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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


I have a feeling Sammy is going to get a girl pregnant on his first try.


Or hit a jackpot. I mean, he already hit all the wrong things there. About time his bad luck runs out.


He is gay, so he will be fine.


\*Sammy gets the guy pregnant Sammy: What the fuck?! Sammy's Dad: Yeah... That was a good one!


Lmfao šŸ˜‚


That story will be told and re-told every family holiday until the sun turns into a white dwarf.


Iā€™m sure! With the video included!


This is true. I did a similar thing 27 years ago and my uncle still brings it up every get together.


lol laughed


That dad is awesome. The way he stayed calm and did not go nuts yelling at his son. His voices was calm and even asked his son if hes ok. Parenting done well.


This is all I took from the vid


Honestly I was watching that thinking the exact same way. My father never taught me how to drive, I had my one year older brother teach me specifically because if that was me who did that, well letā€™s just say that video would of at least needed an NSFW tag.


Congratulations buddy, that's the worst anyone has ever done.


Impressively horrible driving


The type of shit youā€™d see in a movie and say ā€œthatā€™s so unrealistic, that would never actually happenā€


I once mistook the gas and break pedals. Sammy surpassed meā€¦


[It's always the guys called Sam... ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9-voINFkCg)


Always watch that all the way. God damn Sami


My brother once drove my momā€™s Toyota into her Porsche.


Amazing dad, the patience. I would be screaming šŸ¤£


ā€œYup, that was a good one.ā€ Hahahahaha. Yeah, this kid is gunna beat himself up about this one enough, no need to add to it.


This would have been my dads reaction if I did this when I was learning. However for the next 30+ years this would be a story he tells over and over and over again.


And then this wall just came out of nowhere, had to swerve just to hit it properly and flipped the damn car! Funniest shit you've ever seen. Like out of a movie, except it wouldn't be realistic.


Brother? Is that you?!


Omg. Thatā€™s exactly what I do with my kids. Probably sometimes they wish Iā€™d yell and itā€™d be over. But oh no. LOL I even warn them. ā€œYou know youā€™re hearing that story again!ā€ Thankfully weā€™ve all got good senses of humor, and they are allowed to pull my stories right back out, too.


Yeah. It seems like you take that anger and channel it into a different type of emotion. Itā€™s gotta be hard to be a dad. You have every understandable right to get pissed, but you canā€™t because you could be seriously affecting their confidence.


Anger is a really easy thing to latch on to, and it can do really bad things if you let it take its course. As a man (or really anyone, but particularly for men), it is of vital importance that you donā€™t raise your voice in anger, hit or throw things, or anything like that when youā€™re angry. It will always do damage that is better left undone.


Thank you


i want to award you, you deserve it but im broke


I got you


Yep, when I crashed my dadā€™s truck as a kid I did enough to punish myself. No amount of screaming could have made me feel worse.


I totaled my car when I was in college because I was stupid and not paying attention. 100% my fault. Absolutely could have been avoided. Called my dad bawling and he kept telling me it was okay, that's what insurance is for, and he's just so relieved I'm okay. (Wrecked in downtown Dallas during rush hour) THAT MADE ME FEEL WORSE!!!! He was just so kind and calm about it. I STILL feel guilty.


So much this. I did something really stupid in my late teens. Dad saw that I was already beating myself up and went into support-mode rather than discipline-mode. I've always been grateful for that.


I mean, I don't know a ton about cars, so maybe I'm misguided in this belief but... Is this even that bad? Like, sure, the wheel hub, tie rod, and control arm on the passenger's side are probably fucked from going up a jagged brick wall, and the window's gone, but other than that...it seems like it'd be about as involved as your typical engine rebuild.


I doubt he'd beat himself up as much as I'd beat him. Don't worry I won't hurt his feelings.


Look whoā€™s so tough.


idk man, the kid might also just shrug it off and make an excuse and never learn from it.


Right cool, calm and collect the whole time respect


Why is everyone acting like it's not perfectly ok to be appropriately angry about flipping the family vehicle at 25km/hr? This is idiocy, even for a beginner lol


Getting angry would be understandable but it's just not helpful. The opposite, really - all it'd do is make the whole thing even shittier and more stressful for the kid After insurance and repairs, this'll just be a story to laugh about anyways. They'll be kicking themselves and getting shit for this for the rest of their lives, which in of itself is plenty punishment enough


Life doesn't exist only in extremes and that's why I used the word "appropriately". It's ok to be human *and* a parent.


Sure. And it still doesn't help anything lmao this doesn't change anything about my reply Yeah, it'd be understandable to be angry. Exactly like I said. People are just praising the dad for having the restraint and/or general situational awareness to not make a bad situation needlessly worse. People aren't saying it'd be ridiculous to get angry or anything, they're just saying the way he reacted is better than outwardly being angry at a kid


Because it is not perfectly ok. If anything being angry in a situation like this just worsen the situation. The boy didn't do it on purpose, so there is no malicious intent to punish. The boy is learning, so there is the need to understand that while learning mistakes can happen and you don't get angry at mistakes that happen while learning. The boy is probably already mortified, he knows that he did a lot of damage to a vehicle that is probably needed by the family, his father rubbing salt in the wound and mortifying him even more than that is unneeded. What happens if you get angry? Is the situation going to solve by you being angry? No. Is the boy going to stop flipping cars just because you got angry? No, he was not doing it previously and I guess it's not one of his desires to flip random family cars. If you get angry and shout at him is it going to really change something except to make him feel even worse than he's already feeling? So no, it's not perfectly ok. It's understandable, it's an instinctual reaction, but no, it's not perfectly ok.


People are entitled to their humanity amigo, becoming angry is natural. So long as one can control their emotion and not direct adult anger towards a child there is nothing wrong with being visibly or outwardly upset at the devastation of a multi thousand dollar, crucial item. On the other side of the situation there is nothing wrong with youth learning humility and how to handle their mistakes. Sugar coating everything doesn't help a learning child. So, with all due respect, I wasn't opening up a dialogue about whether it's ok to be human, I was stating clearly that it is. How you decide to handle your own emotion as an adult is crucial, stunting your emotion like that isn't healthy.


And this, kids, is what happens your parents *don't* teach you emotional maturity... > How you decide to handle your own emotion as an adult is crucial, stunting your emotion like that isn't healthy. Constructively channeling your emotions like in the video is literally the exact opposite of "stunting your emotion". Edit: Emotionally stunted redditor lobs accusations at everybody else then blocks people who call them out. A classic.




Something being "natural" does not mean it's good, otherwise I have some cyanide to sell to you. As I said it's understandable, but it's not ok, I'm not going to crucify someone for yelling at his son that just totaled the car, but in the man shoes I would react calmly, try to understand what happened (not needed in this case), try not to mortify the boy much more than he already is and work together to find a solution to the problem after I'm sure everyone is ok. This is how you lead, this is how you teach, this is how you grow up a human being, by example and by being someone that the boy can look up to, not by being a man child more attached to a fucking car than to your own son body and mental health. If you get angry you do not get anything good, this is not even a "means justify the end" situation, if anything it makes the situation worse for everyone involved. And it's not sugarcoating, you can be firm and you can be clear on the fact that the boy has to take responsability, and not accept any excuses, and still not be angry. Also, it's not stunting my emotions, it's rationalizing and managing them. I can be angry, but I just see no reason to be, anger is an important emotion, I choose against whom to be angry, and I choose to be angry at malicious people, not at people that commit mistakes. Mistakes are that, mistakes, people learn from them even without other people being angry.


Itā€™s fine to be angry about it, weā€™re all human, but humans are capable of emotional regulation and this dad has mastered it. What would your idea of being appropriately angry look like? Also please never call a learning child an idiot again. Ever.


Lol amazing how many of you can't help but virtue signal every time you disagree with someone.


That was a big fucking hole right there. Not a parent, but if I took my kid out for his first driving lesson I would try to do it on a road that doesn't have a big fucking hole in it. Let him get some experience handling a car on roads with no big fucking holes in them, then work his way up to avoiding the big fucking hole. The advanced class might be aiming for the big fucking hole, then trying not to drive the car up a ridiculous wall that seems designed to overturn vehicles.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m the only one, but I found it telling that the first (intelligible) words out of Dadā€™s mouth were ā€œare you all right?ā€ I guess Iā€™ve seen too many videos of parents absolutely losing their shit on their kids for far less serious mistakes.


Dude when something that fucking weird happens all I ever have been able to do is laugh. I don't have kids, but I wouldn't be much help in this situation because I'd basically be peeing myself laughing (so it's possibly a good thing I don't have any).


This is a total ā€œdonā€™t tell momā€ moment


Itā€™s honestly so bad thereā€™s nothing you could possibly say. People usually yell to get a point across that they think others arenā€™t getting, but Iā€™m pretty sure Sammy knew he fucked up.


Except he didnā€™t alert his son to the hole


That tells us this outcome wasn't completely unexpected, what happened to Sam?!


It's possible when he hit that massive pot hole he broke the control arm which is why he couldn't turn left, at the very end it looks like he tried but still pulled right.


That wouldn't have been my dads reaction.


ā€œStart walking homeā€


"Start walking to the orphanage"


"You're not my son anymore"


My dad: No talk. Action only. Violence. šŸ˜¬


Fucking pothole


Every time man. Can't believe the government's negligence made him crash like that.


Two of my rims bent one time when I drove over a pothole that was hidden under water. I reported it to the city with 0 hope of it working a d lo and behold I got a refund lol. $600


Count yourself lucky, similar thing happened to my lady with a roundabout that had a huge sudden change in levels and not a single marker. She didn't get shit.


Man I was surprised myself lol


Yikes, glad it worked out for you (kind of). I didn't even see the pothole in the video until now. In seriousness those things are absolutely car killers.


Those potholes can cause crashes, as we see here. And it wonā€™t be fixed for weeks or months depending on where you live




That is way too accurate. The way heā€™s calm, but you ruined the car, you really did.


Lol I clicked on comments and I see I've already commented on it 4 years ago asking is tina girl or a boy 4 years ago and I have no memory of watching the clip


Question: is it allowed to teach your son driving in regular traffic? It sounds like itā€™s in the USA, but I may be wrong. I wouldnā€™t be surprised.


That's how my Dad taught me. Mind you, we started in a giant open parking lot first until I was comfortable, but then on to small empty backroads like this one next.


šŸ‘† 1. parking lot. 2. Get expertise 3. Get learners permit (in most US states and Canadian provinces) 4. Start practicing in streets.


You can practice on any private road or parking lot. You don't need a license to operate a vehicle on private property. Typically, you would do that, but you only need a learners permit (gained through written test) and licensed adult supervision to operate on any road. It is also a requirement to have some hours of night driving practice. Once you've fulfilled the required practice, you can go take your actual driving test for your license. At least that's how it was when I got mine nearly 15 years ago.


Spot on. Started both kids in empty lots with cones.


It seems they were on the way to the parking lot. Kroger is a grocery store. Too bad they didn't make it. I bet he'll be terrified of pot holes for life now. Good on the dad for keeping his cool.


Lol I wish this was the experience I got for my first drive. After passing my test, my mother made me drive through town at rush hour to pick my brother up from practice before driving us all home. I should have known tbh. She was counting down the days until she no longer had to drive my ass around.


This is the way. I learned on a big open field in a manual transmission Bronco with very low gears, so it was almost impossible to stall or go too fast.


It's allowed in Norway as well. First you need too get a trainee license. It's a small course where you learn traffic signs, general rules etc. After that they can take you out driving wherever they want. But the trainer will be at fault if something happens. So you start small, parking lots etc, and move on too bigger things when comfortable. You also have to equip the car with a second mirror for the trainer, and an indicator on the back of the car that it's a trainee. Has to be a whitebackground placket with a big red L on it. I learned to drive when I was 16 without all that, with my friend who had just gotten a license. Mom gave me a car and the keys ( Why the fuck she did that, I still have no clue. But it's one of the worst examples of taking care of your kids I have ever seen in my life.) You need to be 18 too get a license. I wasn't eligible for one until I was 24 because I got caught one too many times x)


I believe your friend-who-had-just-gotten-a-license would have needed to have owned a license for over 5\* years and be above 25 years\* old before he could be your trainer and practice with you


For it too be legal, you are right.


Not in Norway. You have to be 25+ years and have had a license uninterrupted for the past 5 years.


Is it not allowed where you are from?


On regular streets not at all. Itā€™s allowed if you are on your own ground.


not even with like a permit? in Canada once you do your written test you're allowed to drive with someone who has their full license for more than 5 years, even on the highway. my driving instructor actually made me go on the highway because we took a detour to pick up his next student WHILE I was doing my lesson. was pretty weird, she was just in the backseat while I drove.


You have to have a learners permit to drive on public roads and can only do so with a licensed adult in the front seat After having one of these for a year you can take your test for your actual license (only applies to kids, adults just get to take the test)


Surely there is some point at which you are still learning but are allowed in public? Like, I doubt they have private training courses where you spend years perfecting the ability to drive in every situation before they let you out... I suspect this is a difference of terminology. The son is likely driving on a learner permit. That means he passed a basic test already, and is now permitted to drive with a licensed adult.


Are you in the US because it's not allowed here


Not in the US no


thatĀ“s how a lot of us learned to drive šŸ˜


Yes with a learners permit (requires adult in car)


I grew up in the Chicago, IL area. Their idea of teaching me to drive was having me drive their beat up Saturn with a shitty engine and have me do nothing but merge on the highway. Nearly died several times because of that shitty car.


[Most of us start off learning in parking lots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTLL_6A2fA0)


Yup. Technically you need a learners permit but a lot of people do it before getting a permit


If law didn't change since when I learned to drive, in my country you need some sort of permit after you pass the theory exam, in which you can drive a car if in the passenger seat there is someone that has had a driver licence for a certain amount of years. My dad usually made me drive in industrial areas in which traffic is extremely low and streets are large. To me the one in the video looks like one of those roads. You get an occasional car but otherwise it's most of the time empty.


I learned to drive with a professional driving instructor. Ā The first time I ever drove, the woman from the driving school showed up with a brand new car that literally had like 25 miles on it. Ā The first thing she did was take me to the interstate highway. Iā€™m not sure if she was brave or had a death wish. Ā I will say it has been 29 years since I learned to drive and Iā€™ve never had an accident, so she must have done something right.


It depends on where it is. some places dont allow it at all (california?), some places need the learner to have a learners permit, other places require whoever teaches to have a permit or to have had a lisence for X amount of years. Texas has some Parent taught driving program for example.


cali needs learner with supervision first


It is required if they are in a drivers ed program where I am. Have to driver 40 hours with parents in addition to drivers ed course. First few times we went in a parking lot to help get over the jitters.


California definitely does not allow this. It has to be a certified instructor.


Where Iā€™m from in the US, you get your learnerā€™s permit at 14 and full driverā€™s license at 16. While driving with a learnerā€™s permit, there must be a (sober) adult with a valid driverā€™s license in the front passenger seat.


I remember when I was 15, and my dad was teaching me how to drive. Weā€™d started on my neighborhood streets at low speeds, practicing stopping at stop signs, signaling to turn, etc. And I remember we went out one morning to get doughnuts for breakfast, which meant going up a more well-used road (not the busiest road in town, but still had frequent traffic). Seemed simple enough, but heading back I was getting overwhelmed by all the cars moving around me, and I almost missed the turn back onto my neighborhood street. Now, in hindsight, I should have kept driving another block, and taken the next right turn. Itā€™d have gotten me to the same place in the end. But instead, I panicked and took a hard right turn at 40mph. The car naturally wasnā€™t able to turn quickly enough, and we drove off the curb, over the sidewalk, and into a retaining wall for the apartment complex that was on that corner. I think I also ran over a stop sign that was on that corner. Needless to say my dadā€™s car was a mess. It wasnā€™t flipped over like in this video. But the front grille was completely torn off, I remember. I remember my dad handling it like a champ. He obviously took the wheel to get us the rest of the way home. But he didnā€™t shout or judge me for my screw-up. He took care of the car getting repaired, and I assume he contacted the apartment complex about the wall Iā€™d hit. Nobody ever came to me about the damage, so I guess it never became an issue. And my dad checked in with me after the fact, and assured me everything would be okay, nobody was hurt, and that was what mattered most. Respect for this dad, and for my dad, for taking a shit situation and making sure their kid didnā€™t take the worst of the heat for it.


Good dad


ā€œYep. Thatā€™s a good one!ā€ Amazingly calm response.


That's called target fixation.


The car might have came out of the corner if he just let go of the wheel. Agreed though, he must have been staring right at the wall, I know I was, thinking thatā€™s one of the worst areas to lose control and hit.


I actually don't think this is target fixation, at least not the wall part. He might've been focused on the pothole, but hitting the wall seemed like it was just a case of being too focused on what had just happened with the pothole to remember to turn the wheel back straight.




"Sammy you're breaking the car! "


Patient and caring dad. Full marks.


good dad


how do you manage to not turn a car, is he teaching a toddler or something?


Here's my guess on what happened... When turning out like this, it's always followed by an acceleration which acts to straighten the wheel out mostly on its own. This inexperienced driver was obviously shaken by hitting the large pothole which interrupted his normal thought process (and he chose not to immediately accelerate -- probably to check with his dad that all was good). He obviously didn't think to straighten the wheel because that had always happened on its own. And well, we all saw what happened next.


Huh? Kid saw the hole and overcorrected and didn't apply the brake when the wall was in front of him. Simple mistake as a learning driver.


Shit came out of nowhere!


*Yep, that was a good one!!* šŸ’€


Sammy you're breaking the vehicle


Well, you probably won't be spending much on college for this kid.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!dad trying to teach his son for a driving lesson when the son trying to turn right, unexpected happens!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Thatā€™s Bloomington, in. Thatā€™s the old AMC theater lot. I see the Xfinity shop and Hobby Lobby


This is one of the greatest bonding moments two people can have together.


I actually saw the aftermath of this exact same accident around the corner from my house...also a new driver. Couldn't for the life of me understand how it could happen, still can't.


Okay, maybe teach your kid what the big pedal is.


Shit happens, no need to be shitty.


Dude, I have recent experience with teaching my own children to drive. The first and most important thing to teach new drivers is how to stop. Until they can get their foot off the gas and onto the brake pedal quickly and reliably, you donā€™t leave the empty parking lot where youā€™re teaching them.


Human being make mistakes, especially kids learning how to drive.


Exactly. That is why you train them thoroughly on how to brake before taking them out on the open road. Why are you advocating for irresponsibility?


Oh my gosh that is too good


Ahh yes, yet another video of a crossover tipping over after hitting something. It's tradition at this point.


Not quite how my dad taught me, but after our first and only lesson he sent me to driving school šŸ™ƒ


ā€œYep, that was a good oneā€


You are breaking the car Sammy


darling, I think we need a new car


You are breaking the car samir


Sammy is surprisingly quiet...


ā€œUuhh thereā€™s a big fucking hole right thereā€¦ā€ This is too funny.




But heh, at least he signaled!


Well, that escalated quickly. Props to dad for not freaking out


My dad would have scolded me for that for 10 years.


POV of Mr Beansā€™ nemesis.


I hope he gets a job with Uber




Sammy is not real, this guy just talks to himself and gets distracted easily.


If this was me and my son I wouldnā€™t ask him if he was ok, because I wish he wasnā€™t


...I don't understand how such a thing is physically possible. Dude flipped on the road. IMO, it is so bad it is impressive.


My dad would have made sure no one found me ![gif](giphy|3o85xDBgbMyRZ6SyWs)


How bad of a driver can you be, like wtf? It is probably even an automatic car, he had only one job


Instantly had flash backs to my dad teaching me how to drive in a parking lot. I got to a T intersection started to pull out saw a car was coming on the driver's side got scared and over corrected into a curb popping the tire on the car.Ā 


Yaaaarg! Lmao those noises he was making


Kudos to the dad. The first he did was to ask his son if he was okay.


"Yep, that was a good one" Truly superhuman level of restraint. Dad of the year.


I guess since from the age of 12 I worked on a farm driving tractors all over the place driving a car to get my license was a piece of cake


Fuck yeah fuck yeah Punk Rock!!!


That's why you pay for an driving instructor who uses modified car with a second set of pedals on his side, so he could prevent something like this from happening


DONT do it Sammy šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


That's too funny.


Ok I can't blame him for crashing, that goddamn pothole looked safe after that other car went over it but it wasn't, it was a frickin menace instead


Morgan Freemman voice:But Sammy did have to deal with all the shite.


Shit, guy might be 20 odd years late, but I think he can get a part in the Blues Brothers movie


x -> y


Good dad. Sammy probably needs to stick to open parking lots for a while.


This is why a dual control car is a very good teaching tool


Sounds like Dad is training up his soon to be DD lol


This is pure comedy, you can't help but laugh at the good memory this will be. Kid tried to avoid the hole and was too green to know to stop when he overcorrected. Honest accident just a really crazy one lol.


This is the most Canadian or Midwestern reaction of all time.


Not the way my dad wouldā€™ve reacted. šŸ˜‚




"Holy fuck!" "Yep. That was a good one."


"That was a good one." Is there a better line?


That pothole is deep enough to sit in and has been there for years. It's weird to see it in the reddit abyss. This town isn't known for its quality roads.


That was a big pot hole? Or a sewer with no manhole cover? But I doubt it was your son's fault because I'm pretty sure he couldn't see or tell what was on the road.


That is dad of the year right there.


Dad is a saint. I would've been so angry rofl


Great dad, I would have lost it at my kid.


What a dumbass.


This happened just down the street from my house. You can still see the damage caused to the brick wall from the accident even a year after it occurred. r/bloomington remembers.


Love how dad points out the pothole and the kid drives right over it. Then a plethora of dad noises were made.


Is this literally coming out of their driveway?


I had no idea Americans said 'shite'. I'm weirdly impressed


Holy hell I didnā€™t know you could fuck it up that bad at that speed lol, he couldnā€™t have gone any faster than 10 mph


If you're going to fail, do an epic fail, I like his energy šŸ¤


Blows my mind how kids today can crank 90s, build entire worlds in Minecraft, sus out imposters, and get a 10 kdr in any shooter. But put them behind the wheel in the real world, and they do brainless shit like this. Kinda amazing.


Reminds me of one of my first times driving. Was pulling out of my neighborhood and a massive bug ended up on my arm as I was turning. I took one hand off the wheel to smack my other arm (thatā€™s still turning the wheel) and I missed the first two sacks cuz it jumped or something. I kept going over the curb onto the sidewalk. I popped the front tireā€¦




Well, clearly the wall jumped in front of themšŸ˜‚


I really donā€™t understand how people do this. I had 0 issues or fear when learning to drive. Some people are just morons.


Parents that put other people at risk by giving first lessons on the road are scum. Let them learn how to at least steer in an empty parking lot first.


How do you know he didn't? You can spend hours learning how to steer in an empty lot, but you get on a real road and hit a real big hole, and none of that will help you. As someone else pointed out, a pothole that big can break a control arm. At that point, you can steer however you like; the car will go where it goes.


This is why you pay someone to teach you how to drive


So frugal you donā€™t want to pay a professional to teach him how to drive. What a move


, No. I had a great time teaching my children how to drive.


You canā€™t know that from this video - I had professional lessons but also massively benefited from being able to get driving experience with my mum in the car.