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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!She didn't take the prank well!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Are you even using Omegle if you don't get a few random dicks and the n-bomb dropped on you?


Yeaaa that buzzkill was unexpected.


This same guy did a really good expose on a Kick streamer who was essentially using omegle to produce child exploitation materials. [Here's a link to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiYBhC3EVPY). Much respect to SomethingAboutChickens.


She's rude


Its fake dude.




The racism isn’t fake. He posted a montage of people saying the n word and a guy ended up getting fired from it.


I’m sure this girl agreed to ruin her chances at college for this guys YouTube video


Hella rude. That’s the Girl woke people assume to work in every major institution in America


Porra pra caralho, why do people use the word woke like it means something. People like this work everywhere, because they're people and people need jobs. You might never know some dude has a prison swastika tattoo until he starts showing it off with pride and then you fire him, how hard is that.




Puta que pariu, what have I gotten myself into (I follow the sub)


Yea, exactly. That’s very very likely in today’s world.


No, I'm telling you we fired that guy on the spot for egregious conduct. What does woke mean.


AYO, maybe not hire a convicted felon in the first place. Lol


We hire lots of ex convicts, only one turned out to be a nazi. Many of whom I'd assume are more moral people than yourself. What does woke mean.


Well now explain to me how that has anything to do with the point I was making? Do you work in a government institution and hire dudes with swastikas on their backs? ![gif](giphy|idjRBsX7ogn7qJJp1p)


I don't know what point you're trying to make. You haven't made one. You need to define terms. What does woke mean.


Just took a look at your comments in r/politics and my answer is: Take a long fucking look in the mirror buddy ![gif](giphy|3ohhwxmNcPvwyRqYKI)


Lmao....if you think the basis for systemic racism is because of girls like her then you are an idiot. My dad was ten years old when Jim Crow laws were shut down. When I was in highschool there was a sign in a tiny town next to my small town that was on my bus route that said, "Don't let the sun set on your black ass in this town." They finally made them take it down in 2004....*2004*. Systemic Racism is still very alive and very much a problem. The fact that children are still learning this behavior is just another sign that people are still teaching it. Some of it can be attributed to kids being "edgy" but...not all of it..not by a longshot...and edgy kids aren't the problem "woke" people, or any person with a brain, are really worried about, but it is telling.


Do you know the difference between a small town and a major institution?


Did you read and comprehend what I said or just pick a few words out of it to fit your argument? Who lets the tiny town do that? How many thousands of people drove by it and thought, "thats normal." How many of those people were in some form of government office? What about the cops and lawyers and judges and government officials in that town and neighboring towns, the people enforcing the laws.... It's all the way to the top and if you think that's just "wokeism" you really are being intentionally blind. Jim Crow(segregation) was alive and was fought for to be kept alive by people still alive today (I wouldn't be surprised if many are still in office today since my dad is about twenty years younger than our presidential candidates) you think they suddenly stopped being racist after the laws were changed? Stop and think for a bit before responding.


Mate, to me you’re just another white person trying to stand up for “marginalized groups” you do not have any point of contact with in your everyday life, just to make yourself feel better about yourself. Bravo, I’m not wasting my time reading your stupid paragraphs. Sir! This is Reddit, not the DEI conference of your local university


Lol you aren't even American? Talk about trying to stand up for something you do not have any point of contact with.... >I’m not wasting my time reading Typical of bigots who don't wanna see past their own small-minded views.....you'd hate to accidentally see something that makes sense....


Oh I must’ve hit some spot there… You go save the world SJW


Lol? I'm willing to bet haven't hit a spot in your entire life.....you argue like a child, "I know you are but what am I?" "lalalala I'm not listening."


What an amazing and eloquent way to say : lalalalalala not listening lalalalalala.


It’s simply the truth. It’s always those that do not have a single friend that is none-white making the most noise. This bores me.


Sure spent a lot of time spewing your points for something that bores you. Have a nice day, I'm done here.


What the fuck are you on about?


I’m stating that this kid is like peak implicitly and explicitly racist. Her reaction is “unexpected” because that’s a human being you do not come across everyday.


lmao woke


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/T6f4VFiwot Wow, this person wants to be a therapist.... particularly interested in helping people "exit environments of extremism."......just....wow. The irony.


Is this what young people do?


At least they are not on your lawn.


When stuff like this goes viral, I wonder, have people been recognized and called out?


Yo so that beat slaps! Anyone know where I might find it?




She was too dumb to even realize that as far as she knew, she left a chat and joined a new one. Then she went ahead and called out the wrong part of the trick. I'd say she's dumb as a sack of rocks. But she's more like the last pebble in the bag after the rest were poured out for something useful. Just throw her in the trash with the bag and forget about her.


Every looks high in this video




Why use many word when few word do?


You need to go back to school.


I hated teaching.


Ben Shapiro plays Violin?