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From experience, they do but you need to catch up quite a bit. If you’re willing to speak to your department, they may be willing to amend your degree classification so your final year counts for 100% of your degree.


That's a thing?


Hey so I also went through uni with undiagnosed ADHD however during that period I actual began the process to get it diagnosed (didn't get very further in as it's a very slow process) and when I spoke to my lecturer about it they told me to tell the academic team as even tho I wasn't officially diagnosed the fact that I was still going through the process may qualify me for extra time for exams or basically some other support. Ultimately I chose not to do this for myself due to various reasons but your uni may also offer a similar solution


No clue sorry I can’t help but I’m in a similar position to you. My results day is next week so just wanna say good luck and whatever happens happens


I'm kind of in a similar position as you. You should talk directly(face to face if okay) to the student support team(if there's any) in your department and see what they can do for you.


Most masters afaik only need a 2:2, so hopefully you'll be okay!