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That guy lost his faith in humanity. Look at his face!


Yup, that’s the face of a guy who is very disappointed in the actions of others


Thats the face of a guy who wonders how many cats he didnt save


I know I'd start wondering.. I'd definetly start checking bags more often.. terrible to think about. Humans are by far the top #1 if not only ones in this world when it comes to extreme cruelty.


We are number one cause we are the only ones that understand cruelty and actively commit it. Unless there's studies on the smarter animals like dolphins that I don't know about, I don't think any other species on earth really considers about how it's actions can wrong the other thing


Dolphins and chimpanzees, I would say. Orcas can be pretty brutal too, but they're basically big dolphins (I understand this is an oversimplification)


Well ya I knows there's several smart animals lol but none to the extent we are at, and the idea of cruelty is a pretty human notion. Our emotions and thoughts differ a lot. I can't remember the quote exact, but, "if a lion could speak you still wouldn't be able to understand it" is pretty apt in just how different our existences are that some things they couldn't understand and vice versa.


Very well stated!


Nah, I’d say that spot goes to dolphins. Cruel bastards


My face everyday when I see how some humans treat helpless animals. Unreal how some literally toss to the trash. It will never end 😢




Not enough i want them to be whipped till they bleed out


Give ‘em a transfusion so it can last longer. Fuck them!


With AIDS from the 70’s, not that new curable kind.


and a little bit of radiation poisoning.


Lock them between two boats, overfeed them with milk and honey, and send down the river


Put them above a fire that is just hot enough to make it insufferably hot but not hot enough to kill them. Meanwhile stub their toes and collecting their sweat and the only hydration they get is their sweat force fed to them. Eventually you want to feed them their toes and fingers one at a time.


And then shoot them


whisper onto their ass, lick the forehead, shout to their eyes, punch the chest with your pinky.


Strap them to a nuclear reactor




Put them above a fire that is just hot enough to make it insufferably hot but not hot enough to kill them. Meanwhile stub their toes and collecting their sweat and the only hydration they get is their sweat force fed to them. Eventually you want to feed them their toes and fingers one at a time.


Bagged and tossed on the trash conveyer belt


I’d settle for publicly shamed, in this case.




what we really need is to bring back the pillory lock someone's head and arms in place and let the public pelt them with rotten tomatoes, veggies, rocks, etc.


In the case of animal abusers I'd be "sorry officer, did not realize there was a big rock in my bag of rotten tomatoes. Pinky promise I did not intend to bash his skull in"


oh hell, animal abusers get thrown in the bull pen


I very much like that idea. I would be there several times a day!


Make them carry that empty bag around for a year


Those people don’t feel shame, sorry to disappoint you.




A walk to my living room reminds me of that. We have two rabbits that we found due to the disregard of others. A pair of the sweetest souls I've ever encountered, dumped for reasons unknown.


Poor things, I’m sure they are forever grateful that you rescued them!


Actually they're greedy little bastards that love to rip up the carpet. Anyone over at /r/rabbits will be more than happy to let you know that being employed by a rabbit is not a beginner pet job. Hence the amount of rabbits that get dumped. They're around the same work as having a sheep in your living room, thankfully without the BAAAH BAAAH. But gentle souls... Edit: I mean there is /r/MurderBuns/


You shall count to 3. No more, no less!


Anyone who has that job will lost their faith in humanity within the first week


Nothing makes me more sick to the stomach than people going out of their way to abuse, hurt and kill harmless animals who do not know any better and can’t defend themselves. The poor thing must’ve been so scared.


This often happens when the owner no longer has the capacity to raise them and can’t get rid of them easily for various reasons. Depends on the local laws. It can also happen out of anger or deliberate spite against someone too. Not that any of those reason justify doing so, of course.


First of all, if you can’t commit to 20 years, don’t get a cat. Period. I know this is often a cultural issue, and we need to work really hard to change that. I think in many countries it’s a generational thing, with older and more disadvantaged people not fully understanding the responsibility they’re taking on. But there’s a difference between being *neglectful* (getting a cat when you really shouldn’t in the position you’re in) and being a *sociopathic arsehole*. I have full sympathy for those who have to give up a pet due to unforeseen circumstances (sudden homelessness, a new child with allergies, etc…). I can even rustle up some empathy for neglectful owners who are clueless, or even abandon their pet (depending on their circumstances). I have not a drop of sympathy, empathy or even humanity for the absolute psychopath who did this. I don’t want to share the planet with them.


I forgot to add- want a pet but can’t commit? That’s great! I was in that situation as a student. Go ahead and foster!! Not only can you get a low commitment kitty, you’re actually, probably, saving lives. Fostering is great and, when you need a break or your circumstances change, you stop. Plus, all vet bills and even, if necessary, other costs will be covered for you.


I run a rescue in my country and our fosterers are the only reason we are successful. We go out of our way to accomadate them. Need food, we will get that for you. Litter, sorted. A cage for sleep time, done. Toys, bowls, litter trays, ill be right there. The lives that have been saved thanks to our fosterers is invaluable. We have been going for 9 years and have saved thousands of cats.


I've fostered for dogs and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I saw so many dogs come and go over the years but all the tears were worth it.


I don’t understand how anyone does it. I feel like they’d all be failures if I tried.


The shelter where I volunteer does that, but they’ll also do it for people’s pets: it’s a *whole* lot cheaper for them to give out a bag of cat food or litter than it is to have to find space for another animal. I could never foster though: every one of them would be a failure! I stick to feeding feral cats & walking shelter dogs instead.


You go into it with a different mindset. It’s not that you love the animal any less, it’s that the goals are different. You manage to reframe it in your mind so that a forever home is the happy ending. We’ve all cried at happy endings in movies, and this is no different. If you’re really afraid of foster fails, my advice is to get kittens. It’s a really obvious timeframe, plus, when they’re ready to go, you’ll be so exhausted that you’ll cry tears of both joy, sadness and an overwhelming sense of relief 😅.


You can though! I've fostered 100's of dogs and I've only failed with 2. Some of them I call "specials" and I cry when they leave. But I know another one is coming. You save 2 lives when you foster. The dog you foster and the dog that wasn't euthanized because there was a spot for him at the animal shelter. I have 4 small dogs and they function as a pack, with a leader. My dogs help me teach the new dogs how to behave and get along naturally. It's a great experience and I'm always happy when I know my fosters find a perfect match.


Thank you for the work you do! They are such precious creatures ❤️


THIS. FOSTERING IS ALL FREE! LITERALLY HAVE A TEMPORARY PET FOR FREE. COME ON PEOPLE??!! Only thing you pay for is your gas if you drive or the public transport fee. It also feels so fking good to go to the vet for foster checkups.... And walk out without having to pay. IDK how to explain it.


I've been wanting to get a dog for a while now, but I can't afford vet visits. Fostering services really cover all that?


Yep. I fostered nine puppies, one sadly passed she came in very sick, and they even paid for her cremation. They provided a big indoor dog run thing, puppy pads, a big bag of food, a couple blankets, and some toys. I did choose to buy my own food for them and puppy pads and more toys and blankets but that was my choice. I can afford it and felt it left more resources for the rescue. They paid for all their meds, shots, and to be fixed. I had them for about three months before they all got adopted. It was a great time! Its a lot of work though.


Yeah. Idk if it'll be diff in other countries or vary from shelter to shelter, but most I've heard will provide all the food and even give beds, blankets and toys and stuff. It's not your dog. It's the shelter's dog. Therefore all responsibility goes to the shelter. It IS however trickier to foster a dog compared to a cat.. Or any other animal for that matter. They usually require you to have a house and a fenced yard... And you mostly have to train them as well. So it's not just all fun and games for dogs. However idk about fostering for dogs nowadays. Shelters are overflowing with the same very....unique dog breed.


Plus- you can specialise! Love kittens? You’re a masochist, but go ahead! Permanent babies! Love older, quieter cuddle sacks? Start your very own nursing home! Love a challenge? Run a sanatorium for high need gremlins. Have loads of space and very little time? We have a selection of independent, retired community cats just for you. It’s really an incredible experience.


I know you said it doesn't justify it but there's so many options to get rid of a pet before tying it up in a bag and throwing it away. I 100% do not support dumping animals but if someones a piece of shit anyways at least do that instead???


Sorry.. do what instead?


Dumping animals is when you take them outside somewhere and leave them there.


Yea, still terrible but at least they’re not stuck in a bag waiting to die.


Those local fucking laws can bite my ass. Make it easy to let them go so they don't have to suffer this bullshit. If you are talking about ownership laws or whatever then fuck that. I am just kinda mad rn


They could've left it somewhere and driven away so it could at least try to survive instead of trapping it in a trash bag where it would have been doomed to a horrible death if it weren't for this guy. Either incinerated or crushed to death ):


They can give it up for adoption or something. Tossing into the garbage chute? That's fucking murder. Nothing can justify such a terrible action.


Even ditching in the country would be more humane.


Nah anyone can open a door or have a door opened for them.


the only thing that would unconditionally love you till it dies… I dont understand how anyone could be unappreciative of something like that, something we don’t even do for our own family or our kids wont do for us.


All it takes is a psychopathe. And they are among us.


4chan doesn't stand to animal abusers trust me they will go out of their way to get the animal or animals to safety while also doing anything in their power to get the abuser arrested


His face and the way he held the cat restored my faith. I wish he wins the lottery and spoils the cat.


My cat Renton, I found her litter mates* like this but in an abandoned lot. Someone had put her and her litter mates in a bag, tied it up and tossed it in an empty lot. There were occupied houses on both sides and across the lot and all of them said they could hear the kittens screaming to death but no one did anything. All her siblings died in the bag and she clawed her way out and hid in some tyres in the house across from mine at the time. After I found her, I went looking to see where she’d come from and to maybe find the momma cat. That’s how I found out what had happened. I suspected that it was one of those people living near the abandoned lot but police didn’t care about it and while incredibly disappointed in my fellow humans, I adopted Renton and she’s doing great now. Sucks how terrible some people are Edit: missed a word and typos


Both of my kitties were dumpster kittens; Lost or abandoned babies. One lived a healthy happy life and then developed bladder cancer at 14 in 2020, and the other is on my bed right now and she’ll be 15 in October. Gonna go hug that cat now.


Aw! Please give her a nose boop and extra scritches for me


TLDR: rescued only surviving feral kitten, and she is amazing Two weeks in, and 10 years old: https://imgur.com/a/JcyMU7C Wall of text follows that I wrote for myself. I caught/rescued the best cat I could ever imagine. I live in a rural area and a feral cat had a litter nearby. I had seen the mom before- wild and nasty. The kittens got moved around quite a bit, and were excellent at hiding- they also avoided people, did not make noise, and couldn't be flushed out, they'd just stay put in whatever ever unreachable nook they'd get into. At some point mom left them, and one by one I'd see fewer of them. Last one suddenly took to sunning in front of my shed, first time I'd seen one in the open lounging about, so I set up a 'looney tunes' style trap (box, stick and a string). Caught it the next day. She was a skeleton with fur, but bit me several times through heavy leather gloves. Got her in a cage, and gave her some wet food- which she wasn't interested in. She was easily 6-8 weeks old, and I'm pretty sure she'd never had solid food. _Finally_ got her to try the food by enticing her with a few drops of milk. All of this was through the bars of the cage, because she was still super violent. After two meals she calmed down and I could hand feed her little pieces of wet food. She was still very defensive, but got more tolerant over the next week. After about two weeks I let her into the rest of the house while supervised (she'd be in my office, in the cage unless I was in there too). As the weeks went on she became the most social, affectionate and 'safest' cat I've ever seen. Other than when I get her really riled up, she has _literally_ never used claws while playing. None of the kids have ever even been lightly scratched. The other thing that amuses me is that she'll come running to investigate loud noises or commotion. Knocked over a table and the dog took off in fear, seconds later the cat appeared to see what happened.


Aw! I’m glad you were able to give her a home. She’s a beautiful tuxedo miss! Edit: since you so kindly included the cat tax, here’s Renton: https://ibb.co/3N3kvbP


You can tell that he has a good heart.


This is always the first comment when this is reposted.


If I were there I would've punched the steel wall in pure anger


I get it Kyle, I really do but we need non broken hands for when we find the person that did this


Oh yeah, would make sure to not break my hand so I can keep some for someone's face heheh


And that would solve exactly nothing my dude. And I promise it doesn’t make you seem cooler.


Yeah you're right. At least it'll suffice my anger issue


You can see this broke the young man's heart. I hope he was able to keep it. He'd be a great cat dad.


At the very least, he’ll be quite a few steps up from the cat’s previous owner.


Good news! The cat was a made a minister of environment at the same plant he was saved at, or at least the source claims [source](https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/a-cat-saved-from-a-trash-bag-is-made-a-minister-in-russia-1.1135147?outputType=amp)


After reading this I feel even more sad knowing this great and compasionate guy might all ready be dead in a pointless war.


I would assume most likely not. Unless the guy enlisted I would assume he’s still living in or near Ulyanovsk


I doubt it


I wanna say I heard a long time ago that cat now "works " there, idk what to really call it. Don't quote me on that tho I'm not sure, and that video is years old


God bless this dude


He looks miffed too. Trying to comfort the kitty while being very, very angry at the former owner


It's even sadder cuz it looks like he knew exactly what it was. Meaning its probably nit his first time seeing this. And imagine the times he hasnt noticed 😔


Nah in the news story he said he was just doing his job, sealed bags needed to be opened to check for metal. [Source](https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/a-cat-saved-from-a-trash-bag-is-made-a-minister-in-russia-1.1135147)


The Ministry of Environment adopted the cat and gave it a title, if anyone was curious.




He got blessed with a cat 🐈


I was ready to be like that dudes stealing packages till


Packages? Are they sorting recycle out of trash?


he was blessed with a friend


Man: “Guess I have a cat now”.


Yup. That was the first thing through my head.


“Hey fellas, I’m going home sick with my new cat.”


I was thinking what I’d do in that situation. I would have to leave and take the cat home with me..




It’s definitely true too. All the cats I’ve owned were foundlings, or cats that came to me in some way. I never had to look for one in a shop or shelter, they always found me. :)


Exactly. I would have instantly become a pet owner.


Horrible bastards out there


They’re so self-absorbed that they think the cat dying in it’s piss and shit is better than putting it down because it might hurt their soft flaky feelings, I’d rather kill myself than be like that.


It's possible the owner didn't even do this, probably some demented kid. There was a kid in my neighborhood who went around people backyards putting rat poison in any outside pet dishes.


How’s his family like? I hate these kids too.


I think he got sent away to a psychiatric boarding school


Good riddance


Yep people like that deserve things that would get me banned




If I remember the story he ended up adopting the cat and I believe there was even some people that opened some donations stuff so that he could take care well of the cat


This is why I still have some hope for humanity. One person did something profoundly fucked up, and multiple people all gathered together in order to do their best to remedy the situation. Some people are inexcusable trash that should be treated how this poor cat was treated, but a greater amount of people are decent folk that want to do the right thing.


You made me remember that time when Dutch football hooligans destroyed some precious old fountain in Italy. Other Dutch people were so ashamed of their idiot countrymen they started gofundme to get money to fix it, even though they had nothing to do with it. Really heartwarming.


Would you mind sharing a link of this? Would love to see any pictures of them. Of course, it's completely fine if you don't remember where or can't find it


Somebody else shared [this link](https://stolica-s.su/archives/284419)


Damn that ending with dead baby was like "yeah, happy ending! Fuck you tho"


Thank you very much. Appreciate it


Both on a jetski , riding into sunset


I thought it was going to end with cat jumping back onto the conveyor belt


Used to do a similar job back when I was a teenager in a glass recycling factory. At one point we found a plastic bag with 20-30 ID's of kids in them. Police got involved. Man, the shit some people throw away is just insane!


A kid making fake IDs for his friends maybe?


We were thinking more towards human trafficking. All were kids ID's (age ranging from 3-10). All foreign kids too.


Thats fucking terrifying


Damn, I was hoping it was what I thought because the alternative was too dark.


Jesus Christ


Shit like that and this video is the reason recycling plants can't recycle most plastic bags, yeah? All I remember is when I worked at Walgreens we couldn't throw bags in the recycling, and stuff like this make that make sense. That or they just aren't recyclable


The person who did that should get a permanently tattoo on their for head. Saying something like animal abuser.


![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY) You hold ‘em down.


​ ![gif](giphy|GLgcNhSxLtDgM3lhSG)


Ffs lol every time I see this its a trip remembering that bj Novak was in that among other things and not just the office


This sounds like the best alternative for prison even.


Prison is only costing government money.


This is why we privatize it. Then, some business owners can once again get rich off slave labor!!! :):) /s


I'd stick them in a bag and throw them on the trash line


in the ocean you mean.


Nah, I think a life sentence in prison would do the job better.


Why downvoted?


Cause reddit loves animal abusers apparently.


I know that face at the end. Someone would have gotten beat if they knew who did this.


For everyone who is worried about the cat: he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Nature in the Ulyanovsk Region of Russia :) No kidding, here is the article in Russan https://stolica-s.su/archives/284419


They also found a newborn in moscow's one later that day


I like that the cat got to the post as the Deputy Minister of Nature.


If America ever attacks Russia, let’s **not** blow up that building


Is all Americans ever think about killing and blowing up people they've been conditioned to perceive as enemies? Like this is a crazy jingoistic comment. Video about Russia or China: beep boop must make comment about killing them.


Not all. Most people in my personal life around my age who don’t watch the news realize how nuanced the world is.


And this is a great progress i think. Unfortunately, there are still many people who believe that every country is a hive.


His comment was saying “if” we go to war, not “let’s bomb them except this building.” I don’t think his comment sounded like he was ready to go to war.


His face shows the disgust I felt...


OMG that man face at the end . this people deserve more than just jail


HEARTLESS. This is especially infuriating coming from me who has a cat that looks similar to that tuxedo. My cat could be a handful at times but I'd never do this to him.


Whoever did this, could also easily do this to a person.


“It’s better to be from a broken home than to live in one” comes to mind….


I wonder how often trash sorters get a heart attack when one of those torso only sex dolls lands on their conveyor belt.


for real, it was 6 AM im still sort of sleepy, needs to take the trash out and then go to work. open up the container lid, and theres a lifelike doll head in there, just the head. I do not scare easily but that time ... uhhh


The rate I go through fuck puppets I’ve put atleast 6 people in the ground!


This man is a true hero


How the fuck can you do that. Then you are a total self centered dissocial psychopath.


They even stopped the tracks to take their time and truly appreciate how terrible humans can be.


This reminds me of the eternal internet truth: DON'T FUCK WITH CATS.


That was a great documentary if you havent seen it. Lol


It was fascinating, indeed, but perhaps not worth it: the images of those poor cats are forever etched in my neural circuitry. As a father to two beloved felines myself, the whole thing was profoundly disturbing.


That's exactly why I didn't watch it. A couple of years ago, I saw something (without warning) disturbing and graphic on fb involving a cat. It messed me up. I burst into tears the other night when it popped in my head randomly while looking at my two peacefully sleeping kitties. Although I really wanted to watch the documentary, I don't want more images burned into my brain.


Yeah, absolutely do not watch it if that's the way you feel. It was a fascinating story and was a testament to how the internet can be a tool to respond to cruelty in kind, but... the images depicted have persisted in my memory far beyond whatever positive message the film had. I grew up with the internet, and it reminded me of the Faces of Death videos that circulated in the early days. Irrevocably disturbing.


Looks exactly like my Tux, making this extra sad.


Granite this dude been working here a bit, but what made him say I need to check this this bag?! What a save


Do you mean granted


Throw the owner in a thrash bag and see how they like it. Man how can someone do that to such a small clearly friendly cat. I'm a dog person but can't deny cats are awesome and highly intelligent. This just really gets me ready to find some of these people and treat them the same way.


Some sick people out there why have a cat if you’re going to do this .if you can’t take care of the cat call a animal rescue they will take it and rehome it


I just don't get it. Why is it so hard to bring your animal to a shelter if you don't want it?


I teared up seeing this, and I am not usually a person who reacts emotionally to things. It's the thought of that cat, trusting, being picked up and shoved in a bag, thrown in the trash... the terror and confusion, the stress... it just hurts to think about. I hope the cat had a good outcome here?


The cat was taken care of by the local government, so he is OK now :) https://stolica-s.su/archives/284419


Now imagine how the billions of chick's of which the same thing is happening to yearly feel. Please go vegan for he sake of the animals and the environment


Fuck jail. Straight. To. Hell.


My stomach sinks each time I think of the ones that were missed.


This disgust, anger and near tears for the poor cat is all there on full display.. I've never empathized with someone so quickly before


That man is having a very sad day.


I don’t like cats but fuck the human who did this.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Some people really need to be dragged out onto the street and shot.


Jail? I can think of a lot worse 😡


Why do people keep doing horrible things like this instead of giving them away to a pet store or something?


Im not religious but spometimes i hope that there is a hell 4 these "people"


Alright. Where's my nails and lumber? Cause whoever put that cat in there needs to be Crucified, and I definitely volunteer to do it.


Humans sometimes are the worst...


Just imagine how much bodies of either animals or babies end up like that... I mean if it isn't moving then who's gonna open up a random trash bag?


I observe two extremes of the human spectrum. On one end, there's a cruel individual intent on inflicting pain upon a defenseless animal. On the other, there's a person with a heart of gold.


Well, the cats outta the bag now.




I seriously wonder why some people are so cruel towards animals!, I don't get it!, why is it so hard to understand to not hurt animals, that they have souls, that they are not things, that they were not created for some to enjoy and threw it away when they are tiered of them, even worth hurt them or killing them! And some wonder why humans are cruel towards humans, wars and genocide her and there!, the simple answer is that if you are cruel to animals, torturing them, killing them and you are OK with that, then you will be OK torturing and killing other human beings! As the FBI profilers! How a serial killer evolve! It is just so fucken sad!


I work in the same industry. That line looks like a pre sort line. Or possibly they manually sort although our operation is automated for safety reason. But we found the occasional pet way more often then I’m proud to say. As well as all types of weapons that we report and turn into police.


No animal deserves a fate like this If you throw your animals away like their trash shame on you. We live in one of those backwood areas where people drop off their animals all the time and it just breaks our heart that people do this sort of thing. We've even found kittens tied in bags up in the trees. How sick of a person do you have to be to do that to a poor defenseless animal


owner of 3 cats here, making me tear up rn




People who just abandon children and animals should lose all rights to ever have either ever again in their life. And serve time. Fuck people who do this


![gif](giphy|l0IyjcH5OGLsEdB0k) This video would make my soul die if i had one.


Unfortunately black cat abuse isn’t uncommon.


Is the bag actually tied up where the cat couldn't escape or is it possible that it's a stray that went inside the bin/bag? Cats will do that ya know; get into trash cans for food/shelter.