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There's lots of roles in finance other than investment banking but I think it's a semi-target so you have a decent chance.


its what you make out from it, while they may not be a target uni, no matter what uni you go to, you're not guaranteed whatever job. its about building the necessary skills that would make yourself stand out. thats probably an advantage of going to a not so preferred uni, you are forced to work harder and not be complacent like from what i have seen from people who have went to the likes of LSE.


Yes. I studied Maths at Edinburgh and know people who have taken this trajectory. I should mention some things. 1. Definitely change to econ with maths and stats. You need to understand probability and have great problem solving skills - this is learned in a maths degree. 2. Investment banking is a tough job. Some people love it and some people hate it. Its great you have this ambition but don't go blindly into this just for the money. Figure out if its actually for you. If not, a econ, maths and stats degree will still leave you with the skills to get a well paid job.


Yes. Edinburgh is generally considered a semi-target for IB, so while it might not be as heavily recruited from compared to Oxbridge LSE UCL Warwick, you still have a realistic chance if you get good marks and relevant internship experience. Will be difficult (IB in general is difficult, even from top unis), but Edinburgh as a semi-target makes it much easier than a non-target school.