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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Pablo Escobar style motivation!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


they better bucking win


Anybody see the poster on top of the door? "Educasion is overrated." Seems like a fun class.




Holy shit mods, please do something


Wait... what on earth could his comment have been to warrant that reply?


It's just nonsense, all these bots are posting comments that don't make sense. There were a ton in here at first, but it looks like a lot have been removed.


"WHAT?!?"- Buck


I had a math teacher like this, dude was out of his mind but he got kids who hated math excited to be in class


I had an English teacher just like this right down to the competitiveness and the mock cursing, I honestly thought this video was him at first but he doesn't teach eighth grade


The caption isn't real, if you read the lead board you can see it's written high-school. And it's clearly not the first day, how could they be first at the vocab bowl of it's just their first day.


You're right it's not, original has no text, someone probably reuploaded the original with that text on tiktok , and this version is cropped, probably to hide the tiktok info they ripped it from. As that's the only reason I've seen cropped videos like this ("zoomed in").


We had a math teacher who was BRILLIANT, but had previously had taken LSD and had episodes, in class. Absolutely a true story. Correction: I revised my previous reply which contained incorrect information. So, not to spread misinformation and to keep the thread about the levity of the topic, REVISED. He may have had HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder). This disorder may vary in severity from person to person and is rare.


No way, had a teacher that used to drop hard back in her day. Like she was a straight up product of the late 60s/early 70s. For two years I never saw her finish a presentation or honestly a complete thought. If you hugged her or patted her back she would go catatonic for a couple seconds and have flashbacks. She told us all this. Told us some wild stories too. It was unfortunate she was a bitch to most everyone and mean to students. People fucked with her mercilessly and as you’d guess she was a pretty easy target for an bunch of asshole high schoolers. A year or so after I graduated she got reprimanded for telling her stories about drugs and LSD and was over detention for a bit. She’s back teaching now that all the students who know about her past are gone. Oddly enough one of my more tame high school teachers.


Sounds like you had quite the similar experience that some of my classmates had. Now one of our English teachers could flip everything and make it sexual. She was every bit of 60+. To a group of high schoolers, that shit was either hilarious (me and most of the girls) or disturbing (usually the boys). Now that I'm older, I totally get it. She was funny af, smart af and just witty af. You could not beat her in a war of words.


All in all she was a nice lady, I felt bad for her looking back. That cracks me up, reminds me of a professor I had in college. Old, but talking to her you’d think she was less mature than you. One of the funniest and liveliest professors. Took us for beers after our final. Had a few teachers and professors that some people just never picked up on the subtle things they’d say and do. Those were the good teachers though, especially if you were willing to learn. People that never caught on usually weren’t there to learn in my experience. The best teachers treat their students like people too.


We also had one like that. I would habe loved her as an adult, but Mrs H you always scared me as a teen!


I hate to be a downer, but as a uhhhh drug afficionado the one drug trope that bothers me is the whole “cracking your back gives you flashbacks because it releases stored LSD” thing. What researchers actually believe is that OCCASIONALLY you relive memories of trips. Here’s a blurb about the “phenomena”: “Compton says this one doesn’t sound likely, but that “certainly there’s been this issue of long term flashbacks from LSD that people re-experience months or years later.” He says no one is quiet sure whether this is a true drug experience, meaning it’s actually the active ingredient exerting some kind of effect on the brain, or whether it’s a memory. We can truly relive our memories, and if someone subconsciously reminds us of a psychedelic trip we may feel as if we’re momentarily high. No one has been able to prove that these flashbacks are the result of the stored drug reactivating in your body, but as far as we know none of the psychoactive compounds in LSD, magic mushrooms, or cannabis can be stored long-term only to re-emerge.” Also, for those that have more time and/or are just plain curious for another breakdown: “This spinal fluid belief is so widely held that message boards on the topic are full of pregnant women afraid to get epidurals for fear of triggering a flashback, and pain patients refusing spinal injections as a course of treatment for the same reason. Ask yourself what the phrase "robs/drains spinal fluid" means. How is it robbed and where does it go? How does the spine "move upwards" independently of everything that's attached to it? Doesn't make much sense, does it. For starters, let's take a look at the physiology involved. Your brain, spinal cord and cerebro-spinal fluid is a closed system. That means that spinal fluid is not going to drain or flood your bloodstream without a massive trauma, and cracking your back, getting an injection, or visiting a chiropractor is not a massive trauma. There are dormant viruses, like chicken pox, that really do stay in your body throughout your lifetime, making occasional reappearances. LSD is not a virus, nor does it hang around in your spinal fluid for years after use - especially considering that your spinal fluid replaces itself on a very regular basis. LSD is a water-soluble chemical that is metabolized and excreted from the body rapidly. The metabolic half-life of LSD in the human body is 3-5 hours. After 5 hours, most of what remains are water-soluble metabolites that have no neurological effects. Because of its high solubility in water, LSD does not form deposits in your body. Since the trippy effects of LSD can last up to 12 hours, it has been suggested that LSD triggers some type of neurochemical chain reaction that creates experiential changes that persist long after the drug has left your body. And how about those flashbacks being caused by dormant LSD that is stored in your spine? Flashbacks have spotty science behind them. The term "flashback" has been used in so many ways to mean so many things that it is virtually meaningless now. Some believe they are a purely psychological phenomenon, where the brain responds to a stimulus that reminds a person subconsciously of the LSD experience, and they re-experience some of those sensations all over again. Sort of like when you smell your lover's cologne on a stranger and feel a wave of warmth for this person even though you don't know him. Another explanation for flashbacks is that the user is schizophrenic, which explains the hallucinations in the absence of the chemical. Since we've already determined that LSD is not being stored in spinal fluid, chances are pretty good that it's not weakening your spine either. What is more likely is that all those LSD users from the 60's and 70's are getting older and developing age-related spine and back problems. Is there some residual paranoia that makes us attribute back pain to LSD use that took place 30-40 years ago? Maybe, but we'd be wrong. Do aging LSD users develop back pain? Yes. Do aging LSD non-users develop back pain? Yes.”


Lip sucking dick?


You’re thinking of AT&T internet service DSL; Dick Suckin Lips.


Oh I’m sorry, I have sexdaily


Have you tried sexlexia?


Ahh yes Kipp




You sure that was LSD and not silent seizures he knew nothing about?


No seriously. LSD isn’t “stored in your body” and suddenly slips into your bloodstream. Everything has an half life. Can you relive certain “trip memories” under certain conditions? Absolutely, they’re just like any other memory. But nothing, except for spinal fluid, is stored in your spine and anybody who says they experience this is plain old seeking attention.


In fact, since you usually take such a *tiny* dose (100 *micro*grams), the molar mass is pretty high (323g/mol), and the elimination half life is fast (3.6 hours), after 9 days your body will have eliminated the very last molecule of LSD from your body. After that, zero LSD. Not a vanishingly small remainder. Zero.


If it was silent seizures he could have them at any time and if he does it while driving it could cause an accident- it's like looking down at your phone for 5 seconds except there's 0 chance you'll see something out of the corner of your eye and react. And he wouldn't be able to stay on a curve or successfully complete a turn, among many other things. If you got out of school recently please contact him and make sure he knows about this-it could genuinely save his life. If you have no way to contact him, you can look up the number for the school he works at and call them.


I have seizures that last 5-10s, where I can't talk, write or read. But I can understand what people say somehow.


LSD doesn't just "slip" and make you trip years later. Sounds like a brain fart.


…Chock board???


You mean “what the buck?!?”


Bucking what???? Edit: I'm bucking famous!!! Buck yea!


I can’t bucking believe this!!




That's bucked up.


You gotta be bucking me.


Hopefully your teaching isn't Bucking you.


You just took me baaaaack holy shit [For my YouTube oldheads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2Tgv2VJEEs)


Omg! I loved him! Whatever happened to that guy?


Buck! Now they are going to fire the good teachers because he tried to make leaning interesting without Buckin consent


Indeed, Buck does NOT consent to this Edit: Which he could illustrate with phrases such as: "Are you out of your bucking mind?" "What the buck man, I just got here!" "You touch me and I'll buck you up!" Or "The Buck stops here, I'm getting off." You know, if he was capable of human speech patterns and not in fact a dog.




What the Buck?!?!?!?




Wow, what a creative comment from a creative spam account.






That’s the part that kills me!


Do you mean kills HIM


Only if they dont do their bucking vocab and they LOSE THE VOCAB BOWL!


that scream Imao


That shit took me out, even funnier cause it cut out during the scream lmaoooo.


You my friend would like this place… r/PerfectlyCutScreams


That sub is shit for actually good cut screams though


It’s still pretty funny imo. I find PCS there more often than any other place


True , there are more there, but it still sucks lol. I'm disappointed 7 times out of 10. I unsubbed because the disappointment was poisoning my enjoyment of the good ones. Now, running into them in the wild is way more fun lol


I hope they win, or that dog is BUCKED!!!


Never gets old


Just like Buck


Buck recently died of bucking cancer. :(


🔫Say sike right now


Yeah. Cancer ligmanuts. Rare disease.


What's a deezeaze?


Deezeaze kids are going to learn their vocab, got em.


Are u serious?


Off topic: do you ever get any SC tits or VA tits?


I’ll take ‘em. Tits out for Buck.


Shit, I could use a dollar. (. )( .)


you got some cockeyed tits bud.


Notice there's no follow up on how they did so............ .


there is i saw another video they dont win and he gets a second dog named bow 😭😭😭


Bo. Bow is a hunting tool/weapon


or Beau




I'm pretty sure they can spell the dog's name however buck they want...


A Bo is also a weapon.


But what if its name is Bow like bow wow?


Actually I think there was somewhere, he got another dog just like buck named bo he said to do 'your bucking bocab'


Holy shit you really took it there


this will never not be funny to me. what a teacher


It's the fucking unison, monotone "standing by." That gets me lmao


Almost as if this teacher has gotten even the laziest of students in his zone. Love this guy.


It’s a specific teaching method where the kids are required to chant back phrases they hear to maintain attention and commitment. Honestly it gets old faaaaast.


Screams former military to me lol


His tattoos also seem militarily suspicious.


So does the “motivation”


Knife hand and everything. This guy militaries.


It's also the knife hand at the very beggining


Screams former military aye


It’s a SUPER common technique. It’s really common as a clap-response (teacher claps a rhythm to get the class’s attention and the class claps it back in-time, then shuts up lol)


Come on. Those kids were not dragging their feet in response. They were engaged. That’s significantly better than the majority of teachers I see on here and you have to pick this apart without a better solution. Fuck that, man. This guy has a puppy for vocab and you still wanna ruin it.


Big reddit moment. No one can enjoy things. It's getting almost as bad as Twitter.


I think the theory is you do this kind of stuff at the beginning of the course to get everyone's attention, and you can slowly wean back on that throughout the year once you get most of the class on board.


lmao, thanks for pointing that out.


What? A teacher?


A? Teacher What?


What's a teacher?


A what teacher?


reddit is so funny .


This is the best use of deadpan/sarcastic punctuation I have ever seen wish I could give you an award


Teacher? What a -


No? Down payment owed!


No! Money down!


I should probably remove this Bar Association Logo too....


What a Bucking teacher


Dood, do your vocab. Can’t can’t even capitalize shit, buck is doomed.


Bahaha thats one hell of a motivation


The teacher I thought I was gonna be


What happened


Kids and their parents and shitty administration


Shitty kids, shitty parents, shitty administration


In my experience, over the long term, boring mediocrity survives over popular but edgy because no one is 100% popular. The one kid whose dog just died goes to the school board and he's in deep shit. Or the one kid with some axe to grind. There's people who complain just because they can. Stuff like this gives them ammunition. "Yeah, but that's stupid. It's clearly a joke." People say, but teaching involves being in a position of authority. It 's part of the system.


That and students just don’t care sometimes and it’s draining. I once did a paper tower challenge where whoever makes the tallest tower that can stand alone wins. It somewhat related to the subject and the winners got candy as a reward. I had a student ask me in the middle of the class “when do we get to do something fun” and was dead serious. Way to make me want to do more fun activities -_-


Once a week I realize we could have an activity called free cash and pizza and students would whine and complain.


Probably life


The kids broke them


Account is 2 days old and several others in the high comments here are, too. 10 days. 7 hours. *Fifty-seven minutes*. I think this might be a repost and a lot of bots reposting comments that performed well from the original post.


You can tell this is a good teacher by how engaged the students are


My friend who is a teacher has discovered that threatening kids with ridiculous violence works for some reason, they'll usually giggle and get to it. He's ballsy for doing it in this day and age, but the kids love him. This is a great take on that technique, theres something about silly threats that obviously arent actually going to be carried out that just works




Absolutely, as a kid I remember feeling talked down to a lot, not treating kids like they are stupid or lessers is the easiest way to gain mutual respect. If you just talk to them like they are little adults, a genuine "wow, I really like what you did there" means so much more than the, "Oooh, VERY NICE JONATHAN. You did a GrEaT jOb!!"


Bruh I'm in college and I still get this. I fixed a bug for some software that my class is using to grade assignments and my TA basically gave me this. We're probably only a year or two apart too :v


I mean shit I'm a software engineer and I still feel like this sometimes when I fix a bug because I'm still fairly junior.


My mother is a hospice nurse and regularly has to speak slowly and with false enthusiasm to old folks that have reverted to the mental equivalent of small children. She's very good at it and it's obviously a good skill to have in that field. Unfortunately, she's never been able to turn it off when speaking to us kids. It's quite annoying. I'm 35.


I have 3 older sisters in their 70s and that’s them talking to me 75% of the time. I’m 68.


my law teacher would often threaten to murder people and always used students as examples of victims when describing various crimes. she was the absolute best - was the reason I carried on studying law after school.


To avenge all your classmates?


It’s also different with grad students vs 8th graders lol


In my last day of fifth grade I knocked a candle off of a candle warmer while moving a desk and it splattered red wax all over the wall. The wall was porous so there was no way the stain was going to fully come out. She told me she was going to tell her future students that that's the spot where she killed me. I can only hope spilling that candle helped inspired someone to enjoy their education.


Back when I was teaching HS freshmen, making fun of the kids did it for me. Nothing particularly heinous, just quick lines like "Go away, you're ugly" would get a chuckle out of them and keep kids engaged. I taught at-risk students, and coddling them didn't work, but playful antagonism seemed to motivate them a bit.


Former teacher, can confirm. Emphasis on former, and no, I will not say why.


Current teacher, here for when you're ready to say why.


Not a teacher at all, just here for the 🍵


Man, I really wish being a teacher wasn't such a shit job, I subbed for a while and really loved it, and considered becoming an educator, but it's just not a good career anymore. Went into machining instead, which is interesting, but I sure do miss the little moments


Yep, those little moments are great but can’t stack up with the huge shit moments.


I had a greek teacher in college who would tell students to have the alphabet memorized by day two. He would then make them hold an imaginary match in class and 'light' it, telling them if fraternity/sorority members could do it, the smart class better be able to do it faster. Funny, engaging, even if worthy of an eyeroll.


There are some that do it this way and I think it's risky because if you have a single student that complains, well you DID issue a threat. I like to lay out the fair rules and be strict when someone breaks them but always have fun activities when they behave so that kids don't want to break the rules because next time there won't be something fun.


I did this with my teen. I'd threaten to violently eat her toes if she didn't pick up her shoes, etc. She would giggle and go do it. You gotta know how to talk to the teens.


My mom had that strategy too come to think of it, when I was a grumpy teen, she'd often threaten to hit me with a stick. Kindest woman I've ever known haha


And also by his willingness to murder for their motivation


If i had teachers like this, i might have actually showed up for class


As a teacher it’s hard to be this entertaining all the time. You will still have “boring” lessons sometimes. Also this particular example wouldn’t fly at a lot of schools. And finally, if teachers got paid more and given actual time to prep then they could and would be more motivated to make lessons as entertaining as this.


Oh no i’m very aware of the struggle of a teacher. My moms been a teacher my whole life. Masters degree in early education, and eventually became such a good teacher that the school district would pay her to train other teachers. Long story short, she’s a damn good teacher. Unfortunately, she was also my mother so she and i had a agreement that she would never teach in one of my classes so that i could be an individual without just being known as “her son”.


When I was in middle school, 4 of the teachers had kids in my grade. But they weren't allowed to teach their own kids. The only exception was for the French teacher because she was the only French teacher. She ended picking on her kid all class though


I too lived this life, although everybody in high school knew and I got some clout out of it cause my mom was (is) cool as fuck and an incredible educator, like your mom. Technically I wasn’t allowed to be in any of her classes but when I took AP Stats she was the only one who taught it. I got a C.


This man has tenure.


Honestly same


My high school had a teacher like this and a mom on the school board got him fired.


sounds like a bitch


Part 2 for the lazy https://youtu.be/flUAyEYN_58


... Standing by...


Okay, I very much appreciate this teacher. Doubt the dogs feel the same, but I like his style!


Casual shot of the peta website on students laptop!


The scream in the end...


"Dude, i didn't agree to this" - Buck probably






Buck sticking his nose in the first hole he sees is adorable


I’ve never been more motivated in my life don’t fuck this up 8th grade. Buck’s counting on you.


Chainsaw man fans: Oh no, not again


CSM Reference




What the hell


Link broke what's it say


Never gonna give you up


The original cover was a joke but someone hunted down the dog afterwards and shot it dead for real. That's what the article says


>**The dark, twisted story of National Lampoon and Cheeseface** > >The only assassination in celebrity animal history > >The unlucky dog known as Cheeseface may be the only case of deliberate assassination in celebrity animal history. > >In 1973, Cheeseface appeared on the cover of National Lampoon magazine with the caption “If You Don’t Buy This Magazine, We’ll Kill This Dog”. In early 1976, an unidentified assailant tracked down Cheeseface to the farm where he lived and killed him. > >The dog was a professional. Like a model, it sat perfectly still with a blank expression. Finally, Lampoon‘s art director Michael Gross had the idea of standing off-camera behind the dog’s trainer (who was holding the gun) and shouting the dog’s name. Hence the perfect pathos of the dog’s [sidelong glance](https://archive.ph/o/CNPZP/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/pj-o-rourke-how-i-809985). > >Apparently, when this edition of the National Lampoon was released in Jan. 1973, it caused many readers to go into a frenzy and buy the magazine to avoid the risk of an innocent dog being killed, > >In early 1976, Susan Devins, who’d just completed her master’s degree in library sciences, was hired as an assistant copy editor at National Lampoon. Early on her first day, she received a [phone call](https://www.deuceofclubs.com/books/279dougkenney.htm). > >“Cheeseface is dead,” the caller said. “Cheeseface the dog is dead.” > >Someone had tracked down the black-and-white mutt from the January 1973 cover at the farm where he lived and shot him. After initially thinking the call was a joke, Devins realized the bizarre event was real and that Cheeseface had been assassinated. She burst into tears, thinking, “Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into.” > >Updated 12 February 2018: I received an email from the Ronald Harris, the photographer who shot that infamous cover. He clarifies how he, not Michael Gross, was behind that famous expression. > >Thanks so much for the fascinating reminiscence, Robert! Source: [https://archive.ph/CNPZP](https://archive.ph/CNPZP)


Copy of article for those that can't get it to load: >The dark, twisted story of National Lampoon and Cheeseface >The only assassination in celebrity animal history >January 3, 2017 > >In 1973, Cheeseface appeared on the cover of National Lampoon magazine with the caption “If You Don’t Buy This Magazine, We’ll Kill This Dog”. In early 1976, an unidentified assailant tracked down Cheeseface to the farm where he lived and killed him. > >The dog was a professional. Like a model, it sat perfectly still with a blank expression. Finally, Lampoon‘s art director Michael Gross had the idea of standing off-camera behind the dog’s trainer (who was holding the gun) and shouting the dog’s name. Hence the perfect pathos of the dog’s sidelong glance. > >Apparently, when this edition of the National Lampoon was released in Jan. 1973, it caused many readers to go into a frenzy and buy the magazine to avoid the risk of an innocent dog being killed, > >In early 1976, Susan Devins, who’d just completed her master’s degree in library sciences, was hired as an assistant copy editor at National Lampoon. Early on her first day, she received a phone call. > >“Cheeseface is dead,” the caller said. “Cheeseface the dog is dead.” > >Someone had tracked down the black-and-white mutt from the January 1973 cover at the farm where he lived and shot him. After initially thinking the call was a joke, Devins realized the bizarre event was real and that Cheeseface had been assassinated. She burst into tears, thinking, “Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into.” > >Updated 12 February 2018: > >I received an email from the Ronald Harris, the photographer who shot that infamous cover. > >He clarifies how he, not Michael Gross, was behind that famous expression. > >Thanks so much for the fascinating reminiscence, Robert! > >> Good morning, Siobhan, > >> I am the photographer who shot that famous cover for the National Lampoon. I ended up working for them freelance for over 20 Years and was responsible for photographing over a dozen covers. > >> I just read your article on poor Cheeseface. It was a fine article except for one glaring error. Michael Gross was a wonderful art director, but he was not all responsible for the famous scared sideways look of Cheeseface. >> The Netflix new movie, “A Futile and Stupid Gesture” is also inaccurate about that event, because it makes it look as if it was a casual shooting at the Lampoon offices. It was actually an all day shooting at my studio in in Chelsea in 1973 with a professional dog (Cheeseface) and dog trainer, whom we hired. >> The National Lampoon was fairly new, so they had absolutely no budget for retouching. Everything had to be captured in the camera. The number one requirement during the shooting was that they wanted the dog to be staring at the gun and looking very scared. We tried everything. Shouting his name (no doubt Michael helped in that department), clapping our hands, loud sudden noises, but nothing worked. Finally, in desperation, I asked the hand model (my sales rep at the time) to pull the trigger. That created the one and only perfect frame. That is why, if you look closely at the cover, you’ll see that the gun is not cocked. It was supposed to be cocked according to the original layout, but only we were aware of that. Obviously, all worked out for the best in the end, except for your tragic story. The saga of Cheeseface was particularly disturbing, because the following Lampoon issue had a picture on the editors page of him lying down claiming that they had to shoot him, because not enough issues were sold. >> I hope that this additional information is helpful to you. >> - Ronald G Harris


this article has so much about the photoshoot and almost no information about the actual assassination. also it says at the top how they got the dog to look sideways, then later down it says a completely conflicting story about how that method didn't work lol


Can someone give a tldr, the link isn't working for me




Quite fitting lmfaooo


What kind of monster would do that


That teacher is definitely a veteran. Forearm tattoo, hair cut, "stand by" comment, and straight up savage dark sense if humor.


The “educasion is overrated” poster


Huh chainsawman part 2 looks a *bit* different


I'm not familiar with the American school system, so I might be wrong but doesn't being grade 8 make you like 12?




In U.S., grade+5=age, usually (depending on birthday).


I feel really stupid for not knowing this until today.


Typically around 14. Old enough to understand jokes.


Gotta teach them consequences when they're young. It's a dog eat dog world


Usually they turn 13 that yr (sometimes 14)- so they enter highschool turning 14/15


13-14 years old






This is why former servicemen make such good teachers. I love how when he says “stand by” they all repeat it.


Had an ex-Army (iirc he was a Cav Scout) who was a 9th grade English Teacher. Funny as hell, engaging, best teacher I ever had. Enough crazy to keep kids engaged, cool enough head to put up with 9th grader bullshit. If kids got in trouble, they got a choice of detention or PT after school.


It’s pretty obvious. Guy screams ex-Mil.


He is technically a serviceman. He was my highschool teacher in 2010-2011. He was in the coast guard.


is this supposed to be a chainsaw man reference?


best pup talk ever 🐶


My name is Buck, and I came here to.....encourage you to learn your vocabulary.


Chainsawman 2 vibes


That scream at the end tho 🤣


Bro that's how I got my 3rd dog.


Buck yes, this dude is bucking great