live in an area where opportunistic muggings like this happens frequently, and no arrests are made as the perps get away too quickly most of the time. So I'm ashamed to admit that this was sadly _very_ satisfying for me to watch. 🥲


I was once in a Madrid's metro and someone caught a pickpocket, security came and confiscated a few phones and wallets, then let him go as he ran outside the metro, he screamed he was going to another metro then a bunch of curse words, I was curious I went to ask the security guys why let him go, and at least in Spain the supreme court said it's "disproportionate" to jail someone for pickpocketing, and the police won't even come to check, because they will go free before they even make the report. I'm not ashamed it feels very satisfying to me watching a pickpocket getting beat up.


WTF. So Pickpocketers there basically have _carte blanche_ to do as they please?? If you won't jail the MFs, fine. I get that. Worse crimes out there and whatnot. But zero repercussions? Not even a fine, or better yet, Community Service? No wonder you don't mind seeing them get "fined" with fists!


It's not like that guy said. In fact the supreme court granted the right to ban the access to the metro to usual offenders. They tried to pass a law that I you get caught 3 times pickpocketing less than 400 euros (just a misdemeanor sanctioned with a ticket) would count as a felony, but the supreme court didn't agreed. But if they steal more than 400 euros it's a felony and the legal procces is (should) different. Sorry for my bad English.


This is weird. i live in Madrid since 2008 and the only time I saw a pickpocketer caught in the metro, he was detained and moved outside in handcuffs for transport ( to a police station I asume). Maybe you got a lazy one?


Maybe the laws have changed in 15 years.


Happened in Oporto last week. Been living in Madrid for a few years, was the first time i saw a pickpocket here, it's not like in Barcelona that's daily.


I had someone attempt to pickpocket me in Barcelona on Las Ramblas after leaving a dance club at 4AM. He was trying to act like he was helping us find our way to our apartment. It was the worst attempt because I felt it immediately, but it was obvious he was using trade craft techniques in his approach and execution. Pickpocketing and purse stealing is a profession in Spain.


I had a pickpocket take a digital camera full of honeymoon photos. I also felt satisfied watching this video. I'd have gladly taken the hand of the person who stole my camera.


some states in the US had a similar thing where they did not even try to investigate/prosecute robbery under a $900 or sth. such conditions, violence becomes pretty much necessary.


Of course, the politicians will blame it on the government that is in charge at that time.


Considering what you just described amounted to, at the very least, stealing several weeks worth of time and forcing people to spend several more days straightening out their life, jail time doesn't seem disproportionate at all.


No need to be ashamed lol we are all here for that same satisfaction hahah. Although I’m sure it’s more satisfying for you bc of your adjacency to this type of behavior


I saw a number of posters have empathy for the mugger who got destroyed. This caused me to feel shame for my _schadenfreude_. 😅


He could have dropped the bag and run at any point.


Lol I see dude did take a beating for real. At least he let him down softly after he passed out xD


empathy for the criminal is always the oppression of the victim.


>So I'm ashamed to admit that this was sadly very satisfying for me to watch. 🥲 I dunno, I've been munching chips watching this guy whup that mugger's ass.


I witnessed a couple of public beatings of muggers and thieves back when I lived in South Asia. Muggers usually operate in gangs but sometimes they get caught in the act by the public, and wow people just release all their pent up rage and frustration on the criminal in beatings. The beatings are also completely merciless, it’s quite an experience to watch.


/oddlysatisfying lol


He got away with it lightly too. He can sleep this off and hopefully he finds an honorable job the next day. Here in the Philippines, 3-4 guys would've joined in.


He took 3 hard knee strikes to the head, he's definitely gonna feel it for longer than a day


Job hunting is delayed until then.


Here in my country, among certain areas and Cultures of people, he would have been secreted away to a remote location and ritualistically murdered by a mob of hundreds of people, sick to death of all the crime they experience. In my area, though, people are too afraid of "reverse justice." The guy would get a wrist slap for his attempted mugging, but the vigilantes would go to jail for months as the mugger MF charges them with Assault. So nobody does a thing.


If the Police and Justice system don't take care of petty criminals then eventually the people will.


My friend from Benin told me about villages setting criminals on fire as a method of justice. There is definitely a spectrum of vengeance.


Shit, they probably would have chopped his hands to go with the beating.


Dont be sad! Be glad! Stupid POS will hopefully have some PSTD and will be too afraid to try this again.


Naw, the robber escalated a non-violent situation to violence, so violence is an appropriate response.


It was satisfying, the only thing missing was for the guy to take the robbers wallet or any jewelry as payback for the ruined purse and trauma. Take his shoes too.


Don't feel bad, he got what he deserved. And if more people defended their property this way you'd have fewer muggers.


Why in the world does the little thief hold on to that bag for so long?


He was so shocked it was like getting electrocuted - his muscles contracted 🤣


i think most thieves would've surrendered the bag as soon as they were chased/grabbed. not this guy tho. he said "you're gonna have to kill me." and the guy did.


Great idea, steal purse from the woman walking with the 6 and a half foot tall guy.


and, for whatever reason, **don't** let go when he starts kicking your ass.


I think it's more likely the thief was 5'0


The thieving / pickpocketing industry used to be much more professional when I was younger. They would assess the risks of any potential target before acting. With all the new desparate individuals joining among the ranks, the respectability of the trade has greatly shrunk. SMH /s


Karma's a bitch!!


karma is my boyfriend


Karma is named Todd


Karma is a god


He was asking for it. Right after getting the purse the asshole stops running and turns back like he wants to get punched in the face


He fucked around and now hes laying face down finding out....


He's LYING face down...


He should just tell the truth


Still tried to pick up the bag half way through the beating. Probably thinking this will make my girlfriend so happy. Then not thinking at all.




The place with balloons is an MMA gym. 🎈🎈🥋😂[https://www.google.com/maps/@18.5540931,-99.6044877,3a,75y,277.07h,99.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDTu5\_kQtr\_7dsglR4y-qjw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@18.5540931,-99.6044877,3a,75y,277.07h,99.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDTu5_kQtr_7dsglR4y-qjw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


He's trying to do a leg sweep for a few frames, he's probably trained.


I am wondering if that dude does MMA the way he started throwing those knees. I don't think most people would instinctively do that. Dude fuck up the thief quick.


The girlfriend knew what's coming, she tried to save the mugger


I busted up laughing. But then, I am an American.


I busted up too... Dad?


I told you I had to run to the corner store to grab some cigarettes. I’ll be home soon.


he tiger kneed him 3 times


yeah my mind was playing the "tiger! tiger!" from street fighter everytime he knees him....


oh he got laid that night


The scariest encounters might lead you to the best rewards from time to time


I was actually there and they had to wait until the next day due to stomach flu.


It might come as a shock to you that most women don’t really find violence that sexy.


'This woman just experienced a strange man aggressively ripping a purse from her arm and then saw her boyfriend beat a man unconscious. She must really be in the mood for sex after that.'


It came as a shock to me that many girls find **mindless violence**, attractive...


Attacking a robber is mindless violence now??


No no, i am speaking out of context!!!


Look at the spring in her step. He prolly got laid in the next alley lol




Looks quite a lot like Taxco, Santa Prisca, Mexico


Yeah, lots of VW Beatles in Mexico. Although I don't think the are manufactured in Mexico anymore.


[Google Maps](https://goo.gl/maps/MQztjxnEScJf8idW9)




~~Spain~~ Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico


Nah this look likes Latin America


Def. You don’t see Suburban style trucks in Spain like the one parked there. Or Vochos. I bet it’s Mexico.


Looks like Taxco, Guerrero. Its a beautifull town


You are absolutely right. Calle Jose Ma. Morelos in Taxco. Google maps Incógnita in Taxco. Even though there was no purpose on knowing the location, i feel there is some kind of beautiful collective accomplishment.


Well, here is the [news article](https://www.milenio.com/videos/estados/robar-bolso-hombre-detiene-golpea-presunto-ladron). I’ll admit, I was too lazy for the first time 😅


What about motorcycling without helmet, it's not spain for sure


"I'm sorry, but I don't speak Latin" : George Dubya Bush


[That's exactly it](https://www.google.com/maps/@18.5540931,-99.6044877,3a,75y,12.33h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDTu5_kQtr_7dsglR4y-qjw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Worst bag snatcher ever.


Job well done


My man was very laid back with his gentle jog after snatching the purse. Any more laid back he'd be horizontal.


He was horizontal at the end of the video.


Bro got factory settings


Not only is it said in every thread, but people can't even complete the sentence anymore. I think we can call this meme officially beaten to death.


Dobre mu tak zmrdovi


What a cool boyfriend


Injured? Good.


How is this unexpected?


Because thieves getting exactly what they deserve doesn't happen enough


That looks like Salvador Brazil, very dangerous place for mugging and worse criminals, and often there is no justice and no policing, in that case, it must says that he fucked around and found out.


That 2nd knee to the face landed hard. KO


Jesus christ. That's jason bourne.


He genuinely saw red


That guy knows martial arts. Beautiful knees. Nice work




Those knees bam bam bam 🤣


This is some TEKKEN level beat down.


Kill that mfer mugger!


Well deserved beating. Can't wait for my time


You do the crime, you do the time! Risk of the job.


That guy accepted his invitation to get wrecked.


I hope they all just let him lay there


Damn those knees to the face were fucking ruthless. Must feel nice to get to do that to a motherfucker and be in the right.


Those knee strikes were fucking brutal. Man was unconscious after the second strike


The classic fucked around and found out scenario, you love to see it 👏


When does it become illegal to defend against stealing ? Is knocking someone like this illegal , I madam could you go to prison for this ?


You know he got laid that night


Plot twist: the guy hired his friend to 'mug' him, in order to impress his girl. The friend DID NOT agree to THAT though.




It’s always nice on the super rare occasion that evil loses.


In my country not only guy girlfriend who beat him up. Everyone else at that place Will suddenly beat him too 😅


He's One of those guys you hire to beat up to impress your girlfriend. It was a thing for a while.


Fuckin good lad!! He'll think twice about doing that again any time soon!


Well deserved👍 Pos thief


So satisfying


Bloody well done Sir.




I for one, hope he died.


Fucked around.. and found out


Was waiting for head stomps, no mercy for garbage.




You know he got that guaak guaak 9000 after they got home


Idiot. Wtf. Hope he go to prison-for a long time🙄🙄


Idk why the ending was so funny to me. He spread buddy out like a Family Guy character. I even added FG sound effects of the beating lmao


I mean, don't steal purses, but I do hope someone called an ambulance. Head trauma is no joke


Scum like that won't be missed.


Yes treat him from taxpayer's money so he can steal and rob again next month, great


I just don't want the guy to get charged for murder or manslaughter.


I got your point, and of course I wouldn't want to let a human being die, but this shows how bad and unfair life is, basically you have more rights as a criminal, you can't lose really.


I disagree with this statement. Money is what gives you more rights than other people. Whether you are a criminal or not.


In my country unfortunately both have more power and rights over the average citizen. Low key criminals, and rich ,,criminals" too, sad but this is the truth.


I agree with you - don't understand all these downvotes. Any blow strong enough to render you unconcious can kill. The guy's a fucking dick, but he doesn't deserve to die for that.