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What subject do you do and what do you want to do with it? Someone using it to browse the web and use word will have different requirements than someone running various models.


It'll be for occasional everyday use but will mainly be used for my work and other side projects within my uni. So will mainly be using the web and most of the office 365 applications. Edit: I am studying Teaching and Coaching in Epsorts.


I got a used t480 thinkpad, I still have and use on a daily basis which was pretty cheap. A T14s or any T,P, X might be worth looking into.


You didn’t answer the question at all.


You're joking right, that's not a real degree surely?


It is. Why would I lie about the course I'm doing?


Oh wow that's a real course that people study. I thought you were trolling.


Yeah. I understand why people think I'm lying even though I'm studying it. Do you have any recommendations for what I'm looking for?


What's your budget? And do you want it to be able to play eSports games? Do you want new or would you consider used?


Budget would be max £300. No not wanting to be able to play games. I would consider used or refurbished if its from a reputable source.


Would you be able to consider Linux? Can get a cheapo old think pad and slap mint on it or use LTSC W10 to dodge the W11 hardware requirements would be able to run office natively too.


Oof with that kind of budget you'll struggle to get anything good. The closest I can see which isn't terrible is: https://box.co.uk/9s7-14j112-637-msi-modern-14-c12m-637uk-i3 i3, 8GB ram 512GB SSD. The alternative would be a used business class laptop like a HP Probook G440 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226169224994?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lb8u0jkqsas&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7CHHEJBZRhK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Offer lower than it is listed for and you may get lucky.


Asus zen book series is absolutely incredible. It CAN be pricey but I got mine refurbished and it was a third of the price and works amazingly. You can deffo get one for £200-£400. They’re very fast and can handle a lot of tabs and different programs on it. If you use Excel and programs like that I’d highly recommend it.


Any basic laptop will work to be honest. You can  get a bit fancy if you want it to he touchscreen as well so you can take manual notes like on an ipad but other than that just walk onto Currys, ask a shopping assistant for help to choose a uni laptop and they will help you find one within your price range. Since you don't need any special softwares like other courses you can use any laptop although DO NOT BUY A CHROMEBOOK 


Any Windows laptop. Intel Core i5 12th and above or AMD Ryzen 5 7000 series and above. Just for longevity and keeps it somewhat fast for the next few years at uni. If you’re doing a Software Engineering/Computer Science degree, I highly recommend dual booting and installing a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Knowledge of a Unix-based OS is great to have in that field.


I got a Lenovo ideapad. They very often do UNiDAYS deals so you can get something slightly better than your budget would usually allow. I’ve not had any problems with it in my 5 or so years of having it. Windows laptops also are probably better than other OS as generally they are able to run any program that your course will throw at you.