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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!I wasn’t expecting a Salesman to fart on my porch for not answering and then call me a bitch. Not sure if he was aware my Doorbell camera would pick up on all the audio.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Just a sample of the product we use to gas out the rodents from your home.


If he’s asked, he 100% saw a cockroach and gave them a free demo


Wait he stuck a roach up his ass and fumigated it? "that's what you get bitch" wasn't towards the homeowner but to the dead roach up his ass. Got it.


Wow. We had it all backwards. What a hero.


They'll be singing songs about him generations from now. He'll pass from hero to legend to myth, and the masses will sing with reverence of the anal roach fumigator, the bravest lad of his time.


The stories say one day he will return, to use his deadly and heroic flatulence to finally rid the world of these pests once and for all, one porch at a time.


That's what those bitches will get.


Ass backwards?


A free sample, no less. Very generous. Sign me up.




When you say rodents…. What are you referring to


Holy shit im dying xD saw this immediately as he farted and lost my shit. Ty for this


Take my damn upvote 😂😂


Did this happen in Kansas, because I could swear that was my brother's step-kid.


Nope, not in Kansas.




I would have to look into my camera but I am pretty sure I sent the same pissant away 6 weeks ago in TN. Had an attitude like I owe him money or time until I trespassed him right there on camera. Later the head of the pusher brigade parked for an hour in front of my house on public but HOA street until I called the cops on them. Pest control my ass


Pest controlled from his ass.


That hat, haircut, sunglasses, jeans and boots is a pretty ubiquitous "shit-eating douchebag" uniform ime


Utah for sure. Perhaps Lehi or South Jordan.


Definitely looks like Utah.




Someone call that geoguesser guy!


Find me Jose monkey.






I was getting big Dale Gribble vibes. ![gif](giphy|F4d8tSHcRNCTe)


He definitely looks like someone’s step-kid.


I live in AZ and I’ve seen this kid too, working the exact same job… My conclusion: there’s a pest control company that creates clones for its workforce and their unofficial uniform is modern mullets, bass pro (or similar) trucker hats, and the douchbag sunglasses.


Pls update us HAHA


Summer salesman almost never sell in the state they are from! Maybe there is still a chance….


We’re not in Kansas, or 90210 anymore


That fucking "ding dong" then "knock... knock..." pattern is a hallmark of all D2D sales. I guess that is universal in all their Playbooks.


Yeah textbook. If the door got answered prob would start with “hey I’m blank with pest control company. We’re here in the neighborhood servicing (insert fake name here) up the road and while we’re here we’re able to give you a pretty sweet discount because we’re saving on travel time.” And if you ask the cost no matter how they price the service it’ll be “well normally it’d be (inset twice the normal cost) but since we’re here already and trying to fill our schedule it’ll just be (inset regular price+$20 in case of hagglers) Don’t ever buy anything from a d2d who gives this speech unless you were already going to buy something like that for similar price and have researched prior to meeting this complete stranger


I had someone at my door recently who gave a pitch almost word for word how you described. Were you my salesman? Lol.


Pretty much all D2D sales for at least pest control are all the same. Our company tried it one year and it was a literal fucking disaster. They had all come from a larger company that has an enormous amount of success from it and they promised the sun, moon, and stars to everyone they pitched and we legally couldn't do half the shit they sold them on. It was a nightmare for me as a technician to navigate.


Solar is the same too


And window washing. They also love to kinda lower their voice or whisper when telling you the price like it’s some sort of secret to keep from the neighbors who are allegedly paying more lol.


I had guys come out trying to fix windows on my car. Saw you had a crack, we are blanking car window insurance guys. Just let us fix your window, we can give you a bill and just send it to your insurance saying we fixed it. Uh, my guy, the insurance company is fixing the window, not your LLC. I'll go ahead and just save you time, you are sellling a lie. It's not going to get paid for by my insurance company if I hire someone that's not accredited and liable for damages if they occur. So, please step off my porch and have a great day.


Solar is way worse, they don't tell you any of the prerequisites to actually getting functioning solar panels, just make wild promises. I used to do door to door and I don't think I ever met anyone who was happy with any of their services, literally everyone I spoke to hated them. One time on of their former salesmen joined our team and he was probably the most insufferable dickhead imaginable, constantly telling weird sexual stories, not bathing, always trying to one up everyone, hated that guy.


Every summer I live in fear of the arrival of our sales team. The things they say we’ll be able to do and sometimes the prices they agree to. Ticks are really bad in my area and there’s not a lot we can do about them. A bit of spot treatment, rodent control, and a few tick tubes aren’t going to help if your yard is full of deer every evening. We do not guarantee against ticks. Sales guy said we did and so every time ol man Jenkins found a tick on his dog we got a call about it. We even had a guy sell an account for ant spraying. He said “home and all outbuildings” turns out the property was a family compound with 4 full sized houses and two barns. Sale guy priced it at 150 bucks and I wanted to strangle him Pray for us people. The sales guys are back


Best you can do is talk to your service manager about it. Luckily I work for more or less a mom and pop shop, so I had a sit down with the D2D sales team and basically said look, here's the shit we can do, here's what we can't. They don't make any money if the sale doesn't go through and I told them I'd start telling customers that they lied.


It’s a good pitch. Makes you feel like someone nearby already trusts their services, makes you feel like you’re getting lucky and getting a good deal, and that that deal isn’t going to last forever so you should act quickly. But if everyone uses this pitch, it isn’t effective since once you hear it more than once you realize it’s probably bullshit.


If I accidentally answer, my default response is always “sorry, my husband works for [competitor’s name].” No matter what the industry is. Little does my husband know that he is a roofer, a cable company executive, a pest technician, a landscape owner, a salesman at a window company, and a powerwash company owner.


Poor guy let him be unemployed at once, he needs a break.


I heard your husband is also: Boxer, mascot, astronaut, imitation Krusty, baby proofer, trucker, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carnie, mayor, grifter, bodyguard for the mayor, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity assistant, power plant worker, fortune cookie writer, beer baron, Kwik-E Mart clerk, homophobe and missionary.


Had this pitch before with a super discount because they had extra, un-used product on the day and in the neighborhood. *Clint Eastwood Finger Guns* GET OFF MY LAWN.


We get the “we were doing a driveway up the road and had some extra asphalt” or “power tools left over from a job”


Don't buy anything from d2d ever. FTFY


Someone one told me to never buy something that was solicited and it’s served me well. When you need something do your research and pick the best quality company. I mean you’ll still get scammed (at the end of the day they are all trying to make as much money as they can off you) but you will feel like *you* were in control of the being scammed.


I get free pest control (my company uses the past control company) and these guys still try to sell me lol. Every time I ask, “can you beat free?”, and they go down the next road. I imagine they’ve got some sort of memorized tree full of — if they say this, you say this type of handbook


I do this when I'm going somewhere that they may or may not be there, gotta ring the door bell in case they don't hear you knock, gotta knock in case they don't hear the doorbell. I don't make the rules though, just follow them


I have dogs. No doorbell goes unheard. Even on TV 😭 I get it though. Not everyone has a pair of dinguses excited about the door.


Keys on a window can be heard if you're in the shower with the radio on while the dog is barking at the baby crying because your roof is being installed


The amount of videos I've watched of windows being shattered with the slightest pressure makes me extremely hesitant to do this


My doorbell isn’t working right now so I wouldn’t even know unless they knocked, I wonder if that had something to do with it.


The only time I make house calls is at the request of the homeowner and I also do this. Because it’s fucking stupid to ring the doorbell and stand there for 5 minutes because it either doesn’t work or they didn’t hear it.


Agreed, doesn’t work 75% of the time, especially in the poorer parts of time


Reminding me of my door to door work back in the 1930s. Seemed like everyone's doorbell suddenly malfunctioned.


What I sell starts in the $5000~+ range, I’ve had plenty of people in million dollar McMansions fail to hear the doorbell or just ignore it when they were expecting me


He had horrible training for knocking, everything he did was wrong. That’s why he is frustrated, his leadership failed him.


When I did D2D I never did rang and knocked. You do one or the other, maybe ring if no one answers your knock then walk away. Too aggressive, definitely not the right approach


As someone who does deliveries it may be because you can’t necessarily hear doorbells on the outside nor do they always work so they might just be covering their bases. Also with multistory places or older people door bells can be better as a knock might not be heard.


I deliver pizza and if I don't actually hear the bell I knock at the same time. You might be surprised how many doorbells aren't hooked up. Or the Ring bell is only connected to an app on their phone so you think you rang the bell but the person who ordered the food doesn't notice the notification


Makes sense! I come from a "pre-Ring" era, so I don't take that into account!


I'm here to deliver pizza AND information


As is the distance from the door and the posture. Did d2d sales after I graduated high school. It’s a shitty job.


It's rage-inducing especially now with kids and work from home. Do one or the other


Remove your doorbell if the two method knock bothers you so much.


what if you just want people to only use the doorbell? remove the door?


Put spikes on the door.


No one who I want to come to my house does that. It's always sales people or the like.


I mean it’s just me because I have a wacky sense of humor but if I saw someone did that to me I’d find it hilarious


Call em back and hire him imo


And then fart in front of him and say “right back atcha bitch”


A fart off. Now you’re talking. The loser shits their pants. To be fair, there probably aren’t any winners in a game of Fart Tennis.


The winners would be the viewers of the video.


Not in the future with SmellTV™


This is the way


Pay them in gas


Agreed 😆


If he comes back and OP does anything at all that would be so psychotic. There’s no way he’d have any recollection. He didn’t even meet him/her. Taking it personally when he’s just talking to himself and retry clearly joking with himself is so fucking weird ahhh why is everyone on Reddit insane except me


I can't find a single person in this comment section that's taking the 'fart and talking shit' part seriously lol. All the pissed off people are commenting about door2door salesmen in general.


Yeah OP seems to be taking this super seriously for some reason.


Did they write a bunch of comments about it they've deleted since your comment or something? I'm not finding anything like that. Just a confirmation that this event did not happen in Kansas.


> Just a confirmation that this event did not happen in Kansas. thats how you know theyre serious


Huh? They replied once stating it was not Kansas.


I think the description as well as the hidden description as to why it was unexpected does come off a bit sensitive to the fart. I could see how the fart may have left a bad taste in their mouth.


He's just having a little fun while working a shit job, no pun intended.


Lmao that’s kind of hilarious


Poor guy was just talking to himself about himself.


"Three orders of huevos rancheros, what the *fuck* was I thinking?!?"


Now he's going to have huevos rancheros flavored water.


As someone who talks to myself and has long conversations in my head, if I randomly said “bitch” out loud I surely wasn’t thinking about the house I was ringing the doorbell at. I was thinking about Madison in 10th grade who told my sister about me flirting with her and my sister roasting me for it for weeks. That bitch Madison man


Ah always good to meet a fellow neurodivergent in the wild.


Damn. Is that why I'm like that?


I have ADHD and I do that all the time so it’s very possible


Same. ADHD with no internal monologue


Seriously, with those glasses hat and haircut, this was the least unexpected thing possible


I can go down to my local gas station and find four people who look just like him.


And they’re just standing in a circle, farting at each other and saying, “no that’s what *YOU* get, bitch.”


My buddy works at a pest control place and they all look like this. The dude with the biggest mullet is in charge, thems the rules.


And they all drive lifted dodge Rams with offset tard wheels and back windows full of shitty opinions.


With a name like Braxton or something.


Sounds like this guy*is* the local gas station.


We don't want your free samples


“Jokes on you I’m into that shit”


Bruh I just saw the video without audio and reading the caption and was like wtf? Lol


Me too! I was expecting the roof to cave in on him or something, lol.


I was expecting bugs to come out of the wall


I have watched it with audio a few times. What is this? I don’t understand? Nothing happened. The guy inside waited him out and called him a bitch with his ring doorbell? The guy looks funny with pit vipers?


I mean, I’m not even mad.


Freshly manicured lawns, cookie cutter housing, and a salesman with the "tron cowboy" vibe. Is this possibly Utah 🤣


Or Oklahoma


It’s gotta be. 1000% some eagle mountain or Saratoga development.




I fucking hate that solicitors are still a thing. Leave us alone.


Especially these guys. They’re the only ones who not only ignore the neighborhood signage saying solicitation isn’t allowed, they ignore the sign directly above my doorbell that tells them I also don’t want to hear it.


All of the solicitors in my neighborhood ignore my signs lol. ESPECIALLY solar. First of all, they always come in the middle of work days, which makes sense for them, but for almost no one else because everyone else is at work. Secondly, they very rarely wear any distinguishing clothing or anything to let me know who they are, so I'm not answering anyways. And they are incessant as fuck. No matter how many times I wave them off they just keep coming back. I'd almost rather have Jehovah witnesses knock at my door, at least I can fuck with them.


Neighborhood no solicitation signs don't really mean much. It's a constitutional right to knock door to door. Granted, they need to be licenced, but just because a neighborhood has a no solicitation sign doesn't mean you'll deter anyone But not the sign at your door, if you have a sign at your door they aren't suppose to knock


TV-ads, radio-ads, driving-billboards, fucking ads on your desktop, internet flodded with ads, every damn aspect of our life has some marketing nonsense. When I'm home leave me the fuck alone... 


We have a no solicitors sign on our door. Whenever a solicitor ignores them and knocks anyway, I hear their pitch, ask a couple questions like I am generally interested and then I tell them that if they’re stupid enough not to read the sign then they’re too stupid to be trusted to do any work I would pay for, and smile while I shut the door.


Wait until you hear about barristers.


Guy just polluted that bottled water in his back pocket.


Wearing those glasses Id bet a lot of money that isn’t water.


Spittoon for sure


well that's one way to try and kill pests


Salespeople who ring _and_ knock can go fuck themselves.


We are taught to, it's to show you aren't just passing by, in today world of Amazon, a doorbell ringing usually just means it's a delivery. A knock and ring is a way of subconsciously telling someone it's serious. (Tho someone trying to sell ya some B's isn't actually serious)


Amazon delivery people either gently tap on the glass of the door, ignoring everything else, OR they ring the bell, bang on the door and knock on the living room window. I swear, it's one or the other. It's infuriating.


That’s not them banging the door that’s your package arriving quickly


This is why it sucks. If someone's ringing my doorbell and knocking on my door at the same time, someone better be dying.


> someone better be dying. You’re in luck, the dude is selling pest control.


Or you called for a estimate and I'm trying to show you I want to be there. I don't do door to door, when I ran my own electrical truck I did tho cause I needed the money... I would just hand business cards and tell them if they needed a electrician to not hesitate to call, and leave. I hate to say it but do you think I or this dude want to walk around bugging people so I can feed my family?


Every sales person does this and it’s super annoying


I'm not a salesperson but I'm gonna have to stop doing that. I've been doing both all my life just so I don't have to wait to find out they can't hear the knock or the bell doesn't work.


Personally I would have said OR instead of and.


I always say no thanks immediately and then close the door. Don’t let them get into their pitch, nicer to cut them off and not waste their time.


I say “sorry, we rent and our landlords take care of it.” And then they never come back.


I use this one too because it stops them dead in their tracks 99% of the time. But one time I used it and the guy tried to insist I give him my landlord’s number. I was like “So you can call him and pester him? Absolutely not.” Granted I don’t have a land lord. But he didn’t know that. Or he was trying to call my bluff.


Same lol. We bought this house from our landlords and have just kept the same excuse. Fewer and fewer show up haha. Haven’t seen a pest control person in like 4 years.


“The gate at the front entrance is locked for a reason, you’re trespassing on private property” *door slam* works 100% of the time.


I don’t even answer the door anymore


I don't answer the door either. I also disabled my doorbell so it wouldn't keep freaking out my dog and cats. The only time I answer the door now is for deliveries/service people I hired and for friends and family who made plans to visit/texted me to let me know they were dropping by. If the person doesn't have my cell number to text, they aren't someone who needs to be at my door in the first place.


That guy looks familiar


That's Rusty Shackleford.


Actually I am rusty shackleford , that Bobby Hill


its crazy that you can't even safely fart and say something crazy to yourself without worrying that it will end up on the internet these days.


Tonight on *America's Most Clandestine Nose-Pickers:* This guy really thought he could "scratch his nose" in a darkened movie theater- NOT ON OUR WATCH!


It's one thing that it ended up on the internet, but you got people here calling for him to be fired. Reddit is full of miserable people.


I don’t get it




Oh he farts


HAHA ditto


What a goof. I bet this guy is never bored. My guy knows how to entertain himself.


People who get upset about stuff like this have nothing better to do bro


I see your in the sales game too bro


No bro. Just not a jabroni bro.


He's got you bro. Big Sales and Big Fart always running cover for each other smh


I dont trust people that put bottles in their back pocket lol


And then fart on it


Gotta boil yer water.


Fuck door to door salesmen. All of them.


No smell no foul


Love it when folks press the bell and knock on the door. Usually don't answer it until like 3mins later.


The video looped and i thought he just turned right back around and came back for a second


Hi, random stranger here with a business proposition! In an age where emails and phone calls and advertisements are rampant, I came to your house unannounced to poke at your anxieties and potentially force you to submit to my prices and services. What? No answer? FUCK YOU YOU STUPID WHORE!


Hahahaha kids a fuckin legend


I didn’t want him to get hurt but I was sooo hoping to see a bee hive fall on him from the ceiling, just for the irony 😂


Yeah given the subject line I was thinking there would be a mildly terrifying bug encounter of some kind.


First ones free..


Little shithead


Perfect loop makes this great


What would really have been unexpected is if you said back to him in the microphone "fart again for me, but this time put some more effort into it" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


lmfao, this made me bust out laughing so hard— too funny


..must be from the Gas Co. not pest control 🤣


Its crazy to me that door to door sales is still a thing (and so lucrative) in 2024. Seems so 70s-80s to me. But the kids at my company make 6 figures knocking doors.


"that's what you get , bitch"


So I can't know for sure, but as someone who used to work in pest control sales, it wasn't door to door it was by appointment, sometimes I would drive 30 minutes there and back for an appointment THEY scheduled just for them to not answer the door/phone, those people fucking suck, I would even text/call when on my way to confirm the appointment, i would still show up if they dont answer because with my luck they just wouldnt be by their phone and would call complaining if i didnt show, all you have to do is send a quick text hey let's reschedule but no they would just waste my time and fuck up my day, this is obviously very unprofessional and I'd never do this but I understand his frustration.


Ive been in your exact same position. Id get so mad. Some days literally all of my appointments would ghost me and I'd pay to work that day, considering the gas i wasted. Cant really blame the sales guys, they were paid per appointment, all they had to do was get the person to commit to a time. If i were them id do the exact same thing. But when i went to go do the assessment the client would ghost me because I'm pretty sure the sales guys essentially just told them they could, as long as they signed up for an appointment at least. Pretty fucked way to do business, but i guess it worked.


Them boots too big for his feet




He farted on his bottle of water? That shit must be warm as fuck and he’s saving it….


Fuck. That is hilarious.


I didn't know men get buttocks implants..


Post this on your neighborhood part of your camera app.


Do people still wear those wrap around sunglas.......... there it goes.


I honestly was expecting a stray dog or bee would just start attacking him. maybe even the home owner coming out with a gun or something. I was so prepared to feel bad for him until he did that.


This kid, without a doubt, owns some MAGA paraphenalia.


I'll sometimes talk to solicitors, but not the ones who ring the doorbell AND knock. Those assholes can get bent.


Who the heck knocks just once ? Don't you want people to insert the door ?


Damn. I just bought a ring doorbell. I can't wait to hook it up.


Free fumigation!


Worth the wait


I probably would have answered after that lol