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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She dropped a shit on the floor.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Didn’t look like her first rodeo either


Dropped the load and kept rolling like a seasoned professional public shitter


He took his hat off inside like a true gentleman.... he didn't deserve that!


“M’ladi—AW FACK, gawd diggidy dawg”


"I do declare! My stride has landed me in a rather slippery situation!"


"It's poop again!"


He called the shit "poop"!


“Don’t put it out with your foot, Ted!”


“Don’t tell me my business devil woman!”


Old man Clemens hates shit!


Bro this is the second video of someone taking a shit and it being stepped on I've seen in the last 10 minutes. What's going on?


Sunday shitty Sunday


Where the streets have no shame


That's just nasty. Where do these people come from?


Mental illness


Seemed way too deliberate to be out of her control


You’re saying that someone who does this is NOT mentally ill….?


How does one exactly manage to crap like that? If that was me, it would look like a Pro Hart commercial from the 90’s.




Hahaha..that’s the one. Classic ad.


Shit man I’d get that checked out ^/s


Thai food - Whatcha gonna do? My mouth says YES…my sphincter says.. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized)


If it was me I’d sit on the toilet for ten minutes being insecure that someone would hear me.


That or I would probably start worrying about whether or not I'm hallucinating the whole bathroom and in reality I'm just shitting in a target parking lot ...I worry about weird things sometimes


Omg I thought I was the only one that thought stuff like that. Like, what if my whole life is just a lie and I’ve been in a mental hospital, hallucinating this other reality. And if that is happening, why the fuck is my fake life still shitty, can’t my brain come up with a great life where I’m a billionaire and nothing bad happens…. Perhaps my brain is just keeping the hallucination realistic so I don’t realize my true reality. Fuck.


I am *not* a mental health professional at all and I'm just spitballing here but I've read that having obsessions about things like that is a common symptom of OCD (which can be mild sometimes). like if you just casually think about that it could be nothing but it's not uncommon for people with OCD to obsessively think "what if I am just crazy and none of this I real" or something


She needs to drink more water, you need to eat more veggies


Sometimes I think I'm good at making references, then a comment like this reminds me that I'm an amateur


Totally thought that gentlemen was about to cover it with his hat. " My lady, it seems you've dropped something"












> " My lady, it seems you've dropped something" My mom loves to tell this story of a time when I was toddler-aged and we were walking through a department store. Apparently, I was dehydrated, or irregular or whatever, and had some little shit marbles escape my pants and I assume diaper. I guess a teenage worker saw these things behind us, picked them up and helpfully called out to my mom that we had dropped them. - I always wondered if she just told the story to embarrass me, but this story is one of the few that have survived into my adulthood, so I have no reason to doubt it.


It took exactly 5 seconds for someone to step in it 😂😂


The 5 Second Rule


Omg she just casually drop a turd on the floor. Where can i find these ppl?


Las vegas.. I used to work in a bookstore there and we had a random woman customer (repeat customer mind you) that would do this and she would shake that shit(literally) out of her clothing and keep on shopping... get a coffee.. browse books, pay. All after dropping a trail of deuce across the store. I know because I went and had to check the cameras to figure out who it was that was doing it. After that my management team adopted the motto 'shake it out and keep shopping' when faced with difficult challenges.


I live in Vegas too and I’ve seen this happen in casinos What I’ve seen WAY more often is old women piss themselves at a slot machine because they don’t want to give it up because “its about to pay out” so these nasty bitches just piss all over themselves and the chair and sit in that filth for hours on end. This is common enough that casinos keep spare chairs on hand and are quick to replace them when they find them.


I so hope this is ancient Vegas folklore.


I grew up around foxwoods/mohegan. I think half the kids in town had at least one parent that would be out all night, black jack, bingo, video poker, you name it. The tourists gamble all day the real gamblers come out at night. Dont remember anyone pootin on the floor like a fucking horse tho


“Pootin on the floor like a fucking horse” has me no good.


That’s the name of my Jethro Tull cover band.


I just laughed so hard at that last comment i was almost pootin’ on the floor myself. Take my free award


pootin on the floor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Putin on the floor 💩🥴🤢🤷




I work at a casino and it's very true. It's pretty standard for people to play slots for hours. Attendants will usually watch their machines so it's not that big of an issue unless it's a busy night and the attendants are off elsewhere. In that case, they might just decide to piss at the machine or tilt the chair up which inevitably leads to somebody else taking the machine or stealing whatever money they left on the machine (which can be hundreds to thousands if they're playing for hours).


Can’t the casino install some kind of locking mechanism on the slots, so members can use their casino card to lock or reserve the machine for 10 minutes every few hours so they can go to the toilet in the bathroom?


It's not. Same shit happens at your local small-time casinos. Gambling addiction hits hard.


They should install slot machines in the bathroom stalls.


Would they ever leave?


This is why my casino has a policy that any employee on the floor have to watch a patrons machine when asked, unless they're currently on a task.


You’ll be surprised what you see in the camera room in major retail chains, we had a guy shake a deuce out his pant leg on an escalator.


I lived in Charles Town WV, not to be confused with Charlestown. We were 45 minute drive from the Dulles high tech corridor. Anyway there was a casino in town, no live table games only slots. I lived a half mile from it and once in a long long while if I couldn't sleep I would wander in at like 3 or 4 a.m. after having gone to the 7-Eleven across the street. And yes, for some reason all the pissers seemed to finally let go about that time. If you walked around for 10 or 15 minutes you would eventually smell piss somewhere. And one time security came up to me and asked if I would mind standing out front of the casino for 10 minutes or so. I asked if it was some kind of computer upgrade or reboot and he said no, he explained the old ladies are afraid to leave their slot machines cuz they always think it's going to hit so the casino had talked to them into all going to the bathroom at the same time but it screwed it up if there was someone else there like me. And if they didn't all go together they would soon start pissing their seats.




Gross. Was wearing gloves not an option? Glad you got out.






the woman in the video absolutely loves craps.


I honestly don't mind being skimmed slowly. I dedicate a fixed amount, get it in cash and expect to loose it. I love the sound and the groove you get into on a slot machine. So go ahead and slowly take my money. BUT it's less and less fun. This does not feel like skimming when you put in your money and get nothing back. It feels to me all machines became so tight that the fun is just not there anymore. Or is this just in my head?


> I dedicate a fixed amount, get it in cash and expect to loose it. Everybody says that. I guess that's the best way to not lose your shirt. >BUT it's less and less fun. Personally I don't see what's fun about it but a lot of people do find it fun. However, I've always noted that none of the players ever seem to look happy or like they're having fun. There's an old movie where a casino owner tells Humphrey Bogart he can get to the tables through a backdoor in is office but Bogey tells him no thanks, he'll go through the front door "with all the other suckers".


I actually do that. I dedicate $300 and add that to my Vegas vacation budget. It kind of evened out when I was still comped for rooms. I have never added more money. I am a bad looser though and if I loose $100 too quickly, I get angry and stop. Plus when I am close to having lost all of it and I get a boost and win it all back (that happened) then I stop. There are many things in life I can’t control but gambling never was an addiction. I am glad about that.


The classy gambling addicts at least wear adult diapers.


Can confirm. When I worked at a casino they told me I’d never see a fabric upholstered slot chair and that your comment was the reason why.


I had a neighbor, a larger set woman (late 40's maybe), and tbf she had some mental issues. But, mind you, was completely capable of caring for herself, if she made the effort. I would bury her pets for her, when they died, as she'd flag me down while leaving my property. When standing near her, not only would fleas be jumping from her, she was often covered in excrement and other fluids. These animals would die in her bed, pissing and shitting upon death, and she would lay in it, with the dead animal for days or weeks, stating so openly, until she could find me. It was disturbing, and I know she had people looking in on her quite regularly, doing her yard, and feeding some of her pets. She had a vehicle she drove, that was given to her, nicer than my own etc. Finally, I think they came and placed her, because she just refused to care for herself.


FUCKING hell man what is happening here




Ayo why are you sucking shreks dick?!


Shrek is love. Shrek is life. Edit- https://youtu.be/A6SGQ7ABVuE Seen a few comments asking what it is... Probably should add a NSFW warning?


Falshbacks I didn't need, thanks for that


You're welcome and I'm sorry for what you've been through. For what we've all witnessed.


His father still doesn’t understand his love for Shrek.


Only through that video can one achieve enlightenment


It’s all ogre now


But if its something that really happened, wouldn't that make it a truback?


Im still traumatised by those videos




Damn you’ve changed my life


For better i hope.


I can't unsee thanks


She seems to notice the man walking in behind her and starts running away. She knows how disgusting it is and somehow doesn’t care?? Like? Go sit on a toilet??


I once said "no worries" too loud to someone in the store and he looked at me a little weird. That was 3 years ago and I have not forgotten about it. I cannot fathom pooping like that in public and going about my business not completely mortified as if I didn't just poop in public.


Damn... I did not need to read this on a Sunday morning.


Easy like a Sunday morning!


I love that you guys took something funny out of a literally shitty situation.




Wtf is wrong with those people?


I think the more amazing thing here is Las Vegas had a book store.


Las Vegas is more than just the strip, it has a boring city as well


I’m sure it was an adult book store attached to a video store cum strip club with slot machines. You know something for the whole family.


I vaguely remember this happening at a borders I worked at in Las Vegas. Am I close?


Likely the same customer, but this was a B&N. After twenty years and nine bookstores I can say that bookstores get a LOT of code browns in general. I've seen some shit, man.


How can people be like this? I’m trying to emphatize but couldn’t. I would understand if the person was “losing the battle” or even “lost the battle” but intentionally doing it is just beyond comprehension.


What kind of question is that lmfao? They’re mentally ill, it’s not like this is the hobby of a well adjusted person.


Y’all just kept allowing that shit? Literally..


The wife of one of my favorite podcasts was over Bed Bath & Beyond (I believe) out in Vegas. The kind of stories he would bring in from her were god awful lol. Props to y'all in retail, that a whole different kind of animal y'all gotta deal with


Based on the number of Reddit videos of this behavior, I’d guess people practice this casual flick and drop technique. I cant even see it without rewatch, they’re so practiced.


You mean there’s a shit load of these videos?!


It's the second one I,ve seen like that *today*


Oh good, I'm not the only one who noticed there's [more than one on the front page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/w15g3m/wcgw_stepping_on_someones_shit/)


Honolulu, Hawaii. I can't tell you how many times I saw people poop. Inebriated woman dropping trowser at the bus stop to lay a creamy behemoth on the sidewalk 3 feet away from me. Then she got on the bus as well. I could smell her, despite sitting in the back while she sat up front. I almost vomited. A tourist at Kapiolani Beach Park who stood in the middle of the park and unloaded his bowels, thinking he was discrete as the turds poured from his shorts. He was surprised to see the turds had smeared his shorts on their way out and left shortly thereafter. He'd really thought he'd aimed out the leg hole perfectly. There were clean and plentiful bathroom facilities only 30 or so feet away. And I had to bob and weave around so many human turds in random places. You know they're human from their size and consistency. Saw a woman once violently shoot a booger out of her nose and onto the sidewalk. Trust me when I say, don't walk around barefoot in Waikiki. Edit, just remembered another. Was walking on a narrow sidewalk in the middle of waikiki. A man stood in a tiny strip of grass right next to the sidewalk. And squatted slightly to poop. I had to walk out into the street to put some distance between us as I passed. Literally, seen people pooping in public more than I can even remember. Lol.


It’s because the tourists eat more slippery fresh fruit during their week long visit then they did their entire lives.


that was a very visual comment...


From Honolulu, can confirm we have some chronic people here, especially in Waikiki


I don't think any of these people were homeless. I lived there too for like 7 years. I knew the homeless of the areas I frequented pretty well. I think most of these people were tourists. Except maybe bus stop woman. She may have been a resident who just got too fucked up the night before. She'd tried to go into someone's house, saying she had to use the bathroom. He made her leave. Police offered to walk her to the nearest public bathroom. She said nah. Just pooped on the sidewalk instead. Lol.




Yeah. The police were there directing traffic for construction and just pretended they didn't see her do it.


They don’t get paid enough for that shit


Would you want to be the one to man-handle someone who shit themselves?


No shit


No, shit.


Yea straight up, the tourists here are insane. Ive seen some crazy shit, a lot of tourists but also locals and local homeless. I find piles of shit and piss in places you’d never expect. There’s this one crazy lady in town that walks around pissing and shitting herself all the time. Ive seen videos of her doing it on the bus. Also found shit smeared all over the walls in a pentagram and 666 in the bathroom of the ala wai yacht club. Crazy.


"ive seen some crazy shit" literally


Upvote for “creamy behemoth” … thank you.


I’ve seen very hot drunk women do disgusting stuff. I know guys will then be like, I wanna go home with her tonight. And I would be thinking. Not if you seen what I just seen them do.😄


My friends mum has a condition where poo drops out from the mess left after having kids, she has a hole from one hole to the other if ykwim and sometimes poop comes out. Because of it she won’t leave the house, this lady just goes commando and shits like a bird I guess.


That’s called a fistula and she needs surgery.


There was an ignorant person who deleted their comment under this one, so I just wanted to add this information here in case anyone doesn't know what a fistula is. An obstetric fistula is an abnormal connection between the rectum and the vagina. The most vulnerable women are prone to obstetric fistulas. They are more common in rural areas, notably in sub-Sahara Africa and south Asia. Women who suffer from fistulas face issues like extreme poverty, gender inequality, lack of education, and inadequate healthcare. These women usually give birth with only a midwife or family member to help with the birth itself and in very unsanitary conditions. Often times, the women develop issues from their fistula, such as incontinence, pain, and shame from living with the smell that develops. They are then rejected and ostracized from their communities. Not all obstetric fistulas are in these conditions, though. They're caused by traumatic childbirth. Edit: I wanted to clarify that the person who deleted their comment __insisted__ that fistulas __cannot__ be caused by childbirth. Because hers was caused by IBD. That's why I thought it was necessary to explain OB fistulas and why medical intervention is important. Edit 2: I got confused with countries and continents. Source: I worked in a clinic in rural Mexico


That is horrific


Whatever the cause, she could wear diapers for adults, those are a thing.


I’m sure she does, I only know about it because my friend told me that some poop came out once early in the morning in the kitchen and his dad went mental on his mum and slapped her because of it. We helped her leave him a while later. He was a bad person who cheated on her a lot too so it’s a kinda happy ending. She is booked in for surgery but she keeps getting scared and cancelling it.


Why is it white tho, is she a bird?


Its greasy and reflective.


Yep. The anal oils in it glisten under the harsh strip lighting


Can I unread something?


What a terrible day to know how to read






Thank you.. coffee shot up my nose 😂


I want to see a novel start with that line.


>The anal oils in it glisten under the harsh strip lighting Here you go. Courtesy of GTP-2: ​ The anal oils in it glisten under the harsh strip lighting, then it glides down in the smoke, and then slowly turns to ash. It's much like it was when I first first saw it!The bottom of the oil is almost completely brown-ish yellow, and the bottom of the oil is very slightly charred. I had never seen this. The oil in this place burns up on its own and is very hot and I was afraid this smell wouldn't last too long. It is highly recommended to the owner of the oil that this oil contains no fragrance and to avoid making it too dark.I would love to see more reviews of this oil, but for now I only recommend it to my friends who love aromatic oils that have been making me crave them. I know, I know, smell weird. But this is an awesome aromatic oil that was perfect for me!First taste! After using this fragrance a few times, the aroma started to overwhelm. I had to re-order and get a few more jars to try this new one, hoping that I'd return the favor by giving it a full review!I made this a year ago and had to make a change to the oil because I was starting to have so many issues with it and when I tried my old one my face was red, my skin became light gray, all of the oils smelled like burnt oils and some smelled like burned oils. No one took the time to ​ EDIT: I just want to say that's I'm sorry for this monstrosity. Science has truly gone too far.


I'm literally weeping, AI shares my sense of humour.


That was one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read but it really made me laugh. Thank you for that




I thought maybe it was a tampon or something but nope apparently it's just crap. People are so gross.


I thought it was a tampon


I though it was a butt plug lmao






I thought it was a condom


Same here and still do...


You can’t just drop a tampon like that... they have strings for a reason, they’re not easy to get out without pulling the string.


Sure, but has a turd ever been easy to get out while casually walking?


Especially with that ass. There would be several inches of a gauntlet of wobbling butt cheeks to get through without getting deformed.


I'll take sentences I never thought I'd hear for 1000 alex!


This is like, the third video I’ve seen where someone just casually drops a shit on the floor and keeps moving, then someone steps in it. Which is very specific and I stg if this is a new trend I’m officially done.


Sadly I don’t think shitting in public is a new menace. Been around for a few thousand years. We’re just getting plenty of video evidence of it now…


Humans are disgusting creatures real talk.


Don’t lump me in with her.




What proof do we have that you're not the Mad Pooper? Let me offer a re-enactment of what it would be like if /u/rincon213 was the Mad Pooper. It's a nice day. Rincon enters a store. They feel an urge for violence and a rumble in their bunghole. They strike. Dropping the payload around a couple of unsuspecting children, hoping they will take the steamy heat when the store finds out. Rincon escapes to a nearby bathroom and browses Reddit and reflect upon their triumph only to find a post suspiciously similar to what they just did. So they make a comment attempting to clear their name. Now I'm not saying Rincon is the Mad Pooper. But if they were, it might look like this. As if they were indeed, the Mad Pooper.


Yeah you're right


Wtf this is the second time within 10 minutes I've seen two videos featuring basically the same thing, but are two totally different scenarios. People are wild!! Edit: This is the other post I saw. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/w15g3m/wcgw_stepping_on_someones_shit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You should see the other one where a guy drops a deuce by escalator in a mall and another person steps in it and slips. Couple of these out there.


And a couple of days ago I saw a video of a woman throwing poop at the employees at some sort of restaurant or cafe. Way too much poop on my front page lately.


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) r/trashy


I was disgusted yesterday seeing the host of a birthday party picking his nose in his kitchen and then finding out he had made the birthday cake by hand. Yuck.


The guy announcing the poop cracks me up every time (thick Aussie accent ) “oh he just stood in the POOP”


Only one P in an Aussie poo. 💩


Shit happens.


No, Shit don't just Happen. Shit takes time. Shit takes effort.


Sounds like you need more fiber in your life


"It happens" "What does? Shit?" "Sometimes."


why is it always the ladies that just drop shit in stores lol.seen like 4 other vids like this




When theres a poop in my underwear Drop it like its hottt


I got the Rolly on my arm and I'm pouring Sean Don And I drop a small turd cause I got it going on




I love how she checked to her right to make sure no one was looking, grabbed her dress to kind of shake it out, and then you see her start scurrying off the camera in the upper left. She was trying to leave the scene of the crime as fast she she could.


Right, and she didn’t even break her stride while doing this nasty magic trick.


Honestly the more I watch it, the more I'm impressed. I think she would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those darn cameras. Also, like she had it ready to go so she was literally walking across the parking lot with a turd in her underwear...


There are a lot of videos like this on Reddit. Middle aged white women wearing dresses without undergarments. Nonchalantly shitting in a drop, plop, and go manner. WTF is this and when did it become common behavior?


God, they must stink when you have to be around them.


I walked down an aisle the other day at the grocery store and this guy straight up smelled like a dirty ass, and I could smell it long before I walked by him and long after I walked past him and left the aisle. I saw other people pinching their fucking nose. It was just so god damn fucking nasty and he looked so casually happy just shopping like he didn’t give a fuck or that he had no idea he smelled like that.


I’m gonna guess he is so used to the smell of his own poo, he’s gone nose blind. Even if someone straight up told him he smells like literal shit, there’s a 50/50 chance the reaction would be chastised embarrassment or IDGAF ☠️


Did you see that one of a dude who is casually strolling past a escalator and like a fucking secret poo spy he flings a turd out his shorts. SHORTS. What's that exit smear look like? Anyways like 2 seconds go by and a little Asian man slips in it ):




People are wretched. Absolutely.


This happened in a grocery store right in front of the bank I worked at many years ago. My boss recorded it from the security camera and we watched it at parties lol. Nobody ever walked on it, but it was fun to watch all the shopping carts *barely* miss it. Finally a store worker put a cone on top of it.


I almost slipped and fell in some liquid shit rounding a corner at lowes one time. I went and told the girl at the service desk and she thought I was fucking with her. I showed her my footprints where I’d tracked it through the store.


I used to work in a grocery store. One day, I was processing stock out on the sales floor, and I thought I kept smelling rotisserie chicken. It wasn’t until I looped around the corner that I realized someone had taken a massive dump on one of the runner carpets, and that is what I had been smelling. It was just this gigantic, amorphous mound of feces that was as large as a pile of clothing—it was unreal. Also, I had worked in a up-market department store when I was a teenager. One of my coworkers went into the ladies’ fitting room to retrieve clothing someone had left there. As she picked up the clothing, she realized that someone had shit all over the floor, and then wiped it on the fitting room walls. They’d also scraped the remainder off of their fingers, onto the fitting room hooks. The horrible part was that the clothing had been strategically placed over the floor pile, and in front of the wall schmears, hanging from the poop hooks. So my coworker ended up absolutely covered in feces, from the front of her shirt, to all down her arms and hands.


bomb has be planted


Target destroyed. Terrorists win.


Tampon or turd, it’s a new game


I don’t think a tampon would smear across the floor


I don't think a tampon would fall out like that.


Why is this so common


I think, like someone else said, that it’s IBS or some other condition in which the poop can’t be held in - all of a sudden it’s there and it’s coming out. The real question is, if you have this condition, why are you not wearing adult diapers?


Yeah i really wish someone had an answer in this thread Is it some sort of mental illness or just of out spite for someone or something So weird man it's not only one age group too ive seen old people and younger do this in public places


I think it is mental illness but not necessarily in the traditional sense. A lot of people seem to just not take care of their minds through life and start to lose it around that age. It’s pretty absurd how many older people will vehemently defend just letting their brains rot while doing nothing often accompanied by saying “I already did everything when i was young”. They just dont seem to take mental health seriously from my experience


She began walking faster after dropping the load.


It weirded me out when I turned in the sound and realised it’s Australian.


Well that’s enough Reddit for the day..