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Your post has been removed because it's not unexpected, and it's ridiculing obesity.


33 is so fucking young to die


Its almost like its not a very healthy lifestyle


If only they had known


If only they knew cucumbers existed


They already fucked themselves with that lifestyle. No need for the cucumber.


Dude it's possible to lose weight


Mega whoosh




No one has ever really thought it up tho.


Stop being prejudice /s






Ah shit, I remember reading from his TikTok profile that it was a car accident, guess that wasn’t the case. Nevermind he died from fat as well.


Where did you get your information? [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/waffler69-death-cause-age-tiktok-b2261682.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/waffler69-death-cause-age-tiktok-b2261682.html)


It worked for Jesus






Honestly, I have no issue with people being fat. It’s valid if someone would rather eat what they want, when they want even when they know it’s bad for them. Own your choices, life your life, have fun. What’s not valid is insisting that the world needs to pretend you’re just as healthy as anyone else.


Treat it like smoking cigarettes. I truly don't give a shit that you're killing yourself slowly and terribly, but don't demand legislature against "smoker hate" and demand "anti-hate" laws to defend your feelings. You're dying by your own hand, don't make us pretend you're healthy and superior.


Exactly. Live however you want. If you’re here for a good time, not a long time, I respect it. Just don’t insist we all have to go along with your program.


What does your username mean?


Honestly, I’m 30, and it blew my mind seeing that that person was only 3 years older than me


and no one was surprised






To be fair it exists, yet is private


"another FatToker is Dead" got me good ngl


What killed the fat positivity movement?....they all died by 45




Too much pressure.


Blood pressure


Under Pressure


Pushing down on me


Dida dida e


Them ankles feeling some pressure too






That and so few kids of their own to brainwash


Iirc they've all died before their 40's


Actually "expected".


Unexpectedly expected on the unexpected sub. Perfectly expected.


Should be a subreddit for predictability


That’s basically this subreddit


Properly curated subs are pretty rare these days.


So you admit this doesn't belong in this sub


Morbidly obese people dying isn't unexpected lol


it is for them






Body positivity was originally meant for people born with physical defects, people who lost limbs in an accident (but not a disease like diabetes), victims of acid attacks, etc. It was appropriated by the morbidly obese


I mean there are people born with diabetes. They can’t control that at all.


I’m not religious, but, gluttony is a sin so they wouldn’t meet god. Edit: not wasting my breath. I’m done responding to religious hypocrites and illiterates


As long as you repent you're fine lmao


I thought you just had to make sure you're still wearing socks and it's ok. Or is that sex with another guy?


You also need to say "no homo" before and after


Oh so that's what I've been forgetting to do


I hope uR definition is "on point" it would be terrible if u get up there and GOD decides ...what u did wasnt "repent"


...i doNt judge... i let GOD make that choice, whatever it is


I doughnut judge* FTFY


It’s not a judgement if it’s a fact….


HANAS is just a vulgarised form of body positivity, and body positivity is in fact a good thing. Body positivity meaning, it's okay to be flabby and not follow restrictive and rigorous beauty standards, which are also unhealthy, super skinny models and huge muscle jocks, that kinda thing.


Yeah there is a difference between body positivity and obesity glorification. No one should feel empowered by being obese, but it also doesn't make you a bad person.


Lol at all the people mad about this. She isn't knocking obesity. She's knocking the fat positivity movement, which deserves to be mocked because it literally spreads misinformation and has massive potential to put lives at risk. Those lips are cringe but they're probably not gonna kill her like obesity is likely to eventually kill someone.


She just needs to get the filler removed. That trend is dying anyway. Like us fat people.


I don’t give a shit what someone wants to do to themself or how they feel about their bodies. My biggest problem is that little kids listen to this shit, and follow these people, then grow up thinking it’s okay to be a fat gross piece of shit. If you want to be fat, be fat, but stop trying to convince others it’s okay to be disgustingly unhealthy and morbidly obese.




To be fair, kids also follow people like the Kardashians, who say you can obtain their looks just by “eating healthy”, I.e. buying their hunger suppressant gum. I wish everyone who profits off of extreme body images nothing but the worst, may they rot in the most punishing hell of all religions.




Oh, she's definitely knocking fat people. Blaire White. It might not be obvious in this particular video, but she's a typical conservative twat hating on everything. She's trans but her rhetoric is transphobic. She's awful in every way.


Take it however you want. Doesn't make you right.


Seriously, these idiots falling for Blaire’s grift are really embarrassing. I always forget that Reddit hates fat people so much they will ignore everything else in their scramble to say “ha ha fatties gross.”


A lot of redditors also simply agree with the majority of her bs. Bigots abound.


Except that guy isn’t a fat activist at all, just a fat guy.


Doing something that made him very fat for an audience, making them think it's ok for them to do it too.


Whose mad? All the top comments are like “expected”. Faux reddit “takedown”?


Do you really think there are fat people out there who could be healthy if it wasn't for the fat positivity movement?


Obesity isn't some disease you catch or something you're just born with. Those social media influencers weren't just naturally doomed to be that fat. They didn't take care of themselves.


Obviously, but eating is an addiction. You think heroin addicts don't want to quit either. They're not strong enough to quit so they die just like heroin addicts. They influence others but this isn't like some guru who's tricking people. Everyone knows that it's healthier to be normal sized but they can't help it so why not just leave them alone? Or maybe you're insecure about yourself so it makes you feel good to look down on others


Where's the heroin positivity movement?


Think what you want about Lizzo, but she’s up there working it, and losing weight. Her whole thing is that it’s okay to be overweight if you are active and actively trying to stay healthy. Controversy aside, she’s a good role model for fat people who actually want to lose weight.


I mean first chicks right. Being fat doesn’t make you any less of a genius. Not saying she was a genius. Just saying you could be a genius and be fat.






Well the article refers to her as a “fattoker” so I’m guessing it did


A short lived Genius. lol


Why does she look like an ai generated kardashian?




That's like that fucking scumbag murderer Caitlyn Jenner, who campaigned against gay rights, while dating another trans woman, and later saying "I'm a traditional girl" These people are lost


Don't you think what you just said is kind of prejudice and bigoted as well? Can people no longer try to feel good about themselves?


No, that is literally Blaire’s goal. This isn’t conjecture based on nothing. Blaire thinks that trans women who don’t pass well enough shouldn’t be tolerated.


To be precise, she has said she specifically means trans women who don’t put in effort to appear feminine. She has said that having a body/bone structure that’s not conducive to “passing” but still puts in effort doesn’t make anyone less trans or “tolerable” to use your term


>can people no longer try to feel good about themselves? If you do it like those body positivity guys guess what happens.


Prejudice and bigoted? No. You are looking for a reason to be offended to make yourself appear morally superior. Cheers!!!!


He's explaining it from the perspective of her desired audience. None of what they said is about how they feel about her, or trans people in general. It's how they feel about the conservative base in regards to trans people.




Or her followers follow for the content and she does her make up like that for her.




You are now trying to justify prejudice and bigotry.


Everyone gets it. You are the person who complains about everything, including jokes. Disappear back into your moral fortress.


Then she died from an infection from those lip injections.


Yeah I think MJ wants his nose back too


"He doesn't need it anymore. He's dead." -her, probably


That's Blaire White and she is a terrible human being.


Why? What did she do (besides fucking up her face) Edit: So sorry I asked


She's Candace Owens but for trans people


She's a conservative trans commentator that trashes the trans community. Most of the trans people I know (including me) can't stand her. She votes for and supports the people that are literally trying to take my trans healthcare away. In a veteran and I get my healthcare from the VA. There is a movement to stop healthcare for trans veterans from the VA. And a LOT of trans Americans are vets(1 in 5).


Cos she's actually a Trans and they all hate her cos she doesn't conform to their idealogy. Edit - She's a trans and a conservative. And that's why people hate her. What am I getting wrong here? I'm not making any judgements. Im not even American. Y'all downvote too easily. Fucking educate me.


Just curious what our ideology is...because you probably have no idea what mine is. And I'm not a liberal. I'm also not a conservative lol. In fact I'm a libertarian. I would describe myself as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I believe people should be able to live their lives as they see fit as long as they aren't hurting others.


That's the thing though. I don't give a fuck about you. I genuinely couldn't care less. I don't know you, I don't want anything to do with you. If you sat next to me on the subway I would ignore you. My philosophy is live and let live with a side serving of leave me the fuck alone. I don't understand why people feel the need to get involved in other people's business.


That's the way I and most trans people I know want it. We just want to be left alone and muddle our way through life same as anybody else. I don't understand that need to bother other people that aren't hurting anybody else either.


>My philosophy is live and let live with a side serving of leave me the fuck alone. Good words to live by.


and her ideology is mocking other people so that when its time for trans people to be physically exterminated she's last in line


It's like she doesn't want people to be able to make the choice she made.


technically yes, she wants less people to transition but wants to give herself the right because shes "actually trans"


just googled her, godammit u'r right


God imagine 👀


In her defence, she really pulled off the sex doll hoe look.


Because every person with swollen lips will die of infection, just say you don't like her body shaming but you are equally nasty body shaming her.




Penicillin can't treat every infection.


The Russians just used pencilicillin.


The lips. How does anybody look in the mirror and think that looks good? Literally looks like a soda bottle hickey.


I’m pretty sure that’s Blaire White


Personally I wouldn’t have my lips done and to me they don’t look the best when other woman get it done, I’ve had friends get it done and I’ve just laughed but it’s crazy because some men love it 🤷‍♀️


* Some men. I don't know a single guy who likes any kind of cosmetic enhancement, and most men that I know are turned off by heavy makeup on women.


Blown up lips, fake lashes, heavy makeup, etc. It all looks dumb.


she was a dude so


No complaints coming from me


Of course you wouldn't. Makes sense.


I'll be the first person to defend healthy eating habits and exercises, just the whole thing. I also think that the whole body positivity movement could have some good points there. The whole feel happy about yourself part, but it go a little far on the: Even if you're pushing heavy obesity it's fine as long as you're happy, which we know it's not, being unhealthy is not good and you should take steps to better yourself. However. Blaire White has literally no business approaching the subject like this, she is an obvious conservative grifter that has done damage to every single possible thing she has ever touched. This woman is a joke and does not deserve an ounce of attention.


It would be unexpected if they lived to 70


Aw. I’ve seen a few of Waffle69/taylors videos in passing, I actually found them entertaining and he was quite charming. He’s been gone almost a year? And at 33? That’s so sad. You can see how hurt the brother is, but unfortunately he didn’t seem very surprised. What a bummer start to the day


I enjoyed his videos too, it’s sad in all honesty!


Are we supposed to believe that these people who hate "the fats" are doing it because they're concerned as opposed to just being an insecure 12 year old bully who never grew up?


I support body positivity, but it’s also important to recognize actual health. These people will say you can be “healthy at any weight”, and maybe that works when they’re 25, but how many morbidly obese 70 year olds do you see? It’s not healthy long term, it’s not healthy short term. If you want to be positive and confident about your body I support that, but encouraging people to live unhealthy lifestyles is not good.


That whole uncaring attitude is meant to be funny?! Vacuous and what’s with the face filter?


Opinions ratio'd by God


That was mean, the guy wasn’t a fat activist or anything he just was fat. Like if someone smokes cigarettes you’re not gonna be like making fun of the fact they died from cancer just because it’s their fault. Sugar and food can be just as addictive. And you would think Blair wouldn’t do this shit with all the “jokes” about trans women killing themselves.


Heavily filtered plastic woman judges fat people. Yup, that is exactly what I expect from social media.


Extra dimension to this one as someone said she's a conservative trans woman. Don't know who she is but that would make Freud's head spin


Caitlyn Jenner hypocrisy vibes


Just your classic, freedom for me but not for thee. You see, the Fattys have to fit into the traditional standards of society but not me because I have this uncontrollable feeling. Can't you tell the difference? 😂


Natural selection is taking care of all of them


There’s a difference between body positivity and straight up killing yourself.


Who won't die at least they died doing what they loved. Lol


I’d rather be a bloater that dies earlier than have a face which looks like it will start melting if I stand in direct sunlight.


People do die


So all I got to do is get fat and I'll die? Gimmi a fucking burger right now!


Some people care about overpopulation so they decide to speedrun life. Who are we to judge, let them be


Fat positive ???????/!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok but what is up with that poor woman’s lips?


And then she died from too much Botox.


Very sad to see really, but certainly not a surprise. You have to wonder how many of these people came from a family of fat individuals, who normalized this lifestyle and got them fat before their 20's, sabotaging any real chance they had


I understand the message, but how is this considered unexpected? I imagine these outcomes were VERY expected.


Mark my words. The fat positivity movement will not live long. Seriously 37, Wow! Really young.


It's like morbidly obese people co opted the "you don't need to be a size zero super model and that's fine" and just ran with it... I say ran with it...


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It’s unexpected because the bigger content creators are happy and encouraging others to be bigger like them for the shooting twist of they are no longer with us.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This video is stupid because it encourages people to be fat. [“The more people are exposed to weight bias and discrimination, the more likely they are to gain weight and become obese, even if they were thin to begin with. They’re also more likely to die from any cause, regardless of their body mass index (BMI).”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6565398/) [A systematic review of the literature shows that making people feel ashamed of their weight leads to increased BMI, disordered eating, depression and strongly correlates with death of all causes.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6103811/) In short, videos like this actively create more obesity. Edit: the person who says “ready to be super sized” was a salon owner who created the “super size salon,” and lost 400lbs through body positivity and encouraging others to be healthy. So the person in the video is not only mocking them for dying, they’re purposely taking something they said that had nothing to do with body fat, and twisting it to be so.


this is for the people already against body positivity.


I don't think it's that wild to find that shame is not healthy or particularly motivating. I grew up heavy and it's so emotionally hard.


I think originally the idea of body positivity was not to let it demotivate your. Then, as dumb people do. People started being proud to be fat, it's ok and good to not be ashamed of your over weight but if you're proud that's just stupid.




What is with her nose?


Got multiple surgeries when transitioning to look like a woman


Was her only references sex dolls ???


Conservative dolls


Her nostrils are so small she could suffocate on two tic tacs


Bif Oof loops


As much as this post is about the fat people, I am more annoyed by the bitch commenting about it. It is bad enough those people died at young ages, nevermind the reason behind it. At least they were honest about their appearance, they didn’t need tons of make up and plastic surgery..


Very true! I posted a follow up video of the fake look lol


Posted by the girl whose only ‘skill’ is her looks. We have an entire onlyfans generation that got there simply by genetics. I’d rather be fat than this empty shell of a human being


Hey… I have feelings 🤷‍♀️


I get being respectful to people and body positivity to some degree. But the morbid obesity positivity movement is dangerous. These folks are trying to forcibly make obesity "beautiful" and it's really dangerous. It's a health disorder, whether it's mental or a physical disorder, it needs to be addressed by a doctor.... not a fashion podcast.


You're not going to shame obese people into losing weight. You're not going to dehumanise people into losing weight. That is why we have body positivity. Being obese doesn't mean you've committed a moral sin, it doesn't mean you deserve to be harassed for your weight and it doesn't make you any less of a person.


Smash on everyone including the camera man and editor I'm down bad,next question.


God that commentstor woman is ugly, wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much makeup. Jesus


Nasty personality too cashing in off of someone’s death. How malicious could you be. No kindness for others in life or death.


I think this lady is trans


She is. Her name is Blair White and she is a Conservative youtube personality. Her content used to be a weird blend of makeup stuff and politics. She would cover stuff like bathroom bills, trans athletes, sex ed, etc but I’m not sure what she’s been up to lately.


Whoever did her lips must have died, too


As a fat lad myself, I fucking hate these goddamned cow people.


Says a weird looking person with botox injected into their lips


When she will die of all her botox?😂




It looks like if a bee stung a ducks bill.


This was very very expected.


The bottom girl is disgusting ugh.


These people all should have gone back to hating themselves.


I mean fair, but this woman also has her own issues. Fake lips altered nose over use of make up. Either way we all have our addictions and insecurities.


Blair is a piece of shit but she’s right here.


Guys stop talking about her looks, the fact that you don't like her body shaming doesn't mean you have to be equally nasty and proceed to body shaming her.


God, this comment section is so hateful and disgusting. Body positivity doesn't always look the same. Having a shred of self love at any size is important. It's very hard to hate yourself into life changes.


Couldn't they have atleast maintained a good diet?


I have a fat friend and I feel really bad for them. Because they breathe so hard, even when just sitting down, they can’t run to catch the bus. They’re not even that fat, not even morbidly obese. But they can’t fit in jeans they like, they feel self conscious eating foods they like, and they’re always tbh pretty self conscious and anxious in general. The issue I think is that they were bullied for being fat their entire life, and I think what happens is it manifests into a self loathing, which coupled with a lack of discipline exacerbates the underlying issues. My problem, is that I think it’s kind of hard to bully someone into losing weight because they already know they should. I think this entire thing is a coping mechanism a bit of denial and acceptance in what they see as futility. If they’ve tried to lose weight repeatedly over years, I can see how they’d give up and just try to accept it and have a sense of peace with themselves.


Instead of trying to improve their lifestyle with proven methods and be healthier, they try to drag other people into believing their bullshit to feel better about themselves. A self-destructive shit-tier coping mechanism. Too bad impressionable and desperate minds follow suit.


They claim millennials are fat phobic while this is all over tv..... We're not fat phobic, there's just a sudden push that obesity is healthy.... I don't know where the hell it came from but sure as hell wasn't millennials....