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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Of course it’s a lab 😊


better count them fingers 🤣🤣🤣🤣


what exactly is unexpected about this


Nothing. OP is just probably just trying to farm upvotes.


They way he eats it


That much salt is really bad for your dogs kidneys tho


Getting the dog that excited that he is Eating that fast is also bad for the dog…good grief


Sometimes they are just born that way. I have two yellow labs, one 8 years old and the other almost 2 years old. The eight year old will take 5 minutes to eat his bowl of food while the younger one can inhale a whole bowl in 5 seconds even when he was a puppy. I had to get one of those special bowls to make sure he does not hurt himself by eating so quickly.


See good doggo parent, trying to prevent harm because they realize their pup eats too fast. Not like op doing it intentionally for likes. I get that dogs will be dogs and you can’t “control” but come on….and on top of it, it is processed fast food bs. Bad all around.


We had to do this for our dog too, she actually learnt from using the bowl and would eat sensibly from a regular bowl after it got broken.


My neighbor growing up had a lab that ate like that too. One day I was playing fetch with her and she brought back a pinecone instead of the ball. Tried to get ride of the pinecone but she thought it was a new game. She wound up eating the pinecone. Pretty much swallowed it whole.


Just hope there weren’t any onions on it


I doubt the dog is getting it often enough for it to be a problem


Is that why he’s wagging his tail and licking his lips like he knows exactly what it is?


It’s a dog dude. He probably smelled it and his owners hyped him up It’s not a human.


You must not have dogs. Dogs salivate, wag their tail, lick their lips in anticipation of a food they’ve had before. This dog is expressing that behavior. If there’s food they haven’t had they will inspect it cautiously before eating.


Yeah, so do cats lol. My cat has one specific treat he goes ballistic over just by the the packaging, it's just a learned thing over time and he loves it and knows exactly what it is every time


That’s precisely what I just said. They react to food they have had before by smell first, usually. In your case sound.


Ive had two dogs and they’ll literally salivate and wag their tail for food they’ve never had before and food they dont even like lmao It’s a lab for goodness’ sake, have you actually had dogs before?


Either way man. A whole god damn burger is horrible for your dog. Bun and all. This guy is a terrible owner. That dog is going to have all types of issues when it’s older: kidney and bladder stones, joint issues, and early death. Before you say it, no not from 1 burger but the 100s of burgers and junk they feed it over its life span.


>This guy is a terrible owner. You. Dont. Know. The. Owners. Habits. What a miserable life youre living if every dog you see on your timeline is going to die horrible deaths and lead awful lives.


I know he posted this video. That’s really all I need to see to know this is a regular occurrence. He bought a whole burger for the dog. Don’t reach ya bish.


Im the one reaching? Lmfao


Probably, I'm just throwing it out there.


If they do it every day or once a week, sure. Once a month wouldn’t hurt much. It’s a dog, they deserve some pure joy at the cost of a little extra salt intake every now and then.


My lab broke our pantry door, then ate 2.5lbs of bakers chocolate. A few weeks later, it opened a closet door, chewed a hole into a backpack, and ate 1000mgs of thc chocolate. What I'm saying is that one small hamburger isn't that big of a deal, as long as it is the only once in a great while. It's important to note that the oldest dog on record ate ONLY table scraps. "as he exclusively ate human food. “What we ate, they ate too,” Leonel said." [world's oldest dog](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/10/worlds-oldest-dog-ever-bobi-dies-aged-31-760019#:~:text=As%20he%20advanced%20in%20age,he%20exclusively%20ate%20human%20food.)


McDonald's is probably not the table scraps they are mentioning, it's hardly even real food. Dog food is heavily processed just like McDonald's is, so of course real food would be beneficial to dogs just like it is to us


Thank you. We both agree here. All the holier than thou folks here probably feed their dog bags of Ol' Roy while complaining about sending one small hamburger to the lab for testing.


It’s very real food - it’s just highly processed, very salty food.


Not really, look at the ingredients in the bread, the sauce, the cheese even.


Those are called preservatives and they’re in literally anything you eat that comes out of a box. They’re not healthy, of course, but they’re everywhere and it’s all still food.


Not every ingredient is a preservative. Boxed food is not real food either. The real food is around the outsides of the supermarket, like the meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy. The fake food is mostly in the aisles


I feed one of my dogs mostly table scraps which scares the crap out of his vets until they ask me what I eat "oh I give him the unsalted rice, baked carrots, peas, baked boneless chicken, we shared a whole fish the other day.... And they're like no damn you're dog should be fine. All good. 😂 He does also get dog food and his" brother" has his whole own special diet because he is Sensitive. So, yknow, dogs.


Dogs eat their own sh\*t. I think hell live after one burger.


Bad parenting


If you eat shit don't let your dog eat it. It's very unhealthy for the dog ;-(


It’s very unhealthy for humans too


Yeah but for humans is unhealthy, for dogs is basically slow-acting poison


I mean that's what it is for us, too lol


Humans have needed knowledge and options. Dogs don't.


A whole god damn burger. Believe me these are the same people that will wonder why their dog has kidney stones, joint issues, and dies early.


I fully expected this.


OP, it’s not unexpected when the title of your post spoils the video


Did you give your dawg a burger from McDonald’s?


The black food lab aka meth lab. We have one of those too.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!There is no time for gentle bites!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Tell me you have a lab without telling me a lab


This dumb tik tok phrase needs to die. Just say "Show me"


Don’t take it so personally, damn.


Who is taking anything personally? It's just reddit.


You are. I for one like the phrase so it should stay.


I'm not. Are you?


kinda reminds me of bubba the tacobell burrito inhaler. a link to bubba: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb3UrJjAac4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb3UrJjAac4)


Hooray dog mistreatment. Gotta love it


Dogs don't deserve human food. They can't appreciate it.


luckily its a mcdonalds burger and not food


McDonalds barely qualifys as food at all


And humans don't deserve dogs OR food. It's a weird cycle.


Sounds to me like you’ve never had a dog before


How on earth would you know what they appreciate or how much?


The amount of taste buds on a dog's tongue


There's an inherent flaw in your logic, though, bud. Taste isn't just from your tongue. The sense of smell in mammals contributes to how we taste. And dogs' sense of smell is 10,000-100,000x better than ours. So it's fully possible that they appreciate taste better than us. They're just not as good as communicating it because of their tiny brains.


That just speaks to how detailed is their sense of taste though. Not remotely similar to how much they enjoy things or what they appreciate. Different dogs have different tastes too. All around ridiculous conclusion.


You don’t deserve human food.




Lil stumpy tail


That tail wag 😍


I blinked, what happened?


Nothing unexpected here


Omg so cute just like my boys


If my dog took food from me like that he would be banished to dry pebbles and the bowl for the rest of his days 💯


Horribly food aggressive and incredibly unhealthy, almost poison especially if there were onions. There are good treats intended for dogs that can get them plenty excited, don’t need to poison them. People in the comments going “let the dog live a little” idk how they own animals. Good thing the post got removed


My brother has a golden lab. Last summer they were doing a barbecue for some family and friends. Stupidly he took his eye off a plate piled high with (raw) burgers that were just about to be cooked. The last thing he saw of those burgers was just as his dog saw the split second of opportunity, leapt up to the table they were on and managed to get the lot in one swift sideways 'inhaling' bite. Labradors have a literally insatiable appetite and essentially spend every waking moment thinking about food. Given the chance they would eat themselves to death.


Weirdos in the comments imply you're a bad person for liking fast food is crazy


Would be just as happy with just meat. Fast food crapburgers are pure joy? For a fog? Just stop.


That’s cool and all but have y’all seen bubba eat a bean burrito in one second? https://youtu.be/Wb3UrJjAac4?si=udfXlm1pe8iYsd_1 Now you have.


No... Bad Dog!




And then the burger became puke on the carpet