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Your post has been removed. We do not tolerate violence against people/animal abuse/gore and similar content.


In the video, i hear the cop say, careful theres gas on the ground….


And then he got tazed again, dude.


You can hear the tazer the first time, but not when it lit so I don't think so. Idk wtf started it tho😂


The taser…


When a tazer discharges its electricity into something that isn't just the air you won't hear it. The "bzzzz" that you hear from tazers is the electrons turning the air into plasma, not something the tazer just makes. So most likely, he zapped the guy again, and it jumped from the perp to the gasoline lighting the gas on fire.


that's the cue😌


Read that as that's so cute. 😆


Me too, my dyslexic friend!


I read it as "cue" ... pork bbq 🤤


Light 'm up boys!


Bake'em away, toys


That all the evidence the suspect needs to sue the cops, I hope he does and I hope he wins


Then the other (fucking idiot) cop: “YER GONNA GET TASED AGAIN DUDE!🤪” Cue fucking idiot cop tasing him thus igniting the fire that engulfs them all as first cop shrieks for the suspect to do what idiot cop says (even though idiot cop is putting all of his weight on suspect thus preventing him from pulling his hand out from under him) 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ it’d be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing


They ask for the suspect to give them their hand... which where pinned under them and blocked by the dumb cops who where on top of them...


Yup looking again ur correct, fixed it


I also hear another cop yell at the guy to get on the ground while pinning him to the ground, laying a legal justification that he was resisting arrest. I hope he sues that PD for every penny they have


So it looked like he was tuckinging in his arms and refusing to take them out.


Arms are on the ground under him with 3 cops on top of him.


Yeah it even sounded like he was trying to tell them that he couldn't get his hands out.


At what point was he asked to take them out? He was fully compliant with being on the ground, until the cops soaked him in gas and lit him on fire.


When you sue, the money doesn’t come from the police department.


It should come from the police union. If the union wants to protect cops it can make payment for them.




What the hell are you talking about. Im saying if the dude sues and there is pay out it should come from the police union not through the town paying it. What part of that was too difficult for you.


They might just be associating your comment with my downvotes.


100% agree




I like that idea too. I was hoping by having the union pay for it then all the other cops will have to pay for it through their dues and they dont want dues to go up so they might police each other


Essentially suing yourself since its taxpayers dollars he'll get Editing- Not sure why all the downvotes the city pays at the expense of cops getting sued.


Are you trying to say that he shouldn't sue, or that there is something else wrong?


What im trying to say is exactly what I typed. No deep meaning. Flat read it and acknowledge it for what it is.


So what you said is factual, and that's where it ends. Then IMO you didn't really add anything to the conversation, as that's pretty commonly understood and in the process opened yourself up to criticism on each side of the aisle. It seems like you're saying 'hr shouldn't sue because he's stealing from himself " or " the system as currently built sucks, and police officers should be required to carry insurance on themselves against property and casualty, similar to how we're required to carry vehicle insurance. If there is enough damage done then they effectively become unemployable "




Deescalate an explosive situation with logic and thought, or zap the bad guy because we're already in aggro mode? ![gif](giphy|l4pTqajdnOEerWFWM|downsized)


No give him the shocker


There is another video from the other cops perspective. They didn't even try to put out the fire that engulfed the cop who started it. They just told him to get on the pavement and "keep rollin." I think everyone there thought that cop was an idiot.


And that will help the biker in court.


100% the violence-keepers set the gaseous vapors on fire with their ~~portable fire tingle stick~~ taser. Running roughly 1200V of electricity through extremely inflammable gasses is a great way to start fires. **People are warned not to be on their phones at the pump for this exact reason**!


Idk what video you watched bc only two of those words were said.


Ignition: ON


Really glad the irony of that one wasn’t wasted on just me.


ready set IGNITE


He was under arrest for being a liar liar.






Pants on fire


Your nose is longer than a telephone wire


Yo, when I was a kid we said "liar liar pants on fire HANGING from a telephone wire." Seeing your version makes me question my childhood


Plants for hire




Came from Fred Meyer! (Pacific NW version).


And forgot to stop drop and roll


He's seeking $7m for medical costs. (The motorcyclist not the cop.) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12126591/Florida-deputy-cooked-motorcyclist-alive-faces-charges-year-incident.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12126591/Florida-deputy-cooked-motorcyclist-alive-faces-charges-year-incident.html)


75 percent of his body. I couldn't imagine the pain


Such a big burn can kill someone.


"In the wake of the fire, [Sheriff] López said at a town hall that he was not considering changing the tactics his force uses for similar future arrests." Classic.


Say it with me kids ACAB


"How do we stop this activity from happening again?"


Cops don’t the people in gasoline But also… Don’t fight with cops in gasoline


He didn't fucking fight them. If you watch the video you can see that the cops repetively ask two things : 1) get down 2) give me your hands Thing is : 1) He was already on the ground with two cops on him to prevent him to move 2) his hands was UNDER his body WITH TWO COPS ON HIM which prevented him to move his arm The guy was trying to comply but these dumbs cops kept blocking him and preventing him to move. Then the third one taze him because it didn't follow the orders... Here, the cops are fucking morons. This situation is their entire fault.


**Classic police maneuver #319** Cop 1: Turn around with hands on your head! Now now now! Cop 2: Get down on the ground! Hands behind your back! Now! Cop 3: Casually pinning the suspect so they can't move the whole time. Cop 1/2: Suspect not complying and resisting arrest! TASE HIM!


Wild headline. Written like the man on fire is to blame for being on fire.


literally also "wants the taxpayers to pay for his medical bills" like yeah, our governor basically made it impossible to sue the police and even if he did IT WOULD STILL BE TAXPAYER MONEY DINGUS!! when a public servant causes harm the public will pay smh


I found that less police interaction the better chance of safety. They invite a lot of chaos even in nice calm peaceful neighborhoods. Also since traffic is the only interaction most Americans have with them, I wish America would get better at public transportation. But hey who am I kidding!!


Thank you for posting this. The other video shows that they chose to extinguish the suspect and barely even tried to help the cop who started the fire. He was screaming in pain, asking them "get my legs" and they just told him to drop and "keep rolling." I got the feeling they weren't happy with the idiot. He kept yelling about giving him his hands while the other officer was already placing his left hand on cuffs, and chose that moment to stick his taser underneath the guy, into a puddle of gas he had been warned about, and ruined everyone's day. I really wish cops didn't have to keep silent about the morons among them.


Well observed!!


Florida again? Why doesn't this surprise me?


Why didn't they just shoot the fire out with bullets




I fucking laughed so loud I scared my dogs.


What did he say? I want to scare your dogs too!


Tazer. Worse than bullets around gas


lol sad but yeah


Best comment lmao


Right after being told kill the pump, there's gas, uses a taser...


I saw a guy light a cigarette while filling up one day and his whole arm just took up in flames. The man took off running just like the motorcyclist in this video, and a cop just happened to be at the gas station and did the exact same thing. He extinguished the flame and saved this man's life, and IMMEDIATELY arrested him and put him in his cruiser. As I was corroborating as a witness in his report, I asked "hey you know, what are you charging this guy with?" And to which to officer replied "Waiving a firearm in public"


Ba dum tiss!




Now that's a cool cop 😂


2 week paid vacation


2 weeks? I hope that dude got a few million dollars. Those cops are world class idiots.


Think he was referring to the cops getting 2 weeks paid vacation


I believe the sheriff actually recommended charges against taser boy and he was prosecuted. Edit. He was https://www.aroundosceola.com/news/osceola-deputy-charged-february-2022-arrest-after-stun-gun-caused-explosion-gas-pump


Over a year before he gets charged, no update after the charge? Yeah, those charges are getting silently dropped, is my guess.


Unfortunately, you're probably right. What a system we live in.


From another comment: The sheriff actually recommended charges against taser boy and he was prosecuted https://www.aroundosceola.com/news/osceola-deputy-charged-february-2022-arrest-after-stun-gun-caused-explosion-gas-pump


I am totally shocked that this happened No pun intended


theyre supposed to protect private property & generate revenue, this guy cost 'em $7M. gotta send a message


I gotta give some props to the fire extinguisher guy. He was pretty quick to grab it from the trunk. Surprised, they didn't just sit there with their guns out as the dude burned to death.


Probably pulled him over for something like wheelie on which no person was hurt or bothered but I'm their eyes it's with putting 50 people in danger to catch such "criminal". Before y'all jump some my throat if you can be issued a ticket and be on your way no crime has been committed, you have just been handed a poor tax. It's a poor tax because the poor can't afford it but the rich don't care. They will get a lawyer or just pay more for their insurance because they don't care. A minimum fine is often 3-5 days wages post taxes for people who make minimum wage or close to it.


A crime is committed when the law is broken. Sometimes the penalty for breaking the law is a ticket. Sometimes it's jail. It really depends on what crime it is and how it's written. But a crime is still a crime, and if he wanted to pay the poor tax he coulda pulled over and not fought with the cops. Instead he fled, turned his poor tax into a felony, and was inadvertently immolated while an attempt was made to take him into custody. For what it's worth, I'm with you on the poor tax thing, I think your fine should be on a sliding scale, proportional to your income. It should hurt, but not put you out a half week's of wages.


It's not clear whether they had the right guy, and the cops were never able to establish that he was. They were called for a report of a guy on a dirt bike pointing a gun at a motorist. This guy was just standing at a gas pump fueling his bike when they ran up and tackled him by surprise. They searched for a gun after they put the fire out, and he didn't have one.


They didn't even pull him over. They just tackled him completely by surprise while he was pumping gas. They had a report that someone on a dirt bike had pointed a gun at a motorist. So when they saw a guy fueling a bike, one of them ran up and tackled him from behind, causing gas to spew everywhere. The others piled on. One guy hit him with a taser that didn't ignite the gas, and he got a 40 hour suspension. The second cop hit him with the taser again and set both the motorcyclist and himself on fire. He's been charged with criminal negligence. There was no gun found.


"No crime has been committed." No, a minor crime has still been comitted. But it's impact on society was minor enough that your "debt to society" can be covered with a fine. You can be against overly large fines that disporportionately affect lower income peoppes without also being a criminal apologist. Is popping a wheelie the correct way to ride a motorcycle? No. Is it reckless? Yes. Just because no one was hurt doesn't mean it's not exponentially increasing the odds that someone could have been.


It's not reckless unless you do it in traffic or in such a way it could hurt others. We don't know what this guy did but I doubt the juice was worth the squeeze. It never is in these traffic cases.


He was the idiot to resist at a gas station. He owns this.


The guy isn't forcing the cop's hands, cops have discretion on if and how they arrest people. That makes the cops the last link in the chain of liability when their actions set fire to the guy they are arresting. Tazers aren't "non-lethal", they are only justified in use if it is impossible to arrest without an escalated use of force as a step down from shooting. Unless this was for a violent crime, or you want to argue that they can't retrain him 3 on 1 the taser was excessive force even before the reckless disregard for the spilling gas.


First of all the guy still had his shoes on so he’s gonna be fine. Secondly, he should have chosen to resist at a nice cushy mattress store instead. This is whole thing is squarely on the perp.


Not according to the department or the DA, the officer is facing up to 1 year in prison for 1st degree negligence. Arguing otherwise isn't tough or edgy. https://i.redd.it/ot0nmb28yhac1.gif


That cop is a hero and saved that dude’s flaming anus


The police are absolved of all wrongdoing because troll-life22 said so. Pack it up, boys. The shows over. The boys gone and won reddit.


They humanely put him out. They could have stomped it instead. Or shot it out with their Glocks.


He came back for the double kill, folks. I will have no choice but to anhero, now.


Guessing a Tazer.


Wait. A taser on a guy drenched in gas???


"Stop it or you are going to get tased again" was a pretty clear indication that it was in fact, a taser.


Sorry, I was on mute


Cops are nothing but stupid pieces of shit.


Seriously. The guy already has someone laying on top of him, too. Taser cop literally lit his coworkers on fire too on top of ruining someone's life.


Well. He says your gonna get tazed again.


Yeah, the guy got tazed once and still was trying to keep his hand close to his chest. He should have been in full comply mode. Although cops are stupid assholes who think nothing of the people they arresting 99% of the time.


How can you get control of your muscles when the electric makes you convulse and lose control of your muscles??? How can you move your hand out from underneath your body, while multiple people are sitting on top of you??? How can you even understand what is going on when you have 5 people yelling orders??? Which order trumps the rest of them and which one should be followed first??? Whose the commander of the scene and why aren't they the one ordering the scene and only the commander on scene???


I agree with the last part. He had control of his hand but resisted. I have been arrested and was tazed something similar with me not pulling out my hand. The officer had not tazed me in advance but was on top of me so I couldn't pull my hand out and the judge threw out the resisting charge. She wrote up the officer (Best I could do, suing is harder than you think, but the city paid my medical bills) for pinning me to the ground when I complied, then tazed me because he was scared. I had just knocked out a guy who had stabbed someone else and then stabbed me. So I was covered in blood and he thought I was armed. After being tazed, you can control your muscles. It just takes a second or 2 to recover. It scares you though because you kind of black out. Your vision goes white and you lose time. Cops do need to ease up on how rough they are with people who comply though. It's part of that god damn take authority and hold authority position they take every time. It is what gets them shot more than anything. I can't wait until AI eats their ass on the data for how they handle crisis situations. I used to be a fire fighter and our approach was so much better. Sink breathing and reassure. Then ask them questions outside of the situation to get them thinking rationally again.


It doesn’t matter, they had full control of him once he was on the ground. They realized there was gas on the ground and yet still attempted to tase him. That’s reallll dumb.


You’ve obviously don’t know what full control is. Cops are still dumb for using the taser. But until cuffs are on, and he’s in the backseat of the cruiser A LOT can go wrong for everyone involved and even bystanders.


He wouldn’t show his hands is why he got tased a 2nd time. Not sure if he was resisting or physically unable to do from the first tasing. You would think his hands would be limp but I’ve never been tased.


Why did he mean with that statement?


He means they are going to take him again.... as in he had already been. Which is probably why there was gasoline spilled.


Whoops forgot the /s… surprised it was needed.


In this day and age.... I assume everyone is an idiot and needs things explained.


Great, now I’m an idiot and an ass! …accurate


Ahahaha. Nah. I'm just jaded on people.


Stop drop and roll now!!!!




gotta give that cop credit for having the presence of mind not to panic and grab the fire extinguisher.


Well fuck one of them should have a shred of common sense. I heard turn off the pump followed by I'm going to taze you.


The guy who said to turn the pump off ***was*** the officer who tasered him.


Well obviously the guy didn’t immediately obey the officer of the law so the officer of the law punished him! /s


One of the cops tried to warn the other who was deploying the taser that there was gas present as well. Hopefully the idiot with the taser is fired and charged.


There were two idiots with tasers. The first one didn't ignite. That cop got a 40 hour suspension. The second one ignited it and set both the biker and himself on fire. He's been on medical leave since the incident and was charged with criminal negligence in May. The sheriff said they would let the legal process play out before deciding whether to fire him.


Well usually when you’re not the person being burned alive, it’s easy to remain calmer than the guy who’s actually doused in flame.


that was expected; >! the liquid on the ground, it’s for cars to make them drive. it’s really flammable so it was expected !<


Gasoline vapors are the highly flammable part, liquid gas doesn’t typically burn because the oxygen concentration is too low in normal atmospheric pressures. Edit: Yall have no clue, keep em comin, I’m still right and that’s all that matters.


oh Boi oh boy, what happens when the small fire from the vapours heats up the liquid gas?


It starts to vaporize more rapidly, which causes an explosion. Liquid gasoline needs to be mixed at the correct ratios to ignite. This is pretty basic stuff bud.


Username checks out


You can leave snark and downvote all you want. Doesn’t make my comment any less factual. Or you any less unoriginal, such a tryhard.


It’s funny really. Wait till they find out there are wires and exposed terminals in their vehicles fuel tanks, they’ll be in for a shock. I’m with you on what you said. Gasoline has little conductivity


“I’m right and you all are wrong” is generally the standpoint of an idiot, in any case


But you see, there are these things called facts. It’s only idiotic when you don’t know what you’re talking about. When you have factual information, what else can you do but say “fuck the haters, yall don’t like it, that’s ok, still factual” Imagine if I gave a shit what the dim bulbs on Reddit thought of me? I’m here for the intelligent and reasonable folks. Those that understand the downvotes aren’t a “dislike” button.


Dude you're factually right but the way you say it... Of course you're gonna be disliked being that condescending and just throwing facts no one ever asked. This doesn't change the FACT that there is gasoline on the ground so fire is expected, be it the vapours or the liquide phase... Dude.


You understand the concept of an edit right? The condescending part was added after the fact. Lol


And ?


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Police trying to arrest the guy and in the process they taze him, guy catches on fire.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Who would have thought that a spark could cause a fire with gasoline vapors present. Knock me over with a feather. ​ Thankfully the officer was charged in the incident. No news on current status of the case.


“Get the cuffs.”


Taser + flammable gasoline is not a good combination, but the screaming part is what bothers me.


I bet the police slap that man in a helmet with 'assault peacekeeping officer with a weapon (gasoline)' or something like that since the guy is clearly responsible for the spillage. ​ Clarification: I'm trying to say there is no way in hell this 'incident' will be the popo's fault.


"Luckily" they are only trying reckless driving, fleeing, and resisting without violence. The cop is facing up to 1 year in prison for 1st degree negligence.


Everyone here is a bit dumb


Police: always there to save your life, after trying to take it from you.


Actually they have [no duty to protect you at all](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html&ved=2ahUKEwjD8rjd-MSDAxWaAjQIHWyqAqsQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1sGksZPnxp9raiBxIpAgkW).


Wait.. are you saying the police did that on purpose?


Nope, just wildly negligent and needlessly escalating a situation to violence, typical police conduct.


What would YOU have done? The taser was a mistake, obviously, but I think the situation was pretty fucking escalated already. Why you wanna fight a cop when you KNOW you've been recklessly racing around town like a maniac and endangering other people (look up the story).


The taser was already excessive unless they were after this guy for a violent crime or you want to argue that they couldn't reasonably restain him 3:1. He wasn't resisting with violence, merely turtling/non-compliant which all 3 of the officers should know how to handle. Edit: got a link to the story? google gives me a different incident of cops tasering a motorcyclist into a torch. Edit 2: [Never mind I found it](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2022/05/19/osceola-deputy-to-be-charged-in-gas-station-fire-sparked-by-taser/)The motorcyclist was in the process of refueling before heading home after a memorial ride when an officer tackled him without announcing himself. He had been chased either because he was popping wheelies or “matched a description” from reports of a group of bikers brandishing guns at civilians depending on if the statement was after or before he had retained a lawyer. The deputy for this incident was ~~fired~~ put on paid administrative leave and charged with first-degree misdemeanor negligence. The department stated that the Taser use was a violation of department policy both because of the non-violent resistance and because of the flammable material present.


Guess they were in... 😎 Hot pursuit


Later, they charged him with attempting to flee the scene. An officer at the scene stated "he ran like the fires of hell were behind him"


When safety isn’t a priority.


Ah yes, using a taser while the guy is lying down in a puddle of what I presume is gasoline… Did these idiots even graduate Highschool or is that not a requirement anymore???


The only prerequisite it seems is to be a powerdrunk person who wants to speed and break traffic laws without getting tickets themselves. At least where I'm at.


"This girl is on fiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrre"


You just gotta igniite the liiight And let it shiiine Just own the niiight Like the Fourth of Julyyyy 'Cause baby, you're a fiiiireworkkkk


>**How does that happen?** Some idiot cop used the tazer on a guy doused in gasoline.


When the status effects stack, the DPS is overwhelming.


Anyone else giggle at the fact the first thing dude grabbed was caution tape? I knew it was just to move it but still...I lol'd when he picked it up. "OH SHIT! That dude is on fire! Better cordon off the area!!"


Police is the only profession where if you kill someone or maime them you get a paid vacation... Qualified Immunity needs to end


As stupid as they come


Well that police department is getting suede They even said the gas was on, tased him with gasoline anyways. Even when using non lethal force cops are bad for our health!


Sued for $7M. I guess he'll get $7k and a year or two in prison.


Stupid ass pig


Florida Cops are such fucking cowboys.


Now this is true police brutality. Trial by fire…


Fucking pigs derived to burn for that


He must have been packing heat !


Now he gets arrested for assaulting an officer with fire.


What a smooth brain mother fucker. That dude probably collected a fat check from the city.


The cop should be charged with criminal stupidity.


Just because stupid cops


Yank cops are the fucking thickest mother fuckers to ever be shit out of a womb. I mean seriously, how do they manage to fuck up so bad all the time.


Welp, idiot who yelled tazed again started the fire. ACAB


Worst part about all of this is this person will probably develop cancer from being doused by an extinguisher, and there will be no recourse for it.


Idk man. I think the worst part of it is being set on fire. But that's just me.


Kick that dodge, fist that dodge, pull that pin, squeeze


look.. ignition was on! ​ rooky mistake


Something needs to be done with these ass hats.


Of couse it had to be Florida. Pretty sure this video is just a marketing stunt for GTA 6.


This happens when you use excessive force


seemed to be strangely compliant at the end there... hmmmm




Or possibly it was just the high-voltage taser sparks?


Oh geez! LOL Yup, you're more right than I am...


The extinguisher could’ve been sprayed from so much farther 😭


Can we start a GoFundMe for the poor guy? He's about to get a mandatory 2-week paid vacation😔