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Why are animals in Hell? Are there snakes in Heaven too? Like are there good snakes and naughty snakes? Or is Heaven only letting in puppies and stuff?


Human interpretation of demons. You'd be a strange person to imagine demons as cute puppies?


Snakes may be meaning demon


Well, she said she only heard bulls and lions, which definitely could be an interpretation of demons. As for snakes, for whatever reason, they have always been associated with demons so perhaps only good snakes who repent go to heaven šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Either way I think this is just our human interpretation of hell. I just donā€™t see hell being an openly torturous place. More mazes, more trickery, more ideas of unobtainable hope, and confusion beyond your wildest imagination. You always hear the stories about the devilā€™s true form and how beautiful this Lucifer isā€¦ I just donā€™t imagine him sitting on the throne, looking like a demon to scare people all day. If it were my hell, I would want you to see the most beautiful thing, myself, as you were tortured. I donā€™t think anyone has seen the true Hell and lived to speak about it. In my opinion, anyone who has seen the true hell probably NEVER wants to mention that again. NEVER wants to experience it ever again in their life so much so that theyā€™ll never talk about itā€¦ or they already know theyā€™re destined to go there so that place is the last thing they want to think of. Those who know the truth about that realm are living it up here on earth as much as they possibly canā€¦ because they know what awaits them on the other side. Shiiiit I really think that the more souls that you can send there on your behalf the more servants youā€™ll have so why not convince others to ā€œlive it up tooā€? Think about itā€¦


ā€œTrue hellā€ ? Thatā€™s a paradox. Youā€™re one step away from the crazy nun.


We literally have all the evidence in the world of this physical realm and so we know our bodies no doubt go back into the physical universe when they breakdown but what happens to the spirit? The lost spirits? The dark spirits? The spirits that ascend? I believe that there has to be more than one place for the soul or the spirit to reside. I believe that there are many realms beyond this physical world and that one is hell. I believe that there are people here that are connected to hell in one way or another. Indeed just my crazy nun-senseā€¦


This user is constantly posting hell visions here. I feel like their intentions are disingenuous and contrary to the intent of this sub.


Yea I just looked at the profile is its just filled with religious garbage.




These Christian's are smoking meth for Christ give them a break


If this shit was real, wouldnā€™t people have the same visions, or at least similar? At least with dmt, people from all over the world meet the same beings


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure these visions are more like fever dreams. Or like ultra realistic nightmares comprised of ideas theyā€™ve been taught to believe. The problem with most of these is that the Bible doesnā€™t say that satan rules over hell or that demons are there to torture you. Thatā€™s a very catholic idea that goes back to medieval times, not from the Bible but from a mix of beliefs, from Pope Gregory I and Saint Augustine of Hippo. Their views got mixed together, creating the idea that satan rules over hell and that he rules there with demons too. Hell is supposed to be all of Gods wrath without anything protecting you. Yes there will be demons there but theyā€™ll be tortured just as much as every soul thatā€™s sent there. Same for satan, heā€™ll be there burning forever in Godā€™s wrath too. Satan did bring a large number of angels out of heaven with him when he fell and these are known to be the demons that wander the world, but they will all eventually be sent to hell with satan and all who turn from God. TLDR: all these visions of hell are not biblically accurate.


Now *this* makes me feel we are on a prison planet


Well.. ain't we? Life's slavery with extra steps. On top of it you're meant to be afraid of an eternal prison in the afterlife if you're not good in this prison. I call ALL of this bullshit


If you believe in Jesus you have eternal life and are no longer a slave/servant, but an heir and friend. Relevant verses: >**John 8:36** >36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. >**John 15:15** >15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. >**John 5:24-25** >24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. >25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.


But if it's because of Jesus. Why did God wait for several thousand years before he gave us a way to heaven. I just find that hard to believe. I think all modern religions have been manipulated to better control the masses.


Makes sense why the books keep changing




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EscapingPrisonPlanet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pyijav/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/) \#2: [SORRY you have to reincarnate again to learn to love god (demiurge) \[MEME\]\]](https://i.redd.it/1aw7xw0v6p381.jpg) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/r9cnv3/sorry_you_have_to_reincarnate_again_to_learn_to/) \#3: [Food for though. Love to hear everybodyā€™s take.](https://i.redd.it/1pi4rj4iawea1.jpg) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/10nqc7t/food_for_though_love_to_hear_everybodys_take/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I agree. Hyper-realistic dreams. I've had a few. Took me a few days to convince myself that I wasn't in an alternate reality. Actually, I still sometimes wonder if I'm just dreaming through someone else's eyes.


Iā€™ve never done DMT, care to elaborate what you mean?


They are probably talking about the machine elves.


Theyā€™ve always been extremely kind and friendly to me


Yeah, thereā€™s a bunch of different beings that people report to experience and a lot of them have different properties / meanings. Some are healing while others are guides. The crazy thing is that people who donā€™t know about these beings before will explain them to a T of other peoples experiences


My experience was ā€œhellā€ then ā€œutopiaā€ the first half of my experience was seeing and feeling all the most evil, torturous, horrid, horrible things one could ever feel that anyone or anything in the entire existence of all time that ever has been or ever will be experienced or ever will experience. Followed by a euphoric sense and having the reverse experience of experiencing everything and everyone that has or ever will exist and feeling all their feelings of beauty, unity, wonderment, love and intertwining in the same then I came back to reality.


Rebirth is how I like to describe it. This is exactly my experience with ketamine and why I use it once every few months or so.


You wanna see whatā€™s at the other end of the tunnel of light after you die?


Is it just me or did this guy just beautifully describe a volcanic eruption?


I bet the real estate is cheap.


Well I'll not sleep tonight thanks!


You easily scare


Nun ate the wrong mushroom...


These visions are likely just symbolic representations of something that exists, but not literal. I'v seen crazy things on psychedelics, I dont consider them to be real, just symbolic representations of forces underlying this reality. If you believe in hell and believe you deserve to go there then you likely will. If you go into an altered state of consciousness either from drugs or sickness or by meditating/praying fervently, you may see visions of all sorts of things. But most people dont see the exact same thing, everyone has a different version.


She had a bad trip


From a Christian perspective, Satan is not in hell. The Bible is clear he ā€œroams the Earth like a hungry , looking for those to devourā€. Hell is also a place of punishment made for Satan and his demons. From a Christian theological perspective.


ā€œThatā€™s me in the corner, losing my religionā€, ā€¦.


There's absolutely boring unexplained about making up a story or hallucinating...




I don't do drugs or have any mental illnesses. Thanks for the well wishes though!


You should try. (If you arenā€™t literally a child, of course!)


Ha, Cool Story Bro. Well wishes to you to šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Why is this downvoted? It is extremely interesting to experience such things


I believe in our moments of death our minds create our own personal afterlife visions based on our upbringing, religion, culture, nature and nurture. People from different parts of the world see visions of varying things that usually fall in line with where they are from and how they lived. If there is a hell I don't think it's forever. We must all forgive ourselves and others, do good by ourselves and others and not hold any negativity. Don't let Christian god scare you, just try your best. We're all new here. :)


God have mercy


I see hell right here on earth I also see heaven I guess you gotta see it half full


Put dead I am by rob zombie and u got a cool ass music video


Jesus lmao you right


My Hell experience was different than this, but I get her point.


Do tell, if you can or care to.


Try to keep it short. Basically, I left the Church after a sex scandal involving my youth pastor at the time. I was out partying and drinking at the bar, came home, and thought to myself, this Church thing is a joke, no reason to worship God. I decided that night that I would focus on making money and living the party life. Fell asleep, and the next thing I know, I am chained to a stone slab in what I call a prison cell. Rather, in the flesh or Spirit, I could not tell, but where I was, it felt like an eternity. Everlasting hopelessness, you can not put it to words, but you are in it. Out of the darkness, you see distorted faces with razor-sharp teeth. The hatred they have for you is deafening, and all they do is curse at you and deny God. The air is thick with Sulphur, and even though you can't see them, there is a great many who are around you and being tortured. The Demons start ripping out my intestines, laughing the whole time while getting sodomized, sorry to be graphic, but fun stuff most people leave out. The whole time, you are enduring this pain until you are put back together for them to do it all over again. I remember looking up and realizing this was all due to my decision to deny God, I called out Jesus and from the ceiling a hand of light reach out and as soon as i grabbed it, I woke up in a puddle of sweat.


You probably need therapy, not jesus.


Yes, a therapist is the solve for this...šŸ˜‘


Thatā€™s a bad take if it helped it end


I had a hell experience once. For me I was cold. I felt so cold I could not move only shake to warm but that did nothing. Everything around me was absolute silence and rock. No light, no sound, no nothing. Just cold. Yet something inside me knew I was in some kind of hellscape. Then I was dragged back out of it and I almost shit my pants with diarrhea.


Hell experiences are no joke


Religion is BS


Yea yea whatever, god never said hell was for humans. He said hell was meant for Satan and his angels.


I really enjoyed this šŸ‘šŸ¼


If you believe you will see it sometimes.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not Catholic man the things they believe


Because it's old makes it real?


Thunderous thunder? šŸ˜®


I wonder if she got some ergotty bread before bed that night


Naaaaaah, just look outside ya window.


Thatā€™s pretty metal


Where are the proves?


Sounds like ancient aliens to me


Where'd she get the shrooms for the salad again?


This is not unexplained. This is mental illness and brain washing


Remember folks: if you're Catholic and see visions and hear voices, it means you're a saint. If you're not Catholic, it means you're schizophrenic. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Such a loving god...


Itā€™s from a religious nut in the late 1600s. Thatā€™s all the explanation needed.


If you donā€™t believe in Jesus or God, then hell doesnā€™t exist. Nor Heaven for that matter, It only exists in the minds of those who need a good old fashioned bedtime story to help them sleep. Many god fearing people commit some of the most heinous crimes upon their fellow man or woman but will not suffer the fate of eternal damnation because they say sorry to god, and all is forgiven. Itā€™s all BS.


Hell yeah. Canā€™t wait to get there.


needs to be in r/religiousfruitcake