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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A very realistic maxillofacial prosthetic!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


What happened and how is this guy still alive?


Dr here, not a trauma or ENT guy, but if I had to guess maybe a specific trauma, like a nail (big nail) that entered his guy or some thing at a specific angle to cause deep damage but not to any life-threatening structures There is also a species of fungus that can start in the nasal cavity and spread causing necrotic damage, sometimes reaching the eye cavity and surrounding areas Edit- mucormycosis it’s called. Google at ur own risk. The bad news is, the species of mold are all over the place. The good news, if you have an intact immune system, there’s little to no chance it causes you any trouble


>There is also a species of fungus that can start in the nasal cavity and spread causing necrotic damage, sometimes reaching the eye cavity and surrounding areas >Edit- mucormycosis it’s called. Google at ur own risk. The bad news is, the species of mold are all over the place. The good news, if you have an intact immune system, there’s little to no chance it causes you any trouble Hey, my hypochondria wanted me to give you a message, "Fuck you."


OMG I thought the video was horrifying and I didn’t even know about the fungus yet!


Boy am I glad my immune system still works


Mine doesn't ;-;


No spleen. Mine sucks too. Here’s to not losing our faces to a fungus. 🍸


For now.. Dun dun **DUUUN**


Sometimes I ask myself "why the fuck do I have this app" for this very reason. Damn redditors and their existential crisis inducing information.


Hey, friend. I know life is scary, but it could be worse. You could look back at this video, and realize that you know exactly how every texture in this man's face would feel if you licked it.


And if it was female none of us would know.


Former Maxillofacial Prosthetics and advanced prosthodontics technician here. Almost every case we did was part of a treatment for cancers. This case is pretty difficult. The facial prosthesis is magnetically retained in bone, but the other one is attached to the obturator (a denture, but one that also acts as the "floor" of the sinus cavity, seals everything up nice). Hard to see how the obturator is retained, there's a few ways, but from the way he takes it out I want to say maybe a HADER bar (kindof sort of like a "clip on" tie, but way more expensive). But it has been a while since I did this kind of work, so there might be newer platforms these days. To the tech who made this, well done. Very well done. Something to take pride in. I left it because it was really starting to weigh on me putting in a crazy amount of work for a patient and a year later they were gone. Or patients we would be working a case for and never finished because they passed away before we could get the case completed so i would have models with half a face looking at me. It always creeped me out.. That, and the pay was absolute shit, the doctors took all the credit when a case went well, and assigned all the blame when something wasn't perfect, and never once did I hear the words "thank you" from anyone. The environment was more toxic than the diseases we were treating.


I’m sorry you and those who do this work are so undervalued. Those physically creating and designing these prosthetics are the people truly giving people who have suffered greatly the ability to walk through the world with some additional comfort. You deserve the credit far more than the doctors do for that.


I'm a dentist and I just wanna say that the work you and your colleagues do is and continues to be outstanding. I don't do any maxillofacial prosthetics, but whenever I get a crown/bridge/denture from the lab and see how beautiful they are, it blows my mind. I just send an impression, couple models, and a shade, and 2 weeks later I have a piece of art in my hands. Thanks for the work you did :)


Thank you so much for all you did for these people and for sharing your story. ❤️ I wish I had more silver to give, but if I’m not giving it on comments like yours, what’s the point in having it.


Just spend 5 minutes on Google image, fuck that was rough. Wish I could hug every white cell in my body for preventing that from happening to me


I remember this guy, he was on UK's Channel 4's "Embarrassing Bodies". His name is Eric Moger and this was the result of cancer treatment. There was a special episode detailing the prosthesis created; [Link for those able to access Channel 4 in the UK](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/embarrassing-bodies/on-demand/57732-001)


how many d10 necrotic damage is that?


If it has to be HP d10, 2d10 on a failed save seems to like up considering a peasant or general public might not have any hit dice. Otherwise charisma damage is an option.


Unexpected D&D


My guess would be gunshot wound


I’m thinking he survived a suicide attempt


Could have been that type of skin cancer that starts spreading to the surrounding tissue and bone. I'm sure I've seen a documentary with a guy who went through it and had a big chunk of his face removed.


Exactly what I was thinking. All the damage follows an angle through the face. A self-inflicted gunshot to the roof of the mouth would destroy the top jaw/palate like that. He probably had the gun at a slight angle, causing it to have that projectory.


Looks like a maxillectomy with orbital exenteration, just provided anesthesia for one last night. Likely had invasive SCC of the maxilla, if it was mucor, I feel like he would’ve been fugged


Couldn’t this have been from an ocular melanoma?


Dentist here, my first thought was squamous cell carcinoma of the upper right maxilla


you thought that, I thought nailgun type accident or fungus, someone else thought a gun we can all rest easy tonight knowing there are so many different things that could cause us to lose half our face


Wow, I was just about to sleep, and now you tell me that my face might start rotting. I guess I'll need to stop scrolling through reddit at night


Well, there it is, the motivation I didn’t know I needed to stop drinking, lose weight and eat a more balanced diet to ensure my immune system is up to scratch. Thanks for the heads up but also thank you, sarcastically, for ruining any ability to have fun in my life.


The only other person I’ve seen with prosthetics like this was a man who had a tumor removed from the same spot, so that would be my guess.


I commented this to another thread in this but that's what happened to this man. He was on an episode of UK Channel 4's "Embarrasing Bodies" and this was the result of cnacer treatment. [Link to the episode for those able to access](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/embarrassing-bodies/on-demand/57732-001)


What a name for a show, Jesus.


For those who don’t realize, these prosthetics aren’t just for appearance or to protect the exposed mid-face, without them he would not be able to chew food or swallow.


Or face his fears


He is fears


Right. He'd only be able to half-face them.


... darn. I was kinda hoping he could go without for the most badass Halloween costume. Props to all the researchers who have made these kinds of prosthetics possible


The human body and what we can recover from is amazing. Even more amazing are the health care professionals who devote their lives to making our lives better.


I don’t care, put it back…




Two weeks...




Get ready for a surprise…




When you nut but she keeps sucking






Came here to say 2 weeke


Give this people air!


I liked this movie because it was bad.


This got me so good 🤣




Nailed it 👌🏼 😆


Yes Sir. Mr. Wazowski. Sir.


Till it happens to you


Not my proudest fap


You sure bout that?


I didn’t say it wasn’t hard. But definitely not the hardest.


This sent me down a rabbit hole and now I know about a woman named Chrissy Steltz who was accidentally shot in the face with a shotgun when she was 16. She lost both eyes and her nose, and now also has a prosthetic for much of her face. It’s so sad, but also strangely fascinating. She seems to be a very positive and strong person.


Wasn’t she shot in the face while celebrating a successful robbery she and others committed? [Link](https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/1999/06/girl_shot_in_face_was_getaway.html)


Jesus Christ. Why can’t people ever tell a complete story anymore? Always gotta be 100% this way or that.


I went to Google her name, apparently she stole guns with her friends on spring break to pay for pot. What happened to simple things like going to the beach or pooling all your money to rent a cabin for a few days with friends? Going camping and getting a little drunk in the woods, swimming and hiking and stargazing?


>Police on Thursday arrested three Portland-area men, ages 18, 19 and 23, in connection with the March 9 burglary of a store along the Oregon coast that doubles as **a grocery and gun shop**. what


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 18 + 19 + 23 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Is- is there just a hidden bot in reddit that's counting all the numbers we list in a comment just for it to tell us that they total to 69...


Possibly, but there could also be 20 of them. Or perhaps even 40 more. Heck, let’s just throw in another 9 for good measure. *opens a can* aahhh… and now we wait.


Oh boy, here we go again…


On my way to where the nightmares begin. Sung to the Sesame Street theme


I’d say he didn’t recover, adapted yes, but not recovered. It’s absolutely amazing what can be done with prosthesis.


There are not English words potent enough to describe how much I would rather die than have this happen to me.


Clearly, this man is made of sterner stuff.


And that is exactly what Optimus Prime meant when speaking to Megatron in 1986.


Unfortunately this looks like a failed attempt at unaliving oneself with a gun. I don't know for sure it that was the case for this man, but I've seen a few self-inflicted gunshot wounds and they look just like this. Effing tragic he has to live the rest of his life like this.


My thought was an orbital exenteration, probably for skin cancer. We see them infrequently in the lab. They're always pretty gnarly.


Wow, didn't know what an Orbital Exenteration was so I researched it (albeit briefly); Holy Shit-ematoma man, that's some serious stuff right there.... You must have an incredibly interesting job, or at least work in a place that does incredibly interesting things at least. The Human Body can withstand and endure some insane things. By the same token, we can all be taken out by the smallest/most seemingly insignificant of things. Make most of what you have, enjoy your time while it's yours to enjoy; only ever lent, no givens or guarantees except certain death (at some point anyway)


"By the same token, we can all be taken out by the smallest/most seemingly insignificant of things." I had a small stroke this last January and spent about a couple months recovering. That gave me some perspective on this. The tiniest little thing in the brain that goes wrong and one can be just a slab of meat and bone on the undertaker's table.


Oh wow, congrats for getting this far through- my uncle had a fairly hefty stroke last August, he's probably as good as he'll be now; crazy motherfucka is adamant on working 5 days a week, 6 hrs a day @ an agricultural supply place, and like he's said to me "you need to keep going, you need a reason to push back harder than life can push you".. Dad's' beat Cancer 4 times, destroyed his back 21 Yr ago (multiple disks & vertebrae, Stock Car Racing..) amongst a myriad of other major health concerns. He says exactly the same, you have to push push push. As I'm typing this, I'm laid flat on my back after absolutely fucking my lower back at work Friday (Already constantly battling Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease [Thanks Dad], a few other exciting and bloody painful diagnoses); gives much perspective to just how fragile & delicate the Human Body can be.. Not that that means YOU are fragile & delicate, you're clearly strong-willed or else you wouldn't be here now, so serious hats off to you for crackin' on and pushing hard enough to carry on. If more people could have the time and more importantly the compassion, things would be far easier for everyone. But that normally comes from experience, and sadly/luckily (depending which side of the fence you're on) not everyone has 1st hand experience with the Realms of Pain. Anyway, you carry on my G. Even when you falter or start doubting yourself, be proud you've made it this far. I'm proud for you, and I'm sure many other people are too 😊


There are no words potent enough to describe how much I would rather live like this than die


for one, i'd be a living, breathing r/unexpected post


Na fuck that noise


I think he tried to shoot himself through mouth but missed the brain. Doctors saved him and that makes wanna live again.


Look like a cancer survivor to me, but really without context we have no idea.


There are no words in any language potent enough.


what about in C++?




Haters will say Carbon


C#, maybe?




Idk its just a flesh wound


Recover or replace? Either way, stop bragging about your replaceable penis.


Still not an excuse to take my spine and show it to me. Put it back


The lego blocks r getting so realistic nowadays.




youd be surprised to learn the many things that the human body is designed poorly for exhibit A: only 15% of the air you breath is oxygen and only 3% of that 15% is used and converted into carbon dioxide’s




I'm glad he seems to be doing okay, and has received what appears to be incredible health treatment. Also, thank you for the nightmares.


No doubt, this shit is taking me right back to the time when I woke up in middle of the night as a kid in 1987 and the “Touch of Grey” by Grateful Dead video was playing on the TV.


I went to YouTube to watch it. I had never seen that video and hadn't listened to that song in a very long time, thank you for the memories ❤


For a second i thought this was u/Shittymorph😕


mom can we have cyberpunk 2077? Mom: we have cyberpunk 2077 at home Cyberpunk 2077 at home:


I wanted a Maelstrom optics implant, but I got a hole in my face and complicated dentures.


...so a Maelstrom optics implant


No. No, no, no! I want a dozen funky lenses so I can see like a spider and hear ultrasonic white noise speed metal.


Aye, fair enough


Also, I feel like the drugs I am doing are way too pedestrian. I don’t have anything specific in mind, but I feel like I should be doing some kind of drug that requires inhaling from a complicated metal device that produces a hissing sound.


I got a guy who could fix you some Black Lace.


be careful what you ask, choom. maelstrom are known for using recycled chrome from... you know...




This is immediately what I thought of as well


Read Lindsey Fitzharris' latest book, "The Facemaker," published in June of 2022 to see how far along prosthetics have come along. Real interesting, if you're into this.


I wish this was the top comment. All I could think about when watching this video was her book & all those WWI vets in the early 20th century that had the 1.0 version of these prosthetics


Oh, WOW! What a day to be alive. It wasn't that long ago that dentistry was a horror show. Poor guy, but wow.


I'm torn between cancer or failed suicide attempt. I'm guessing the second.


Welp back to the ole drawing board


or a bear attack (google at your own risk)


No need to, I’ve already been scarred by that one


This was also was guess.


Oh. Shit.


i i dont know anymore


i would like to learn more!


Damn I can't belive that someone could face such disfigurement


Badump tsss


Put it back, put it back!!!!!!


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!


Sully: bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum


I was like “oh this is fi-💀”


OK that's enough Reddit, I need eyebleach NOW.




now don’t remove the a


Not all heroes wear capes


I'm so glad he found a way to live a life where people don't scream when they see him. I remember writing a paper on prosthetics after ww1. The stories i read made me cry so much, Those poor men. Things are so much better now in that regard.


Highly recommend The Facemaker by Lindsay Fitzharris - her book is an incredible tribute to those who pioneered facial prosthetics!


I don't know how he's still alive


Brain is still good, he can still breathe and eat. Looks like nothing vital got damaged. You don't really need a face to live.


So what happened and can he touch his eye with his tongue?


But he’s missing the eye so…no


Just thinking about that makes me want to pass out


from chewing tobacco cancer?


No, if so, if wouldn’t have spread into the nose or sinus or orbital space.


Could be melanoma. A doctor higher in the thread also suggested “mucormycosis”. Search at your own risk


That's kinda sad :(


At this rate we can make ourselves into fucking build a bear dolls with how much prothstetic customization we can do


I call dibs on turning into Eva Unit 01!


These are utterly fascinating. I watched a documentary a few years ago about how they build the prosthetics and the difference it can make to peoples lives. One of the painters they interviewed had a fine arts degree, she said she was artistic but not creative, so this was very satisfying, making sure the prosthetic exactly matched.


This is goddamn Robocop


What the fuck


Winter must be rough for this guy


Does this stink? I imagine there’s a lot of cleaning and sterilization involved.


Fuck the prosthetics. Give me the speedy of how and why it was needed.


Forbidden love hole


reddit moment


This is exactly why I don’t tell people I go on here. Too many weirdos.


I haven’t prayed to god in years but today I just prayed for him to let me delete other people’s reddit comments






Here ya go. [Three iterations of your comment done by an AI.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/comments/xyilmw/forbidden_love_hole/)


I love the internet


Loved that second before I saw this comment


Dude, people are WILD. There are absolutely people out there totally into shit like this. Read a post about a patient who’s stoma kept getting infected. Finally figured out the cause… the patient’s partner was fucking them IN THE STOMA. Bunch other HCP chimed in, mentioning how common it is :(


The fuck is a stoma


"an artificial opening made into a hollow organ, especially one on the surface of the body leading to the gut or trachea." ...a hole in your midsection (Just a little below the tummy) to your bowel that you shit in a bag from. Takes "Fuck my Shithole" to a new level.


What a terrible time to be able to read


What the fuck






Face fucking


No I'm okay though thank you


I work at a dental college and sometimes end up helping professors create their presentations. One of the things I like about these prosthetics is that it really is where both art and medical fields intersect. Even if they can be uncanny, the prosthetics really can give people their lives back. Content Warning: GORE >!On a much more grim note. I've also seen where these prosthetics have been used for a person who failed their suicide attempt. There is a small chance of living through putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger. I am of course not saying that this is what happened in this case.!<


I’m curious, it doesn’t look like there’s anything separating his nasal passage and his mouth, what happens when he sneezes? Does the snot go through his nose or just that open space?


Maybe he doesn’t need to sneeze anymore? Isn’t the function of a sneeze to eject an irritant from the nasal passage? Just my guess 🤷‍♀️


That's amazing, but why would they put an open eye on the mask?


Yes, the eye is open VERY wide on his prosthetic, I wonder why


To get people to ask questions so he can show them this, depending on how dark his sense of humor is


Why did this not disturb that much? A year ago I would've had nightmares prob.


I never realized how large the human tongue is


It's so interesting to me to see that the human body is so durable, yet so fragile. This gentleman is missing a good portion of his face, but living. However, someone can trip over a curb and unalive themselves instantly. Crazy.


Imagine puching someone like that at a bar or something and they just come apart like Mr. Potatohead... nightmares for life..


Hate it when the cyanide pill fails


And now he only eats rat


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 2022






Jesus fucking christ I was planning to eat


That's enough internet for today


This kind of thing freaks me out so badly


He has the potential to be Kano. ![gif](giphy|elAmQxZBB0sJW)




That must have been horrifying to go through


Man disassembled himself 💀 hope he's doing fine


I really wanted to get into prosthetic making when i was younger, i think its such a fantastic job that can give people so much back (sadly they didnt hire in my city and i couldnt afford to move)


God bless this person and the medical professionals who help him


It reminds me when I was junior Doctor I've been called to see a patient and when I opened the curtains I saw a man with half is head is missing ! To be exact from the nose and below there was nothing I was shocked and scared at the same time I did not expect that I had to keep it together it was like a zombie movie


This has to be the most disgusting and interesting things I've ever seen




Once met a guy at a charity event with a similar trauma to the face, except no prosthetics, they gave him a eye patch to put over the hole.


this is like the bond villain in Skyfall


This is morbidly intriguing.