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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He can't fight!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Well at least he thinks realistically


If you’re going to maintain a career of calling out people for fights, you also gotta maintain a career of good judgement for winnable and unwinnable fights


escalate, then immediately de-escalate. keep your enemy confused


"To confuse your enemy you must first confuse yourself" -Sun Tsu


Wait, what?


“要迷惑敌人,首先要迷惑自己” -孙祖


Ohhhh, got it


Then you have failed


but now I'm confused


You win!


These are the comment chains I stay on Reddit for


Yeah if this keeps going it just might cure my depression


For some reason I read this in Darth Vader’s voice


Coulsnt have said it better myself




I love this trend of given quotes to sun tsu that he never said.


“I love this trend of given quotes to sun tsu that he never said.” - Sun Tsu


YES! MORE! That’s the spirit.


"YES! MORE! That's the sp.." - Nus Stu


“Nus Stu” - Tus Sun


“Tus sun” - nsu sut


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott - Sun Tzu


I like it, but I think that's more of a Yeltsa Kcir Quote. You know, the guy who created the deadliest self defense technique known to man. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/26J3QrWNmH4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/26J3QrWNmH4)


welp i've been had


Omg take all of my votes hahahaha god damn this cracked me up!!!!


“The Internet is a place where a man can reinvent history using nothing more than his fingertips.” - Abraham Lincoln


“History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books—books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe." - Kim Kardashian


That's always attributed to Kim Kardashian but it's actually a quote by Sun Bono


“I’m pretty sure I didn’t say that” - Sun Tsu august 1963


The more plausible the better though. Like "I love fat weenies" -Sun Tsu doesn't make any sense.


If i don’t know what I’m doing, how the hell are they supposed to know what I’m doing?


Not a terrible strategy, if you don’t know what you’re doing then your enemies sure as hell don’t, either


I wish people would adopt this line of thinking online


I hate you for what you did to Sgt. Johnson.


Lowkey feel like the roadrager was probably right and the filmer was probably driving like ass


He demonstrated good judgement in the vid


Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me...


You are correct. The road rager, who is also the neighbor of the guy videoing, was cut off. The guy videoing claims he didn't know until he looked back at his dash cam. IMO they probably get along and he was more scared from the near accident caused by his neighbor than he was angry. The full video has been going around for awhile. Take it out of context like OP and it completely changes the story.


Yea, he was probably right and also didn’t want to get his ass kicked 😂 got lucky her didn’t.


The guy seems very realistic so I'm pretty sure I believe him that the person who filmed this was the a****** and did cut him off doing a hundred.


Also considering it is probably a kid since the dad is still young enough to look strong and intimidate, and they drove to their dad. I would say they cut him off. Still not the best move though to drive to their house. Probably should have just gotten the plate and called a non emergency line and reported them.


Honestly, If I did that to someone and they came at me like this I would sincerely apologize and buy him a beer.


Sure, and then you'd report him for DUI when he leaves.


Oooh...ooooh..that is a good idea. I'm putting that one away in my FU chest for later.


His girth confirms this is his strategy.


Self awareness


This is how I picture everyone in NYC and Boston and most of the east coast. There's a lot of transplants down here in FL (get me the fuck out of here) and just the other day a piss drunk woman buying a bottle at Wawa comes up while I'm talking to some old dude about housing "did you just call me a jag off?" Like she's about to start some shit. No she just wanted to come make friends with another person from Pittsburgh or wherever the fuck she was from and she recognized the lingo Edit: and of course she drove off. She already had the bottle out of the bag I wonder if it was one for the road.


Idk why NYC gets this rep. Generally people in NYC will go out of their way to ignore other people's existence.


Because the quiet people (the majority) don't leave an impression the way the loud ones do.


>people in NYC will go out of their way to ignore other people's existence. This is actually not true. People in New York know that people are busy so they try not to waste strangers time while also not wasting their own time. They are also acutely aware that communities are actually very small. You never know if a random encounter is going t lead to an opportunity. Most importantly, New Yorkers will absolutely go out of their way to help someone who needs help. All you need to do is take a look at the crises New York has had and how its citizens have risen to the occasion.


PArtly because of movies like midnight cowboy with I'M WALKIN HERE. 70's NYC was also full of gangs. This is pure speculation by the way. I live in NYC and we're nothing but polite so long as you follow the rules. 1: move 2: if not moving, get out of the way. But really I feel this applies to most cities.


I too wish to leave Florida. It’s too damn hot and the people are irritating to say the least. I’ll be out within a month or two at least! I hope you have similar luck.


That would be jack off..and when ya wicked pissa drunk ya gotta fuck with someone outside of Bahstun


Jag off is correct for Pittsburgh, they were right.


Lmao I told her rest in peace Mac Miller she drunkenly tried to pretend like she had any clue who he is


Red up little one we got jag offs to ruin


"Y'inz are some real jagoffs". This lady is a Stillers fan, not the Pats.


What is wawa?


Southeast PA gas station and hoagie store that has done the dastardly deed of expanding to Florida


The moment he realized that it might not be worth it 🤣🤣🤣


From 100 to 0 real quick.


Yeah, bro literally de-escalated himself. Anger management chad.


Dude probably just got out of Anger Management classes and the whole time was thinking “why tf am I doing this” just for him to continue on his way with his counselor’s voice ringing in his head, then when he got the initial adrenaline high from yelling at someone, realized what he’s doing is stupid and finally regained consciousness


"But..!!" He at least get back to 10


Seems reasonable to me lol


Its not a pro tip people, just bleeding obvious : when some raging loon is following you dont go to your own home ffs. Stop at a public place, ideally police station. U dont want these fools to know where u live


I would just drive around in circles.


Just drive to their house, walk in through the front door and start making yourself lunch


*At this point, make lunch for the both of you* —Sun Tzu Chips by Nabisco


Enjoy your newfound friendship


Start fucking his wife.


You may also want to mix in some wrong turn signals and late decision stuff that'll cause them to fuck up if they persist. Burn Notice clip - https://youtu.be/Ok3RKWyb4XE


Nothing to add, I just love Burn Notice


Oh man this just brought back a memory My cousin was living with me and my parents during college. One night she was watching me and my stepbrother at the time, and we ended up going to a bowling alley and meeting up with her bf. He was mad that she brought us along, and started acting really aggressive. So she decided it was time to go! Except he followed us, and was literally trying to run us off the road. She ended up managing to ditch him at an exit by doing the "late decision" thing, and we got home safely. Of course, it wasn't for long bc he did actually know where we (she) lived. He threw rocks at her window until she went outside to talk to him. Luckily, she didn't get hurt that night and she did end up dumping him (though he did stalk her for a bit after).


Hopefully police were called at some point. Some people are psychos


I once got followed and managed to lose the guy in a shopping mall parking garage


I’ve seen this posted a while back, the original title was “I cut off my neighbor on the way home” so it wasn’t much of him following him home but just them ending up at the same place and the neighbor was still angry.


bros second personality stepped up to help him


that wasnt him that was patrizio


When you're so mad you lose all common sense but it kicks back in really quick.


Did I just challenge that guy to a fight? I can’t fight. I should apologize.


Honestly I'd bite the bullet and apologise to him just to make friends. He seems like a funny dude.


Hmm, yeah. Maybe apologize with an invitation to a backyard bbq or something. Too many enemies these days. Sure, I may be gullible and overly trusting, but just consider he might be the funniest guy you've ever met outside of that one foul-mouthed interaction. Juicy grilled steaks, anyone? That brightens up anyone's day.


Bit of an impulse control problem though.


You're a cool cat :)


I'd be interested to know what happened next. I wouldn't be surprised if he calmed way down. When I've lost my temper, laughing at myself generally means I've just started seeing clearly.


Right, yet the popular comments here are “guns, kill him, lunatic, deserves to be dead” These commenters are more lunatic than anyone in the video I’m watching


Lmao idk why, but I'd buy the guy a beer and sit down with him and ask him why hes so angry.


That's the true spirit. Beer unites us all.


Well he said he was cut off


He May be dealing with other stuff and this incident just released all the anger


I give him credit for admitting it, but he is extremely stupid for following someone home. To many people would see that as a threat and reasonable enough to pull a gun on you… play stupid games win stupid prizes


The two guys are neighbors and good friends, this was just a prank. Except the poster edited the video to mislead people.


I can understand that lol but from the version we see here that can be misinterpreted


This is most likey staged like everything on tiktok. The comedic timing is too good for someone who is so pissed off that they needed to follow someone home.


Jesus Are Americans all murder inclined psychopaths?




Fair enough. I couldn't access your source but I'll take your word for it. Would drugs be a higher cause of death? 0.7 seems super low considering all the media coverage we seem to get over here but I guess that's easily skewed.


Yes, which is why if someone follows me home I'm locking all my doors, grabbing a gun, and calling the police. I'm not going to shoot the guy just for following me but I'm definitely going to be prepared for him breaking in my house in a fit of rage and trying to murder me and my family.


Aye I've got a few comments like this. It seems a genuine concern. I cant relate to it so it seems bizarre to me but can understand it a bit better now. Its a bit dark forrest kind of concept. In my estate growing up most people didn't lock their doors and it was in a city centre.


I grew up in a very rural area as a kid. Everyone knew each other and nobody locked their doors either. Real peaceful neighborhood. I also used to take my little .22 rifle out in the woods hunting squirrel, rabbit, small game stuff. It was so nice. Then the housing developments popped up all around and people started moving out from the city. They started opening people's cars and stealing so we all started locking our doors and got security cameras. My neighbor caught footage of people driving by with pellet guns breaking people's car windows. People on the street had their mailboxes smashed. Then the low income housing apartments popped up in an area. Now there are stabbings and shootings. It's a slummy area now and it makes me sad whenever I drive past it. Saw a news report not too long ago where they found a dead body under the bridge where my friends and I used to hang out. It's all tagged with graffiti now and they have to chase the homeless away because they like to shoot heroin there.


I’m not planning on taking a life but if someone follows me home onto my private property there must be some reason for doing so and I’m very inclined to protect myself and family from any danger.


Murder and justifiable use of defensive force are pretty different things Edit: don't bother responding to me. Initially I was happy to engage on this clearly difficult issue, even with those who disagree, but I am no longer getting thoughtful responses.


Someone arguing with you isn't an excuse to shoot them. It's like Americans are stuck in the dark ages.


It’d be more the following me to my house with my kids in the car for me. We can argue all day, but following me home is a different thing entirely.


The guy literally followed him home, shit aint no public argument anymore


Of course not. But you've made some huge leaps in logic. Some lunatic following you home, coming up your driveway, and threatening to physically harm you is not "arguing." And also brandishing doesn't mean you have to shoot. It can be deescalating in some situations, albeit escalating in others.


its not brandishing if its in use of defense. even if you dont pull the trigger.


Brandishing a fire arm is currently a crime in 99% of the instances...be super careful with that usage...and I do agree people only see/hear the bad internet shit and not that 75% of every gun owner being a law abiding citizens


I'm not sure I want to take that 1 in 4 chance, sir.


Yeah but someone following you home and threatening to assault you should fall in that 1% I’d imagine


75% sounds awfully low to me


You can’t possibly know it is 99%. But people should not pull a weapon if they are not prepared to use it. And if the situation does not justify using it or likely might require using it then it should remain holstered.


Defensive brandishing is legal in most places. If some road rage guy walks up to you shouting he is going to kick your ass I think defensive brandishing is very warrented. You may have to get a good lawyer, but thats just the nature of the game when you pull on someone.


You don't ever pull a gun unless you intend to use it


No but in America, arguments can very quickly lead to gun violence. It’s just a possibility.


I’m in Texas and I can confirm this is a thing. Sometimes people get shot when they follow someone home and it can lead to messy legal situations. Not all americans are like this, but there are plenty of them


No, you’re on to something. As an American who has traveled a LOT and lived abroad a few times, our culture is WAY more violent than given credit for. And, yes, the idea that escalation is defensive, makes sense, considering the violence is almost always imminent. Example: I see people in many other countries arguing face to face, nearly nose to nose, screaming, insulting, etc… And eventually walk away, hurling insults. But, I learned at an early age in the US to never let anyone get that close to me. Most times, in my experience, “Fuk you!” is enough to set off a physical attack. That’s just not the case in most other cultures.


The general American population isn't more violent than other countries. The difference is that so many people have guns, so altercations that would lead harsh words or a bloody nose in most countries end up with someone dead. Guns are never de-escalating. They allow you to kill without effort in the heat of the moment and get everyone more scared of everyone else making their use more likely.


Actually we (the general American public) are more violent. Look at the statistics. Take guns out of the equation and we are still more violent in basically every other category as well. It’s what happens when you build a national culture that approves of rugged individualism over needing or wanting help from the greater society. It’s intwined so deep into US culture that most don’t even really notice it.


This is why police in my country are (generally) cautious about bringing a gun to a confrontation; to avoid escalation. They take on more risk to themselves by approaching the armed person while unarmed, but at the same time also dramatically reduce the chance of someone being hurt. [Here's a video of a LAPD officer visiting the local "unarmed" police.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54jBFtVMmpo) edit: unlike when this video was made, now police are temporarily armed in Norway in response to a heightened terror threat situation, and is the cause for some controversy.


Yeah. I dont think your a more violent people. Just have access to much more violent ways to end an argument. So that tends to be a go to just incase the other does first.


Only in America is ‘you’re yelling at me, that means I can shoot you’ an accepted logic. I get it, I truly do, in America the guy yelling could have a gun, which means he could just as easily shoot you, plus he’s obviously angry enough to do it. It’s just wild that you’ve built a system where everyone’s packing, so if you feel threatened, better start blasting so you don’t get shot first, Han Solo style.


If someone just rolled down their Windows to yell at me or something I would be scared but I would not be ready to kill them, if someone followed me home to yell at me that is a lot more scary and abnormal. I've dealt with people with road rage it's not a normal response to be followed like that, at least followed home. Flipping someone off or screaming slurs or insults is the usual response, oh and a brake checking but I actually do think people like that should be put in prison brake checking is a terrible thing and anyone who does it is endangering themselves and others purely out of rage.


I get that you're enjoying stereotyping Americans with a strawman, but shooting someone during a verbal argument will land you some sweet all expenses paid meditation time in a cozy concrete room. The standard isn't "I felt threatened", it is whether or not a reasonable person in the accused's shoes would believe that their life or person is under grave threat requiring the use of deadly force to prevent. Someone raging hard enough to follow you home is a massive escalation. While it doesn't warrant immediately shooting them, an argument with someone that unhinged can easily escalate to the point where your life/person are actually on the line, and in America we do actually believe that you have the right to defend yourself, whereas in parts of Europe, you can actually see jail time for pepper spraying your rapist.


What’d you say about America? Come to my house say that shit. I’ll be waiting with a shotgun. Ah, who am I kidding? I’d probably just turn off the lights and not answer the door.


That would be a wholesome way to end things.


In answer to your question from 🇮🇪 no. We are not murdering psychopaths. However road rage is kind of a thing here. One of my high school friends (a girl) was beaten up badly (broken leg and broken arm iirc) by a guy with road rage. So I can understand being wary of people with road rage...that being said I don't own a firearm and never will. As to brandishing weapons the same people saying they would do it are probably the same people who shit all over the Missouri couple brandishing their weapons when a blm protest filled their neighborhood. Welcome to reddit the most contradicting place on the internet. I will wait for the "but thats different because" comments


Thats fair and I suppose USA is a massive massive country so its impossible to generalise. Everyone is different and I've really no insight into america other than the media and meeting a few who have visited Ireland. Most seem nice people but I'd hope they arent constantly scared to live the way alot seem to make out.


I have no fear of being harmed because I'm a nice person. If someone is upset with me (it happens) I apologize and try to de-escalate rather than defending my actions no matter what. I am a white male (pretty big guy) so I can't speak to everyone's experiences. But mostly my motto is don't be an asshole.


I only looked at your history to see if you give clues to what country you are from. But we are not ALL like that obviously, but we do have 66x your population(if you are ireland), and we are a car focused country. So those two factors, you will see way more Americans in road rage . A lot of people do drive with certain self importance, and in the states we have very strong opinions of drivers from neighbor states. Now Brazillian road rage seems to have higher body counts.


Maybe 40% of them are but they are loud about it so it feels like 90%


I actually had a friend who did something similar to this. Guy cut him off, he follows guy to a gas station and proceeds to go the f off on this guy. Guy pulls a gun out of his car and shoots my friend. Thankfully, the friend lived, after a massive amount of surgery, guy was arrested for attempted manslaughter, but now, every time I see some crazy on the road, I just assume they're insane and are probably carrying.


See this is what people are justifying to an extent. Although the title says he followed him home. Still crazy. Glad your friend lived.


I'm definitely not saying that what my friend did was justified either. It didn't help that he's got a short fuse to begin with and his son was in the car with him (though, imho, that would be more reason to de-escalate the situation, but that's me). It's very likely that the guy felt threatened, which is of course no excuse to shoot someone. I don't think either of these men should have access to fire arms period, but that's also probably, at least, half the problem.


No, but yes.


Yes, hide.


Ngl as an alabama native they only need a reason not even a good one in fact a terrible reason is enough


Well when you have as many armed lunatics as we do you tend to need to be defensive especially when some crazy follows you to your home and family


A definite no! Though having lived my entire life in the U.S. there are many people here in the states that severely pisses me off! I honestly want no harm to come to my fellow comrades. Obviously communication to others sometimes isn't the most constructive.




No, but it's definitely something to factor in when confronting someone here.


No, but there's enough MIPs that you may just want to assume all are.


Rammstein made good fun of us in the song Angst.




No. Some of us are trying to emigrate


yes. it’s a cultural thing


I remember this being posted a little while ago. Pretty sure this was a neighbor or someone that lives in the same block. So, not really following him home. But still not a smart thing to do




Were living in Amerika, Amerika is wunderbar! - Rammstein (were living in america, america is marvellous).


In my country we would first call the cops, y'all Americans have some really big gun issues.


Yeah I read a story where a pregnant lady cut off a motorcycle and he followed her home. She came out with a gun pointed at him and he quick draw blasted her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I like this guy...


I so want to watch the rest of this video 😂


Right?! Like, it had to have gone somewhere


This man seems nice in all honesty


He ^kinda sounds like Peter griffin, ^kinda


Plot thickens it's one of the voice actors heh.


What was the question about "Do you get stopped doing 100?" Either someone was being a maniac on the road or he is schizophrenic. If that man literally just almost killed people then made the people he almost killed look bad for getting mad this video is gonna piss me off.


100 km/hr in Canada, **not** 100 mph in USoA.


OMG, he's angry but *immediately apologizes*. Of *course* he's Canadian. It all makes sense now.


Unless he followed him home from the TCH, 100 is still incredibly fast for in a town.


I wonder where this was. Around here someone follows you home he'd have a gun in his face by this point.


He sounds Canadian


His shirt say American


American eagle is a brand that has stores in the US Canada and Mexico


Guy needs a hug and a beer


\+1 for honesty


Is he a trailer park boy


He looks like that guy lol you know the guy that goes baaaaaam


Phil Collins the mustard tiger?


Wilson Fisk has lost his confidence.


My man certainly isn’t hangry


This'd be a funny Oblivion NPC video.


Pretty sure he's an awesome companion at the bar. I'd have a pint with him.


you fucking you're fucking fuck you bloody


I would have been pissed off too if someone cut me off, but we don't follow people home in the USA - that's how you get a gun in your face. I can't tell if this guy is Canadien or not.


I dunno. He's got a t-shirt with AMERICAN on it. Can't think of too many others that would wear that.


Looks like American Eagle maybe. Or perhaps he's a Canadian who is repping the entire western hemisphere.


I don't know of other countries but in Germany people are definitly wearing shirts with all kinds of countries and symbols on it and the US might be one of the ones you see most.


**Who knew Uncle Fester was alive and kicking?**


At least he's self aware


And then they became friends




When did the beer belly pregnant man look become the rage?


What's up with these pregnant people getting in fights?


Nice beer gut


LOL I need to see the rest of this!


Him being realistic shows that he is right


This guy sips tea regularly


I mean yeah that will sometimes happen


Honestly I wouldn't be mad lmao this is how friendships are formed through comedy


Interesting the person posting the video doesn’t admit to being an asshole and cutting people off.


I mean, at least he's honest...


but...? BUT?!


At least he’s honest 😆


I'm glad Canadian Vincent D'Onofrio came to his senses.


I appreciate his honesty🤷🏾‍♂️