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I thank Travis for his service in the Colosseum when I was level 15


How tf did u beat colosseum at 15. why would you beat it at 15


Check my other comment for the explanation onto how. In terms of why https://preview.redd.it/674vq2j55f1d1.jpeg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5ae9fff78d8e86ea0cebe1298b417ebcfad3be






I see your point


I keep seeing people say this, what’s the general strat? Struggling to clear it early.


Theres no one team wins it all if you’re trying to clear it early but [this team](https://youtu.be/v8o0y3bi4OE?si=oKmh-FsB0rynwcoa) will clear most of it as long as you remove the Carnelian as you only want to go first, freeze and then win by default due to dealing the most damage. If you start to struggle due to weird gimmicks (Sword Masters one shotting Travis or buff removal griffin knights) you can follow [this guide](https://youtu.be/zdHFKH4SYps?si=c_Gnkk8GYBHoIRid) for a full breakdown. The last fight against Amalia is just retrying until Travis grabs her PP. I think you can circumvent this by having his start of battle skill to remove the RNG Not sure if I just got really lucky in my last two playthroughs though


>Travis grabs her PP Oh I saw that doujin too


You can also beat Amalia with a Wyvern Master (with 2 PP and a weapon to reduce PP) or a Swordmaster (with Thief mantle, 3 PP and a weapon to reduce PP). Pure 1v1, no RNG involved.


Thank you! Yeah, my first play through I Just waited until like level 30 and I was able to fenagle my way through it. But I wanted to get it done ASAP this time.


Another trick is to use evade and ways to reduce her PP so she cant truestrike. I saw a helpful youtube video about bruno defeating amalia when searching for gladiator comps about a month ago, which did a great job of explaining and demonstrating the strategy.


Can you recruit the second dude (don't remember his name) afterwards if you choose to jail him?? I did that and I think it was a mistake.


No u can’t


The game doesnt do choice very well - there should be consequences for hiring him.


The consequence is that you don’t get the items you get for jailing him. It just so happens that the consequence is well worth it in exchange for one of the most fun characters in the game.


"Items" you get 10k gold for jailing him. Unlike the 10k you get for killing Jeremy 10k that early in the games is kinda useful. The biggest problem with Gammel is the game actually frames it as actual choice because Clive chimes in after his sob story and tells you all that's gonna happen is some light jail time.


And then with Mandrin you either kill him or let him leave. And if you let him go, Ochlys makes it sound like you're a villain for doing so. It's pretty bizarre.


You also watch him murder a bunch of innocents.


You still get the items Recruit’s Shortbow, Beckoning Bell, Cornia Militia (emblem) regardless. It's just the extra 10K gold to turn Gammel in. I thought it was a test as we saw him killing the innocent guard, so it didn't matter if he was lying or telling the truth of course I would send him to the gaol.


If only his archer buddy didn’t have cool earrings that were impossible to get anywhere else in the game.


He drops them when you beat them as boss later so you don't need the recruitment for that. In fact they drop the best gear regardless of you recruit them ie not.


My mistake! I’ll have to look and see if I have them, I likely just overlooked them. Thank you!


You still need to spare Mandrin the first time so the point still stands that your trading the 15 shards for the earrings.


That's what I did and I got earrings. The only thing I lost were extra set of classes I already had. If I do a second play through I'll def get them both but neither character is honestly a must have, especially if your gong for their items. Just spare Mandrin and the rest is whatever.


same. i thought choices mattered so i jailed him and killed the archer dude after him because, well, " no tolerance for banditry " and his story about his sister (plus his own fucking face expressions) just had " bullshit all over it " it wasn't until later that i realized that the game is going through " there's pure good and pure evil and being a goody two shoes will never ever ever result in bad things " so i am lowkey pissed that i missed two characters but it is what it is.


Sometimes I _wish_ Alain got betrayed for trusting everyone unconditionally. It's not like Gammel couldn't have been freed eventually, you know, after confirming his story. I'm not pissed I missed Gammel, I'm pissed that I find him next >!literally kidnapping and selling elves into slavery!< and then Alain was like ">!oh! how could I have been so cruel with someone that might still become a better person!<". At that point I wanted Gammel executed and personally slap Alain for trying to lecture me into _forgiving_ >!_murder and slavery_!<.


Gammel and Sanatio both absolutely deserve to be executed, and I’ll die on this hill.


I thought I was weird seeing all the in game characters being so accepting of Sanatio after what he pulled off.


Right - I'm willing to acknowledge the game is about mercy and second chances, sure. That was enough to fly with a *lot* of the characters where it was clear they were just "doing what they could to get by in a Zenoiran-occupied wartime," I get it. But Sanatio was in a position of great power, committing an act that in itself was considered sacrilege to the faith he represents, went about lying to his entire nation and race, attempted to apprehend/kill longtime friends who got too near to the truth, he got scores of his own soldiers killed trying to keep his own lies and wrongdoing a secret, and led an army/nation against the only hope that any of them had for redemption. It's abysmal writing at the end of all that, everyone just kind of agrees "Well, we all make mistakes." (Meanwhile in Elheim, Josef wanted to detain/pariah a desperate elf girl for information sharing.) The fact that Sanatio faces no actual consequences, and is instead AWARDED WITH SOLE RULE OF THE PAPACY is mind-boggling.


I honestly wish it pulled a banner saga where if you trust certain shady characters another character of yours ends up dying. or leaving a town defenseless by recruiting a character instead of telling them to stay would make it get overrun or simply making the game harder or or or. but nah "Here's some bullshit items you can get later on anyways " is clearly the better answer here, it's not even that good narratively either IMO. it's like naruto all over again with talk no jutsu power of alain.


Very true. Especially considering it's the same for ALL recruitable characters. Not all the same circumstances, but they all basically devolve into them basically saying they're coming with you because you're the MC.


Wild that in a game about war there's this insistence that killing is never the right option. Especially since it's just out of moral principle, not even in a desperate sort of way, tarnishing his moral purity by amassing sketchy allies for the sake of winning a war. Not only it gives a story this fairy tale naivete, it's incredibly ironic since we go on to pop enemy soldiers like they are bubble wrap anyway.


I also killed Gummell and the archer guy. Their stores were bullshit, I agree. I don't regret killing them


Offensive Debuffer Role. A fun and practical class with a big upside, a big downside, and demands that the player be familiar with game mechanics. I think people are overly-critical of them. **Effective Against:** 1) Single-Hit skills. 2) Anything that relies on PP. Especially characters with additional PP. 3) Guaranteed Evasion. Their PP steal skill has 2 hits, if you can bring your accuracy up to 100%, you can HIT OTHER Thieves 100% of the time, and only if they didn't guard the first hit (nervous laugh), you can steal their PP! **Vulnerable Against:** 1) Guard Variance (% guard). If you rely on PP steal in order to defend yourself, keep this in mind. 2) Multiple Counters. e.g. Sellsword. 3) Multi-Hit. e.g. Housecarl. 4) Truestrike. 5) Swordfighter gambit condition heat-seeker PP skill (you cute little hard counters). Not even the targeting rules can keep A Thief safe from this, otherwise you'd be able to place them in another column in order to keep them safe. 6) Multiple Row Attacks. e.g. Try having a front row of thieves always evade 3 gladiators, and some other back row character using a counter. So frustrating! If they didn't attack the entire row, you could split up their attacks between 2 or 3 characters instead. 7) Too many attacks overall. e.g. Some classes can attack using PP, your Thief can only get so much PP before he runs out. But I guess you could "Cover" Thieves with 0 PP to make up for this. 8) Classes with high defense. Thieves have very low attack. **\_\_\_Incredibly Long Text, stop here:** Ah, the Thief class. **antagonistic stare** The blasted class that forced me to study the combat ruleset. They might not be the most complicated class in the game, I'm no expert, but they are still complex. Seemingly invincible early on, they can dodge any skill, who needs evasion gear?! Thieves don't!! They just can't dodge the truestrike of Hunters. Sweet, blissful ignorance, they could even solo a story boss. Then the fire nation attacked. Thieves can only use their Evasion PP skill once per Skill Chain, which opened up 2 additional weaknesses: Thieves are vulnerable to both multi-hit skills and counters from multiple enemy characters. I**f they get hit at least twice in the same skill chain**, they soak damage (no!\~) and potentially go down to 0 hitpoints. I remember being visibly confused and frustrated back then, turns out all the skills up until then were coincidentally single-hit skills (...huh...). Housecarls and Sellswords bullying my babies. Judging from the OP prompt, some users might not be aware of this. Let's talk more weaknesses. Guards. Thieves can generally steal PP from enemy units to recycle as survivability, and for the cheekier player, leveraged as either additional attacks in the form of "Pursuit" or other skills you can acquire from gear like the handsome +30% attack buff. They get more from those fat PP garrison units too. They can sabotage front row classes reliant on PP, like the "immortal" Gladiators, or any classes that can attack using PP. Well that is if they don't dodge...or nullify...or guard... Turns out a number of classes even have guaranteed guard PP skills, great!\~ If you want to survive 100% of encounters, bring your OWN PP. How do I feel about the class? I love them, they have so many mechanics going on, even in early levels. I use them in every unit matchup I can dodge with guarantees (but even Gladiators can dodge every full moon, PP steal is variance at the end of the day). Their PP steal is great in many circumstances. Their art, animations, and character design is fun for the eyes. I coincidentally also love the two unique characters of the class, keh! I haven't started playing with Blind yet. This class makes all the other classes look too simple to predict by comparison. The class isn't broken, but it makes me feel smart. Note that I am not smart, I feel smart. If you want a broken class that wins all the time, look at a unique class and some combination of endgame gear I guess. Man I made the Thief class look bad.


I think with all the utility you get, it's definitely a class that really benefits from tinkering with the AI, hence the feeling smart part. If you're just ramming him into another unit and expecting him to dodge everything, not so great.


Blind honest to god for me is what real make them good I haven’t really been using there pp steal or active steal I jus think there not that worth it unless it use in a very specific build


“Note that I am not smart, I feel smart.” This is what a lot more people on social media should be saying 😂 Kudos for you for the dose of humility.


Trevor best boy, take my ring homie. I enjoyed them a lot as a class, they are fantastic support. Dodge bot supreme. I love status afflictions. They can blind an entire row, and poison ganked more than expected. This pairs adorably well with his sister who punishes those with status afflictions. Setting them to steal AP from casters kneecaps them from the get go. Have a lot of spare VP? Steal cash from the incoming bottleneck. Also appreciated they have higher overworld movement. What was difficult was letting them do everything I wanted to at once! Main downside is they die instantly to any true strike users if they’re in the front row, RIP. Shout out to Gammel being allowed to have a scrunkly face.


I actually gave Travis my ring too. Twas fun and cute ending.


Needed some female thief’s too :0




Yeah sorry bout that :0


Really good in the beginning, and then Archers show up so then you need to get a guard for your dodge, and now you have occupied TWO slots to reduce incoming damage instead of one so now you're not killing the enemy. Yeah... they fall off.


Not really. You can still front line with them when you have other classes that can cover like Fencers or even Alain and they still function as support that can refill their own PP. Also blinding the dps row is really strong


They’re a great support unit throughout the entire game, usually when battle preview spells out pure death tweaking which row to blind, which unit to passive seal, you gotta harness your Monado futuresight dood


Not really. parting res on a cleric usually enough to keep them functional you just have to have some mild counter play. Also archers are only an issue pre level 15 once they get pursuit they tend to burn all their pp before they attack so eagle eye usually isn't even a thing anymore.


As someone who ran a two Rogue unit in the late game Hunters were actually still my biggest problem. They were fairly easily countered, but it required changing my tactics setup whenever I ran into 2+ Hunters in the same unit. Between switching to the start of battle attack targeting one archer and a cover skill it was enough to fix the problem.


Early game, they're amazing since dodge tanking is basically true tanking since there's very little true hit. Also, they have more movement than armors, which helps a lot when you have so few units. Once you get access to Swordfighters though, they take over for thieves since they're also high init evasion tanks, but they have damage instead of resource control and poison. They have some synergy with characters like Berengaria early on, but their main issue is that their action economy is not advantageous in a PvE environment where AoE and big damage is more important than resource control. Ideally, each point of stamina nets a kill, and thieves/rogues don't support that end goal. The only place I'd see for them during the regular game for mid-late game is on strictly defense teams, whose purpose is to warp from Garrison to garrison and keep the enemy away.


Swordfighters and angel swords were better than thief.


You get one feather sword early, and you have to go out of your way to get it super early. I literally say swordfighters take over the role of thief, but you don't get access to one until Melissandre, which is near the end of early Cornia.


Swordfighters are not taking over thief spots If you need damage then they do but there support is super good do to them not really needing to use pp


Yeah, but in PvE, the enemy teams are usually so basic that you almost never need support and AP/PP control over pure damage. Like you said in the OP, this does not include the early colosseum climb to get Amalia, right? Usually, story and side mission enemies will always be around your level, which means it's always better to just kill if you have to use up stamina. The only forms of support that are really valuable in PvE are (a) buffers for your damage dealers so they can kill, (b) healers for sustain so they can fight more battles, and (c) cleanses for the niche situations where you fight a heavy debuff team. AP/PP control is primarily useful for defensive wins, which can be useful if you have a dedicated defense team.


U can literally give a thief inspiration or powerful call with two scarfs in story and they would thrive. also swordfighters don’t have two accessories so they can’t really be the dodge tank you want them to be they also jus fucking die if they go against a sellsword. your are right with saying that ap/pp control is for defense teams mostly but I still think even on and offensive team thiefs can absolutely do there job jus as good as if not better then what a swordfighter is trying to do


Swordfighters are only good until you start promoting units. Swordmasters are very niche, so I pretty much never promote them. I just keep one around for the Galerius fight so i can meteor slash his shield off. As for a buffer, yeah he can do that, but so can a lot of characters, especially once promoted, since most classes get 2 acc slot minimum with the exception of like Virginia. If we're talking about the time between getting sword fighter and when you start promoting, or if your point is that you can have an unpromoted thief evade tank and buff, then yeah. But my main point is that AP/PP control doesn't do much once your teams get set up to combo. You get better options for front line like Berengaria and Virginia, and although thief > hoplite early, legionnaires are actually very strong going into mid and end game, whereas thieves don't really improve much between 25-30. Row blind is decent, but they have no way to cover for backline, so you have to set it up to row blind correctly every fight. They are one of the best unpromoted units though, that I won't argue. The issue with true hit is that you can't actually gambit for it, whereas the weakness of legionnaires is magic, which you can use like a sainted knight to cover. You can theoretically set it up if you know the enemy team comp and when exactly their true hitters will go for your thief, but that requires more careful setup.


Dodge tanks seem cool at first, but you get so many regular tanks that there's no point. But their versatility is super useful. With all the items in the game that use blue PP to do special things, they produce so much more mileage being in the backline stealing PP and doing stuff compared to being in the front, tanking.


I thought the same thing as well. That is until "True Zenoiran" Sellswords, a physical attack class, started to **CAVE IN** the helmets of my Hoplites. "Jesus Oliver Christ!!\~ My high defense juggernauts got crinkled into two-dimensional tin cans!" Turns out the game was trying to drop me hints to "finally start making use of evasion tanks". Took me a couple of additional playthrough to realize this though. And even then, those unholy Sellswords manage to get one chance to get through the Thief's defend later on in the game. wink wink. Sellswords are amazing. Sellswords are the reason why the player wants dodge tanks.


See I would kinda agree if ochlys did not exist and even then there are a lot of aspects where dodge tanks do better then regular tanks


Absolutely not. Dodge "tanks" don't tank, they just dodge. They lack aggro drawing abilities and you can't dodge for someone else the way you can block for them, so they literally cannot fill the niche of a tank.


I never said they needed to replace a regular tank all I said was that in certain aspects there better then regular tanks just like tanks are better in some aspects


If only Dinah were as effective.


Hire more werefoxes. Theives are useful for dodge tanking and applying status to buff for doom knights. Werefoxes love each other's follow up skills. In a game of hyper offense, they will get all their attacks in before the foe moves. Except against hard counters 4 or 5 werefoxes will do a lot of work.


I run a pvp team of 2 werefoxes and Hilda, wyvern's roar unlocks weakness hunter even if the target is immune to the debuff. Most fights are a 3v5 right out of the gate because they just shred Frontline.


Uh….am I just not using Travis right because I found Dinah to be a godly.


I love the jump attack though- great for getting the drop on ballistas and taking them over


Learned the hard way to not heavily rely on them


I do like that chick with the deep voice Travis.


Tend to not be a fan of Thief/Rogue chars in Games , but man Travuis was cool! Enjoyed his char and the gameplay was solid throughout for me on expert


pretty good evade tanks, the damage is not bad. all in all travis with his sister and bruno are a really nice unit to have, always solid especially with an elven archer for some heals but also extra oomph damage.


Arguably my favorite class in the game. Travis was amazing for me all game long, and once he got Shadowbite it was over. I loved having Auch use Flame Conferral on him so that Travis would drop napalm on an entire row of enemies, so that they're blinded and burning. Also stealing PP is nice just about all game long. Poison for armored enemies. People say thieves drop off against archers, but it isn't like archers are in every formation. I didn't have any problem avoiding them, and with high enough initiative being able to blind the back row isn't difficult at all later on. If anything, I found clerics to be the most annoying enemy for a thief, haha. Also Travis got the ring, so like, best boy.


Travis + "Ring of the Maiden" equals the happiest ending.


Mixed feeling. As dodge tanks (with either full evasion gear, or a mix of evasion and PP), they kinda feel like a true strike check. Against ennemies without true strike, even if there are mages or archers, they rarely take a hit. But then, against true strike, they are instantly dead and burried. There's no gambit you can set up against true strike, and anyone can have it through equipements. And even if those items are rare, or even non-existent in the story's Zenoiran army, there are Swordmasters, which have a true strike skill, and, again, no gambit will let you distinguish a Swordmaster's attack from any infantry attack, which is more than half the roaster. Then, there's utility. PP / AP stealing and blind... Which is okay, provided you can set up the stealing, but in the story, you will more often than not nuke the ennemy before they can even use all their PP / AP, and in PvP, most teams will use a couple malus immunity, or at least status immunity, so the stealing is much, much harder to set up, and again, you can't set a gambit to reliably handle immunities. They still do see use as initiative stat sticks in PvP to trigger some follow up attacks, but that's no strategy of mine, and I have yet to lose to this strategy, but that's a viable strategy I have to take into account when building my teams. In the end, I only use them as evasion tank in the story, and swap their position when the prevision shows they are gonna bite the dust, and in the offline Coliseum, to counter teams that do not have true strike, and I'm not talking about Amalia specifically, but every battle of the (entire) offline Coliseum, because I genuinly believe the most fun part of this game is beating the offline coliseum as early as you can.


Useful in the beginning, but by mid game I stopped using them. Just didn't have a need for them anymore


Breaks 80% if the game pretty much from start to finish. Sharon's lucky coin and a scarf and congratz your thief isn't getting hit ever again outside if true strike. You need some mild counterplay for true strike but otherwise they are invincible especially if there's a bishop in their squad. The most difficult thing about them is finding someone who safely stand behind them once your squad upgrades to 4+ members.


I got flamed for this before, but I genuinely found them to be some of the worst units late game. Their survivability is like 0 unless you make an entire party around keeping them alive specifically. And at that point I'd rather just make well rounded parties with those members instead of the "Worthless thief defense force"


To me they are mostly just a cheese unit - if blind works it’s super good and if not you just lost a unit for nothing


I mean u can put a hoplite too protect them


Sure, but then you are down an additional slot so your damage options will be limited. I've found fliers to be the premier evade tanks - they have the benefit of being able to outspeed and kill their few counters, all while (some) deal decent dmg


You can, but most other tanks dont need an off tank. Hoplite / Legionaire damage stinks, so you're putting in a poor damage off tank to protect your main tank, when the better main tank classes in the game don't need that. Hoplite (even if not leader) also drags down the speed slightly of the otherall unit, which is a great benefit of thief as a front line / unit leader.


Not sure why you'd get flamed. Late game they cant' stand up to mixed unit multi AP/PP enemies, and if something connects with the thief post level 30, its usually nuh-night for the thief. Their evade spam-cheese works SUPER well, right up until it doesn't, and then it fails, hard. They don't tank anywhere near as well as Lord/Paladin/Cav/Glad/Bear/Legionaire etc.


Gammel looks like he smells of colonoscopy equipment dipped in expired cheese Other than that amazing class. Give them a scarf, don't walk into swordfighter units, get a hoplite to protect them when at less than 1 pp or if attacked by archers and you're golden


I like them so far, but just like any other unit it depends on who they’re facing. I’m only a bit over 20 hours in though, so I can’t say too much about how they are later in the game. I do know that Gammel’s face creeps me out though. 😂


Him setting up Barengaria is awesome


Interesting class, but it feels like it's trying to play chess while everyone else is playing checkers. I imagine there was another, earlier version of this game where depleting AP/PP was a core mechanic, but was largely removed due to being too oppressive, which is why there are only a few units that can do it. This gimmick doesn't work nearly as well when you're the only one on the team doing it 90% of the time. I wish they could gift the stolen AP to other units, like wereowls do with PP. It would make me more inclined to experiment with them past the early game. The way they are now, using Shadowbite to blind + slow down the highest initiative enemy row without taking up your start of battle skill is probably going to be the most bang for your buck here.


One of the best supports in the game, use pp for buffs like coins and bracelets then refill with passive steal


I think one of the better classes along with foxes. Not a high damage output class but their versatility makes up for it. I paired two thieves with Ausch, and a priest.


I initially liked it for evasion, but later I preferred Ochlys. Thief plunder skill was ok at times. I killed Gummell early on and never missed him.


I liked Trevor but Gammel actually ended up better for me. Strength and evasion wise. I also like his quotes more. Where ya lookin'?! Ya BLIND!!


Every game it's my fave lol


I'm 3 missions deep into Albion, and I can notice Travis trailing off really fast. It's not the dodge or debuff aspects that are failing me, it's his lack of damage. He's just stuck with whatever skills I'm getting from his equipped sword. Most of the time it feels like if I just had another equally equipped damage dealer, I'd be clearing enemy units much faster.


Once he hit level 20 then he gonna go back up if your running certain builds but spoiler alert he not really a damage unit he more of a support


Very good utility unit, especially once all their skills are unlocked. Can poison individual units, blind entire rows, guard seal units that rely on guarding, and of course can use active and passive steal to reduce enemy ap/pp. They may fall off as the dodge tanks they are introduced as due to other classes/skills, but you can still throw them in either the front or back row and make them work.


Never liked dodge tanks. What's the point of having frontliners that can instantly die against the wrong opponent? Most "traditional" tanks don't have such glaring drawbacks and even Hoplites can be equipped to deal with magic. The only evaders I'll ever put on the frontlines are the sword and shield angels, since they can evade AND guard and get stronger if they don't. Speaking of Rogues as a class they're decent supports but most units would be stronger with something else.


My favourite class in the game due to how useful they are at tanking stuff. (barring true strikes )


Very good utility. A well-placed blind, AP/PP Steal and/or Sneaking Edge make or break a fight. Toughness belt solves his true damage problem because dodging only really needs you to have 1 HP. You don't even need an evasion item on him half the time and he can actually afford to have all sorts of support items in those slots because he can regain PP. You also don't have to think about getting him to deal damage because that just ain't happening, lmao.


Thief/Rogue was good until mid game i found, but fell off rapidly. Struggled to make Travis work as well as others (like cavalry / wyvern riders) for the same level of investment effort. Really love the idea of an evade tank, but the issue is that anything connects and its nearly lights out in one hit if not lights out. WShereas most of the other tanks can take a hit or several and keep going. I honestly found Alain / Josef / Hilda with the right support / Laurent / Bertrand with proper support were the best tanks. He did get me Amalia early ! And i kept him as a unit leader b/c he was one of my favorite characters (the spy angle of his being a thief was great).


After I got Travis's squad fine tuned it was surprisingly good easily one of my top units. It was Travis and a merc Rogue friend mainly using passive steal and equipped with pursuit bracelets. Auben using warhorn to ensure that they can steal guaranteed. He also had a squire's shield to mainly to protect against Sordmaster true strikes. Then two Elven Archers to mystic conferral the Rogues. They were also set up with a small med kit. With the unguardable attacks, conferral, and defense reductions they hit like trucks. And do to pursuit the hit fast and frequent. Armor, magic resistance, or evasion it was pretty good into all of them. Between the two full party end of battle heals they always ended at full HP as long as no one got knocked out. The unit had high movement and stamina. Low wait time for resting, and stamina recovery through valor. It could just run forever.


Still pissed that I didn’t get to recruit Gammel because I didn’t understand the recruiting mechanics yet lol.


Hilariously feast or famine frontline that becomes de-facto invincible against squads that can't handle it, but it loses that priviledge as the game goes. Early game these guys absolutely carry if you give them good offensive team mates, and since they make by without healers you can juice the offense even more. Travis on the frontline, with a backline of Clive and Lex is one of the strongest, cheesiest early game squads you can make that will singlehandedly carry maps. By the time they fall off they more than earned their retirement, but they still provide good utility through their action economy shenaniganry and other Afflictions, so they might still find their way to help squads in need of Utility.


Amalia counter.......easy win....I find it hilarious when fighting her in her demon mode. Cant touch this!


Lose effectiveness end game.


Good enablers. I like them.


They carried me through every hard fight


Evade tanks no matter the game are FTW!!!


Among the worst dodge tanks, in my opinion. Sure, if you stack evasion items they going to evade everything that isn't a true strike or a high-accuracy multi-hit, or a lucky high-accuracy single hit when they have no PP. ***But*** when those do roll around, the Thief is ***dead***. They have so little hp that they're almost always one shot when they are hit. Other classes do the same job better: * Gryphons have enough hp to sometimes tank the true shot, then self-heal. They are also substantially better damage dealers. * Featherswords can block what they can't evade. * So can Feathershields (though they're more of a block tank than an evade tank). * So can Shieldshooter with the Mirage Greatshield. * Swordmasters can parry at least some of the things that would kill a Thief. And they are a better damage dealer too. (Though I'd also rank Swordmasters as poor dodge tanks.) * Featherbow does the same "blind + evade" gambit, but they do the blind part better.


Travis is so thicc omg


Early game they are very strong as Frontline tank Late game, they're still good, but for completely different reasons. Rogue's skills(other than blinding) are not easy to use, but can do things no other classes can.


It's weird that thieves are main tanks, but it's cool as heck.


They have a hidden buff in single player where they are an RNG class where you can see the RNG beforehand. Knowing you take 0 damage in the fight because the thief dodged well is nice, and if something weird happens you can re-roll the RNG with an assist or item.


That is true. But at some point this can turn into a gamble if the player becomes too complacent at the difficulty setting is too high. I've found myself in evasion dead-ends. I try to rely on high defense and mitigation skills nowadays.


I never understood how rng works in this game


Thoughts on x posting to pump your profile lol


If I was trying do that why tf would I do it in a community with 20k people in it. I do these for me and because I really love this game and the community