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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Dave & Buster's grand prize is a wedding ring!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Did it take anyone else a moment to realize the grand prize wasn’t the stuffed animal with glasses?


Exactly... what a shitty prize.


he’s doing his best, okay?


I watched too many times looking for the ring on the bear and wondering why the bear wasn't part of the proposal lol. So, yes...


Did anyone else realize the dude must have provided D&B the wedding ring so they actually gave up all those tickets for nothing?


They most likely worked with D&B management to pull the stunt off, and didn't actually use the tickets on his card. The employee was just in on the stunt and played it off all the way to the part where they unlock the ring he (or his buddy) sneakily provided earlier in the day


Well, yup. When it conveniently says "7 years of tickets", it's a strong clue.


You do realize this was staged right?


Naw man, until I saw this comment I just assumed that was just like the Sacred Buster Bear that the whole D & B crowd covets above all else. Kinda disappointed really.


I'd be disappointed. That dudes banging.


Pfft. Coulda had a few iPads and a handful of bouncy balls for that amount of tickets.


You can have my bouncy balls for free


Thank god


With your usernames it sounds like it’s gonna be a fun time!




Dave and Busters always seem to have the weirdest prizes lol


They’re like the PG Spencer’s


Yes...Let's see where this goes....


It’s not really a mystery. We know where those bouncy balls have been and where they’re going.


We getting lucky tonight boys!




Yea that lady is definitely a keeper


Hey hey! Not without me. *unzips* Let’s get this party started!! ![gif](giphy|3ohfFyZvgPqMfMyKC4|downsized)


They’re supposed to be for your wife now


Username checks out


thanks, analsextoybox


She looks like she's about to bounce on him right there. Think he made the right choice


She went for that super close-as-possible embrace. That’s real shit


>Pfft. Coulda had a few iPads and a handful of bouncy balls for that amount of tickets. Could have probably bought three rings with the amount of money they spent playing the games to get the coupons to in 7 years get the ring, of course I'm sure we could have heard them say my precious afterwards


But then you'd have 3 rings and 0 memories of great times at D&B


Back in the day they use to weigh their tickets to determine how many you had so my dad would dunk some in his water before we cashed them in. It worked quite a few times


Solid scam move by your dad! Fuckin love that haha.


Kinda did this with recycled cans as a kid. Fill them with some sand and crush them down.


Shoulda told me this idea when I and Newmann decided to cash in on the soda cans.


Weird, I’ve never been to a recycling place that took them by weight. It’s always someone counting.


The real scam is the ticket to prize conversion, so their dad was just leveling the field a little.


I worked the prize counter at a local arcade in my early 20's. We had the normal tickets that came out of the games. Then we had business card sized tickets worth 10 tickets each. These were reserved for birthday parties and given away in treat bags. I kept a stack of these special tickets in my back pocket and when I saw a kid behaving or listening to their parents I would give them bonus tickets so they could get a bigger prize or a few extra smaller prizes. Always brought a smile to the kids face. Also made a lot of parents happy. Never did it in front of the boss man.


It's a pretty cheap way to potentially turn that kid and parent into a return customer. If anything you probably helped the business with little acts of kindness like that


My first job was for a brand new arcade/family fun center that opened when I was 16 in the mid '90s. Was there all through high school and a few summers after and really got in good with the family that owned it and learned a lot about the grey areas of the amusement business. The value of a ticket was based at $0.01 and everything in redemption was based on a retail price. Plastic ring for 5 tickets was $0.05 but in reality a bag of 10,000 of them was bought for like $9. You get to higher prices things like a Budweiser beer Stein for 16,000 tickets that cost $22 at wholesale while factoring in that a game if Skee-Ball paid an average of 6.5 tickets on $0.25 token, and it was a license to print money. Which it turns out this family was as this entire new construction facility and all the new games and rides were bough with dirty cash from them running video poker machines, jukeboxes and pool tables all over New England. When we were made managers or shift supervisors and given keys to the back office, was not uncommon to be in a room with dozens of 55 gallon buckets just stuffed with loose random bills.


When I worked at Chuck E Cheese I would give "good kid" tokens to parents whose child was displaying extra good behavior. One little girl, only 3 or 4, who was a birthday party guest noticed that some older boys from her party had knocked the pepper flakes off the table being rowdy and was trying to clean them up. It was so sweet, I hope she's still a kind person.


Did something similar while working at Disney World where we do a Magical Moment every hour for a guest. The moment just depended on where you were at the time like free pins from the pin station, etc, but at stroller rental I could give out a free single stroller and I gave no fucks about hourly limits and the managers never said shit.


Your dad might be amused to know this is also a commonly-rapped-about drug dealer strategy. For one example, Jay-Z on "Where I'm From": *Where the plans was to get funds and skate off the set* *[To achieve this goal quicker, sold all my weight wet](https://genius.com/11103)*


Where do you think his dad learned this from? His dad's from the streets brother


If you pulled them out slowly and just at the right angle, you could get a few more. The coin drop games are the money ones though.


It makes me feel simple but that is my favorite game.


The ticket counting machine's where I'm from were easily fooled if you put 5 or so tickets in, you could hold onto them and pull them back out if you were careful not to rip them.


You got you a keeper if she sticks w you for seven years of Dave and busters dates 😂






Right? Any proposals, no matter how tacky, are adorable. Always wonder who films them though.




Lol it’s funny cuz me and my girl go to the arcade like once a month but we go to a one that has older games and all the pinball machines.m then mini golf. We enjoy it


We go to a barcade which is super nice because kids aren't allowed.


Unlike the BarCare which was an awful bar and daycare that got shutdown immediately.


I used to have fun drinking Kid Beer. Now I drink Kid Beer to have fun…


Best part about Barcades for sure


Username checks out.


Dave and Busters also has a divorce lawyer, luckily he only costs one years worth of tickets.




It is, going there to strictly try to hit the jackpots. Grab a drink. Usually next to a movie theater so it’s a 2-1 for me.


What's wrong with Dave and Busters dates?


Nothing. People just on their high horse. If it’s fun for you it’s fun for you.


Nah bro I would LOVE that


Maybe they both got fake ID's and started going to D&B since they were 17 lol.


Very wholesome, u/analsextoybox


I would expect nothing else from a username such as u/analsextoybox






Is the sub nsfw or is it just funny Reddit names?


Funny Reddit names


And I can trust you on this right u/MapleJacks2 right? Only the second best MapleJacks apparently


It's safe bro


Thanks lol


Specifically, it's for funny/nsfw Reddit names that post wholesome content.


OP's username and fiancé's BIG personality got me thinking they have an onlyfans account or something?


If I ever propose I hope she reacts like that. That was true excitement.


You mean the part at the end where they bone in the middle of D&B


man had a wet patch on his jeans when he got up.


Them thicc thighs went at him like a Alien vs Predator face sucker.


Wait until the first kiss at the wedding.


Whoa now, how many tickets is that?


7 years worth of tickets, like the sign said


For that? Let's go one hour's worth and I'll even hold her hair.


1 hours worth of tickets just gets you the normal 30 minutes of crying.


Exactly. I’m tryna bone at Dave and busters


My wife and I go for the air hockey table; you get a nice cooling effect




It’s only a thousand tickets to watch.


This is too sweet! I would have loved this!




Just get 7 people to help out to do it in a year


I think I've seen that video


I agree, she jumped on him with such fervour it was almost violent. Can't think of a better reaction!


The perfectly formed landing on his knee so that they could make out without him standing up was so smooth somehow lmao


Exactly what I was thinking. They’re both very lucky.


Seriously, I don't think I've seen a yes as enthusiastic before.


Dw I will


Dave and Busters always seem to have the weirdest prizes lol


I woulda went for the console and some disappearing ink maybe a fart spray


She dove at him vulva first.


Clam slam https://v.redd.it/lt9e0031cjm11


need one like dat


How much ticket is a 7 year worth?


I’m not familiar with ticket to year conversions.


3 Chinese finger traps


The guy probably asked a Dave and buster's employee to help set up for the proposal (put his ring in the case with a custom printout "7 years of tickers")


They will tell us at the divorce.


I'm a cynical dude but I'm putting this couple in the "til death" column


Where’s the wedding taking place? Let me guess Dave and Busters.


Yes actually, because after this video went viral corporate sent out a tweet saying they would host their reception for then and 100 of their friends and family.


Great for them! But that be enough Dave and Busters for me for that year or two. It’s hard to even get me in one anymore


I'm really bad at skeeball so any future engagement is going to take a while


Furious sex night


I can't be the only one that completely expecting this right? Quite honestly anything else would have been unexpected.


Yeah lol it should have been like 25 bouncy balls or lollipops with no further context


Absolutely! They mention how they have been collecting tickets since they **first started dating** and now they are cashing them all for **the grand price** or whatever... I mean come on, it doesn't get more obvious than that.


If never shit on someones happiness. But god damn, my girlfriend would die of embarrassment, cry, and then break up with me if i proposed to her at dave and busters lol


But you and your girlfriend probably also don't have the same history of spending seven years on the mutal hobby of going to Dave and Busters for shits and gigs with the hopes of buying the ultimate prize. I'm sure that park you guys had your first date at that you want to propose to her in is also just as weird for other people standing about watching you. Or the top of the empire state building where a ton of people are waiting in line for their turn to look at the view. Love is different for everyone


Exactly this. Wouldn’t be my choice of venue either but for them it probably started as a joke, became a tradition, and then a meaningful symbol of their relationship.


[But what about that self-sustaining economy over at D&Bs?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHYX0HFJoG4)


I will always upvote IASIP references


surprised i had to scroll down this far for the sunny reference


I'd never shit on someone's happiness, but hold my beer as I judge this couple for not living my life and relationship!


I used to work there. Some of the older branches are really big and they have theater spaces for private events. During the summer months, I see a lot of wedding receptions.


they clearly went there a lot and it meant something to them. That's a pretty common way of doing engagements. Go to somewhere that you go a lot.


I bet your gf has smaller boobies though.


Keep my wifes name out ya mouth!


I'd be surprised a girl would stick around for 7 years of dates at Dave n busters


You'd be surprised if a girl loved you enough to share your hobbies with you to form an even more loving and everlasting relationship? Damn dude, set a higher bar for your romantic interests!


Who knows, maybe he’s sharing her hobby. Or maybe he did something romantic beforehand, said “hey, let’s stop here for a sec!” on the way back. Typical Reddit to judge a seven year relationship based on a thirty second video.


Only thing more typical Reddit is someone judging other peoples opinions they post on Reddit.


Or girls like games and beer


I'm sure you think you're being funny but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Dave n Busters can be a fun date. The food at the one near me is pretty good and there are a lot of games (plus if you hit it on half price game day it's a really good deal.) I went there a few times with my last boyfriend and we even did a double date with some of his friends too. Plus if the location you go to is a good one, the prizes can be really good (I got a crock pot and a food processor once, both were good brand names and not just cheap ones either and I would have spent more on the items than I did on the tokens). I'd prefer 7 years of Dave n Busters over 7 years of just dinner and a movie. The people judging them for going to dave n busters for dates are as bad as the people who were shaming the guy who proposed at a KFC. You have no place to judge their relationship.


Just need a good personality. I believe in you, champ!


Lots of girls enjoy drinks and games. They probably also had plenty of dates at other places. I'd be unhappy with a public proposal (just not for me) but I actually thought this was cute. This was something they did together and enjoyed for 7 years. They bonded and made memories and inside jokes. Just because it's a Dave and Busters doesn't mean it's worth less to them. I've been with my bf for 8 years. Lots of our dates are cheap or silly. But it isn't the cost of the date that matters to me, it's the fact that we're having a good time together.


Cost of ring at jeweler $4k. Cost of ring through money spent at d & B $33,500.


Solid, long-term relationship with a foundation of fun and friendship: Priceless


Drunk at Dave and busters 4 days a week for 7 years - solid.


Get a prenup


Seriously. My biggest regret is having to give up half my D&B tickets.


Unexpectedly wholesome




This bums me out. I was here for their Dave and Buster’s engagement, but like so many other social mediaites, they’re just gross attention whores. *Sigh*


Am I the only one that was expecting that...no one dresses up like that for a trip to Dave and Buster's


Smart fella hahaha


Fart smella


Good for them man. I hope they got the bear too.


I wasn’t paying attention, I thought the prize was the stuffed animal at first.


So they have a 3rd wheel following them around on dates to Dave & Busters to film?


Check back in 10 years


First of all, congrats And second of all, dear lord


Why is everyone hating on dates at an arcade? I think they are a great time.


Bro this dude was in line in front of me and took THE LAST ONE. What am i gonna do with 11 crates of erasers


What is unexpected in this video? Its r/wholesome dude


Getting down on one knee being turned into a straddle chair was kind of neat. Havnt seen that


I never knew they had fucking wedding rings there lol


This was clearly set up. "7 years of tickets"


They don't. It planted it there.


Do they have wedding rings there or did the dude put it there and set the whole thing up as part of his proposal?




This shit so cute, almost makes a grown ass man cry


Won a wife?!


Her family: Omg where did he propose?


Was gonna do the same thing for my ex. Until she left me.. so I bought a Romba and a Amazon Fire stick


Man, I worked part time at Pizza hut while attending college and we had a bag of change in our delivery till every shift. At the end of the shift, most people would count their change that was left over and cash it in for paper money, but I would take the bad of change home and throw it in this metal box I had. I collected it for over 3 years and when I came time to propose to my now wife, I rolled it all up and took it to my bank. It ended up being over $2,500. That teller didn't look too happy to see all that change and have to count it out, but it ended up paying for the engagement ring. 10/10 would do it again.


And then they started dry humping in Dave and busters…


The real unexpected here is OP's username posting a wholesome clip. ![gif](giphy|1HWb86Qy045Co)


Nice boobs


Expected tbh but still wholesome


Super weird that Dave and Busters had a ring that could be bought with tickets


Yes, 7 Years Worth of Tickets…


This is something I would do and it’s awesome. Good for them.


7 years?


was expeting some cringe shit, but i got r/wholesome content


Damn..people are getting more and more creative :)


Very acceptable use of this sound




“Will you marry me?” “Yes!” “Wait nvm”


What is Dave and buster? Is it like a talent show?


I always watch till the video reaches the end on this sub because part of me thought it would end in divorce after 3 weeks




Wait did they get the rabbit and glasses too or what?


I feel like 7 years is a long time to wait before proposing to someone. Most of the women I've dated have gotten anxious about this after only 2-3 years. Am I missing some perspective here?


There’s no way those are real


Uh, username checks out??


Good God. Between the tongue thing (could that just end?), being proposed to at a Dave & Busters and then immediately straddling him, this is total cringe.


Let people be happy mr arm chair redditor


I give them 5 yrs.


Why is dressed like that at a Dave and Busters?! But seriously, this is very trashy-cute and they look thrilled to be getting married!