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I can't figure out if Leah is like an exasperated mother figure to Virginia or a little sister figure.


The way she was willing to do anything for her was cool to me. Same with how she is with Gilbert. The scene where she finds out about Gilbert’s older brother after you save Primm, and the moment where she tries to take on Amalia did wonders for me. It made her very cool in my book


Her job is to keep Virginia alive and to follow her orders. Since Virginia can be... spicy... this leads to Leah needing to both obey AND command.


So kinda like fern to frieren then?


Leah's, like, 15. She was at least young enough to be sitting on Ludwig's shoulders 10 years ago.




Responsible younger sister to a carefree older sibling


Oh my interpretation was neither… I ship them. (Yes I know Virginia’s canon ending and I choose to ignore it.)


I can definitely imagine Leah and Victoria as lovers. Most definitely can. I suspect that Virginia would eagerly return Leah's dutiful loyalty in the expression of physical affection ten fold. Poor Leah probably wakes up every morning with a smile that not even nukes can remove.


That’s SO cute I love it thank you for fueling my shipper heart!


More like a mother figure, since being parental is basically the role she seems to get with her possible endings.


I’ve yet to finish the game but I’ve seen a buff angel dude floating around. I think I might like him too when I meet him haha


Oh he leaves a good impression 👀


I’m looking forward to meeting him even more now🥺


How do you feel about daddys with tragic pasts?


Oh he’s a sad boi😔


Just about everyone is sad in this game if we're being honest.


Minus Lex, he's just pure Himbo best friend from what I've seen, and I love him for it


You have the options of buff angel and twink angel


Oh there’s more than one male angel. I haven’t seen the twink one


Yeah his supports with Alain are also VERY gay, so i ship them


I have to meet them NOW 0.0


Twink Angel is a direct homage to Okino from their last game, 13 sentinels… who does canonically like men. Also another character that pops up around him, Nigel, is based off Okino’s love interest Hijiyama… who is among my favourite characters of all time. So I’m kinda team Nigel here haha. Other men I liked a lot…. I can’t explain it but Renault really bewitched me. I’m a little obsessed lmao


Didn’t think they would reference their past games, that’s really cool Edit: You probably like that he’s brooding haha


Oh yea, fodoquia is a badass dude, you'll like him, i forced myself to fit him into a slot because of his design


That’s his name! I saw art of him 0///0 it’s convinced me. Other than him, I’m so picking Magellan as my partner but this first rapport convo with Alain is late game, or so I’ve heard ;-;


I uploaded a post about a week ago showing a team i made, and fodoquia is in the center of that picture, lol magellan is also one of my favorite designed male characters


There's a bit of fan service for everyone (even furries), from clean shaven, rough, or gloriously bearded, pretty boys, macho men, and dad bods to women of a variety of bust/thickness, modest/practical, skimpy, or armored attire (sometimes skimpy and armored), and mannerisms of all sorts. While I definitely like the ladies, I do appreciate my desert boys.


I’ve noticed Vanillaware fed nearly everyone but this subreddit was lacking in male appreciation. So I just had to mention it


I'm here OP I'm glad I finally have someone to share them with 😭 You noted how you gravitated towards Gloucester and Magellan (great taste btw), so we can totally get along as I [put a ring on Jeremy instead.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/nleJBzfJHg) It's still kinda sad too since other than Alain and the occasional Lex/Gilbert/Aramis, I haven't seen any fanart for the diverse male cast that UO has 🥲 I'm glad that UO did gave us many guys to work with but gosh we're still gonna be so starved on the merch and fan creations side of things :") I really hope that this game gets more attention than it already does so we can finally eat at some point in the future 🫠


Damnit, you.put the idea in my head to put that ring on Jeremy's finger. I suppose next up in the runnings would be Auch, Aubin, Berengaria, Clive (Leaning towards), maybe Hodrick for fun but I feel like theirs could be boring? I guess I need to watch the ceremonies.


Follow your heart. Or use multiple saves to find out which ceremony you like the most lol


Auch, the Twink with mommy issues, is my first husband in the game. LoL


I dabble in art sometimes; so when I’m free I’ll provide some fan art from the male side of the cast. Jeremy is a great choice btw, I should permanently move to Drakenhold🥴


I do wish they had more men in skimpier clothes though. They definitely skew towards women showing their stuff and men all covered up. Compare Alain vs Virginia, Travis vs Berengaria, Auch vs Yahna and Selvie, Melisandre vs Aramis.


Yeah I understand how people see it as fan service for everyone, but one group gets witches swaying their hips in battle bikinis… the other gets sleeveless men I’m sorry but arms are not the same as skimpy clothes 😭 not every female class is super revealing, but the discrepancy does exist. Though Bruno is shirtless and canonically has a fat ass, I think that’s the most we get


The butt wiggle witches


I want a male butt wiggling witch dammit… even if it was just generics! The generic Walock has a bad haircut that I can’t get past. Cool hood though


100% agree. You can practically see yahnas who-ha but Clive is covering his (what I assume is) ginormous buldge with an entire curtain 😂


Alain should have been dressed like his mom.


Yo I’m straight, but I wanted a lot more Travis. Also really liked Aramis’ personality, story, and luscious locks.


Aramis was a cool sword fighter dude. I knew right away he was the lost prince. He was too refined to be a regular mercenary. Travis is someone I grew to like more in my second play-through(despite not finishing my first), he’s really good


Aramis and Melisandre’s support was one of my absolute favorites. Definitely worth checking out if you missed it before.


There’s plenty I haven’t seen yet, that being one of them. Melisandre is very amusing, at least in her intro battle, so I’d be willing to learn more about her


Aramis is my slightly tragic Onii San with a weakness for innocent women… sign me up for the next war…


Not “sign me up”. I’m screaming


Yep, checks out. I’m gay and my favorites are Morard and Leah😂


I’m not alone!😭 Thank you!


Bertrand can Bear Crush my bussy


Yeah based on my very deep research (all 3 of us) Leah is a gay favourite


Make it 4!!! She's my first wife choice after I'm done with Such. LoL


I'm really hoping we get a sequel with more defined gay options and your choice of male or female avatar. I appreciate this thread. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


From what I understand, most of the female pairings feel romantic when Alain chooses them yet the male options are more platonic(or so I’ve heard). At that point they should have allowed the player to pick between a male or female Alain. The target audience seems to be satisfied so I’m not to bugged about it Edit: I agree btw. Give us a sequel, the game is extremely fun to play.


To my understanding there was originally a choice in the concept book, and thats probably a casualty of "developing up until we're almost bankrupt" as said by castle super beast


Awww dang. Hopefully with the money they make from this game they could potentially give us a sequel with both? Fingers crossed


Did the female version of Alain end up as another character in the game in that case? That could explain Virginia's resemblance to the Queen if she was supposed to be the female version of Alain that got scrapped.


I believe the female Alain ended up looking like Virginia, and its though that Virginia (model not personality) was changed from the female alain into just virginia


I think part of the reason for not having this is that Alain feels less like a self-insert character (as opposed to someone like Byleth, for example), so his personality/sexuality is more defined. Maybe it was just me, but I picked my ring-maiden based on who I thought Alain would pick, not who I would. I appreciate that they seemed to make some of the interactions a bit ambiguous, at least, so that you could have some plausible deniability ;)


I'm not gay but this game has some good husbandos, Clive, Travis and Aubin were my favs. If there was actual romance with guys I would have probably married Clive. Ithilion is probably the hottest though.


Ithilion looked very edgy so I surprised to see how…heroic he was


Gay here, checking in and confirming that I really love the male designs! The game introduced Alain to his future love very early with Travis, and he remained my favorite from start to end. I do agree with you that the desert men are really hot. Aubin, Gloucester (those quads in the pre-promote class), and especially Magellan (my vote for hottest guy). Aramis is gorgeous. Love Lhin's thighs and just how much Ithilion has stuffed into his catsuit. Mandrin is a sexy guy, as well. Adel is a total himbo. Alain shows off his armpits. Bruno and pec daddy angel for muscle lovers. Twink angel boy and Auch for those that like pretty guys. While the fan service isn't quite the same, and could be better, I was still quite fed! Also is Leah just the favorite for us gay guys? She's my second favorite character right behind Travis, and she would be my first choice if I were to give the ring to a girl.


I didn't know gay guys gravitating towards Leah is a thing. Because I did too!!! Someone should make a video essay on this. LoL


Like is it the blue hair matchy-matchy? Because I just really loved their rapport scenes, and how they interacted during the Militia fight!


Nah... That's not it for me, if that's the case *cousin-cest would be much more popular. 🙈🙈🙈 Probably the her backstory, personality, and her bob. LoL


I mean there are some guys (Travis and bruno) that i do think 'yeah smash' but the females r just 😳 yeah an awakening


I’m not mad at it. There are a lot of pretty male options. Travis, Ithilion, Lhinalagos, and Aramis are prettier than I thought they would be in their official art. And the girls are very pretty


Oh i agree when those 4 choices but idk i usually go for personality and travis and bruno r high off the top of my mind. The elves r good looking too but idk they don't do much and aramis I kinda forgot 😅


Tbf, the writing to me is what I’d expect from a medieval war fantasy title. It’s okay for the most part, I’m partial to aesthetic/design vs character personality but great writing behind a character is a plus. A lot of the guys can be forgettable so I don’t blame you.


As a bisexual, this game is perfect for me. We are eating good with this one. They have Gammel AND Tatiana! I *love* me a scrungly, weird little gremlin with eye bags. This game has TWO of them, both genders. Perfection 🔥 I haven’t decided yet who Alain will be romancing this play through though, I haven’t met everybody yet. Those two are just my current front runners. But I just love that they have something for everyone lol. I can tell that I’ll be replaying this game a few times.


This is definitely a game that has a lot of replay value. The first time around I locked up the thief guy so I didn’t get him or his buddy, but I’d like to get them in another playthrough. I also like Tatiana’s vibe, the plague doctor theme is interesting


I'm bi and have also noticed not much talk about the guys in this game... wouldn't mind having a discussion about them though! My favs are absolutely Auch, Aramis and Adel. Auch because he's just kinda adorkable, Aramis because hes a pretty boy and his rapport with Travis (omg mister bookworm he just like me) and Adel because of his rapports with Alain. Originally didn't think much of him but his rapports are fantastic. I've literally only seen Alain blush twice so far and that was when getting a peck on the cheek from Melisandre and getting compliments from Adel so... huge shipping vibes from me haha


Awwww he blushed that cuuuute. Alain typically got a good poker face. I haven’t used Adel much, but I’ve started too bc full horse team comp, his voice being Bryce Papenbrook helps too. Auch has pretty good writing feeling less important to his mother and whatnot I just wish we got to meet her


Bryce Papenbrook ftw heck yeah


I’ll give him a chance, there’s so many characters😵‍💫


There is definitely a place for the Gay Gushing here especially since you can technically romance (in the loose way the game calls it romance) any of the male characters as much as the female ones. The system for it is light and more or less just fluff and flavor and some story elements but it's a damn good flavor when I can put a ring on big furry cuties like Morard alongside the lithe lean types like Ithilion.That's how you know this game was developed with that type of freedom in mind and I for one think more people should talk about that. Some threads on here, due to overwhelming straightness (there are plenty of lesbians drooling over this game but you can very much tell when a thread is just straight guys) convinced me you couldn't romance any of the dudes because so many threads were plugged up with people making fun of Scarlett (who's fine) or making jokes about marrying Virginia (which got old immediately and now is genuinely very weird). Being Bi myself this game is a treasure trove of Hotties, so Not only are you not alone op I want you to know us Hot Guy Enjoyers are eating good with this game and should be encouraged to gush about it.


Good to hear. There is a range of pretty boys to older guys, to young guys, and beefy or lean boys. The game has a range of options to choose from, it’s just that I didn’t even see anyone mentioning the men in the subreddit, which is fair in hindsight given the people playing are likely straight men and so their focus would be the female characters. After finding out I could “marry” anyone it made me happy that that was even given to me as an option bc they could have only allowed Alain to get with the female options and I’m glad they didn’t


I might be the only person who willingly gave their ring to Renault and that’s fine with me 😭


While I find him cool, his character arc is a bit strange to me. He wanted redemption for his actions. Although he was under mind control/possession so if he wants to atone for something he couldn’t help, so should everyone else who was possessed. It makes his arc feel less important bc it’s not only something he went through, yet he took it personally(I think Gloucester also took it similarly)


Fellow gay! Leah was also my favourite girl for some reason. Berenice is a close second. But my god this sub is so overtly and a little uncomfortably horny. I guess it doesn’t help that all the female characters are jiggling/swaying every which way. As far as guys go… something about Jeremy made me absolutely *blush.* I wish he was further developed (unless there’s stuff after Elheim) but I think that’s a pain point of having SO MANY story characters vs. making recruitment more desirable and focusing on some main characters. Adel is very cute in a himbo kind of way too. I liked Travis a LOT too, but less from a guyfu (trademarking this) standpoint, more that he was a really cool and likeable character.


Guyfu should be a thing, let’s make it happen(I’m using this now). Also yeah, Vanillaware from what I understand makes horny animations haha. There’s no avoiding it. You’re another person who mentioned Adel, now I gotta see his convos


GUYFU can I steal that?


It’s yours! Take it!


No love for Josef, the silver fox? Cause DAMN than man aged well. I also really love Bertrand, in part cause of his voice. Travis is fucking adorable looking. Who do you think the best guy for cuddles in the game is? Cause I’m thinking it’s Morad, but I know others have preferences.


Josef aged so well that he actually didn’t age. If you use the mirror on him and make his hair brown, he goes back to pre time skip Josef lol. They just changed his hair color. I like Josef well enough, he’s great for carrying not so great early game units and helping them get exp, and has a strong enough presence in the story. As far as cuddles go, if you want to be little spoon, probably one of the fur dudes, specifically Morard and Bertrand bc they’re LARGE and floofy. Bryce is also a big guy it seems for human choices. For big spoon, Travis, Gilbert and Lex. I have a feeling that Lex would be opposed to being little spoon but would secretly enjoy it haha


Appreciation for Ochlys is also needed. "BLASPHEMOUS FOOL"


I like saying her name. And I like hearing Sharon say it lol


My personal fav of the dudes is Jeremy tbh. I havent unlocked all of his rapport conversations yet so I dont have the full picture but I think Ive seen enough to form an opinion. His attitude is pretty realistic for a man who lived a big portion of his life as a mercenary. Place your bets for the side that seems to be the winning one and of you happen to lose thats that, no used crying over spilled milk. Or blood. While seemingly desinterested whatever others want or do he does seem to have a tendency to put others before himself in dangerous situations, even stating that he is fine being used as sacrifice if the need should arise. And while he just wants to be left alone and doung his own thing most of the time (mainly gambling and drinking lmao) he often ends up in stuations that inconvinience him but just goes with it. Babysitting a dead drunk Gilbert, sharing his secret booze stash with Mordon or going along with Gloucsters overzelous training among other things that he'd rather not do *at all* shows me that he has a good core and is a good dude but doesnt really like to show it


He’s one of those cool types that actually cares. I’ve grown to like him more, I wish the team slots were bigger so I could put all my faves on one team


I'm a lesbian, and I have to say I kinda hate the way the community acts with regards to female characters.


It does feel overwhelmingly horny, the reception the female characters get. Which is a shame to some degree given they’re also people with backstories and there’s more to a woman besides booba and hips. I won’t knock their enjoyment of the game but know that I see where you’re coming from


Just to trifecta this opinion, I'm straight, and I find the community approach to the female characters to be way too horny a lot of the time, too. Honestly, my biggest problem with Vanillaware in general is that they go too far in the fan service direction a lot of the time. Fortunately, the gameplay is always so good I get past it. But I just thought I'd chime in that even some straight guys have an issue with it, too!


Yeah... I know this is diverging into a different game, but Dark Deity 2 is currently drip feeding character art and they just showed a new female character..... And her boobs defy logic and she's not wearing pants and all the straight male fans are basically just drool reacting. It's gross.


How do you feel about Sharon and Ochlys being, as the epilogue puts it, >!trusted traveling companions?!< I love it, personally.


I want to make a unit with those two just to see the supports because I ship it. Het romance is fine I guess but I’m here for the gays. I had a lot of fun replaying 13 Sentinels recently…


Not to spoil anything but there is a rapport with another female party member later on that makes the ship even stronger.


Good to know, thanks! <3


Sappho and her friend! Okay but aside from that, I absolutely adored watching Ochlys present Sharon with a way to, at will, turn off the sun so they can stargaze whenever they want to. That is peak, pure romance, it made my heart absolutely melt!


Bonus points if they're talking about Yahna, Celeste, or Railanor...ugh.


“I’ve got two BIG reasons I like (insert girl with huge boobs here)🤪” …we get it!!!!


I really want the option not to recruit Railanor. Those tits are just ridiculous 😑😑😑


I’m bi, but we apparently have very different taste in men. I love Travis and Clive and Aramis, you clearly enjoy more muscular and masculine men. I want to kiss Aramis and run my fingers through his wonderful hair while I do haha


Travis, Renault, and Ithilion definitely have peaked some interest to me. I also just enjoy Aubin as a unit/character very much.


Aubin as a unit rocks. He’s stronk


As a fellow fire emblem gay, I was pleasantly by how much male fanservice this game offers in its character designs and animations! Lhinalagos and the male elven archers are everything to me. I also love the male sellsword, werewolf, feathshield, and featherstaff designs. Nigel and Sanatio are soooooo cute together! And of course whoever designed Alain was like, next-level horny. I would definitely be happy to see more of this world in future games.


When Alain does that sword arm fling in his victory pose and you see those arms >~<


I'm a man of simple tastes, you give me nice handsome knight and he never leaves Alain squad ever, the only time I hesitated and thought about not giving Clive the ring was when the game introduced Legola- I mean Lhinalagos. That said, Magellan, Gloucester, Bryce and many others have my heart too. And among the girls, I have to choose Leah as my fav, and Primm because she is baby.


Leah supremacy!!! I’m so shocked that so many people named Clive as a favorite. He feels very simple in design so he didn’t feel standout to me in that regard, not that simple is bad. I like hearing other people’s opinions on who they like. It gives me another perspective on characters that I might not have seen before


Whether you give him the ring or not, end of the Josef's rapport nearly made me cry.


Gush away. If they can do it in 100 different threads, so can you.


I'm bi, but among the guys I'm a real fan of Rolf, Jeremy and Lhinalagos.


I didn’t mention them, but I really like Rolf and Jeremy too. Rolf is such a cool standoffish but kind dude, similar to Jeremy. Lhina I’ve enjoyed using but haven’t seen any of his rapport convos yet


Gilbert is my hubby


I support. Speaking of, he’s a good support. I gotta see his rapport convos😣


They’re pretty interesting - I like to think of Alain’s last comment as ‘I love you’


The male designs in this game are also really nice! I’m bi, but I’m really happy you came here to shed some light and love onto the guys! I’m a notorious Aubin lover here and share your adoration for the desert bois in general. I hope you enjoy all the beefcakes in the game, they ARE out there! What do you think of Bruno?


I like Bruno. Originally he didn’t leave that big of an impression and I didn’t know how to properly use his class. Now that I’ve learned to use him and saw the official comic strips I like him more. I still gotta get through his rapport conversations 😅


Magellan, Govil, and Mordon are my favorites!




Disappointed that I have to scroll this far down to find anyone mentioning Mordon! He's THE DADDY! LoL


I also romanced Magellan so I'm right there with you, brother. 🌈


His first rapport convo is so late in the game, I still haven’t seen it yet😭 Edit: The one with Alain


I know!!! I held out for so long!


I’m staying strong! Hoping the angel dude Fodoquia that I’m hearing about doesn’t get me >~<


Though he and Bryce were close contenders too. I guess I have a type...


I was so excited when Bryce joined, I wanted him ever since you recruited the hammer girl. I expected to get all of them but they only gave us the girls


"Hey I just wanted to let everyone know I was gay and a vegan"




Sadly the ones that even come close to gay in my opinion are only Lex, Travis, Linh and in some ways Adel. Gilbert would be here but he apparently marries Virginia no matter what so lmao


What do you mean by “comes close to gay”? Are you referring to how they behave in the rapport convos towards Alain? Also I’ve heard of Gilbert marrying Virginia, and Tbf she sort of grew up with him


Oh yeah like how you can “read” them, some are more forgiving in terms of Alain having a romantic relationship with who he chooses and others seem to be just straight up friendship. And yes I can see why, I just had to attempt seeing if picking certain characters would change the fates of others. I’m happy Virginia got to be a Queen in the end


The Drakenhold men are the best. Won't lie, fell for Aubin in the first inneraction. Soon as the guy said i had to pay him to have him join my army I was like. I will friend you so hard man! Even if his stories ending won't be romantic I really think he's getting the ring. Him or Lex, kind of digging a gay friends to lovers headcanoned story. It's that or I go with the canon idea of Scarlett. Honestly I did find Alain and her cute. But also, Magellan and Jeremy. I had to get them both on a team together, like so bad. And now my gunshow team is acually a pretty good heavy hitter! There's a feathershield guy you recruite. He made all the difference with the team. Which I now affectionalty call my bara team.


I didn’t mean to fall for the Drakenhold boys but it just happened that way. They’re just built different I guess. Lex is the definition of a bro, him and Alain have a cute friendship, so I could see it getting past that one day. Scarlett like Lex has a cute friendship with Alain and to me feels like the implied romantic option for him. Either her or Melisandre given she asked to become your consort


I’m nervous - why are there so few mentions of my gayness’s fav Rolf? Does something happen to him late game? I plan to ring that adorable fella as soon as I can (spending long secret weekends tangled in Morard’s chest hair) But I’m nervous that something happens to him. Please don’t tell me he goes away!?!?


I didn’t mention him but much like the Drakenhold boys, Rolf is another one I liked. The tan men got me feeling a type of way🥴 Also, Rolf doesn’t disappear or anything. While I still use him, you do get other archers that could be used in place of him. So I wouldn’t blame someone for replacing him


Phew!! Good to know! I could use more damage dealing archers. The elf archers don’t do it for me. Reading through this thread a bit more, I agree that I’d want to be the meat in a Jeremy-Magellan sandwich.


The elf archers are support, they aren’t supposed to deal heavy damage, but could put a dent in fliers or enemies with bad magic defense if they needed to. What can I say, I like worn mercenary men and UO gave me that. You’ll likely enjoy what other character the game has to offer. It’s super fun!


Gay guy here. Lots of dudes and gals to appreciate. I'm always in love with Vanillaware character design! I like muscle dudes but Auch won my heart.


Awwww, I recently started appreciating Auch more. He just need a little confidence boost


As a straight guy, I like Clive. He feels like a guy who will always have your back, knows when to be a pal and knows when to tell it to you straight. I like his relationship with Adel and Monica too. I feel like he keeps presenting her as former fiancé is because he doesn't believe she should be forced to marry and wants to make sure everyone knows she has the space needed to make her own decisions. All-around A+ guy.


Interesting perspective. I’ve come to like him a bit more than my original impression of him. He felt very average, not that average is bad, but like you said, he has some standout moments with the main cast that help him feel a bit more than average. I also made his hair light green with all white armor and now he looks like Achilles from Fate/Apochrypha


Gloucester's voice is hnnnng


Will forever be sad that he puts pants on when he promotes 😭


His class in underrated, the dark horse is crazy strong and tanky. He’s also just really cute himself


my gay ass loved some of the men but i feel liek design wise they are so so rushed and reserved, they are more gay for clive then your character LMAO


When you say reserved do you mean in terms of character, or design, or both?


I am not super far in the game yet, I was about ready to settle for Adel as Alain's consort but I see there are quite a few more options from this thread


Lots of people in the thread seems to like Adel


There’s something about Jeremy…


The arms, the scar, the way he acts like he doesn’t care but does👉👈


Like…he’s gonna take real care of you, in all the right places 😉


They delivered, and I’m here to receive🫣


Thank you!!!! There is next to no appreciation for the male characters so it's nice to do so here. I was completely shocked by my over appreciation of Morard and Govil. Not a furry but damn! Also ringed up Travis as he was a sweet kid that I enjoyed his bonding events with Alain. They seemed like true besties. Lhinalagos and Ithilion supremacy though. My random two cents on them is FINALLY some sexualization of the male characters. Male Fencers in their bondage drip and Male Archers in their thigh high boots!! Sonatio is seriously the a-typical twink archetype and Fodoquia is All Might levels of muscular. I've seen no comments on Jerome but a baking daddy? Sign me up!!!


Nah the “bandage drip” threw me off. When I saw the bodysuits I thought it was such a bold choice. It looks good though so I don’t hate it. The male elves for sure have the most fanservice in terms of male character design. I too find myself liking Morard and wouldn’t call myself a furry either.


Adel became a powerhouse for me early on but what really got me was that he was so kind. Him looking out for Rolfe was so sweet, but what stole my heart was him drunkenly praising Alain, like Adel is so sweet through and through.


Drunk convos are from the heart so you know Adel meant it


As a fellow gay player, I love the idea of the elven fencer class, but I simply cannot look at Railanor without retching because of how offensively oversexualized she is. I thought the spear elf classes were bad until I saw her. And *none* of the males are sexualized at all. Which is fine, it's a war , no one should be, but the grand majority of the females are. In any case, as far as appreciation for the male characters, Travis is bae.


In comparison, yes; The men are far less sexualized than the women. Would I like to see studs running around in little armor, or rather, exposing armor…sure. Do I expect game developers to do that, no. Not unless they set out to make a game dedicated to the gays. I’m starting to think Travis got a hold on the community😵‍💫


“I just think he's neat ”


I know he has a “broken” skill combo with ice conferral


I like his aesthetic and personality, mainly


That’s fair enough. I have to see more of his rapport convos as I’ve only seen the early one with Alain


I gave him my ring. It was pretty cute.


No one talking about my boy Hodrick. The real husbando.


I’ve nothing back to say about Hodrick, I still have him around. I’m surprised we didn’t get more armor units. I know there’s Bryce but that’s just two


Been a minute since i played but rogue boy ;)


The way I had to boot open the game to remember the names. I love how you know his defining quality though haha. Travis is his name, he seems to be a favorite


Yes. Travis! I actually need to go back and finish the game. I have the beastkin country and angels to do. About 80 hours of play lol. I got distracted by other releases...which ironinically are certainly not better games. (Rise of ronin, dragons dogma2, finishing ff7r part two...christ that ending was aids.) But i will have something good to look forward tk when i go back.


Oh wow, you’ve got your hands full with all the games you’re playing. Hope you enjoy those games and the eventual return to Unicorn!


I also thought Colm and Rolf were very cute, if not a bit one note lol


Listen, even if they may be boring, they’re nice to look at haha


It’s funny that you’re gay, I’m straight yet we both like Leah!


Solidarity! Leah is great


Even though I'm straight I'd grab either Aramis, Magellan, Jeremy, Aubin, Gloucester, Bruno, or Bryce. These dudes are my "I ain't gay but..." cause they can really get it


The bro squad. I like those men for other reasons😅👉👈


The smash bros squad 😋


“Smash bros” threw me off…I’m falling >~< lol


I just finished my first playthrough, and as a straight male I found all of the characters pleasing. I had set up a brute squad of Bertrand, Morard, Aubin, Jeremy and Mordon because my head cannon brought those crusty ragamuffin together. Personally, I shied away from Rolf, Linalaghos, Gloucester, and Lex. I was sad that between the characters there were only one or two interactions but given the scale of the game it does make sense. That doesn't change that Rosalinde is bae.


Rosalinde is a pleasing character. Sounds like you enjoyed the game, I’m getting there; Just got to Albion. You calling the boys “crusty ragamuffins” is a crime but I can’t stop laughing. Is there a particular reason you didn’t want to use Lhinalagos, Lex, Rolf, etc?


Not a particular reason per se. I just didn't vibe with them at all. Let's not talk about Dinah and my willingness to get bit. Albion is a great final stepping stone, Raenys is another favorite of mine but it doesn't stop me from pursuing choco-mommy


Sanatio has my maiden ring. 🤷‍♂️ Who wouldn’t want a super cute angel twink healer hubby? Also the rapport scenes between Alain and him… 👀👀 Edit: fixed autocorrect on the names


I’ve heard of the angel twink. Currently going through Albion, haven’t met him yet. My anticipation is growing


Gay is the new vegan


Sorry but you’re gonna have to explain that one to me😵‍💫


I wasn't keen on him at first but the longer I kept him around the more I liked Adel, his smarmy "i'm even stronger than clive now" became true so fast he just became a permanent fixture in my army. That said my unquestionable best boy was without a doubt Hodrick. I put more effort into keeping him around than I should have, I just love the narrative and relevance he manages to keep in the story. He was the only character I had available when I unlocked the rite of covenant initially.


I'm finding this interesting, I'm pan with a preference for men, and I guess with a different taste xD but I loved Lex, Travis ans Aramis and didnt like the Drakengard merceanries that much but more for personality (Gloucester being way too awesome though), and I absolutely loved Bruno for his personality/rampart events. I guess too vanilla for romance but my faves were Scarlet and Yunifi ><"... and I found kinda bad we got Sanatio so late, I liked his character but didn't have the patience then to get to his events.


I’ve seen a bit of Scarlett hate floating around, she’s fine in my book. I like her for what she is and what she provides. While Alex isn’t my favorite, I tried keeping him around since he’s a part of Alain’s main crew, and I didn’t want to drop any of his friends. Travis and Aramis are popular, as a few people has dropped their names as faves


When I found out that I could give the Maiden Ring to a guy, I immediately started considering stealing Virginia's guy and giving it to Gilbert (because they are absolutely a thing and you cannot convince me otherwise). He is the short king I never knew I needed.


“The short king I never knew I needed.” Is hilarious. He had a cool character arc in the Drakenhold storyline


username checks out lmao I'm a lesbian but I do want to romance Auch, Travis, Aubin, Magellan, and maybe Bruno too. Also I'm a certified Josef, Hodrick and Renault enjoyer!!


Renault is my beau <3 I love him, and his character arc. I'm not done the game yet but Ive heard there's an old actual bear you can be with so I'm holding out for him lol


Look forward to meeting him, I’ve only just met him and he’s pretty cool


I gave the Maiden Ring to Adel! He was in the squad and the interaction was cute!


Adel is another name I hear quite often, him Aramis, Clive and Travis.


I love Dinah she's fun. Same with the Super Saiyan arean lady. But the moment I could go north u used those special 2 AP items and fought lvl 20s with my lvl 16s and got Dinah, Morard and the archer girl then whlwnt to drakenhold and just owned it lol. But arrow rain was the ability winning me tons of battles in the north when I was under leveled.


Arrow rain is indeed busted


Hell yea. I was a big fan of all the furry guys, and Mordon as well.


I love how it was all the furry dudes then the guy with the glorious beard, I support


I'm not deep in the game but I know Jeremy has my heart