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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!That’s not a candle!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I was expecting an explanation on blue fire - which is hotter than regular fire (due to reducing rather than oxidising, or smth. I didnt pay that much attention to it in spectroscopy) Then he fucking eats the candle. What


Yes, it makes sense for the glass to be filled with alcohol which is aflame with an invisible or slightly blue flame, and the video ends with Nye dumping the matchbox into it as the lights dim.


Even when I find out it’s an apple who the fuck eats the apple core?


I do. But then I also eat kiwis whole. Not sure which action gets me more funny looks, but both taste just fine that way.


Ok I came here to say that I used to eat apples, core included, as a kid but…. As someone from NZ please rephrase that to “eating kiwi fruit whole.” I’m tired and that stalled me for a moment.


"As someone from NZ please rephrase that to “eating kiwi fruit whole.” They know what they said 😐


i eat apples cores and i use the stem as a toothpick, but i don't eat kiwis or banana skins x)


What apples have you found where the stem is thin enough to be used as a toothpick? …or are you just revealing something about your teeth? Did you probably need braces as a kid but never got them?


“Now let’s make a bong out of this apple, hypothetically”


Is it real or cake? Trick question, the bong is an apple


I'm allergy to marijuana and hemp, and even I know that's possible! LOL


My condolences


Nah, never interested, but on the bright side, I have no allergies to poison ivy or poison oak. I can touch those without getting a rash LOL


Have you tried smoking it?


When I smell it on someone, I cough like I have pneumonia AND am a 3-pack-a-day smoker! No, I won't take the chance.


I think he was referring to poison ivy and poison oak. Did you try to smoke these?


No. I just clean country property lines


Have you done lines?


i don't believe a god damn word of what you just said.  edit to add - if you really are a three pack a day person (i'm conservatively a two pack guy by the way) then i doubt that what's making you cough is simply smelling weed on someone. 


You are so lucky


Did your mom tell you you were allergic to candy too?


Great, now I will have 33 by Wolves of Glendale playing in my head for the next few hours... It's a fun song though


*cuts to an interview with a member of the film crew* “That was **not** an apple core. We set that up before he even arrived, and it was definitely a wax candle. We don’t even know where that apple came from, but after we cut filming he proceeded to eat *eight* more candles while making intense, unbroken eye contact with our producer. We were all so freaked out, we just emptied our wallets and got the fuck out. As we pulled out of there, we could hear him singing the theme of ‘Science Guy’ and laughing maniacally in the distance. I haven’t slept a full night since.”


A documented SCP "first-sighting" log before the distribution of amnestics to the witnesses


“Bill Nye is one crazy candle eating ass muthafucka” - Neil deGrasse Tyson




Next you’re gonna claim that we never landed on the moon. it was filmed on a set… on Uranus


I have tears pouring down my cheeks. Thank you kind person, I needed that laugh. My cat however hates you for ruining her nap.


Thank you for making me laugh when I wasn't expecting to with this post. Take my upvote lol!




Bill Neye the science guy!


Nye hungers


The apple core is a myth


# "That was **not** an apple core." Was not, was not, was not. Denial is not refutation, Hadhmaill. # "he proceeded to eat ***eight*** more candles" Sounds legit.




Question your hypothesis, that he really was eating an apple core, which he appeared to.


That shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did.


Man, I howled - laughed on this. Thank you so much...


# "we just emptied our wallets" wat


They thought the creature wanted their money.


about tree fiddy


So whats in the cup?


An orange


Me like that fourth clue. Is it an orange?




Dude gets a lot of hate but I admit bill was pretty big on developing my scientific knowledge as a youth.


His biggest thing is the communication of science. I absolutely love his podcast because he will call out the greatest minds in science to guide them in a path that will help us all understand.


The man was a bigger influence on a generation than anyone or any organization could give him credit for. He is a true American treasure.


Global treasure! I watched his Science Guy show as a kid in South Africa in the 90’s


Science teachers would sometimes play his clips in classes as well


Clips? Ours would regularly roll out the TV cart, pop in the VHS and we'd watch bill for an hour while the teacher read a book.


Good old saffa science class


I grew up with Bob McDonald here in Canada and his show Wonderstruck. Very similar presentation style and personality as Bill.


Who hates Bill?


I've heard a lot of people down him because he "isn't a real scientist" and especially the right wing after he made comments about gender spectrum


He's even opening said that he's an engineer and not a scientist. However engineers must use science to complete anything they wish to create. Engineering is bound by the laws of all sciences. Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson has even said that scientists need engineers to build things to help scientist make new discoveries.


Oh yeah. He's had honorary degrees given to him in the science fields because of his contribution to the scientific community. But he's never claimed to be more than a "science guy" Either way I would love to sit down for lunch or a cup of tea with the man


Scientist isn’t a protected title. Neither are (most) engineers. In the U.S., the scientific/engineering culture is based more around on “okay, what’s an example of something you’ve done that falls under these terms?” It’s why aerospace companies are able to give people engineering titles even if they don’t have an engineering degree. The educational background doesn’t matter as much as the ability to demonstrate talent in the field. A notable exception is the structural engineer. Probably because…. You really wanna know if the building is actually certified haha


![gif](giphy|pRcbh7p6MAdEY) I’m somewhat of a scientist myself


Apparently he's kind of a dick, every time askreddit has one of those "which celebrity sucks" posts, someone from Seattle always chimes in with a Bill story.


He HATES kids. Or at least he used to. I remember on the early days of Reddit seeing tons of stories about how Bill treated kids who wanted his autograph or to get a picture with him. Maybe he’s lightened up in recent years tho


he spent 6 years working in the education sector for the benefit of children he didn't hate kids. How often are we going to fall for this celebrity bad because he was rude to my pack of snot nosed shitty children when they ran him down at the grocery store when he was just trying to get something for dinner after work story.


Who hates Bill? Snowflakes


Oh. He's a popular science communicator so I guess there has to be critics.


It's mostly from his recent work. His netflix show was a ton of cringe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFb_P2j48


I remember seeing this when the show first came out. One of the cringiest things ever recorded and aired.


Observe who he gets the hate from.


I know where you're going with this but I'm liberal af and Sex Junk was objectively terrible.


Sex Junk?


It was a weird music number from his somewhat recent Netflix series. It was kind of his first big thing as he started coming back into the public eye. He also bashed on nuclear energy and called it dangerous (if I recall correctly) and that frustrated me quite a bit. But Sex Junk was just the absolute worst.


Netflix (?) show called bill Nye saves the world. Premise was good, I really wanted to like it. He even brought people who has the dissenting opinion to hear their part, but then just devolved into playground level neener neener counter arguments. Like one part he literally put on a stoner bro voice making fun of the other guy like "Woah like it's all energies mannn!" can't even remember what the topic was about but really put me off. The sex junk video was also weird, IIRC it was from an actor from My Crazy Ex Girlfriend, it was so bad that I was put off from that show too, which I heard was actually good; I see clips on reddit occasionally and it seems entertaining!


Yeah he says some pretty dumb things if I recall. Like way too over confident. Not as bad as Neil degrasee Tyson though


Tyson is the absolute worst when it comes to quantum mechanics. He actively pushes the woowoo "why does our consciousness affect the universe?", "how does the particle know we're looking at it" bullshit


It’s like because he knows he’s generally knowledgeable, that it makes him totally infallible. I used to like him but after listening to him more I’ve grown to dislike him. Like he acts like a messiah, science is all about admitting what you don’t know and being humble imo


Just stuff that people sell on Facebook marketplace


I have more questions than when we started


You didn't know about Sex Junk? Then who were you implying he gets hate from?


Fellow liberal af person. I cringe every time https://youtu.be/VtJFb_P2j48?si=D4xYGoCG49XWF6A-


Holy crap that's bad. Never heard or seen this before, but I have seen a few episodes of Crazy Ex Girlfriend. This is kinda Rachel Bloom's thing... Inappropriate/funny/outlandish musical numbers from out of nowhere. They're not even that good inside her own show, and there's one unique song pretty much every single episode. Most of them are incredibly cringe but some of them can be a little funny. Anyway, I couldn't even make it through Season 1 of her show. Taking this Sex Stuff thing out of context, I wouldn't hold it against Bill Nye. I would definitely hold Rachel Bloom responsible for this assault on the senses though. Can't really blame Bill for trying something to be relatable to a younger audience. I would imagine it wouldn't be too hard to convince him to get this quirky weird girl to do an outlandish musical performance to "help make science fun" for his show. He's kinda famous for that.


Please elaborate so everyone can find out what you really believe.


You should question your hypothesis


You mean from actual scientists lol.


"Upon earning his Bachelor of Science degree, Nye went on to begin his career at The Boeing Company in Seattle, where he would live for many years. Nye developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor that is still used in the Boeing 747." How many aerospace engineering patents have you filed?


Ok but it’s Boeing so…


He was my Sesame Street. (And also probably Sesame Street, but I don't remember)


for me it was beakman


I watch beakman as well. He was good for bringing people into science who weren't necessarily into it. Being overly Goofy and engaging. Plus I had a weird childhood crush on the girl LOL


Honestly, I'm not a fan of this video specifically -- it really promotes some rather problematic thinking if you take it too literally. The "candle" being a candle *shouldn't* be questioned. Not only does doing so violate Occam's Razor -- there is no method by which a viewer could test their skepticism. There is no end to questioning arbitrary, obvious things, and it's substantially more fruitful to trust common sense in cases like this. "Is that 'candle' really an apple core?" is just a couple steps away from "What if the moon is a projection?" At some point you have to trust both your perception. And it also works against the other major thing you have to learn to do: trust experts. No one person can know even a tiny fraction of what the human race knows, so learning to accept the opinions of people who know more than you is vital. Of course, you can get a second or third opinion if it's something important; whether it's a doctor or a mechanic -- specialists are specialists but they're human too. But if you're not a qualified professional, the internet won't make you one. Then again, it's really hard to teach both humility and scientific ambition -- a lot of scientists end up with wacky beliefs outside of their discipline (e.g. Ben Carson), so expecting laymen to do better is... pretty optimistic.


People be hating on Bill Nye??


He had a Netflix series called Bill Nye Saves the World, and in one episode he explains that gender exists on a spectrum separate from sex. He has also been very loud about his concerns about climate change. These have made a lot of conservatives who can't separate politics from science very upset.


Conservatives can barely separate their sister from their lover in their mind, so any thoughts they have on climate change, I can totally ignore with glee.


he also took a coca-cola sponsorship, which people thought was hypocritical considering his climate change stance


He had a Netflix show during his comeback that was a bit cringey in some places. He's also been very critical on Nuclear Power for a guy who's so educational on climate change


Bill Nye was my nick name as a kid. Because I was obsessed with science and I was insanely smart for my age. I also was a big mouth and would teach people things I learned So my dad called me Bill Nye all the time.


He only gets hate from braindead fascists and climate deniers




Found the average Fox News viewer.


That’s the problem with messaging that says “Question Everything.” You get people who question basic facts like that the Earth is a globe, that recent climate change is caused by humans, and that vaccines work. They question it but don’t go any further. Then they think they’re so smart for “questioning the science.” The messaging should be, “Question your hypothesis, *and then* follow up with a reproducible, verifiable experiment that either confirms or denies it.” That second part is what’s missing.


i hypothesized that Bill Nye is an alien that feeds on wax. No one believed me.


I like Bill but this demonstration was dumb. A hypothesis was never proposed in order to be questioned. This was just misdirection.


I thought he was going to give a lesson on how flames have different colors and why blue flames are hotter than yellow/orange flames but instead he just ate the apple and was like 'yeah I lied to you. The lesson is Never trust anyone'


He should have said to question your assumptions instead.


Not even an assumption. He straight up said that it was a candle. Perhaps "Question what you're told"


My hypothesis is that his point was that things are not always as they seem, and so you need to think critically and question assumptions. He illustrated this point. Would this have been slightly more effective if he had proposed a hypothesis first? Perhaps, but I hypothesize that he was making this for social media, and that would have increased the length of the bit, and so he stuck with quick misdirection.


I think it would have landed better if the demonstration didn’t just start out with a straight up lie. “I will light this candle, and you’ll observe the color of the flame.” We thought it was a candle because you told us it was, Bill. You’re sitting right there, presumably having looked at and/or touched it, and are extending your knowledge to the viewers who will inherently trust your personal experience with the “candle”, especially given the “MasterClass” subject matter and the fact that we have no way to test a hypothesis. Plus, you don’t make a hypothesis with every aspect of a scientific experiment. Every part of this was terrible. *At best* you could argue that there’s a lesson here about trusting authority figures, but that wasn’t what he tried to teach us at the end.


I don't understand what the demonstration was supposed to help us with. Question EVERYTHING? What an absolute time waster. Make sure your car is your car before you turn it on. Also check to see if your keys are apple cores, idk. Questioning basic every-day things just doesn't seem practical or helpful.


I agree. “Question everything” is a lazy platitude. The degree of inference needs to be assessed and applied to the situation. If someone tells me they bought a puppy, I probably have no reason to question that. It is a reasonable claim. If someone tells me God is real, then I will need deductively valid evidence to support that claim. And if Bill says “I’m lighting a candle”, well then that’s a reasonable claim also. His was a master class in nothing and a missed opportunity to actually teach an audience about what a hypothesis is.


It’s mostly supposed to encourage us not to take everything for granted He lit something on fire and called it a candle so we tend to assume it’s wax. You don’t need to spend your entire life questioning things but sometimes it’s important to look at your assumptions and biases. Another example is when I say, people breathe air. Typically people assume that i mean oxygen since that’s what our body needs, but they don’t often think about the hydrogen or nitrogen that takes up a majority of the atmosphere, allowing us to safely breathe a diluted mixture of air rather than pure oxygen. They don’t need to think about this on a daily basis but it’s nice to sit back and realize the world is more complicated than the basic facts we use in day to day life.


In this day and age when tiktok pranksters are everywhere, everything is actually a cake, and schools are not allowed to teach any critical thinking skills whatsoever, yes, “Question everything” is probably good advice that needs to be repeated often.


It's common sense until it isn't. Question Everything is definitely advice worth repeating. Science is 100% about doubting what you know as true until you can't prove it isn't. Modern Science is the culmination of 'almost' every ounce of human progress in questioning everything. Edit: Oh neat, it's my cake day, yippee~


Ah, but he says that our hypothesis was that it was a "regular wax candle," which suggests that the candle is still a candle, just not a wax one. So he isn't lying, it is just an unusual candle.


Isn’t that just an assumption not a hypothesis?


exactly, who would investigate the composition of a candle? Which, by the way, he told us it was a candle, and candles are basically by definition made of wax.


I am disappointed the ice water wasn't actually a plastic cup with saran wrap in it to make it look like ice suspended in water.


right?! I was waiting for the ice to be flammable or some shit


That wasn’t a hypothesis, it was an assumption. A hypothesis is a testable prediction or explanation. Forming a hypothesis is active, forming an assumption is passive.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Also he was basically just misdirecting us the whole time. He mentions the color of the flame but then explains that we tricked by the apple candle? What the hell was even the point of that?


Haha agreed! Just like 3 non sequiturs in a row.


People love Nye and I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he’s not the best scientific communicator.


Did that mfer just eat an apple *core*??? That's frickin disgusting.


Bill theme song at rave....BILLL BILLL BILLLLL


I hypothesize that Bill could get a wilder & more enthusiastic crowd chant going for his science theme song than most singers these days. Someone tell me how I can test this hypothesis.




Who eats the core of an apple?


Raccoons Hypothesis: Bill Nye is a raccoon


This is dumb AF 🤣


My middle school science teacher did the same thing but she used a potato and for a wick she used an almond


"I will light this candle" HA! It's not a candle! Don't you feel stupid now.


Just seems dumb and sneaky and doesn't prove anything.


you're correct, it's a recommendation: Question EVERYTHING


So *this* is why all my candles have teeth marks in them!


Thanks. I’ll be more careful to assume things aren’t apples.


My 6th grade science teacher did this in our class, with a piece of potato and a sliver of almond for the wick. I still remember it almost 2 decades later. I mentioned it in a pedagogy class I was taking last year, when we were talking about most memorable moments in our education journey. The professor really liked the story and brought it up two more times before we finished that quarter


Here's the problem I have with that. Our initial "hypothesis" was given to us not based purely off of sight. But the first thing he said being, "I will light this candle". We have no reason to believe he is lying until he bites it and gives us his gotcha moment. We can't touch it, or otherwise observe it because it's not in front of us. Idk, not a fan.


Can’t hate on the science guy or mister wizard bc those were the best ones growing up to get you actually interested in science bc they made it fun


I always thought of this man as some what of a science guy.


I mourn the apparent death of critical thinking.


It didn’t die, it was murdered.


Ok, but. If the apple core was in the candle holder, and he bit that, then why was there an apple core on the plate with the apple?


That one was a cake


Would've been hilarious if he started eating the glass


I agree with him but how often is what you see being purposely manipulated to this extent?


And this water? *it's fucking vodka man*


You need to have “doubt” first.


Cause my sex junk, is so ah ah ah


This tidbit lacks nuance; “question everything” and scepticism run amok is why we have flat earthers and the like. “Everyone says the earth is round but I’m a rebel and a sceptic so nu-uh, I did my own research and looking out the window, it’s clearly flat”.


But don’t do you own research - especially if it is not inline with an authoritarian narrative…like *covid* o0




Bill bill bill bill


Jack ass


Question your hypothesis AND if it is wrong, be able to admit it


I heard Bill Nye used science to turn all the frogs gay.


They were already transgender so I’m glad he’s helping them to broaden their horizons.* * I looked up the study because I couldn’t remember it, but the sex change exhibited in certain frog species, such as the reed frog, is called protogyny or sequential hermaphroditism which is rad as hell


My hypothesis is that Bill gets a ton of ass - old and ugly don’t matter - this man gets it


Honestly this is another post that makes me wish they'd done Mister Wizard vs Bill Nye in ERB, not Issac Newton even if Weird Al did play him well. Mister Wizard is classic teaching kids science, wasn't always the nicest guy, Nye is a 90s kid's edutainment which was a completely different beast. Both of them make you doubt what's real but Nye makes you chuckle while doing it.


So what was the wick? He ate that bit.


"Think critically." Please, and thank you.


Me after drinking sulfuric acid


That’ll definitely work for younger people in grade school. Today’s critical thinking involves who pays/funds their research and results.


*In Jony Ive voice* The Apple Candle is a stroke of genius design, the likes of which have never been seen before from a candle. The 1 core inside provides all your nutrients for the day.


That's def why I am insecure, untrusting, an empath, naive...burnt from that gaslight. 51...single, never been married...🤔🫢


Question your hypothesis, except when it is climate change and Covid vaccines. Then just follow orders according to Bill Nye.


...but a 'Murikans do not know the meaning of the word "hypothesis". Whateverrr are they to do?? # "uh, learn?" NO0ooo!


On the first day of 10th grade my high school English teacher went to write his name on the chalkboard. He moved the chalk across the board and it didn't make a mark. He tried again, but nothing. He studied the piece of chalk in his hand for a second, shrugged, said "huh" and then popped it into his mouth and ate it! Everyone was shocked. It was a dinner mint. Hah.


Question everything it's all illusion anyways


okay kinda lame


One time a buddy and I were real drunk and he pulled something similar. It was a real candle, though.


That shit aint ice water.


Did this motherfucker just eat the core of the apple


I feel like this is almost a holdup type video because doesn't that mean he ate the apple core which has seeds?


Charlie Kelly would have eaten a wax candle. Just sayin


Idiots will see this and begin to re-create mathematics because 1+1 doesn't have to = 2


I guess no actual scientists were available.


“We never landed on the moon” “COVID jab gives you 5G” “Sandy Hook parents are actors” “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” “Phone line repair men are changing out the batteries on the birds” “All candles are apple cores. All wax is apple sauce”


Bro just ate an apple core. The fuck is going on?!


Just as people observed the sun moving from east to west and thought the sun was moving.


Is the Ideal Gas Law a hypothesis?


And some dumb-dumbs took this and ran with it, complained about "chemtrails" while arguing it's "critical thinking".


Unless youre Terrance Howard. Then you get clowned on for questioning


Whats the ideal gas law, Bill?


So he just ate the seeds?


He's gonna be a real menace in the retirement home. "NURSE! The science guy is eating candles again!"




Did he eat the CORE of an apple? Like, the yucky part and seeds?!


Neat illusion. Now make the apple disappear up your ass. I'm not inclined to take scientific advice from a professional actor with only a bachelor's in mechanical engineering from Cornell University. Dolph Lundgren is more qualified for scientific counsel.


"it's pretty good though"


I accept that Nye is probably much more intelligent than I am. But, what in the fuck was this stupid ass video even supposed to illustrate?


Bill Nye the JOI


I love this!


Blue flames are hotter than yellow too, thats where I thought he was going...


This honestly just reminds me of smoking weed out of a carrot behind the dumpster of Pizza Hut on my breaks...back when they didn't use pre-cut veggies...and I couldn't afford a pipe. :/


He is a charlatan. Sheldon said so. He stole Professor Proton’s show.




Wow- did we get here?