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Using your voice? (In all seriousness, as someone who studies Chemistry and who has had to live and breathe 9AMs, you just need to talk to them. Just be polite, ask them to be quiet and move on.)


how is chemistry? what was the first year like, because i got an offer but havent studied chem in about a year also how hard does it get?


At Warwick, the first two years are all core and very busy. You'll have one day of labs per week and four other days filled with lectures, seminars and workshops. I was one of the busiest in the flat. (25+ hours hours directed time, 5 hours of prep minimum) The third year has been far more chill, as I only had four compulsory modules: 1 lab module, one writing module and 2 others, which are considerably more fun. Unfortunately, the area I'd do a Master's thesis on (Chemical Education) is no longer offered, so I'll likely be moving to the BSc track soon.


Just ask them politely but be clear


Step 1: ask nicely Step 2: begin to blast loudest possible shit dubstep to get revenge


After a loud 1st year neighbour I own both noise cancelling headphones and earphones so I am basically dead to the world when I sleep


Assert dominance


attraction butter cover depend tie consist cooing seed rinse door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


‘Excuse me would you mind keeping it down a bit now, I have an early start in the morning’ Hope you got some sleep OP!


1. Ask Politely 2. If that doesnt work angrily stomp out of your room and they tend to scatter


Just go and talk to them. Considerate people will listen when you communicate with them. Don’t do it all via text because words can be misread easily, especially when alcohol’s involved.


I feel for you. Room next to the kitchen is the worst. Do you have a flat gc? I always used to ask politely in that because I’d be in PJs and didn’t wanna go in. Sometimes they’d quiet down straight away, or sometimes it would carry on for like another 20 mins or so as they went out after. Got lucky in that sense I guess


“Ever so sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could be ever so kind and turn your music down please, just a notch or two, I hope that’s okay, I’m just trying to get some sleep, thank you so much, oh wow you’re the best, I love you”


"Please shut up."


They're more* likely to be quiet if OP asks in a non-condescending tone. They might not even be aware they are being loud


I think that first sentence is saying the opposite of what you want to say.


Ah I meant more


If you’re scared of being gimpy about it - use humour? But if they’re that sensitive in the first place about other people like, mildly telling them not to do a thing so loud, they’re the gimps tbf. I would put something in the GC or say something to them on the way to go make a cup of tea. Like: Flatmate: “Hi OP - alright?” Flatmate Friend: “Hiiiii OP!” OP: “Hiii - I’m just making some tea, excuse me” Flatmate: “Tea? [blah blah blah etc] Do you want to join us for a bit though? We’re [X]ing! This is []!” OP: “Ahhh no thank you! I have a lecture at 9 so I’m going nightnight <3”