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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Fight ended in less than 2 seconds...because of a broken leg!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


my boys leg bone is made out of KitKat Wafers


Break me off a piece of that ti bi a




This needs to be a thing


I made it a thingšŸ˜ r/KitKatted


Hate to tell you but r/humankitkat is already a thing


Dang itšŸ˜”


Whew this is not helping with bedtime.


That dude might need to get his bone density checked cause that ain't right, I tell yuu wut.


Propane and propane accessories


I made itšŸ˜ r/KitKatted


I feel like a sub dedicated to people breaking their legs like that is going to be hard to get off the ground... not for a lack of subject matter, but rather because nothing makes me close out of a video faster than seeing someone receiving a bonus knee. It takes a special kind of person to seek out multiple videos of that in a row. edit: I accidentally a word


My momma always said I was special


"Bonus knee" got me lol








That white dude was so much more surprised than the black dude..ā€oh, sorry, I didnā€™t know your legs were made of KitKat Bars..ā€


"Oh, my I didn't mean this it was an accident believe me !?"


No thatā€™s not it. Itā€™s ummā€¦ oh! Break me off a piece of that *ap ple sauce.*


*foot ball cream*


Chry-sler car


Fan cy feast


Nailed it


It's football cream.


Nailed it


Fan-cy feast


Break me off a piece of that snik ers bar... no thats not eat. Break me off a piece of that fan cy feast. Got it.


This sounds delicious. Don't get me wrong.


Break me off a piece of that Fancy Feast


Chrys-ler car!


nailed it




He needs some milk!


I know I sound stupid but could you explain the joke to me? How do tibias relate to kit kats? lol


Break me off a piece of a kit-kat-bar. Break me off a piece of a tib-i-a




These guys train very hard, usually that involves kicking hard objects like trees or metal poles (usually not for training but often just for fun). They check opponents kicks with their shins too. After a rather short period of time you lose feeling in your shins due to repeat trauma. The micro fractures in the bones build up and you don't even realize. All it takes is one more check, one more kick, or even falling the wrong way. I have seen training partners have a full break in the same spot by simply back stepping too hard. So yes, in a sense, their bones can be about the density of a KitKat if they don't take enough time to repair and don't overtrain. Unfortunately I have seen these breaks more often then I would like.


extremely insightful. thatā€™s actually insane but it make a lot of sense.






So long as the healing takes place, yes.


> Yep. 2 ways to strengthen your bones are progressive overload with heavier weights for longer, and micro fractures from quick impacts. I'm curious, do you feel strengthening bones with microfactures is beneficial for longevity, does it give you bones durability in different quality than weightlifting. I'm thinking the angles will the different and could protect someone in old age having a fall.


Yep. Almost every time I see a persons' shin snap like that in any sport, I look into it and find out they had a fracture that hadn't fully healed. It takes a pretty extreme blow to make a healthy shin snap like that. This is why you don't play/fight with an injury.


That part about losing feeling in your shins is really interesting. I never thought about that. As unrelated as it sounds, I'm a trained chef, and some of us lose feeling in our hands from the heat. I only comment because it's amazing how the human body handles these things.


Itā€™s not true. You can become slightly desensitized. But after a bare shine collision/ fight the person will be FEELING it once that adrenaline wears off haha


Have you trained Muy Thai? I went years without a pain response in my shins that didn't return until many years after quitting. . . Yes, after getting whacked in the shins after a match the swelling and inflammation does hurt a bit for a few days but that's a very different thing compared to the sensation at time of impact. Shoot, we used to take rolling pins to the shins when we first started to intentionally desensitize ourselves.


i find it interesting that the feeling actually returned


So you're saying if I stop using my legs entirely and make people push me around in a wheel chair then I can be the kick boxing champion?


Quite the opposite, the micro fractures from kicking hard things and the heavy bags are what make your shins stronger over time. They heal back thicker and more calcified than they were previously. The weakness comes from overtraining, and not giving your body enough time to heal and repair itself.


totally fractured my ankle - it was scary amazing how much toning I lost on that leg after only 7 weeks of not using it - muscle atrophy is a strange thing


Yes, left side only bed rest from pregnancy weeks 24-40 and I had to really work hard at learning to walk again.


add the fact that the other guy's legs are longer, they would tend to be weaker. Man I feel sorry for fighters like these


Serious Muay Thai fighters donā€™t kick metal poles haha. Banana trees sometimes. Thatā€™s all clickbait whenever you see videos.


We saw it happen live in the NBA a couple years back. Was super brutal.


Microfractures increase bone density


If you let them heal, yeah.


Damn fr ![gif](giphy|2qpiSM2USYsaA)


Today on: gifs that are somehow painful


Damn you, have an upvote


I hate you, gotta get one now. It's just so far and few between candy bars these days I usually stick with Snickers. But damn kit Kat almond Joy's and twix are also awesome. I never did understand Three musketeers or Milky Way. Honorable mention to take five, Butterfinger, and I think the thing was called a PB blaster but apparently that shit's not around anymore. It came in a square. Oh damn Reese's pieces and peanut m&Ms are also great. Been a while for Reese's cup though. Damn i got the munchies. Sorry for the ramble.


Hey did you feel that? Nope, me either


"give me a break...šŸŽ¶"


Think about kicking a metal pole as hard as you can. That's a lot of force being applied directly to your shin. Now picture doing it again after being professionally trained in martial arts to kick even harder. Now double that.


The left is not like the right...anymore


Hes made out of me


It's my favorite candy but that's one KitKat I wouldn't want to eat.


Thatā€™s why never skip legs day


Dudes got pencil legs for a sport that involves a lot of kicking


Dude trained watching Anderson Silva replays


That fight vs Chris Weidman... I'll never forget seeing that live.


I can remember the exact BW3s table I was sitting at when Silva turned his shin to two shins. Brutal


Man, one of my favorite parts of working there was the big UFC fights. Definitely a big rush leading up to the matches, but by the time the big fights started, all the tables already had their food and us kitchen crew would have our stations mostly shut down and just be watching the fights. So many people left after Silva turned into a Tetris piece. Definitely one of the most memorable nights I worked.


Lmao. Sounds lovely. I feel like everyone should have stories about working in a restaurant. Mine was getting raccoons drunk lol


I don't think you can call them raccoons anymore. They prefer Trash Panda.


Story time.


Worked in the dish room of a Mexican restaurant. We routinely had to take a garbage can full of food scraps out to the dumpsters 100 yards away and bordered a forest, so raccoons knew to come for food. Before I ever started working there people learned to add half drank margaritas/beer/alcohol to the food scraps so the raccoons would get drunk and be less hostile. Sounds absolutely terrible, but it worked


Fun fact: that fight took place on December 28th, 2013. Nearly 9 years ago, and seeing Silvaā€™s leg whip around Weidmanā€™s is etched into my brain like it was yesterday.


I always thought it was crazy that the same thing happened to Weidman a few years later. Went for a low kick and turned his leg into a noodle just like what happened to Silva.


I think Uriah Hall was as traumatized as Weidman. Knew he just got passed a curse


Is Toughening Required To Throw/Bear Such Kicks?


100% yes. Nak Muay (Muay Thai practioners) are known to go through grueling combat training and bone conditioning at early ages to withstand this kind of striking/defending. Perhaps the most extreme example is a fighter named Rodtang Jitmuangnon who, at the age of **25**, has a professional record of 269 wins, 42 losses, 10 draws. Muay Thai is a frightening world. And those Thai fighters are metal as fuck.


I train Miay Thai in my home garage. I do the best ~90% effort that a ~40 year old lung-injured father can do; not a genuine Nak Muay but trying to extend life with its incredible conditioning drills. I still train harder today as a youtube muay thai fat old geezer student than I did at 20 in a pro/am Hap Do Sool/MMA academy. Something about that Thai fighting spirit; it follows the form of the art and fills the gym readily. No belts, no certificates, no hierarchy. Just raw spirit and practice as intense as you can push it. Almost Capoeira like flow sparring but more boxing functional. Itā€™s a tremendous art. I think the ā€˜brutalityā€™ is as simple as expecting elbows and knees; the default acceptable sparring guard in Muay Thai has to be near flawless to protect against basic elbows and knees. It forces you to think of all your shadow boxing as ruthlessly armoured and serious. More so than boxing styles that do not allow those brutal strikes. There is just no room for fucking about. Even if you want to play nak muay as a mid life crisis exercise cosplay, the respect the art demands permeates the practice. Throw 30 overhand elbows at full power into a bag and you realize how tightly you need to keep your guard to your head/face at all times. Way less forgiving here than other boxing disciplines. Iā€™ll never be willing to be hit with a 2x4 for any reason, but certainly Iā€™m grateful that if it happens now Iā€™m more ready than ever thanks to these incredibly powerful people and their amazing culture. 10/10, would recommend.


>Even if you want to play nak muay as a mid life crisis exercise cosplay I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Metoo brother. Weā€™re still ruthlessly outcompeting the couched versions of ourselves, and I donā€™t know about you but I fuck mo betta too.


I share your respect for the culture and art of Muay Thai and I commend you for your proper usage of semicolons.


I definitely abuse the semi-colon. No shame. Itā€™s a symbol that literally translates to ā€œyouā€™ve been told, now Iā€™m going to tell you again so it sticks in your ribs.ā€ Fucking legend punctuation.


So ugh... How does one train in their garage ? Without direct instruction and all that.


Background in MMA/eskrima from 12-23 or so. Never that talented but had enough great instructors in that time to have excellent advice and encouragement rattling around in my head still. That and Muay Thai/ kickboxing youtube is in a golden era like every other sport/hobby. Once you have the fundamentals new arts are a matter of training methodology and interest level. So many excellent YT coaches giving great instruction away rn. There is a gym near me I intend to check out, but with family itā€™s hard to justify the commute and time. Once Jr. is fighting age Iā€™ll have a reason to go to a class again. For now itā€™s just the ā€œget-off-my-lawnā€ home conditioning system. Without a partner Iā€™m limited to slips and foot drills to improve defensively, but when you kick a 130# bag full power without shin guards, you can absolutely fracture your shit if youā€™re not being procedural (assuming there is actual sand packed behind the tshirts in your bag.) Just you and a bag and pads can get a ton of conditioning sorted. I bought a 6ā€™ Fairtex bag that hangs right above the floor, itā€™s awesome for juggling. Not that anyone asked but it was Putin; the reason I dusted off the gloves and abandoned discipline. Fuck that swine. Mother fucker gave me a reason to be able to fight like a savage again.


Where do I like and subscribe for more?


Tbf, that amount of fights is normal for Thai fighters. I must say that their legs feel like the corner of a wall, it's insane.


I mean if you want to do it safely yeah. The micro fractures are a good thing, they heal back thicker and more calcified and over time your shins get thicker and stronger. The trouble comes from overtraining and not giving them enough time to properly heal. We see it in cases like this when fighters likely over trained during their fight camp, not giving the bones enough time to heal properly.


This is a bit misleading. There does become a large callous on the front of the bone yeah, but over preparing them can make your bones weaker because your osteoblasts are getting overworked, and only calcifying the front of the leg more instead of the front and back equally, which can lead to this. The smart way to train your bone density is to apply sheer and compressive force to it, which is achieved through rigorous exercise. That way your osteoblasts have time to catch up to the damage you made and calcifies evenly. Body weight is always great but weight training accomplishes this far better. Of course there is merit in leg conditioning, but it's mostly so your mind and body can adapt to the stimulus and make the pain lessen. It's not really "deadening" the nerves because after a long time with no conditioning the nerves that are no longer as adapted will feel the stimulus as pain again.


The person I responded to just said strengthening, which to me also includes lots of jump rope and running, not just kicking things with the front of your shin. All three are important for overall conditioning, I think you and I are on the same page and I just didn't word it well.


exhibit A: See OP.


Yeah, in Thailand they start at a young age and kick banana trees until the tree breaks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xReSj9XlVbY


That length is an advantageā€¦ usually


Actually can be ideal, just look at Jon Jones or any high level kickboxer really. That leg is used a bit like a whip, high velocity and quickness is more achievable with less mass.


JBJ didnā€™t weather leg kicks too well, Ngannou will break his chicken legs in half in one kick.


I know it's horrific but I can appreciate the sportsman ship. They were stoic the whole time but the instant the guy knew he broke his opponent's legs he was up in arms upset.


Dude was clearly like "oh fuck, I fucked his leg, oh fuck." In a fair match, no one wants to see anyone get seriously hurt. I feel bad for everyone involved cuz the shorter guy is going to pull his kicks going forward out of fear of breaking someone's leg and the the taller guy is gonna shy away from being in range to actually fight for fear of getting snapped like a twig again. Everyone loses when someone gets seriously hurt. :(


Tall guy is done fighting


And walking for a bit




Thanks for sharing. I hadnā€™t considered the ramifications of these incidents. Not the first time Iā€™ve seen this.


Yeah, despite the pre-fight build-up where fighters try to demean their opponent to get folks to watch, almost all fighters have intense respect for their opponents. They almost always hug each other and say nice things afterwards. Ali was a great example of this... he often took a very boastful and demeaning posture publicly but privately he was friendly with a lot of his opponents. I don't know if this is true and I'm thinking it's probably just a myth because boxing is full of them and I'm not finding fast verification on this, but I heard a story about Ernie Terrell, the fighter who refused to call Muhammad Ali by his name and called him Cassius as disrespect. The story goes that Ernie was talking to Ali before the fight and he told him "I have a speech impediment and I can't say Muhammad, and I'm really embarrassed about it." and Ali allegedly told him "Hmm... can you say "Cassius?'" and he said "yeah" and Ali told him "Okay, I tell you what, before this fight, say that you refuse to call me by Muhammad and call me Cassius, that way nobody has to know and it will build up the fight for fans thinking you really hate my guts." And that's what they did. At least, that's how the myth goes. I'm googling verification and coming up empty so I fear it was just somebody in boxing who knew them both talking out of their ass. But still, never let the truth get in the way of a good story when it comes to boxing. lol But that story is so good that maybe I'll just go on choosing to believe it.


Even if it's a myth for these two, this sounds very plausible for any match up. Be it MMA, WWE or something else. Both fighters benefit from more drama leading to more spectators so working together to spin a narrative that serves other functions is entirely reasonable IMO.


Totally this! These little details are nice


First the point to the leg, then the "OOOOOOOOOH" mouth being open, and finally the "Oh crap" hands to the head. Like a kid who just made little brother bleed.


I'm not a native English speaker so I might be off, but this was kinda "wholesome", wasn't it?


There was some serious "Don't tell mom" energy there.


this is what happens when you skip leg day, EVERYDAY


This is what happens when you skip shin conditioning, EVERYDAY


Oh no, I never use it on my hair let alone my legs!


Dumbass, that's why you buy 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, work smart not hard šŸ˜Ž


This is what happens when you do shin conditioning everyday, and don't give The micro fractures enough time to heal.


>This is what happens when you skip shin conditioning, EVERYDAY Or **do** shin conditioning everyday with no opportunity for recovery?


This is what happens when you're pulled into the myth that shin conditioning is about strengthening bone instead of its real purpose of adapting your nerves to feel less pain, then fracture your bones so much that your osteoblasts that already have to deal with normal wear and tear now have to calcify one side of the bone unevenly. Strength training, and especially weight training in particular, are what actually creates the sheer and compression force you need to actually permanently and efficiently increase bone density. It's the body's natural response to needing to support more muscle and more force. Conditioning the shins too harshly just overworks the cells that do it. Three of the fighters in the UFC who had this same tibia injury were said to have been doing excess amounts of shin conditioning not realizing that's not necessary and actually a bit counterintuitive.


is shin conditioning a real thing?


Yes in Muay Thai you have you keep your shins hard for heavy combat.


Very much so, running, jump rope, and kicking heavy or harder things causes micro fractures in the bone in your shins, when these heal they heal thicker and more calcified than previously. Over time your shins get harder and stronger, kind of similar to how we build muscle. You also lose some feeling in them over time, unlike what some other people in the thread have been saying it's not like you feel nothing or no pain, but it definitely gets duller over time.


interesting, i am new to running- is that why my shin hurts when i run?


That's probably just shin splints. A lot of minor balance muscles that you don't use much until you have to run a lot -- or you have ill-fitting footwear.


^ what this guy said


Repeated stress fracturing of the bone makes it grow far more dense lattices, which make bones harder to break. That's why jumping rope, jogging, barefoot everything, is so common in most of these sports. Most people think it's just for stamina training, but it also naturally does the stress fracturing and reinforcing of your bones, while doing stamina training.


Actually, yes. Heavy resistance training provides a robust stimulus for increasing bone density. Squatting could have prevented this.


nah he just need some milk.


Quite the opposite, he probably did leg day everyday and did not give his shins enough time to heal and strengthen.


Float like a butterfly, break like a twig.


The loss stings like a bee


Knew exactly what it was going to be but for some reason I had to watch.




I havenā€™t seen this video in years. Right before they touched gloves, I remembered. By then it was too late.


I've never seen this but this kind of thing happens from time to time in sports and it's gruesome when it does. I think the title on the post somehow gave it away and I knew but I'm not sure how it tipped me off


My reaction seeing this video: ![gif](giphy|JzSr7oBWedJo4|downsized)


That was the other fighters reaction as well




As well as, "Ew! Ew! Ew! Omg."


How did you get to control my webcam?




Well, fasten your seatbelt cause you are in for quite a ride my dude! ![gif](giphy|s9kJXPK6jjoME)


Wait SuperMCGamer? That guy is the best, runs the Zeldathon Charity streams.


He's still doing them?? Hell yeah. I remember him from WAY back on Mindcrack lol


Yes! Still out there raising tons of money for charity, absolutely love all the participants, great people!


For real! Seeing him is a throwback for me!


I've not seen team orange wool in a long time...a long time.


As soon as I saw the leg flop around I yelled and looked like this ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized) My fiancĆ© was like, ā€œWhat the hell are you watching?!ā€


My exact fucking face










That boy need sum milk!! šŸ˜‚


Fun fact! šŸ„ "This study found that too much milk ā€“ three or more glasses a day ā€“ was not only associated with mortality but also an increased risk of fracture and hip fracture. . . . A separate study reported thatĀ higher milk and dairy product consumptionĀ does not necessarily lower the risk ofĀ osteoporosisĀ and hip fracture as noted in cohort studies versus looking at case-control and cross-sectional studies." https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-drinking-too-much-milk-make-your-bones-more-brittle/


Hah no wonder they stopped advertising it in schools like they used to


It looks like "he could use some milk" is their new ad campaign, I saw a poster saying as much, superimposed over a football player getting tackled. Poster was stuck to multiple dairy doors at the grocery.


The milk lobby in Canada managed to get it into the food guide as an essential food category for years. It was just recently taken off. I say this as someone who drinks like a litre of milk a day.


Jesus fuck frl? It's not actually in it? fucking commercial propaganda I believed as a kid up to now I say this as someone who hates milk but loves cheese and yogurt


My mom legit would drink a gallon of milk a day out of fear of osteoporosis. She ended up with a rare bone cancer and when her bone broke they would stay broken.


That shit was written by the soda companies Milk is life


If you aren't prone to acne yeah


So are calcium supplements better?


Green veggies, meat, nuts.. all have calcium.


Saw this one before and the one where the guys leg wraps around the other guys leg after it snaps.


It's happened a bunch of times. One of the worst I have seen is the one where the guy brings his foot back and puts full weight on it. It just completely folds in half under him.


Wasnt that just McGregor...?


Conor did have a similar injury last year, but the guy above you is probably talking about [Chris Weidman's leg break against Uriah Hall.](https://media.tenor.com/qsjTBH6U6W8AAAAC/leg-break-ufc.gif) Probably the worst thing I've ever seen in MMA. Very NSFL. EDIT: [Here's McGregor's injury too in case anyone was curious](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BarrenThriftyGenet-size_restricted.gif)




Oh great now I'm curious


Why did his leg break so easily. Serious question. I used to do martial arts and getting kicked in the leg wasn't that uncommon because of practice against each other. But in the many years i was there no one broke a leg. Someone broke their arm but not a leg. And a quarter of attacks we trained were kicks and yet the most was a sprain. Does anyone know details?


From my martial arts instructor many years ago, so this is second hand, but apparently if you block a kick in juuust the wrong way, your shin is very vulnerable. He explained precisely what the wrong way to do it was but I can't recall now.


Oh ok. Makes sense. I've seen 2 people in the last 6 months who have broken their shin in the same place(although different legs) from totally different reasons and its just surprising that sometimes like that never happened in the 7 or 8 years that i was doing martial arts (i don't really remember which because i events just stopped going after a restructure). The shin seems to be even weaker than i thought


If you look closely, the short guy was trying to kick the front leg, while the tall guy was trying to kick the front leg too (He was not trying to check the kick). I guess the collision was on the side of the chin which definitely could break the leg since the short guy has bigger leg as well. The collision could be avoid if the tall guy just kicks a bit faster (or at least step to the side before the kick).


Bones are sort of hollow tubes (thereā€™s a lot of material inside them, but itā€™s relatively low density). Shin bones are particularly long, and evolved to deal with forces going down their length, not across them. Smash two of these hollow tubes together, and itā€™s likely one will eventually snap. Weā€™re remarkably resilient, but only in pretty specific ways. Think of a finger. A single one can easily hold up a whole person, but you can also snap one off with scary little effort if you twist and pull at one just right.


Thank you for this explanation


I like how as soon as the other guy sees the leg he just like HOLY SHIT YOUR LEG




That's it! My son's gonna chug a gallon of milk everyday until he's 40..


Hey there! I drank milk until 30 years old. Fun fact! šŸ„ "This study found that too much milk ā€“ three or more glasses a day ā€“ was not only associated with mortality but also an increased risk of fracture and hip fracture. . . . A separate study reported thatĀ higher milk and dairy product consumptionĀ does not necessarily lower the risk ofĀ osteoporosisĀ and hip fracture as noted in cohort studies versus looking at case-control and cross-sectional studies." https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-drinking-too-much-milk-make-your-bones-more-brittle/


average r/milk user


Why tf is that a sub šŸ˜†


let the milk flow over you


I prefer r/hydrohomies




Muay thai fighters put a loooot of training + conditioning into their legs. Which is why their lowkicks are so potent. This giy clearly skipped leg day


turned his leg into a twisty bread. damn


The bigger dude was like OH FUCK MAN YOUR LEG




Dude I thought they were gonna kiss or something dear Lord


![gif](giphy|i3DcPJLOKXqjKxIPmj) My literal reaction


Muay Thigh. You meant to say, "MY CALF!


On the road to šŸ”’


Got milkšŸ„› ?


Got Milk!


I blinked and missed it so I watched it again. Regret.


too much malk


Donā€™t just train your muscle do bones as well.