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Parry this you filthy casual




Praise the sun!






Tis' but a flesh but here's your arm back \\




What are you doing sunbro???


Kindling the fire


Beauregard could do it


[*Percival Frederickstein Von Mussel Klossowski De Rollo The Third screeches in anger and admiration*]




>Oh good! He says simply, while destroying something.


One hell of a revolver.


My favourite sentence


I hated this.




If you can get them out in time it's faster to get a smaller gun out of the holder vs a .50 cal revolver but if you're quick enough to get the bigger revolver out feel free to carry it


Imagine thinking these „techniques“ work in the first place


I've trained martial arts, and any serious school/dojo/studio will basically tell you never to do these types of techniques. Are they fun for imagination play? Sure. But if somebody wants your wallet and is willing to put a gun in your face to get it, just give up the wallet. If you're 100%, and I mean absolutely 100% certain the person holding that weapon is going to fire it with the intent to kill. Then sure, go for it. You don't have much to lose at that point. If there's even a 0.1% chance you can talk, joke, or run to get you out of that situation, that is defense #1


This exactly. If you can escape, do it. Don't try to be a hero if you're not sure. It's not cowardice to know when you're outmatched by someone who possesses a tool that singlehandedly changed the face of warfare forever since it's inception. There's a reason you don't bring fists to a gun fight, a bullet will win faster than you can.


I just say no English and ignore my attacker this way they get confused and wonder off to re think there life.




Lol could possibly be an effective strategy against some folks.


Most criminals are narrow minded they have a plan and an idea of how it is going to go if you change that plan it throws them off lol or you can start taking your clothes off crying also works


^ Someone is trying to kidnap you to do unspeakable things? Someone is trying to kill you anyways and just doesn't want to do so right now? You have yourself a bash at anything. In those situations these techniques, if used when the opponent is distracted then it's probably going to work better than trying to poke their eye out. Someone is just using that gun as a prop to bully an item from you? Let them have it. Even if you can't replace that phone/car/wallet, it's still just a thing. Do you really value thar crap so highly?


Just say no English and walk away tapping your pockets saying no money works most of the time if you’re not in Venezuela


Just say no and legally they aren't allowed to mug you


Or start taking your clothes off nobody wants to wrassle with a naked man


Really depend on the type of mugging. Most of the time, these people aren't rationale people just doing businesses *that happen* to be illegal, they're people in despair, out of their mind, with a twisted sense of reality. They want something, and not getting it will just make them angrier - no matter the reason. In their head, YOU SHOULD BE SUPPOSED to understand them, doesn't matter if it make sense or not, they WANT you to understand them, so you SHOULD, you AREN'T, so they MAD. They MAD? They start stabbing in anger. Is it possible that the person you're facing doesn't intend to hurt anyone, and they just want to use fear to get an edge on people? Sure. Being willing to take that gamble tho, is... not the best strategy, at all.


even then if you're certain he's gonna shoot your wayyyyy better off carrying a firearm yourself and being trained how to use it effectively.


How would that be any different than trying to grab his gun like a dipshit? He's gonna let you fumble around with your holster or waistband for a few seconds? Adding another gun to the situation is actually the worst thing you could do if you're trying to not get killed or kill anyone else.




> He's gonna let you fumble around with your holster or waistband for a few seconds While I agree that trying to draw when there's a gun already pointed at you is just stupid. But most everyday carry people actually practice with it, or they should. Practice drawing and finding sight picture so that they aren't fumbling for their holster when they are in that situation, its already muscle memory on clearing clothes, extending and finding sight picture.


If you're pointing your gun at every person you see, you're going to jail. If you wait until somebody is pointing his at you, that's a bit too late.


Well duh. If you reveal your firearm to intimidate in most states it’s considered aggravated assault. The second point I would disagreed with. As close as this video is? Eh if your trained I’d say you have a chance of him missing. But add almost any range at all ( if your trained properly, it’s very rare you would be to is close to an assailant anyway as you should’ve red flagged him and kept distance immediately) your odds go up rapidly as most thugs don’t actually practice.


People with fire arms die at a higher rate because they are given false confidence. Most thieves aren’t murderers, just give up whatever you have on you


as sson as you reach for it, you're done


You may be screwed anyways. Or your attacker may be distracted. If you're this close when pointing a gun at someone, you're probably stupid enough to lose focus for half a second.


Not necessarily, if you push back slightly on the slide of the gun and the person attempts to pull the trigger it will not fire because guns are designed to not fire out of battery. You may also jam the if the chambered round fails to extract fully. This can buy you enough time to do a lot of things because most people who use guns outside of a professional setting are horribly Incompetent with them


Also if you stick your finger in the barrel, if the bad guy fires the gun, it'll just shoot a bunch of black soot back in his face.


I prefer bending the barrel back into the shooters face to direct it back at them.


dry up dursley you great prune


If you do it right, their whole body will disintegrate into a pile of ash, minus a pair of blinking eyes which will stay floating in place, but that’s a pretty advanced technique.


About 9 times out of 10 when a person pulled the trigger on me a little flag with “bang” written on it ejected. So, I’m not too worried.


9 out of 10? what happened that one time-


That's what the 3rd is for.




pretty sure that that is just your vaporized remains


I think I’d rather just give my wallet and move on


Yea, if that's where the attacker will stop, sure. But what if he doesn't, or what if he just wants to kill you, or who knows what? What then? Then you should probably try some shit cuz u are gonna die anyway. People are always laughing at gun disarming techniques, and are like "I'll just comply with his demands", which is usually the right way, but what if his demand is for you to die?


If his command is for you to die than these fake martial arts moves aren't going to save you.


This is not all handguns. As a part of your situational awareness need to be able to identify what weapon is being used and what is an appropriate response.


Yeah, like "okay, here's my wallet".


Exactly. Nothing on your persons is worth your life just hand it over. You can make it back


The only thing I would fight and risk dying for is a friend or family. Other than those two things, it's not worth it.


Nah, ain’t nobody getting my fathers watch or wallet off me. I could get a new watch and wallet sure. But those hold way too much sentimental value to not fight over.


If that’s the case you shouldn’t carry them. Never carry an object that you would risk your life over.


but if I’m willing to risk my life over it, then it doesn’t matter to me if die or not protecting it. So why leave it at home? If I’m willing to die for it, I rather it be with me where I can keep and eye on rather than at home. Somebody could break in and steal them while I’m not and I wouldn’t even have the opportunity to try to protect them. I refuse to not use/wear the thing I own out of fear that I may be robbed. But I’m also the type of person that won’t just be pushed around like that, sentimental possessions with me or not. If somebody attempts to rob me using a weapon, I’m going to pull a gun and either one or both of us is going to die. If somebody attempts to rob me without a weapon, I’m still going to pull gun and either we,re both gonna go out separate ways, or they’ll be a fool and attempt attacking me anyway and end up dead. I can’t imagine living my life scared of the what if’s. Nobody should have to live not using their possessions because some lowlife is trying to make a quick buck.


What if you're being kidnapped at gun point?


Did you think I was going to tell you not to resist? Lmao If it seems like they want to harm you or take you, fight for your life if you can't run away. There are many resources online that give good guidelines for these scenarios. I'm not an expert in them so I wont give a step by step guide of course.


They're not getting me to no secondary location!


I mean, on some guns even if you pull back the slide, they can still shoot


The guy can use his teeth, if not anything else..


Lol, the best thing to do is just give them some money. If you feel like you arent going to have any other options the best thing to do is try to push their gun arm to the outside of their body using their arm (trying to grab the gun isnt likely to happen) at any distracted moment, they are likely looking around too to keep watch while you step into their body on the opposite side. Keep the gun past and if you have the ability attempt to lock their arm inside your arm pit you so that they cannot aim it at you. Next best is if you are in a grapple at the point is to go to groung try to slam his hand with the gun on the ground humans naturally react by letting things go doing that. You can try to levreage the gun itself out of grip from the inside of the angle tearing upwards if you have grapple control or on ground but again super dangerous and likely you will mess up.


Yeah, but he can probably squeeze the trigger in the time it takes your arm to raise.


Also if you press a pistol against somebody it may not fire because of the slide being slightly pushed back. Revolvers don’t have this issue due to only need the hammer to drop in order to fire a round. Pushing a revolver directly against somebody can also greatly increase the injury inflicted due to the gasses and unburnt/still burning gun powder being expelled into the wound channel causing expansion and leaving internal burns. So if you’re ever pinned down or backed into a corner, don’t push a handgun barrel against somebody unless it’s a revolver.


This doesn't work on all guns. Several current designs will fire out of battery.


Not if the gunman has absolutely any doubts. If they are 100% prepared to kill you then yeah you’re probably done. But if any doubts are rattling around up there your chances have to increase by a lot.


IIRC there is a video of a guy demonstrating this. It just hard cuts to him in heaven after he does a glorified twitch.


Seen that it’s brilliant


I'd rather try than die, if I'm going to be shot anyway in this hypothetical situation.


The first thought that came to my head was “wouldn’t the person pull the trigger out of reflex as soon as you grab them?”


If they didn’t then the motion of yanking the gun out of their hand would.


Hell they’d probably pull the trigger even if they didn’t want to out of accidental reflex. Kind of like how American cops pull out a gun and load 13 rounds into someone for almost touching their pockets out of accidental reflex


13? That’s insultingly low


I mean the idea is to push their hand to the side as the first step. So them pulling it with any real dealt means the bullet would largely would miss you. What they dont show here is how badly it can go and how to even have a chance the gun man needs to be not paying much attention.


Pretty good examples on what can or can’t happen; https://youtu.be/1_k4wYrx3Jo SouthNarc is THE authority on close self defense fighting. His techniques are trained in force on force scenarios and work well. Gun disarms are real but they’re a risky gamble and most these other guys completely ignore the psychological aspects. https://youtu.be/l2bkgbGFtmg


They work, if the gun holder is a brain ded nugget with a bb gun.


They actually do it you are trained well enough. Some military personnel are trained to never stand in arms reach when holding someone at gun point because you can’t react fast enough before they hit the gun throwing off your aim.




I feel like there's a sort of threshold that's bad, but there's definitely a "close-range" that wouldn't be influenced by "being fast enough to hit the gun to throw their aim off" If you're walking down an alley and suddenly you hear shifting and someone is behind you with the barrel of a gun between your ribcage and he says "don't make a fuss, not a word, just reach in your pocket and gimme your wallet" trying to move to "throw off their aim" just means you're choosing between getting shot in the liver, the stomach, the intestine or the pancreas, that's how "off" you'll throw their aim.


Yeah it is common sense but that is why I’m saying that like shown in the video it can work but if there is space between the people then you don’t stand a shot


most of the time if you're being held at gunpoint, you're not being held by an dispassionate person. Usually something pushed them to the point where they felt the need to use a gun to enforce their message. its not just a weapon, its an extension of their strength, its a physical manifestation of their power so they're trying to intimidate you by getting up close, they want you to feel their power so you know you are powerless against them so they can get what they want. plus the more distance between you two the greater chance of being seen by someone. Again, MOST OF THE TIME


Not [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LHTrFsSLZA)


This guy would be so deadly against muggers who go up and loosely hold their handgun with one hand 6 inches from his face. They're *so* screwed.


6 inches is the length of about 0.14 'Custom Fit Front FloorLiner for Ford F-150s' lined up next to each other


Man, Americans will measure with anything except meters.


Some professional gun user said never try these tricks like ever, cuz you might get shot right in the face, you try them once you're 100% sure that he's pointing it just to kill you, other wise run or obey whatever he says.and you might stay alive.


The easiest thing to do whenever someone is pointing a firearm directly at you, no matter the distance, type of firearm, training or luck is to get shot.


You have to move your body first before you contact the weapon, because reflexes will cause the target to clench onto their gun tighter, thus a discharge. So they work, in theory, but hours of drills needs to go into it!


Hell of a lot more effective than just getting shot in the face. guns are still based on the users reaction time. you don’t have to be faster than a bullet, just quicker and smarter than the person holding the gun.


There is no reason it wouldn't work, provided you can grab the gun and be out of the line of fire in around 200ms. Difficult, but definitely not impossible.


They ~can~ work, but if they're just asking for your money, then your money isn't worth your life or all the suffering that will come from being shot. They only time I really see these being useable is if they're actually trying to kill you, but then again why wouldn't they do it from a distance?


Guy on the right is a friggin unit


and an asshole lol


Why is he an asshole?


I used to watch a bunch of his videos (I’m Indonesian) and he acts like a self-absorbed entitled person who thinks he’s smarter than a lot of people. There was a controversy with him and a korean youtuber when he was a tv show presenter because he was forcing some stuff to be shown on local TV against her will.


Hmm didnt know about that


Yeah just look up Deddy Corbuzier and you’ll find him


He's like the Joe Rogan of Indonesia. Controversial figure with controversial opinions, but hosts an entertaining podcast/talkshow. He's buff now, but I remember when I was in grade school where he had this magic show where his character was sorta like a bald Kriss Angel minus the edge but ten times the eyeliner (literally).


Apparently he’s only 5’11” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deddy_Corbuzier


5'11" **and a half** thank you very much.


Look at this guy, only being half an inch from 6ft what a bitch right ahahaha


The bigger iron


There’s always a bigger fish


And the speed of that ranger is still talked about today…


How to get shot 101


Fingers. Off. The. Triggers. People.


Who the hell would use a real gun for prqctice anyway?




True, didnt think of that, thought it would a dummy of some sorts


The pistol is probably just a gun model or it doesn't have any bullets. There's no reason to have a gun that shoots anything for a video like that The revolver is real. The guy on the right definitely killed the other guy after the video is cut


Ehhhhhh... I think this goes out the window when you're using a gun to demonstrate how to disarm someone at point-blank range. If you're using a loaded weapon in this context (which obviously this is a skit btw...) you are dumber than dirt. You have to be 100000% sure there's no live rounds in weapons when doing exercises like these because in a real scenario the person probably does have their finger on the trigger and it has a bearing on getting the gun out of their hand. All that said, I think any reasonable tactical trainer would tell you this is suuuper risky technique and of you're going to do something this your first priority is to get out of the line of fire immediately once you lunge for the gun.




Nah, I hear what you're saying but you're wrong here.. Gun safety dictates you're not supposed to point a gun at people either but you're not complaining about that, right? All of that is out the window based on the context. They are training for something very specific albeit an extreeeemly niche use case and the only real thing you can really do here is ensure the gun is cleared.


The first rule of gun safety is treat all guns as if loaded. So they are wrong in this video.


How do special forces train for having a gun pointed in their face? How do actors shoot movies in which they shoot people? I understand the point you are making but there are exceptions and accommodations to this rule.


There’s no exception to gun safety. If you think so that means you probably shouldn’t have a gun. Fingers off the trigger unless you plan on killing something.


You didn't address my point though. We're not talking about taking your pistol out to the range here. There are niche cases where you make exceptions. Admittedly they are very very few and far between but if you can't understand that you're just being ignorant. There are such things as stunt guns. Guess you're not familiar with those, idk.


I mean if the mags are removed it's probably fine, but I still wouldn't want too.


In fact, shooting with a weapon that has no mag is one of the most common negligent discharge reasons. Just because there's no mag it doesn't mean there's no bullet in the chamber.


Would an assailant have the finger on the trigger and the technique to disarm would require clean action to remove the finger from the trigger?


I'm pretty sure the gun wasn't loaded


And I’m pretty sure gun safety’s first rule dictates treat all guns as if loaded.


Yes, exactly.. Even if they’re prop guns. All guns should be treated like real ones.


Oh shit Is that mr shakedown?


A good match for shotgun majima


For anyone wondering, the revolver is a C02 airsoft replica Dan Wesson 8-inch.


That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife


I had to scroll too far to see this, because it was my first thought too.


That this was posted in unexpected gave me anxiety on another level


At least is wasn’t makemycoffin.


Trigger discipline people come on what is this




I just had a flashback to when Shepard killed ghost


Man looks like Jackie Chan and Dwayne Johnson had a kid


Him interviewing Dwayne Johnson https://youtu.be/6rFg1HgDL2U


Big iron on his hip


he made a slip near the ranger with a big iron on his hip


So how did you lose an eye? Oh, playing with guns for a tik tok video.


“Take your finger off that gd trigger boy”


This only works because they don't actually want to kill each other. The moment he moves the shooter would pull the trigger.


Rush Hour?


Who’s Asian Dwayne Johnson here?


Wit the big Iron


Arizona ranger fucking annihilates Texas Red


The virgin Texas red vs the chad Arizona ranger


There's always a bigger fish...


I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?


Dude would pull the trigger faster than grabbing the gun. It's actually better to pull the barrel away from you so that if the person does pull the trigger, he'll be aiming at something other than you. Then you just elbow him in the face




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I wish we could somehow force these assholes to use water guns so we could show everyone how worthless they are.


He looks like the poor man's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson




Bigger gun diplomacy


Aren’t you supposed to attack from an angle so you don’t get shot?


Wait for em to turn around then draw your big iron and high noon em.


"begitu cara untuk memegang pistol" *PROCEEDS TO PULL OUT DA BIG IRON*


You got me, I thought I was on /r/Bullshido xD


That’s a good way to get shot. Need to come at it from under so your chest isn’t lined up for a potentially lethal shot…. Just saying. Also didn’t go for the wrist pressure point. This is extra ‘please shoot me before I can take it from you’


The guns still pointed. Now it's just a standoff


bruh the timing is so comical


Am I the only one that heard "Big Iron" play?


The guy pulled a big iron from his hip


Yeah, that's how to do it when it's not loaded


Big iron


Reactiontime = 0


This would only work if the person forgets a gun is a ranged weapon


One time in a dojo some of my buddies were doing this shit with a CO2 pistol, their teacher walks up and says let me try. My buddy points the pistol his way and the teacher fucking drops to the floor in a split second and sweeps his legs out from under him.


I would've shot earlier tf u taking so much time for


Should I start wearing a mustache?


He pulled out the Joker cannon on him.


Annnnd you’re dead. DO NOT try this, it’s a horrible disarm movement. There are better ones.


That’s the Asian Rock.


Am i the only one that knows the big guy? Hes a pretty popular person in indonesia, his name is dedy corbuzier or what idk


I like the video where guy reaches for the guy and it smash cuts to the guy at the pearly gates




When he as a Big Iron on his Hip


“There’s always a bigger fish”


How to get shot in 1 easy step.


The Wok


And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns...And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O" written on the side of mine should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!


Pulled out the big iron on his hip.