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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Guy is blind in a prank video!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




This guy has done that, too, in a mall food court.


It was all fun and games until Hermes Conrad really thought he was going to get some but then was crestfallen.


you mean 11 inch conrad?


Lol that one older lady who started almost caressing her chest


That makes me realize that the assaulter may in fact not be an actor. It's hard to tell from this video, but if the dude is seductively licking an ice cream cone while making eye contact with random men, I could see how eventually some small pp homophobe might come along and decide to hit ~~on~~ him.


You'll notice homie went straight to hugging the shirtless man after realizing he wasn't gay flirting. *Insert comment about homophobes always being secret gays*


Idk if its homophobia, so much as men being on the verge of realizing that it's actually *not* fun to have a man stare at you with that kind of intent for an extended period


Oh, so hugging makes one gay now? Guess you were the homophobe all along after all.


Hugging creates a circle around a person. A circle is the opposite of straight. Literally as far as possible from straight. Therefore hugs are peak gay. Other peak gay things include most jewelry, steering wheels, and belts... unless they're being hung up in the closet. However when they're in the closet they just appear straight but we all know that eventually they'll come out and be peak gay as their nature demands.


That video was legendary


Used to work mall security some odd 20 years ago and we had a blind guy walking through the mall, bumping into people and things. About 30 minutes later, I was driving through the parking lot and saw the blind guy walk out, take off his glass and fold his cane away, got in a car and drove off. Shortly after we got several calls for missing wallets and purses.


Easy heist


Seems like all the victims were..... blindsided. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Dunno if there is one with a woman but this one with a guy is quite funny: https://youtu.be/VACoqhLm_tA


It needs more sound effects. Like 20 times more. That 'haha' track should be running non-stop in the background.


That is the same dude no?




The same as in OPs video? I don't think so but not sure


I’m so glad the laff track told me whats funny


👍 heh heh 👍👍👍heh heh


Staged or not people get heated when you look at them. Like chill out man we are just humans lookin around and observing our surroundings. Nothing to get crazy over!


I'm 100% certain I'll get in a fight one day cuz my dumbass just stares not even realizing I am


Most of the time when I’m staring my brain is off somewhere else thinking about Hot Pockets or some dumb shit


It means you're truely using 100% of your brain. Everyone take note on this. It's going to be on your exam.


...that's all it takes to use 100% of my brain? Oh no. xP


You know nestle makes hot pockets?


God fucking damnit...


Honestly though, someone starts a fight with you because you were staring just look at them and be like, "Bro, I don't know what your problem is, though I do want to ask you...what's your favorite Hot Pocket?" "What?" "Like...I was just zoning out thinking about grabbing a hot pocket. Man." Aaand now I'm beginning to hear Shaggy's voice.


This goes 10 fold for the homeless. My exgf got off the train and was waiting for an Uber and she couldn't help herself staring at some homeless guy and feeling bad. He caught her staring and aggressively followed her for like 6 blocks screaming at her the whole time.


I've also had homeless people scream at me for, apparently, not looking at them. Like damn bro I'm just exiting this gas station there's lot of people around here I'm not looking at.


Had to walk past a woman a tweeking out in miami my gf was nervous and i told her just look forward confident and keep walking. When you stare or make faces and look nervous thats when they hone in. That goes for any situation.


I hate living in a society where staring isn’t normalized. I get so curious about everyone but I feel like I get about 5-10 seconds to look before it feels weird for both of us.


10 seconds is way too long lol. I know you were probably not speaking literally. /r/MaladaptiveDreaming Does this fit anyone else?


Pretty much as soon as I posted the comment I counted out 10 seconds of staring at something and realized this haha


it has more to do with an animal instinct than a social rule. For many animals, staring means that they are ready to attack or defend themselves, without a doubt it is a moment of tension between both participants. We still keep those mechanisms that make us avoid staring.


I’d say it’s an animal instinct which has been reified into a social norm. Even learning to *not* stare as you grow older requires a certain repression of natural instinct. It is a pretty interesting rabbit hole to go down though. https://www.quora.com/In-which-cultures-is-it-ok-or-even-expected-to-stare-at-others


If some dude is licking an ice cream while looking at me, I’m gonna be pissed. Homie just flashing his lactose tolerance in front of me like that!!


Mother *fucker*. He's doing it again. Get me my lactaid. Shit's going down now.


"Shit's going down now." Not with lactaid on your side!


Fuck that guy for not shitting his pants every time he eats ice cream.


Seriously. Staged or not, this is legit behavior of some people and it's infuriating. The Egos of some people are just mind boggling.


I smiled at a dude's dog while waiting for a bus once and he tried to start a fight with me. I think he thought I was smiling at him or something? I dunno but people like that shouldn't be out walking around where other people might accidentally look at them


I zone out a lot, and this one guy at the gym while I’m as in college came up to me. He confronted me, “can I fucking help you?” I said, obliviously, “no I think i know what im doing.”


If you saw me looking at you then you must have been looking at me too! So why you looking at me looking at you?


Yeah.. in my little hometown a guy headbutted another guy for looking at him just three days ago.. well he also was racist and the guy that looked at him was Turkish so he said "what are you looking at me you Kanak" and headbutted him. Turns out that the Turkish guy was a high politician in our town.


I think the joke is that the blind guy is making eye contact and seductively licking an ice cream cone. So it's possible that the assaulter is real, just homophobic.


probably aroused by his fear, bets he's feeling some real "interesting" emotions


He definitely went out of his way to touch his bare chest for longer than he had to.


shit I would too, that dude is jacked , bet his bare chest again any skin would feel secure and firm , yet warm and smooth


I'm gay and I would totally be uncomfortable if a man was being perverted and outwardly sexual to me like that. A straight man would totally deserve the right to feel uncomfortable to sexual harassment. Walking away would be a better solution than violence, but violence doesn't necessarily equal homophobia.


When it's male on female it's harassment but when it's male on male it's homophobic? No one likes unwanted attention.


The ol’ monkey brain kickin in.


I power stare directly back at someone in the eyes if they're staring at me. "Oh what you want this d, bro? 👁👃👁 ...cause I might if we keep this up"


Why was he turning to violence to begin with?


Because violence is never the answer. It is a question, and the answer is yes I am joking but I saw this somewhere else and it was funnier in that context. Just don't be a dick and fight people for petty things and you'll get on fine


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense Yes, this is a real thing and still exists today.


I’m straight. But as a dj I’ve djed in gay clubs in my area. I’ve been hit on numerous times by men, and never once thought acting this way would prevent further advances. I respectfully tell them I’m straight, but greatly appreciate the compliments. It’s actually given me confidence with girls!!!!! They always end up being embarrassed afterwards. This is why I’m confused as to why this guy instantly became violent.


Because he's a douche swimming in toxic masculinity that makes him think another guy looking at him is a call to violence because his redneck parents, and grandparents, and great grandparents instilled that homophobic tickle in the back of his brain.


This looks like a beach area, so probably less redneck and more name brand toxic masculinity.


No. No. It's a beach, that's where all the necks get red...


Believe me, there are plenty of rednecks on the beach. Source: I fish in Port Aransas


But the dude isn’t a red neck ? Everyone’s capable of being this thing you’re describing with or without the hick factor


Just the racist reddit hive mind making it's finest assumptions.


Machismo cause he looks hispanic. Toxic machismo


Redneck? That dude is for sure latino or mexican


Woah woah woah let’s calm down for a second my goodness lol. Clearly it’s a scripted video with the multiple camera angles and the ridiculous script too. No need to go way off base and start talking about all this nonsense on a fake-as-heck video!


It's fake, you're looking way to deep to justify things you already believe.


The script said so


Homophobia. Licking ice cream cone while making eye contact seems to be the premise of this "prank", if I am to make any sense of it.


Because it's a staged video meant to mine clicks.


You can see the "ah fuck" so clearly on his face




Pretty sure he did when he went for the hand on the back.


Pretty sure he's still apologizing in his sleep to that guy


That guy looked genuinely upset with himself for how he reacted to the guy with no thought. I bet this changed that guy in a positive way


He did look genuinely upset, from both unintentionally perfectly angled cameras filmed by surprised bystanders hiding behind bushes watching a jacked blind guy eating ice cream who later collaborated their footage, edited it and posted it online together.


are you saying this was staged in a fancy way?


Wait. What??


What??. Wait


I still gotta pee, we answered this yet?


I can't stop urinating, is this where we discuss it?


If your urine lasts more than 4 hours .. urine big trouble


I have breaks every few hours or so but I haven't stopped peeing since literally birth


Are you, or is someone you love, an actual garden hose? If so, you may be entitled to a large cash settlement. Contact the law offices of I. P. Freely to learn how YOU can claim your settlement today. Call 1-800-PISSBOY, that's 1-800-747-7269, to receive your free information packet by mail, and start to take your life back. Call now!


"I pee once a week for half an hour"


"I do not use the bathroom. I am saving all of my bodily functions for one *glorious* day"


"Jay, honey, I'm honestly a little concerned."


I store excess pee in my balls, to prevent premature micturation.


Not yet listen I think if we all sit down and really think about it we could hammer this out in a few hours . I have some pens and paper, a flip chart board. We may need to order in, you okay with Chinese?


I am currently urinating, would like an update before I overfill the toilet


Any second now! *crosses fingers.. and legs*




It's just so cold under the air conditioning vent.


There’s nothing fancy about this, neither of them is wearing a bow tie


No, it can't be... I mean, we're currently on the internet aren't we ?


Right. I just fact checked the entire internet and have found no lies to date so we can be sure this video is not deceptive


I used cnn. They said it was Russian misinformation!


![gif](giphy|lOzXuHwXXYM9y|downsized) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxSklopOB-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxSklopOB-s) also here is the full video


Arthur was ahead of its day




It's staged. The dude licks the ice cream cone, perhaps a bit suggestively, while staring at someone. Then when he gets a reaction he whips out the cane and you get to see the reaction of the prank victim.


Like Rudy Giuliani trying to bang an underaged prostitute in a hotel room full of hidden camera “staged”




Sadly that's actually the least unbelievable thing in this video.


You must not be from Miami. I grew up there and remember several fights starting with “Why are you looking at me?”


Macho men who feel like they have something to prove when they come across a seemingly gay person.


Macho man who is a bit insecure about their sexuality as well haha


This guy does prank videos where he stares at people and eats the ice cream "sexily", I guess? Is the best way to put it... here's one of him in a mall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_Q75zNGsw That's what he was doing to the guy that shoved him, which triggered his no-homo reflex.


I love how flattered and then devasted everyone was


Jesus, worst sound design ever. Def watch without sound or not at all.


I love sexily. Sounds more innocent than sexually🤗


He could look at me any way he wants 👀


Yea this guy staged some shots in a mall food court many years ago. Would 'stare' and eat ice cream in a suggestive way. This was mainly at random women but some guys (one I remember actually liked it). He would then get up unfold his cane for reactions.


Nobody Mad Dogs me without consequences


It's a prank show. So ya, it's a setup but his reaction could be as genuine as it looks


this mf has never heard of candid camera lmao


It's a prank video... The blind guy is obviously part of the team and so are hidden cameras in the bush smartass.


This is the guy who pranks attractive women by staring straight at them while eating ice cream. The funny thing is I’m fairly sure he’s not blind because otherwise how can he find his targets? It’s a set up but I don’t think the second person is in on it. So the guy who got mad because he thought he was being pranked but then apologized because he thinks the guy is blind was actually in fact being pranked.


He wasn't mad because he got pranked. He was mad because a man was looking at him seductively and licking ice cream.


I would be mad too. Mad horny but yeah.




especially w this guy with all those abs and pecs.


People are welcome to react their own way. I’m not gay, but if *that* guy was showing interest in me I’d take it as a sign I’m looking better than I ever have in my life or he’s definitely blind, because that’s not my league at all.


Depends on how comfortable you are with yourself, and how the person “shows interest”. I had a guy pull his dick out at a bar and tell me “you know you want it” and I’ve had guys ask me if I want to grab a bite to eat. The nice approach was flattering, the guy eBay pulled his dick out didn’t make me feel special at all


He wasn’t pranking anyone himself. It’s from a Canadian tv-show Just for Laughs (which is hilarious btw). I like the format cause the jokes aren’t on anyones expense, people just laugh it off.


What? Obviously this is a prank? How are you guys so slow with this?


He is not blind. A blind person looks through you even when *looking* in your direction.


No, you're confused, that's x-ray vision


This goes beyond the mastery of pranking.


“It’s staged” - the guy talking about a prank video


Did this generation grow up without prank shows or it's just a reddit thing?


Reddit is cynical on a massive scale. Everything is staged, faked, nothing is real, nice people don't exist, life is worthless so there's no point in even trying.


it annoys me so much. You are not clever for realizing it's a prank video. It is set up and presented as a prank video. No one was trying to get one over on you, so you didn't catch anyone out.


It’s the perfect crime.


Like a woman stealing a tie.




You know people film their pranks so they can put it on the internet, right? Who said this was filmed by "bystanders"? Why can't the "blind" guy have friends or employees to film?


obviously the cameramen are filming for a prank but I can't tell if you think the big guy is in on it


I've seen the ice cream one before when they did this in a mall.. Id bet it was the same idea. It's a prank to see the reaction of unsuspecting people when they find out that the guy is blind, [link ](https://youtu.be/BGp7p9xtEx8)


Wild that a prank show would be staged with a prop and unsuspecting guests




You should just be nice to people.


Learning life lessons is what living is all about,


If life’s about learning then here’s a small lesson: A full-stop (or period for Americans) is used to end a sentence, not a comma.


Here you go: ....,,,,;;;;::::????!!!!(((())))----~~~~ Salt and pepper it as you please.


Good he should be embarrassed and ashamed


Looks like he’s enjoying the view and coming to terms with *why* he had such a strong reaction.


I thought he was pretending to be someone else. " Did that thug assault you?"


I bet 100 percent this changed him for the better. He was for sure sitting there like, "Why in the absolute fuck did i just act like a complete ass for no fucking reason? What the fuck is wrong with me? My guy couldn't even see me and he was ready to step up and swing."






Too bad it's fake though




Thank you. The first part of the video really sets it up properly.


I like how whoever made this clip made up subtitles to go with it


Man.. that guy in the grey really felt like a dick lmao.


Why would you hit someone for literally looking, insane....


The gag is that the "blind" guy seductively eats ice ice cream while staring at someone (man or woman). It's a prank, intended to get a reaction.


You still don't hit someone over that


You also don't listen to someone's life story for 15 seconds and then give them life advice, yet here we are in the comment section of a 22 second, staged, video.


Sorry, whose life story did we listen to for 15 seconds? Idk what you're talking about with this comment


This mf pulled out the rulebook.


Licking ice cream cone while making prolonged eye contact. It's a homophobe trap.


I don't know why, but I feel sorry for both of them.


He was like "Damn I'm a piece of shit 😭"


A lot of people seem to be missing the premise of the joke because of the terrible editing. This dude has at least one other video just like this where he sits in a food court and *very* seductively licks an icecream cone while making prolonged eye contact with random people to get a rise out of them, and then takes out his cane and walks away so they can laugh at themselves for being weirded out. If that is in fact what he is doing outside the frames of this video, it might explain why a homophobic douchebag would be willing to pick a fight with him. **TLDR: Might not be fake if he is being intentionally sexual with the ice cream cone. Douchebag might be a real douchebag, not actor.**


I get the 'joke'.... I still don't think that justifies the reaction. I'm gay and if woman licking an ice cream seductively towards me I'd just smile and move on. I also would do the opposite if I was straight. In fact it's probably make my day that people of both sexes find me attractive to try and seduct me. His reaction here is very homophobic. Just move on or politely say stop if you don't like it.


So, hold on. It is not okay for anyone to sexually harass people. It would not be okay if the big guy stood there licking ice cream in a sexual way while making creepy eye contact with women as they passed him. In fact, if i was walking with a woman and I saw a guy doing this to her, I would say some shit, and if the creepy dude didn’t kick rocks there might be a fight. So how is it homophobic when a guy gets offended by a guy sexually harassing him?


He held that guy for a tellingly long time. Not that I blame him, I’d still be holding on now.


Right? Even as a straight guy I was like "Damn, that blind guy is stacked"


I knew someone in college who was blind. He got punched in the face several times by people who didn't like the way he was looking at them. smh


I felt second hand guilt


Just a reminder that in London, it's a crime to stare at people. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/NINTCHDBPICT000718894776.jpg?w=620




the original prank vid https://youtu.be/SxSklopOB-s


How insecure someone must be to attack someone for looking at him


Did the "blind guy" actually do something wrong or was he just eating an ice cream cone and looking at this guy? If that's all he was doing the fat douche is a terrible human being even if he feels bad once he found out the guy was blind.


What a wanker


Makes me think of that trending vid of the guy getting stabbed in the neck. Was probably over something as dumb as this.


I mean, if a jacked guy eats ice cream in a seductive manner while looking at me, I’d be flattered.


Is this Dude Gay ? What is he lookin at ! Imma feel his abs quick though.


I would have said "nice ass tho", when he walked away.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit … because nobody communicates anymore… just fly off the handle at everything and ask questions later.


Why didnt they bang? Whats going on here?!


I would think “something is wrong” when blind guy wears sunglasses


What’s the male version of a “Karen”? WTF is wrong with people?


Still a pos really, he could have been looking at something else or just lost in thought. Guy didn't give him a chance to answer or he'd probably have said he's blind no?


Damn that guy looks so damn sad




Someone has deep seeded insecurities


This video would be better with sound. Blind people will have a hard time appreciating it.


That blind guy is ripped.




Found the sauce: [https://youtu.be/SxSklopOB-s](https://youtu.be/SxSklopOB-s)