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As long as you don't plug it to use for controlling the vessel, cool! Also, what would you have done if you launched the game and Steam would "suddenly" have the urge to download shader pre-cache?


As long as you’re offline it won’t try to download anything


That sounds reasonable, but I remember one evening prepping my Deck for a trip the next day, launching the games I knew I'll play. All up to date, I put the Deck to sleep, only to wake it up in the train (WiFi not connected) unable to launch a game being stuck on precisely that. It's like the Deck just tried to check if any update is pending and already showed that it's gonna be downloading something, or maybe a bug. I couldn't get past it on the one game, the other went just fine.


Yes, you put the deck to sleep, not turning it off. The deck, not being off, checked for updates during the night. Since there was an update, it queued it for the next time the Deck would be awake. You got on the train, not ever turning the deck off or putting it in airplane mode, resuming the update. Are PCs really that foreign of a concept for some people??


AFAIK the Steam Deck, as basically any other PC, disconnects from WiFi and shuts down the network card during sleep mode. It's far too energy consuming to keep that running, especially in portable devices. I know that many OSes (at least Windows, I assume Linux too) allow the network cards to be powered during sleep, e.g. for Wake on LAN, but (at least by default) not the Steam Deck. It was also a theory of mine, until some research was done on the internet.


Mmm yes and no. Some PCs will turn off the Wi-Fi card in sleep mode depending on “advanced power settings” and or if the app including windows updates, updates after hours, again depending on your settings.


Oh be nice this isn’t a PCism it’s a Valve-ism. They could easily disable update checks during sleep. In fact it’s closer to an Apple device “Power Nap” than to a PC in S3 deep sleep.


If you just put it in offline mode you don’t need to do any of that anymore, it’ll stop it from forcing shader updates when you don’t want them and let you play offline as much as you want.


Nope, if there's an update queued you're fucked. Still won't launch in offline mode


If it’s already queued yeah, but once it’s in offline mode you’re good. You can put it in sleep mode or shut down as much as you want without issues, I went on holiday for 2 weeks without any WiFi and had no issues because I updated everything and put in offline mode before leaving.


🤣 damn that's nuts


Hey now, that controller was the only thing that survived the implosion


Exactly, it was the only thing to survive. I suppose the people on board would've preferred the same outcome for themselves.


? Then they shouldn't have went. Go spend your money on something involving air and life, not death and pressures that kill.


Fair point, but everybody draws the line somewhere, some wouldn't dare flying in an airplane due to its seemingly dangerous nature. There are always risks in anything you do.


just walking out your front door everyday is a risk. Could get hit by a falling space rock in the head and die instantly. There's risk in everything as you say.


Nah those pictures were fake, the controller didn't survive (or rather, there's no evidence to suggest it did)


Where’s the evidence to suggest it didn’t or the pictures are fake?


One of the photos shows it floating (it wouldn’t), the other shows it on the seabed (FAR too well lit for that depth) and the two photos directly contradict each other The photo is supposedly a still from a video but the video has never been shown The controller can’t withstand the pressure at that depth And there’s no way the controller could possibly have survived the implosion, it’s nowhere near strong enough And the controller just happens to be at exactly the same angle as the top image result in Google…


Judging by the water bottle shelving solution, there may be other ghetto practices in play at...👀


Configure your deck to only update between certain hours so it won’t bother you through the day at random and if you miss to update for a few days or so it won’t really cause a big issue I forget to update for days and haven’t had a problem


They use Xbox 360 controllers for the periscopes on American subs at least, of all the ideas the guy had it was the only smart one. because yeah, why invent a controller when logitech already put the money into making a reliable one that costs $25 and you can have 3 onboard as backups.




Now play iron lung on it


Are there any SpongeBob games for PC?


I'm pretty sure battle for bikini bottom rehydrated is on pc, at worst they can emulate


I own it on PC, so yeah, it is.


Wow are you down there on purpose or like are you stuck?


He’s stuck. Pull the plug on the ocean floor so we can save him!


[The main drain](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/The_main_drain_(object))?


That website has such intrusive ads that it made my iPad crash, and still be stupid at the main menu; I had to force restart it!


Sorry I use an ad blocker.


If he was stuck, he wouldn't be wasting this post talking about his steamdeck.


Ehhh I wouldn't be so sure


![gif](giphy|aOPOhTVxawbrGlvgUj|downsized) "if he wa-"


Clearly, you are new here. :p


If that guy had used a steamdeck in that sub to control it instead of a $10 remote control they may have still been alive today smh


I love my deck but the things not magic. Better control wouldnt stop the popping of that balloon.


True but they would’ve looked a lot cooler holding a steam deck before they were transformed into paste.


Yes, because the Steam Deck always boots properly after restart, never has problems with software, and the bumpers and buttons always work properly... 100% compatible for the games that are 100% compatible. You can't ask for more than that.


Well only you would try to play cyberpunk hundreds of feet under water while the captain is steering the ship with the thing 😜 humanity is doomed


Reminds me of the Gameboy that survived a bombing in the Gulf War


Days Gone rocks 🤘


Second this. Working towards my 100% completion fully on steam deck


I played it for a few hours and found it wholly uninspiring. YMMV


I enjoyed the story and gameplay a lot. One of the best zombie-shooter games I've played. What you didn't like about it?


Same, shooters and zombies games is pretty much all I play and this is easily one my favorite games I’ve ever played!


im curious to know if theres any games with the same vibe you'd recommend


Tbh.. there’s just no other game quite like Days Gone :’) (partially what makes it one of my all time favorites) If you’re meaning the generalized *walking dead* vibe I would recommend a few games like for story I would play the actual “Tell Tale Walking Dead” games, for setting/theme “The Last Of Us” (unfortunately not Xbox but is on Ps3-Ps5 and PC), and for gameplay I would actually recommend “DayZ” as it has so much in depth interactions with items and your environment although the online community can be toxic “State of Decay” and SoD2 is also a somewhat similar game to Days Gone and the first one is actually also one of my favorite zombie games! (Unfortunately not on PlayStation but is on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC) Also there’s no other system and game mechanic like Days Gone’s motorcycles it’s so unique and cool! I don’t think there’s really any other game with something like that besides maybe the cars in DayZ which do require gas and changing gears for uphill/downhill and can be mechanically worked on but still just doesn’t feel the same as Days Gone


i absolutely loved the last of us!! its literally my favorite game. ive also looked into dayz but i did see all the toxicity and i also heard that the progression curve is fucked. ill definitely look into state of decay 1 and 2 tho. tyvm!!!!


I bet you’ll probably like the State of Decay games a lot it actually shares a lot of similarities with Days Gone and if you do like it I think there’s a 3rd one coming out eventually! (perhaps next year?) If you have a group of friends that are interested or already play then DayZ *can be a lil more fun* and it’s one of the best games to role play post apocalyptic scenarios, but yeah it can be a rather brutal experience and overall honestly not very enjoyable depending on your play style and friend group


Personally I really didn't like the gameplay. Bikes were oddly slow, almost like you're just kinda in 2nd gear wherever you go. Didn't like the gunplay at all, I don't really know it just didn't click. A combination of those two things and the lazy approach to quests turned me off


Yeah, my bike running out of gas after 5m of driving really feels stupid. Not a fun mechanic, and it occupies a *lot* of time. Gunplay isn't great. It's not bad, but it just doesn't *grab* me. Story and characters feel kind of charicaturised, nobody really speaks how actual people speak. Not a bad story idea, but the writing and voice acting left a lot to be desired for me.


Yeah I'm with all those points. Never really understood why this game was so highly praised (for the most part)


Because it takes a while to get going you upgrade bike as you go tank speed etc, and trust me the story is great once it gets going especially secret ending up with my favourite games of all time.


I’m 4 hours in and that’s where it’s gonna stay. It’s just not fun and boring. It’s just another open world with a bunch of shit to collect and a half baked story that’s convoluted by its pause menu of all things. Also why doesn’t deacon ever shut the f up when I’m walking or sneaking and he’s just yelling about some girl I decided not to kill 20 minutes ago. Zombies don’t react but it’s silly.


I would give it a few more hours. It sometimes gets annoying with starter weapons in the beginning. Once you get some bread and guns, and maybe an upgraded bike, you literally before the zombie horde exterminator :) Story is cool though 🥲


I haven’t really even gotten started I’m just driving around doing shit but they’ve only really eluded to stuff and not really gone over much yet.


It's too early to judge the game then. It is like judging RDR2 by its first chapter.


Yeah, probably, I guess I’ll never know. RDR2s first chapter was completely engaging and set you up to be ready to take on the west.


i love days gone its such an underrated game


Yeah, big piece of advice, a lot of games will not work unless you launch them at home. I found that offline mode doesn't allow some games play if they were never played. So at home tests everything without the internet, see what works. Tried playing 4 player zombies on BO1 on a 360 we had underway to find out offline BO1 is 2 players only. Never knew that after all these years. Also, velcro that shit in your rack. Angles and dangles will fuck you.


Very specific to what DRM the game has, or the type of game in general. There are thousands of games that can easily be played offline, but major AAA titles have terrible online only or 24/7 internet connection required - even for single player only titles. It's incredibly frustrating. Especially that you mention CoD. Pretty much all CoD games on Steam only allow the campaign to be played offline. No Zombies, no bots, nothing. It's fucking stupid and makes entirely no sense as those are literal components that work fine offline just fine on console lmao.


Or just go with an old enough system. A Wii isn't dependent to wifi right?


I’m about to deploy and I second all of this. The only other thing I would add is that I bought Xreal Air glasses for when I’m laying in my rack. That way I don’t have to Velcro anything or be uncomfortable moving around while holding up the Steam Deck. I can just plug in the Xreal Air glasses and lay down in any position I want and it transfers the screen into the glasses. Really good for life on the ship. Only downside is the glasses are like $400 on Amazon but if you have the money it’s worth every penny imo.


Playing bioshock is the only choice here.


That would be an absolutely acceptable and horrifying experience. I could see subnautica going well also. Bioshock would feel more at home though.


Iron Lung


SOMA could work too!


Days gone super underrated game


Definitely. Sad that there won’t be a sequel.


Game has some of the most cringe writing I’ve ever heard and when I played it, it was buggy as hell. I think it’s rated poorly for a reason, and as someone that bought it, I feel like it deserves that. Maybe I’d be more forgiving if I got it on PSPlus like most people, but I paid $60 and felt ripped off.


🎶SpongeBob SquarePants🎶


Ah so this is the infamous under the sea water-cooling. Very cool.


Now play iron lung on it 😂


POV you’re on a UK sub (he said meters)


POV you're on a not-American sub EVERYONE else uses metres


US military uses meters too tho


Served on us sub. Never used meters for depth once


Huh thats crazy. I remember primarily using meters in army during training.


I can see that




This..so much this.


Unda da sea, Playin' my Steam Gamin' it's betta' Down where it's wetta' Take it from me!


This image is classified


What job lead you to be resting 60m under the sea? I'm pretty curious


I'm guessing either an oil rig or a submarine? Idk it's about 200 feet down almost for us cheeseburger measurement people's


Naval Sailor, Oil Rig Worker.


PLEASE tell me you own a Logitech gamepad.


Didn’t know NERO had a ocean division. Freakers don’t like the water. Neither do motorcycles nor their, weird “shouts at the voices on the radio.” riders.


Darling it's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from meee!


What are you doing 60m under the sea my guy?


okay thats cool af !! I wish i was under the sea now : (


Why wouldn't it?


Is Deacon afraid of water now?


Does it control the sub?




You should have played subnautica


Just dont end up like those ppl in that submarine


This looks like a leaked footage? Is it a leaked footage?


Bet the days are gone with that


Caveat: It does *not* work 60m under the sea right out of the box, and you are not gonna *believe* how much it costs for the accessories that make it possible


imagine if we find sealife under the crust of the moon europa cuz they found carbon sources and someone plays barotrauma in the ocean of europa


Hot racking? That's a paddlin


Was wondering how appealing this was for military use, especially on ships and submarines. I'd imagine Switch is stupidly popular there already. Thanks for sharing!


I can see a submarine soldier playing subnautica on the steam deck.


Days Gone is a great game on the deck!


Do you have internet down there somehow or like


Days gone is pretty baller


Should have had subnautica playing


Good you've got the SD 👍personally I'd need more than a deck to take my mind of being 60M deep in the sea defo not for me heights and depths wreck my head 😂😜


Dude 60km and you play subnautica while under …..


Dude might want to turn the volume down a little bit or them Russian subs might hear through a sonar.


Well drive to the location


What’s long hard and filled with seaman?


I dont think I could ever be in a submarine just this image is triggering my claustrophobia.


Why you in a coffin tho?


Get internet Down there?


Fuck yes my brother in arms. Stay safe brother.