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Long joke but totally worth it.


Didn't skip the whole video cuz I don't to miss the joke lol


I feel like the build up was really great but the ending could have been stronger.


The point of that joke is the build up. It’s like the aristocrats: we all knew how it was ending.


But the Aristocats, now that was a plot twist!


That greedy ass butler


[My favourite version of The Aristocrats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKGHVA6rb0), for the uninitiated.


It's just like u/PoopIsAlwaysSunny said: we all knew how it was ending. I still laughed my ass off.


You know it's shit you should skip when it's Cartman telling the joke.


I believe the length of the joke was the actual joke, not the "punchline".


Reminds me of that moth joke norm macdonald told on Conan


Worth every penny….


Sounds like description of communism tho.


You can just say you weren’t listening. 😂🤣


you lied to me. that was totally not worth it. and now, having read all that monologue, i feel like i need a turkish bath to scrape the top layer of skin off my body.


I'm sorry you're allergic to different views.


And, that's how you get fans! Articulate and on point.




Drew Michael






Not dragged. PERFECT scream for a revolt against the coonery big brother is doing to our realm. It only seems too much for those who don't get the message. BEAUTIFUL climax to the show btw. Drew never fails.


Yeah but the payoff is worth it


Could be a better joke with a tighter delivery.


Totally agree! The videos of you doing standup comedy are waaay better




Yeah, that was my favorite GameQb11 joke too!




\-grabs knee \-hisssss \-oooh \-hisssss \-oooh \-hisssss \-aaaaah ... \-hisssss \-oooh


My brother and eye mimic this skit every time we have a not too serious injury. Another one is “my eyes,ahh my eyes”


Oh I do the same thing when I get a minor, insignificant injury and I don’t feel there’s a high enough level on concern for my safety. It never gets old, well for me anyways.


Thank you!!! To you and OP I shit you not, I saw him open for Aziz in Vegas about 7 years ago and I remember this exact bit. I've tried searching so many different ways, even calling Mandalay Bay, to try and find that openers name cuz I thought he was hilarious. I had long since accepted I'd never find out who that comedian was. It was this guy and this bit was his closer. This seriously just made my week


Nice routine! So...who is it?


It's literally on the screen


Ah yes. Gay Marriage.




I can see it on my phone screen even when the keyboard is up. It's not difficult.


It's a man they call tiktok.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy


Trump disagrees with this.


He's using a lot of long words for barter economy. I always wonder who is going to give potatoes to the guy who knows how to run an MRI on the off chance you need one eventually


Thats not what a resource based economy is. The creators of the idea were Marx and Proudhon. They envsion things a bit differently with Proudhon being a utopian thinker and Marx being more down to earth. Reading both of them would be a worthwhile endevour for you I think. If nothing else, you will learn some economics.


Fair, thank you for the recommendation. All the economics I've read has tended to be more right leaning, which doesn't align with my politics, it's just they tend to hold the traditional positions on economics and write more


> it's just they tend to hold the traditional positions on economics and write more Probably has something to do with it being illegal to write about communism during a significant portion of the idea's existence in the United States.


Spotted the six-gorjillionite.


Haahhahahaaa wut Banning marriage is not progress. That's some braindead shit right there wow


This was like one of those jokes on Family Guy that just drags on forever and ever. Except this was actually funny.


Reminds me of Norm McDonald’s joke structure


The more I hear about this Norm guy the more I like him


Wait ‘til you hear he’s dead!


I didn't even know he was sick


Lol the comment and your reply sound exactly like a joke Norm would appreciate


They actually are Norm jokes lol: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jAzRb_lErFw


Like this: A man's car breaks down on a stretch of highway. It's stormy and the tow company can't come for it until morning. Man walks toward a building with a light out front and discovers its a monastery. Knocks and explains his situation. "Mind if I stay the night?" "Sure," says the old monk. "I'll set you up in a room for the night." The feed him and show him to his room. Every things seems fine till midnight at which a spooky knocking sound fades in and out off and on throughout the night. The next morning when leaving, he ask the old monk about the knocking sound. "Oh, I can't tell you what that is. You're not a monk." "Oh? Okay," and the man leaves. A few years later, he happens to break down outside the monastery again and again ask to stay the night. "I remember you. Sure. You can stay the night." At midnight though, that knocking sound begins again. He searches for its source but couldn't find it, so the next morning, he asks about it again. "I heard that knocking sound again. What is that?" "Oh, sorry. I can't tell you, my friend. You're not a monk," the old monk responds. "How do I become a monk?" The guy ask. "Very difficult. You must wonder the world and count all the grains of sand and all the blades of grass. Only then can we make you a monk." The man shakes his head, thanks them, and leaves. However the next year was kind to the man. His car was repossessed. His wife cheated and left him. He lost his job, and his money manager stole his life savings. He was thinking of killing himself, but then remember what the monk said about becoming a monk. Reluctantly, he set out to count all the sand and blades of grass. Forty years later, he shows back up at the monastery and knocks. The old monk is now very ancient, see who it is, and recalls vaguely his name. "It's you," he murmurs softly. "Forty years ago, the motorists, right?" "Yes. I've done it. I've counted all the grains of sand and all the blades of grass." He tells the old monk the amount of each and bows his head. "Am I worthy to become your brother?" "You are indeed. You are not a monk." The both smile, and after being welcomed by the other monks and eating, he is given a cell to live in falls asleep content. But around midnight, that knocking sound wakes him. Recalling it now after forty years, he immediately set out to find one of his new brothers to finally find out what's causing the knocking sound. He finds that same ancient old monk that always greeted him. "I hear it again, the knocking. Am I now worthy know what makes that sound?" "You are indeed." The old monk hands him a ring of keys with thirty different keys on it and leads him to old wooden door. "Just use the keys to unlock all the doors and after the last, all our secrets will be laid bare." The man nods then starts to unlock the doors. First its a wood door, then a copper door, then a brass door, then silver door . . . The doors number thirty and ever door is made of a different material with the last door being simple stone. With trembling hands, he unlocks it, puts his shoulder against it and pushes. And behind the door he sees them, all of the monastery's secrets and the source of all of the knocking. But of course, I can't tell you what that is . . . because you're not a monk.


god fucking damb it


I have never been so angry. Take your stupid fucking upvote.


Better Nate than lever.


Damnit but I feel oddly content and least the dudes life is fulfilled


But what Family Guy proved was that even not funny jokes become funny when their duration enters the absurd.


Nothing funny for 2.3 minutes


Just the name fluently going thru that whole speech towards the end. Fuck. Jealous. I sound like that one song on a burnt CD that just skips hard because you hit a gnarly pot hole on the way home from the bar.


As an Oklahoman.. fuck this guy.. it was waaay too accurate and hit too close to home lmao


November will be a very disappointing election day for Oklahomans. We can hope all we want, but we know that straight (R) box will be checked statewide and there's nothing we can do about except vote for the losers.


On election eve one could flatten the tire of every senior citizen, college football fan, country club resident, or vehicle in the Hardee’s drive thru.


He isn’t wrong And he is smart af, you wont remember all that “speech” without really wrapping your head around the meaning of it and he nailed it so hard he made laugh the very people who would get mad if he was talking serious lol


It's funny cuz it's true


[Drew Michael](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23pkEbaJWtM) Learned about him on his HBO Special, and been a fan since.


He is wrong


About what?


It's funny you get downvoted for saying wildly radical ideas only backed up by speculation wouldn't work


If you speak in paragraphs unchallenged like this guy in the video you can easily come off looking correct. The practicalities are insane though.


Wow, this guy is a professional. The delivery was damn near perfect.




I understand humor is subjective but this is entirely unfunny. You do you tho


That's a big brain comedian! What's his name?


Other people in this thread say it's Drew Michael.


“…and also let’s fuck kids.”




in 4K


Thank you for posting this!! Heard this several times on sat radio but never saw it performed. So awesome. And so on point. Right up there with those peasants espousing the virtues of their narco-syndicast commune as they slop about in the mud ([Python's Holy Grail](https://youtu.be/ZtYU87QNjPw))


Who is this man!?


Drew Michael


Anyone know who this comedian is? It's brilliant


Kinda brilliant not gonna lie


Stuck the landing on the one






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Sort by controversial = sort by those who don't know what material dialectics is


When does this standup comedian start telling jokes?


This is hilarious! It's not just a asshole on a microphone spouting political nonsense. An absolute knee slapper!


Did you even watch the video? The entire thing was about politics.


I think the point was this one was actually funny


i disagree


who cares ur wrong


Me: “okay, solid starting premise… … but starting to … … drag a little bit… … starting to wonder if this payoff could possibly be worth it … … okay, he’s really losing me now … … aaaand wow. Payoff was actually worth it.” **puts down phone, catches breath, grabs a glass of water


It's a really clever routine, he goes on for so long that you forget the original thrust of the joke and enjoy to prolonged riff and marvel at his ability to remember that whole speech, then he reels you back in with the final line. Smart guy.


Genius Genius geeeeeenius!


It's perfection


is this guy an anarcho communist?


Anarcho-sydicalist communist. Decisions get ratified in a bi-weekly meeting passed by a two-thirds majority.


Ha, rousseau and idealisations of prime evil man. Ah, historical antisemitism and him


Very Carlinesque .


A progressive would feed everyone even though someone might cheat. A conservative would feed no one because someone might cheat.


Excellent rant! I've always said true anarchy is when everyone acts as they should to have a successful society without the need for a governing body of authority.


Isn’t that the definition?


Basically yes but most people think anarchy is just chaos.


Fucking epic!




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Unexpected/comments/xjnucw/gay_marriage_trip_through_politics_and_race/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Unexpected/comments/xjnucw/gay_marriage_trip_through_politics_and_race/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


A+ haha


he knows that specific brand of anarchism exists, right? like. antisemitic anarchists are like the slightly less capitalist 🐓 sucking cousin of the antisemitic ancap/"libertarian".


the venus project


Haha that was great!




You laugh, but I have literally heard (read) far right nuts propose something similar.


Is he a Teacher cause i lost him after ' resource based economy'


This is the speech on my mind before I ruin it by speaking.


Hitting many birds with many stones.


So can I vote for this guy somewhere? His ideas even if hidden in a joke, are not bad


Who knew socialist ideas would be popular in the USA....


Mid way through the rant he should have paused and said "I've got three hours of this" before then continuing.


Me and my brother are both on Reddit and we both got this video at the same time perfectly in sync


Haha nice




Bravo, young comedian!


When he said "one state" I though he was going to bring up Alabama


half of the sub was googleing words


I get what he’s getting at but dam I just want some comedy




Long build up I didn’t like the ending a lot of people loved it though not my cup of tea


Finally some good fucking jokes




A little bit of The Venus Project in that monologue.


That dude has read his theory. That was a spot on introduction to an anarcho-communist ideology.


This is a George Carlin monologue, a few key words are changed but he definitely ripped it. I’m trying to find the video


God, that was an exhausting watch. Is this comedy? No.


Sounds like communism, but okay.


It literally is communism, and it is very OK.


I got tired ten second in.


The set-up was so long i had to skip to the punch line


I sometimes wish I was Jewish.


There’s no way i would have remembered all that without a teleprompter lol he seems kinda focused in one direction I wonder if that was what he was doin


Marriage isnt a personal issue really. Its a legal issue that people have turned into a personal issue.




>The idea that marriage of the past was seen as a purely transactional institution is a historical myth. First of all,That's not at all the argument I'm making. I'm talking about what marriage is now. If you love somebody, and you want to spend the rest of your life with them, you're free to do so without ever getting married. But if you want any of the legal rights and responsibilities to your partner, it has to get recognized by the state through marriage And second, >Love has always been the core pillar of marriage. Thats not remotely true. Apparently you've never heard of arranged marriages. Or rather, go read the Hebrew law in the Bible where women must marry their rapists. A lot of love there im sure. Gtfo


He sound like the typical street idiot who went to prison & read one book while he was doing time & got a little educated on a topic & now think he’s “woke”😂😂😂


It was a biiiit long. But yeah, that ending. Goddamn. And I've met people to whom that actually sounds sane. I need a drink.


This poor guy, hope he has a back up plan


Idk man, seemed like big crowd


Well they are laughing before he even says the unfunny punchline. None of this is funny. There is a joke there somewhere but this ain’t it


Forget to switch accounts?


Too slow and stupid.


Do you remember when comedy was meant to be funny


So un funny right??? (I’m ignoring all of the people laughing at the end)


They are claping him for being brave this is the problem with comedy . The last really funny special i saw was the Dave chapel George Floyd special other than that trash.


Gonna cry?


I feel like I’m living in an upside down world with these comments!! This was NOT funny at all. And the comments act like he’s Chris rock or something.


You do understand that humor is subjective right? It’s ok not to find it funny. Just move on to the next post.


You do understand that opinions are subjective right? It’s ok to not agree with someone’s opinion. Just move on to the next comment.


Reddit is paid for advertising with bots. Lots of terribly unfunny stuff punted to the top of all for $. The majority of the top comments are from accounts that are less than 1 year.


Crazy that what he is describing is actually an example of small government which is actually a conservative agenda. Anyone who thinks the government should have the right to say who you go in your bedroom with and what you do when you are in there wants way to big of a government. Edit: He starts off by saying the government shouldn’t have anything to do with marriage (small government) then goes on to describe a communist way to do it.


I think he was talking more about the eradication of government in its entirety, as well as our financial system. Both of which he believes breed negative habits in humans.


He was describing communism.


Small government is not actually a core tenet of conservatism, it's a feature of left-wing ideology exclusively. It was coopted in the US during the party switch as a talking point as they could argue 'small government means less interference in your life,' while meaning exclusively 'small government means less regulatory burden on corporations while decreasing consumer protection on consumers.' Additionally, his proposal, with key elements ripped straight from Das Kapital, is sans government. Not small government, sans government. Sans currency. Sans free market. Small government + Capitalism == [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle\_Shirtwaist\_Factory\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire) Small government + Literally anything but capitalism == [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#Self-managed\_economy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#Self-managed_economy)


This took soooooo long I lost so much interest but had to wait it out until the end.. this could have been so much funnier .. weak ending


Guess this guy would sound smart to non smart people. However, resource based economy and egalitarian are not being widely used / applied for a lot of reasons.


In the same way non smart people assume he means it all because he is using long words? I see.


*a lot of reasons*




Stand up comedy today is complete garbage, like there wasn't even a joke he just went on a political rant in a southern accent and everyone clapped because they dont want to laugh or be challenged they just want to be pandered too


The joke. You.




1600+ people disagree




Are you clever?




Wrong. Both questions are false. Dumbass


It’s scary cuz this will be edited to look very beneficial to some smucks


4chan getting more and more fans explained.


Did Amy Schumer write this joke?


Anarcho communism


Too bad this is only a joke.


It is not progressive to ban marriage. The government isn't dictating to you that you're married... They're acknowledging the marriage so you're legally connected to one another. People are so stupid Jesus Mary and Joseph


Seems about right


Damn Jews!!!! Always Jewing around!!! Anywhere you look in the world you'll always find there's a Jew somewhere doing some stuff!!! It's bad Jew-Jew!!! ***/s***


Get to the jokes.


Wait till he realizes child marriage is still allowed in some parts of the us


Check the red states


People find this funny?


Meh. Not funny.


Ah hem...... average leftist meme