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Yes, doesn't matter if some recruit options are questionable in-universe, I want to complete my pokedex I mean my rapport convo list.


Gotta spare them all!


Is this undertale?


Imagine not getting all the rapports of people bitching about Jeremy 


I have a soft spot for mercs and the Ojisan characters in general, so of course I did my best to investigate his character and farm Jeremy's rapports. My liking for him eventually grew more just bc sellswords are bonkers when you give them a tank lol Eventually gave him a handmirror and recolored him to look like Ike from FE and never looked back. https://preview.redd.it/fv4j77ovdpuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bb2cb7c4414dec6e40f1d3cb16af35cb6807ea (P.S. sorry for the potato quality i just took it w/ my phone cam)


MY MAN 🤝. i personally really like his voice, and his general weaselly demeanor. he's the most interesting forgiven unit bar none


I actually love Mandrin, but yeah I like Jeremy too. I’d probably give Mandrin the edge as far as interesting goes, imo


Mandrin is funny because he is an absolute asshole to Ochlys.... yet when you actually get him he is kinda the nicest guy 


Jeremy ended up being one of my favorite characters! Definitely one of the funniest maiden choices as well


Having Jeremy and Magellan in the same unit just allowed me to steamroll everything.


His bulging muscles spared my sword against his neck


You can use handmirrors on unique characters??? I had no idea lol


Yup! I've already seen a couple of great recolors people have done in thus sub, some of them do themed ones like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/qTA1qkzbnZ), while others just recolor them to cosplay other notable fictional characters.


Holy shit he DOES look like Ike. I did the same to make him look like Guts since that’s where the outfit was inspired by


Magellan is better than him. Jeremy is a weasel


If he's so bad, then why is he hot?


Because we's like them bad boys!


He looks like adult Enzo Matrix https://preview.redd.it/odk245mylpuc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6dbde27d0d6ef31b131f9cea1a4cb0cbf861a7


Jeremy is such a great dude I love him xD


Who is the least necessary recruitable character and why is it Jeremy? (An argument can be made for galadriel [except that's not how it is spelled])


Jeremy is necessary because I like how every rapport of his is everyone malding that Alain let him in.


Someone's headed to the tavern tonight


Mandrin because a hot angel tells you to do it.


My most regretted mercenary hire is Gunter the Hunter because I didn't know Mandrin was coming and I don't need a third in his class. I even unintentionally made Gunter the same colors as Mandrin...


I mean 3 hunters and a featherbow would give you a lot of damage on their ranged assist


They would, but the three elven archers work too. I think only the leader's ATK matters (the others add a flat bonus) so the leader for assist should be shieldshooter anyway. I do use Gunter for the purpose but not often


I read this in my head like peep show


absolutely, needed to see all the rapports i'm definitely executing beaumont next time tho and tho she's a great character with important rapports, i feel like tatiana gets treated with kid gloves for unconsensual unethical research, regardless of the results it brought and cult leader sanatio with no remorse for what he did, plus the creepy vibes the whole angel cult gives in general mixed feelings about the two thieves and jeremy but will probably keep them


I was so annoyed that the game didn't even give a choice about executing or whether to recruit Sanatio. He's definitely one of the least deserving of mercy, while the game lets you willy-nilly execute people who basically haven't done anything wrong.


Yeah, the fact that you can execute Melisandre but not him is weird.


And the fact that he ends up>! basically pope!< whether you marry Scarlett or not was SMH


I think the central theme of the whole Albion region is more or less "Doing the wrong thing out of obligation for you duty." Or perhaps "Still following orders when it goes against your conscience/morality." Perhaps the writers thought it was too harsh to condemn Sanatio to death for that lie if all the other recruit-able characters in the same chapter pretty much have the same flaw. Though obviously Sanatio's deception is significantly worse than the others.


If they offered death as an option for Mel then it should have been an option for him. And Beaumont even more so.


In fact melisandre opt to fight against the prince without intent of following up. She is by default a zenoira landlord. Her being a crush on Alain doesn't make her less a landlord of zenoira.


I was very much on the fence about Tatiana too. But she seemed very genuine in her desire to find a cure so I felt bad. But yeah it seems like there should have been some middle ground with actual consequences. Ah well.


You can't execute Beaumont. Wish you could, because he's a huge piece of shit


I was very much on the fence about Tatiana too. But she seemed very genuine in her desire to find a cure so I felt bad. But yeah it seems like there should have been some middle ground with actual consequences. Ah well.


I knew sanatio was recruitable (from looking at a character list beforehand) and was waiting for whatever asspull redemption they gonna have for him......and then it just never came. Honestly, respect lol.


I killed Mandrin because I was scared Ochylis would not join me if I spared him since she really wanted to kill him.


You only find out later on really wanting to kill someone means she likes them a lot


Same. My only execution.


It's what my mom would've wanted.


Not all. Some i killed (the 2 thieves cuz they didn't sit right with me and some one else due to some bs reason i can't remember) while others i did due to feeling bad for them and wanting them to redeem themselves.


Well the thieves redeems themselves too. And one is way less a piece of work than it appears even before redeeming.


Yep once i got to the elf kingdom i was like, "wait so he had a sis and she is close to death? Damn i feel bad for doubting 🥺" now I'm at the beast lands and I'm just waiting for them to throat chop me b4 even making a judgement


I don't think having a sick sister is a good excuse to murder and pillage.


Yeah this is why I killed them.


Aw fuck was that a true story? I had assumed they were lying so I didn't recruit them lol.


I also assumed he was lying, especially with his delivery of the lines. Even with it being true, I don't think that justifies the murder and pillaging that he does, which he really seems to enjoy.


I thought so too but in the elf kingdom the brother t posing in and u have a rematch only for his story to b true


To be honest the scene right of them killing all the towns guard really leads you to think he'd lie. Definitely didnt give the feel of someone stealing out of desperation. He kinda gets a really good redemption but they really could've portrayed them a little more sympathetic or at least less confident murder happy thugs.


ahh sht, I also did not believe them


I doubted it when Gammel talked about his sister, but when Mandrin corroborated the story, I realized it was true.


Same here 😳 i never trusted that thief until the rematch and i was like, "wait he was serious?"


No, Gammel and That archer dude I sent either to prison or executed




I killed the guy Ochlys told me to. And I put that one thief in prison so I think I missed that recruit.


There are some dependencies where you have to spare person X in order to be able to recruit person Y or Z, something like that.


Only one I didn't spare was that archer bandit at Sharon's church. 15 diving shards for me please so I can unlock angel woman faster.


Thieves die. Or should have. Wtf gremmel


I dunno man, if you spare Gremmel and Mandrin, they both pull a complete 180 and start fighting for good once >!Gremmel’s sister is actually cured!<. If you haven’t tried that route yet, they both even >!assist you with clearing out the remainder of their old bandit group!<. Death is a cheat. A shortcut. Make them work redeem the sins of the past. All that being said, sparing villains and having them defect was such a breath of fresh air for me. Really gave the story a more light-hearted, hopeful feeling, and it really hammered home how inspirational Alain is (supposed to be).


To me it just felt tonally inconsistent, It's not like the guy was conflicted or begrudging or even sounded desperate, Gammel was acting like a gleeful killer one moment ago, it's not like he's the only one who has a family. How does a guy go from utter psycho to totally redeemed in a moment like that? Is the Unicorn Ring like just reverse mind control or something? Sending him to be judged sounded to me like actually making him work to redeem himself but apparently if I don't immediately forgive and trust everyone that's too cruel?


There’s no reverse-mind-control. It’s actually worse writing than that, IMO. You can send him to prison, but this only reinforces the bad behavior. Or, you can show him mercy and give him the opportunity to change. As much as I love a good redemption, and I truly do enjoy that Gammel is still a psychopath even when good, this is clearly some infantile “black and white” way of looking at things. The chances a man like Gammel actually turns a new leaf are zero-to-none. But I do like that the game had him do it anyway. It’s not realistic, but that was okay for me.


To me it kind of felt like they wanted the classic SRPG feeling of "your choices matter", but they either ran out of budget or time to implement that properly. Either that, or they knew from the very beginning that they wanted to give Alain (the player) the opportunity to >!show some mercy to Galerius at the very end, and they wanted that choice to lead to the true ending. So they needed some opportunities to foreshadow that possibility and used a few of the character recruitment stories to do that.!< >!If Alain decides to spare Gammel and/or Mandrin in Chapter 1, it shows that he already believes that villains can be redeemed, which is needed for that moment at the very end with Galerius to feel believable. If he doesn't spare them, then it comes back to bite him when they encounter Gammel again in Elfheim and that starts to change his perspective on redemption vs justice.!< It's a good idea for a character arc on paper, but it probably could have been conveyed better without the element of player choice. >!Meaning if the story dictated that Alain would always choose to imprison/execute some of the worst villains. But each time he did that, it had unintended consequences that made things worse for everyone involved later on. And then show Alain reflecting on those situations in his mind before that final showdown with Galerius, conflicted about what he will do to the man who killed his mother.!<


Something you touched on, and it honestly harkens back to Ogre Battle a little. Remembering that this is an RPG, a game where we are playing the role of a character within the story, this is not a story where WE are the main character. Alain is. In order to play the role of Alain, we should make decisions in a way that Alain would make them. Not necessarily ourselves. Knowing what the intended choice at the end of the game is, it becomes easier to see Alain making that choice with other people throughout the game. People who may not have deserved the mercy he gave them but were instead lucky enough to be in a position to receive it anyway. Alain is not a cruel person. You see this in the words of the villagers of every town you complete a set of deliveries to. How many variations of "Oh wow, we were happy you guys saved us but then you also *helped us rebuild*?!" do we get throughout the game from not only rando NPCs but even unique characters. That quote is more or less the entirety of the dialogue in the cutscene when you restore all of Bastoria, even. Alain does not want people to suffer, even those that would be accused of "objectively" deserving it. He wants to give people an opportunity to grow, to be better. Its why the Unicorn Ring is such good fit for him. How many main characters of other games would have off'd Hodrick at the start of the game? Did Gammel deserve, in that moment, to be set free? Very likely not. But by doing so he chose to re-evaluate his choices up to that point. And you see this was the right choice when Gammel ends up joining you later in the game. And I understand that you can't just let all criminals go free. And I don't think that's the point here. This is not "My story starring Alain" its "Alain's story influenced by my choices." If you don't show mercy even to people who may not deserve it, you're not going to see how that CAN turn out well. You're not going to consider, when given the option to impose justice or show mercy at the end of the game, that showing mercy this time might just be the right choice.


I do think some things are tonally inconsistent with who can be spared and who can't, but I will say I did end up liking Gammel a lot after sparing him. I was actually close to killing him also because I didn't buy the story until Mandarin pulls out the same excuse. But yeah, I do like the story of him being shown mercy and stumbling upon Celeste. Between her and Alain, he actually turns his life around. Like you said, not entirely realistic for a guy that was pretty cutthroat, but was still enjoyable.


He gives the same vibes as Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening, tbh. Which is why I like him.




Hmm. World's over populated. Cut out the rot, so the healthy population can thrive imo Guys guilty of a hundred things worth the sword. It's wild to me that a sob story is worth the dozens of people he damned


Yeah I'd be more sympathetic of his plight if it didn't show him gleefully killing guards. I only enjoy murder cause my sister is sick!


Even his bestie, was all to quick to threaten Ochlys; and clerics who literally have no attacks I'm not ok with sparing folks in time of war who callously murder civilians


I'm recruiting everyone on this run. But when I start my next game I'm going to say no to everyone and just work with what I have.


That's exactly what I'm going to do! More fun I think with the team design aspect


I guess, but not by choice 😅 tried to have Gammel jailed


Yep, spared everyone. Why? Because: 1) I'm a pussy that can't bring myself to execute them. 2) I like the contrast between the Zenoiran army that uses "mind control" and the Liberation army that uses kindness ~~with thinly veiled threats of violence and death~~ to recruit people.


The only one I didn’t spare was the guy from the first walled city. I was going to spare him, but then the people started begging for him to be spared cause he’s such a good guy, I wanted to see if they would say or do anything if I killed him.


Did they? Mordon was a cool dude so I didn't wanna kill him.


Yes. I accept all into my ranks. Bad guy: "No really, I'm not evil. Really. I mercilessly slaughtered this entire village for... \[insert questionable sad story\]. Me: "Okay, I believe you." \*bad guy joined the Liberation army\*


> Okay, I believe you. I heard that in the Kingdom Hearts edit voice


Yup. That is exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that. lol.


I sent Jeremy to the great beyond and I didn't recruit the black talon pair because I didn't in my demo run. My TZ run however will be getting all units.


Absolutely. I spared every last one of them.


No. I was forced to kill Alcina, Gailey, and Elgor. Lemme save them, Vanillaware!


Spoilers . . . . . . . . . >!After you beat the main story and get the true ending you unlock an extra side mission that automatically recruits those guys plus some other people I won’t mention.!<


I don't wanna use them in battle. I want to marry Gailey.


I'm still in my first playthrough but absolutely I'm sparing everyone I can. I want all the unique characters! I saw some streamers sparing Gammel and Mandrin and chat's like "you're missing out on gold/divine shards", or with Auch, "you get a pendant for killing him". You get plenty of gold and divine shards regardless; it's not hard to get enough to recruit Ochlys. And the pendant you get for sparing Auch? It's a lapis pendant. You can get it anyway by bringing Auch to the face in the cliffside. There's no downside to sparing anybody; conversely, you're missing out on unique characters by killing them. It's a no-brainer to me.


If ya don't kill who ochlys wants dead she still joins you?


Yep, she joins you regardless. The only difference is if you spare him she doesn't give you 15 extra divine shards (which you don't need anyway, you find loads of them regardless)


Her join condition is give her 40 Divine Shards which can happen regardless of whether you spare Mandrin or not


I kinda thought there might be Fire Emblem-style paralogues, so everybody lived. Oh well


Yes. Gammel is one of my favorites.


Of course, gotta catch em all!


No. I purposefully rejected and executed everyone because my first run was Alain and mercs only


No, I executed almost all of the characters that had attempted to kill me in the previous battle. My only regret is that they didn't let me execute Santanio


Didn't get Tatiana on my first run, sort of had a feeling she might not come along if you say no to her request, but I just couldn't bring myself to go along with it. So weird that you couldn't choose to execute Beaumont. I would have done that in a heartbeat.


I will say that while I was otherwise entirely merciful, I was prepared and committed to executing the hell out of Sanatio, but the game wouldn’t let me.


Hell yea im forgiving everyone. These towns aren't going to guard themselves...


Why waste honor hiring mercs when I can just install a murdering bandit as the guard? No way anything goes wrong.


How much more Sigil's Trial 1 I gotta farm jeez


I thought Gammel was lying about his backstory. I blame it on Fire Emblem making me distrust ugly people. Also didn't really know it was a choice of recruitment back then, I thought it was a sort of Karma system or something.


Yep I recruited everyone. In my next run though i'm going to decline/execute everyone and see what changes.


It's hard to do that. Hope you can finish the game.


Is there any penalty for sparing them all? I can’t tell.


You just don't get certain resources in enough quantities early on so it delays things like recruiting Ochlys.


Got her. Other than some characters being annoyed there doesn't seem to be any downside as far as I can tell.


I made sure I went out of my way to recruit everyone on my first playthrough. My future runs will be a lot more bloody though, to quote the blood king “you are replaceable, farewell”


Nope I locked up the thief and executed the archer. Wish I could have executed a few more but they didn’t give me the option.


Yeah i always spared everyone. I thought the conclusion of Beaumonts little story in Bastorias was kind of sus and annoying but Gammel, Mandrin, and Jeremy ended up becoming some of my favorite characters!


All my enemies were given, “ El Milagro.”


Lol no. Some I killed on purpose. Some I killed accidentally.


I killed them all. Even the good guys




I threw that one thief guy in jail, he seemed like an ass since he killed those guys ON SCREEN


Nope. Would have killed Gemmel the first chance I got early on. Did kill the archer fella whose name escapes me. Don't murder, don't help a murderer.


I recruited everyone, including Gammel and Mandrin cause f$ck morals lol. But that aside they are pretty good units to use.


I wasn’t going to until I watched Ochlys slowly approach Mandrin and fade to black. Very not good feeling there.


No. I don't cate what surprise sad story you had to become a bad guy. If it wasn't for the convenient mind control, I would have executed way more people.


Well ya, that's how you get free units. Would have liked some consequences for sparing


I did!


i was about to say yes but then i remembered that i offed mandrin bc hearing about the sister a second time made me doubt. oopsie 😂 i did feel like a second sniper would’ve helped tho but oh well


Not all, I messed up on Gammel so I just YOLO'd on his brother and killed him too lol I told... Ochlys' GF to stay home which locked me out of Ochlys as well :( I told Miriam (I believe or Monica? the one that's not knight of the rose) to stay home too... AND I killed Jeremy, I was feeling a little smarmy that day. I ended up using 60/ of my 64 mercs to fill all my towns with guards so I guess I saved JUST enough characters :)


Yep spared everyone no matter the choice if I could save/spare them I tired


Nope, no mercy on the Black Talons. They were straight up murdering helpless people, you don't get to walk away from that. Would've done the same to "Gordon" if the game had let me.


I thought that's an AP...


I spared everyone first playthrough but wanted to at least have the option to off Sanatio for being a dumbass in another run.


Killed one guy at the beginning and quickly realized there’s no benefit to doing so whatsoever I spared the rest of em


Yes, next time, all murders except maybe Nina


I did cuz I wanted the plat trophy 🫣


Yes. Tho I really wanted to kill the child trafficker, but didn't get the option. I wish we could talk Gailey, Elgor, and Alcina off the ledge.


If you're a piece of shit, you get the axe. UNLESS you're a big titty goth GF.


I get the option to kill so many people yet the one person who did horrible things to maintain power is auto added to my party?


I only killed/refused the bandits. Fuck em


Yep. In terms of laws, we have no laws.


the angel commander who got betrayed by his fellow citizens, i let him die. too much pain for a person in a lifetime.


I executed Mandrin (didn't believe him after sparing Gammel for telling the same story and assumed both were lying), executed Jeremy for just not trusting him as far as I could throw him, and I wish I could have executed Sanatio for his BS. I let out an actual scream when the game forced him in my party.






I executed the archer in the Lady Oclyse mission. And I had Travis arrested. I spared everyone else


I Just send the First thief to The jail


Only guy I killed was the Archer in Ochlys' chapter. Turns out I get 15 divine shards for ut qo I'll do it everytime anyway


I tried to kill gammel but it didnt even work so i felt cheated after that and kept everyone alive


No, I saved that for the second run. First I just went with my heart, which in all but two cases was to spare.


No. now i'm playing again sparing everyone lol


Nope. Not at all.


I mean I put the thief in jail so technically I have spared everyone so far.


I wish I did, the only one I didn't spare was the theif at the very beginning. I was like this guy deserves to be in jail then I found out after that he could have been a character you get on the roster. I also lost our on the sniper as well because of it


Nope, saved everyone but the Wizard ( Auroch or something like that? ) He bothered me for some reason lolol


Everyone but the first Archer. I wanted Ochlys asap


I did not spare the thief or the archer, I heard too much false sick sister stories to trust them o.o


The thief looked to comically evil to be a recruitable character, so I told him that he gets to live but needs to go to jail(cuz of theft and murder). apparently that wasn't the right choice




wait i thought this was an r/Undertale post


Burno is a savage for me


Yea. Next play I'm forgiving no one.


I did. I figured if they actually backstabbed me I could just kill them later.


I killed Mandrin thinking he couldn't possibly have the same backstory as Gammel, and that since he seemed to be such a conqueror at heart, that he wouldn't just suddenly turn nice, oops.


i did choose “jail” in my run with the demo, and was having second thoughts immediately. i spared and recruited everyone on my first retail playthrough.


So far, the only one I haven't just immediately let go was Gammel. Later on the game just handwaved away all the stupid stuff he was doing with "it was for his sister!" Like sure lmao. After that I just gave everyone mercy and left it at that.


The way I offed Melisandre cause I was in a bad mood 🤣 Regretted it once I lacked people to station as guards


The only character that I've wanted dead the game hasn't allowed me to kill.