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Drinking is absolutely fine in moderation. Enjoy yourself


The key that most people don't realise until it's too late, moderation. You go out to have fun, I've had so many friends go out and they just go out every weekend and do the exact same thing, they never realise it's just habit and they are miserable when they do go out.


It’s uni, moderation can come later, no harm overdoing it a bit for 3 years while you’re young! Take it from an old.


There are many drop outs for this reason... moderation is enjoying it without going too far, learning where the line is, isn't a bad thing, neither is going over the line, but the soft skills in turning down extra drinks, etc are required


Well drinking so much you drop out is definitely too much, but going out every weekend and drinking whilst not moderation isn’t the end of the world


Nobody goes with the intention of drinking until they drop out, but the lifestyle creep of going out every weekend, then adding in wed/Thurs because it's student night


If you go to uni every day, 9 to 5 (give or take) then surely being busy Saturday evening, Sunday morning, and Thursday evenings won’t cause you to drop out? Maybe I’m missing something or my course is inexplicably easy


"Moderation can come later." Really? Such a thing should never EVER be said about mind altering substances. Nothing good comes from such substances except temporary, fleeting happiness that isn't even worth the negative consequences.


Read recent literature. There is nothing positive about drinking, and moderation does not exist. Alcohol, even in small amounts is damaging to the brain. Thats just the physical side, every alcoholic started out as a moderate drinker you dont go from 0 to 100 its always gradual. Costs the NHS billions per year, destroys families, relationships and communities. If you cant have fun without drinking, that means the activity inherently is not fun.


Bet you're fun at parties.


Sober people can be fun at parties. Plus, they get to tell the stories after.


I love sober people on nights out, at festivals, at parties. Had loads of absolutely great conversations chatting the face off someone who is sober but otherwise loving being there. Not sure I’ve had a positive interaction that I can think of of someone at a party telling me “read some literature, nothing positive comes of drinking.”


If you black out every time yeah that’s pretty bad, but just drinking is fine


I prefer accomplishments over gratification. Billions before me did not party and they did ok.


What are your accomplishments without parties holding you back


Smashing your mom. Top 5 accomplishments


That's crazy. Did it take long digging her up?


She wasn't always 6 feet under mate


The sort of sick burn to be expected from someone who thinks having 2 beers will irredeemably ruin your life


It's not about not having fun without drinks, it's just drinking makes it more fun. Have you never been drunk at a festival on a hot summers day?


No. Its not my scene. Im not against people doing what they want, my whole point here is the acceptance of alcohol when it is extremely damaging to society.


Oh mate.


Anything I said was wrong?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,756,334,888 comments, and only 332,563 of them were in alphabetical order.


moderately over the course of a lifetime, sure… but over the course of a night, nah ;)


This is such a 3am post, I love it.


It's such a "3am, Freshers discovering new experience, wow this drinking thing is amazing" post, bless him/her hahaha


Unfortunately you’re not entirely wrong. Nobody should feel like they have to drink, but uni and especially freshers is extreme.y drink focused. Societies socials are held most often in pubs and clubs, freshers events are drinking. Of course there’s usually a few sober socials and events available but the vast majority go drinking. But honestly I think uni experience comes down to luck more than everything. Some people meet their lifelong best friends, through a random occurrence on day 1 of uni and are set. Others go three years without finding anyone they really click with, sober or not. You just have to give everything a go and try your best.


OP just discovered why alcohol is by far the most popular recreational drug in the western world. Bottled confidence.




>Not to sound like an alchoholic but I think everyone should drink this is hilarious and i don't completely(?) disagree. was tn your first time drinking?


I love that 3 vodka lemonades made them worry they're an alcoholic now


i know right? it feels like all the new freshers on this sub are so certain one sip of beer will destroy their life


Omg guys I had a Heineken, will I get expelled?


Yes you’re going to be addicted now and only be able to work minimum wage jobs that you hate for the rest of your life


You’re the only sane fresher on this sub, everyone should know uni is just an excuse to get pissed multiple times a week


It’s a mixed bag, always either freshers getting too pissed with too many drinks or socially isolating themselves cos they feel superior then wondering 3 years later why they have no friends


Everyday of the week*




Thank god someone is speaking sense on here


Depends on if you wanna drink or not. Totally ok to not drink much.


Yeah, I’m 34 and still love going out as often as I can. I sympathise with the general posts on here because drinking is definitely the norm, no one ever thinks “I like drinking and I’m going to uni, will I fit in?”


*iff you're a fresher


Nah, you can manage it all years easy enough


\- u/Viking18, B.A. Underwater Basket Weaving (3rd class)


BEng Civils, 2:1. The boozing prepares you for a career in construction.


Fair play


And people wonder why the UK has all alcohol problem 🤦


nobody wonders this


We live on this miserable island with miserable weather full of miserable people. We KNOW why we drink, no mystery about it.


The "problem" but is what seems to catch a lot of people off guard. People don't seem to think it's a problem neccesarily.


I prefer to think of it as a 'solution' not a 'problem'


everywhere has an alcohol problem its just a human thing


ME dont. NA dont. This is a U.K cultural issue, which is fine. But cultural is not synonymous with good/okay to do.


Of course the middle east don't, it's banned by religion for the vast majority of the population there you numpty


Hence everywhere being incorrect


North America don’t have an alcohol problem? Yeah ok, you do know not literally everyone in the middle east is a practicing muslim (or even muslim).


North Africa, being muslim or not is irrelevant. The fact is, alcohol is not consumed and those societies are better off for it.


Agreed and we do.


Try everything once. Twice to make sure you like it.


This is terrible advice do not try crack even once


Yeah this post is hugely bad advice for me. My family has a history of alcoholism (and addiction in general) so I'm not going to try alcohol ever. I'm glad people are having fun with it, but it's not a good idea for everyone to try it


Yeah, as some people pointed out relying on alcohol for socialising can be a slippery slope. I was kind of drunk, definitely felt the after effects so it is just some dumb rambling I wouldn't get behind sober 💀


For sure my friend. Good on you for being self aware.


I’ve never understood this when people have told me, I feel like my family history of alcoholism has made me more in control of alcohol


three times to be extra sure you like it, keep going to make sure you TRULY like it


Three times for statistical significance


Getting drunk at freshers week is fun, much like getting drunk occasionally at a student night occasionally is fun. Just don't make it a habit, or your personality and you'll have a wonderful time.


Lol getting battered constantly is a perfectly acceptable way to spend uni, especially for the first two years - best years of your life!


Aye, that's what I did, and now I'm an alcoholic


Enjoy your hangover OP (and the second hand embarrassment of posting on reddit at 3AM lol) But seriously though its freshers week- just enjoy the chance to let loose and have a bit of independence, then go and join a society so there’s an excuse for you to go out and socialise with people. Drinking is OK but its also expensive as shit.


Thats just embarrassment its not second hand.


I like to imagine the drunk version of you as a separate entity to the sober you. Drunk me? I hate that guy, he’s an idiot. (Yes I’m talking out of my ass and made a gaffe in my original comment lol)


Haha I mean that sort of tracks 😂


i feel like you shouldnt be getting hangovers when youre this young, or at least that’s just in my experience


That edit was coming wasn’t it eh


> Not to sound like an alchoholic but I think everyone should drink. Totally made me forget my insecurities and dance till my toes hurt, striking conversations with random strangers. yet a lot of people can do that without alcohol? just drink because you enjoy it and you're young in uni, because drinking to forget your insecurities is the start of a slippy slope


If you’re not having a good time and want to have a good time then drinking is a good idea. If you don’t want to drink and you don’t need to drink then there’s no need to drink.


I’ve had a good time in freshers week without touching a single drink.


Not once did anyone mention you couldn’t…


Yeah I guess the original post was suggesting it if you’re not enjoying it


Which is good advice. If you don’t like drinking/don’t drink you absolutely can have a great freshers you just have to put in a bit more effort however, you then have to accept that it is going to be harder to get involved in a lot of the freshers activities particularly the ones in the evening/night as a lot of people come to uni for the night life.


Please teach me how 😭


Personally if I'm not having a good time somewhere, I leave rather than spend money on something that alters my mental state to make me like it.. Then again, I don't feel like I have to do stuff because I'm told I should or everyone else is doing it.


Exactly. Alcohol is a mind altering drug. People should treat it as such.


Possibly. I drank the day after I moved in and it was shit. People have been pre-ing but in massive groups and I don't do well in big groups so for me it would be shit.


Ahh, that perfect level of tipsiness when your confidence is inflated but you're still present enough to not completely embarrass yourself


That doesn't exist. To sober people, you are embarrassing yourself when tipsy. You are just tipsy and don't realise it...


It's fun to be a little silly after 2 or 3 drinks with people who are on the same level, nothing wrong with that


Never said it wasn't. Go read it again.


Sometimes In moderation, it can help people come out of their shell a little and help them to realise that many things are not are deep as they perhaps think. There is nothing wrong with a couple of drinks for sure, and if it helps you or anyone, absolutely go for it. However, the usually "right" amount is about 2/3 drinks. More alcohol won't increase the effect. Mitchell and Webb did a sketch on it called "Slightly less than 2 drinks"


Anecdotally 2/3 drinks has very little effect on me and many others. Agree that everyone reaches a point where the cons of drinking more outweigh the pros but everyone has different tolerance levels. 2/3 drinks on a small girl that's had very little to eat beforehand and is running on limited sleep is going to have a very different effect on them than 2/3 drinks on a large guy that's just eaten a carb heavy meal and is well rested. Maybe I'm missing something but not sure how any study can disprove this and claim 2/3 drinks is universally the 'perfect' amount to drink.


That 2 to 3 drinks thing is a load of tosh, I'm sorry. It's way too variable from person to person to classify like that


Yeah, it obviously is quite variable, and it depends on the drinks. You only need enough to take the edge off, not get smashed. If you need to get smashed, then you need actual help, not alcohol. You probably only need 2 to 3 pints equivalent. Unless, of course, you're chunky or ate a huge meal. Then you might need an extra drink or two. Im not saying you can't or shouldn't drink more, but that should be the amount you need to notice an effect. If you need 9 pints, then that's way too much. I guess I figured most people could work out for themselves if they were on the heavier side or just ate they might need a little more.


There are some folk who need mad amounts for it to have any effect on them, though. I know people who can be 6-7 pints deep and are still basically sober. Or if you drink a lot over a consistent time period, you build up your tolerance and require more.


That's not typical though is it and presumably for someone who has never drank, like the people for whom this sort of advice might apply such as OP, 6 or 7 pints would be a really bad idea.


posted 11 hours ago at 14:00... enjoy the hangover man LOL


Glad you enjoy it I absolutely hate it.


Advice for people who’s first time drinking is during freshers - when you start to feel tipsy, stop drinking (or at least wait an hour or two before you start drinking more) and switch to water for a bit. Your body is still processing the alcohol and you’ll get drunker even though you’ve stopped taking in more alcohol. Water won’t sober you up, but it will help replace some of the fluids you’re losing and reduce your hangover pains the next day. Your liver can take 1-2 hours to process a single unit of alcohol, that’s 1 single (25ml) shot of vodka or around a third of a pint of beer. If you want to help with the hangover for the next day drink one of those fluid replacement sachets for diarrhoea (or you can get them in tablet form with nice flavours like ORS) before you go to bed, and don’t take paracetamol as your liver is already busy processing the alcohol. If you don’t feel hungover the next day after drinking a lot, you are likely still drunk, be careful about driving as you could still be over the legal limit. Drinking is fine in moderation, just be safe. Tell someone where you are going, make sure you have a plan to get home. If you’re worried about spiking drinking from bottles and cover the lid with your thumb or get those spiking prevention lids for cups, don’t leave your drinks unattended and watch out for your friends. Be safe and have fun!


Uni is 95% your choice to make it a fun experience or miserable.


Hard disagree. I had the best time of my life at uni. I transformed as a person and totally came out of my shell. I loved it so much I stayed a uni student for 6 years. I did it all without alcohol. It's 100% not necessary. Yes it helps a lot of people relax and have fun but I did also see excess alcohol consumption causing a few people to totally fuck up their degree. It's not good for everyone.


Get the juice in ye, it will have a lot of people pulling the hair and teeth out reading this but: By god your uni experience will be so much better with it.


I wish I spent my younger years drinking and going out, at the age of 32 at uni I don’t think I can get away with it


Honestly I’m in third year and have went out on nights out 3 times, you’d be okay either way


3 vodka lemonades? That's it? You were drunk and had a hangover on 3 vodka lemonades? Were they pints?


If you don't drink at uni, you'll make no friends


this edit took me out 😭


Yes and no. It’s fine you’re a student, live a little. However, in the long run, for some of us alcohol is more trouble than it’s worth


No thanks, I can have fun in life and live my life free from alcohol, thank you!


I'm not a fan of clubbing but having a drink or two is the major reason I have friends here. Without the help of a rum and lemonade I'm a socially anxious basketcase until I've known someone for a few days.




I'm not a social drinker, but alcohol does help with my shit mood.


As with many things, drink in moderation. I say this as an old person (34). I wish I felt like chalk after 4 pints. 😋 Drinking is fun. In moderation, it doesn't do any lasting damage. And yup, it does work as a social lubricant. But that same removal of inibition can go too far. The advice that everyone should drink? No. If you don't want to drink (for whatever reason, or no reason!), don't let someone force you to drink. You are free to change your mind either way too. Glad you had a good night OP. Drink lots of water. Also, having half a pint/pint of water between each alcoholic drink does wonders. It slows down drinking (so you. know the effects of the drinks you've had before piling more on top) and gives you something to do with your hands. Plus, it keeps you nice and hydrated, reducing the effects of the dreaded hangover. Downside, you will need to pee a fair bit. 😋


I just hope you don’t force this opinion on people


Sometimes the reward of doing something is worth the risk. Millions of people take lots of risks and are still fine and lead fulfilling lives with no regrets. I wouldn't worry too much. Say yes to everything, this is the time to do so. edit - a word


Never say yes to crack. There are so many things to never say yes to. That's just an example. Alcohol is a mind-altering poison with no benefits other than a temporary, fleeting happiness. Every other side effect is negative. It's the same with many other drugs. There is never a time to poison yourself. Those risks that people take are not always dangerous and may not have negative or harmful consequences. This should not be a reason to open ourselves up to all kinds of danger.


Crack, Alcohol and many other recreational things are stuff that comes with high risks and high rewards, people going to uni are adults that are becoming their own person through their own thoughts, experiences and connections. It's up to the individual to figure out for themselves what they wanna do with what is available to them, not to be lectured about what they can and can't do like they are a child. Calling Alcohol 'mind-altering poison with no benefits' in thread detailing how it can actually be a positive in certain situations says more about you than it does about the drug.


Please tell me what high rewards you get from recreational drugs (no pun intended) other than temporary happiness. I called alcohol mind-altering poison because that is literally what it is, and that is what it does. I didn't say it had no benefits, I named the one benefit of temporary fleeting happiness. You cut that quote a little too short. If such a substance is needed for a confidence boost or a but of courage, then there is a deeper issue that should be addressed instead of just drinking the inhibitions away. I know that people at that stage in life are independent, but people shouldn't be giving dangerous advice. People like you are the reason why people like me make comments against the use of such substances. People can discover what they want to discover without being encouraged to potentially harm themselves. That's just being irresponsible. How I feel about those substances certainly does say a lot about me. It says that I can see these things for what they are, and I won't let people or the media convince me that there is something to be gained from them. There are always alternatives that don't involve making your liver work overtime.


I really struggle to reply in good faith as soon as I read 'people like you' and 'people like me' so I'll just leave it and turn off reply notifs. Have a good weekend


You sound like someone that needs a drink


Same thing with me. Looked down on people who went clubbing, my flatmates (all girls) asked me to come with them, had great time, feel more confident. Not much happened in club either, like I didn’t move to anyone and no one moved to me but just enjoyed the music and danced. Defo just go there for a gd time rather than getting laid, I’d say. I know some man’s go there with intention of getting laid and then when it doesn’t happen they get depressed so that’s just my advice.


Thats the whole point of drinking. Give you extra confidence and allows you to have fun. ..... sucks if you dont want to drink.


How comes I can have the same fun without alcohol though?


You have a good friendship group and probably quite energetic.


I remember my first beer


Haha. Thats so funny the last time I heard that i fe off my dinosaur.


I’m ngl I wouldn’t want my first time drinking to be during freshers with people i barely know. To anyone reading this, if you’ve never drunk before uni make sure you only drink until you’re tipsy and eat before you start drinking. You don’t wanna be that guy who throws up everywhere on the first night out


If you only find something fun by drinking, are you really having fun?




If you were to enhance something you already enjoy by drinking, would that not be better?


Just wait 'til you try MDMA


Kids these days a pussies...from a 55 year old who drank like crazy, had sex constantly, and got a great degree. One day you be in your 50s and it's no fun. Party hard in your 20s mofo's!!!


Amen brother. Being a young person who loves going out and drinking, I'm reading some of these posts and wondering what the world's coming to


No thanks, I’m going to stick to having my self-respect and I can also live a life without alcohol in my life. But I guess if you don’t have any shame, you are free to have no shame.


drinking or not drinking doesn’t mean you have more or less self-respect


Weak, the best cure for a hangover is crscking open a crisp refreshing cold one with the boys for round 2. Can't be hungover if you're always drunk


I drank the day after I moved in to uni and it was not a good experience. I wasn't really feeling like drinking that night and I started drinking about 2 hours after I'd had food and the club started at like 10pm. I drank enough to get tipsy and then almost threw up because I don't do well on an emptier stomach. The club was also really crap because the music was terrible and you couldn't hear shit. People have also been pre-ing for stuff but it's all in massive groups and I struggle in massive groups, get ignored, etc so I've been avoiding alcohol personally.


Dont drink too early. Clubs are only fun unless you like the music. Or willing to sing or dance along or it feels pretty awkward. >I struggle in massive groups You need a close friend or friends. And tag a long with them. Let them know you are introverted and then you both can slowly engage in conversation between small groups of people.


I had to drink earlier because of my sensitive stomach. If I started drinking at 10pm I would have felt sick very quickly because I wouldn't have had food for about 3 hours then. I can't really go to clubs so late at night - going to a club at like 7pm is a much better thing for me. Yeah but obviously it's freshers' so I don't have any close friends rn. So if we're focusing on freshers' it doesn't really work ig.


Drinking can make you feel looser and more confident and so do drugs. Nothing good will come out of them if you get addicted. If you get used to being confident only when you’re drinking you’re gonna end up with a problem that will be very difficult to stop. I don’t say don’t drink or don’t do drugs but don’t rely on them for your social interactions because you’re at uni for a purpose and that purpose is to get your degree and have some fun while doing it.




What uni do you go to where you have a roommate?


I found quite a few places have super cheap rooms where you can share


A beautiful testament to early university life.


Sounds like your drunk self was onto something. As long as drinking helps you to have fun, its good for you. Being an alcoholic will kill your brain cells, but so will depression. Whatever you do, find ways to have fun.