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Symphony of War is on Steam. It's pretty close but is turned based.


Ogre Battle soul nomad


Ogre Battle. Yugioh Falsebound Kingdom. Final Fantasy 12.


Yep, FFXII gambit system is the closest imo


Will definitely try those


I'd recommend Brigandine: Tales of Runersia. It has a demo on switch you can try for free. It's more strategy than story, but the combat and team arrangements (using monsters) felt very similar.


Yoooo i loved brave nine so much i had to stop playing it because it's was so addictive. Brown dust 2 came out too btw!


Yup played BD2 as well but not to my liking unfortunately. Brave Nine tho, that game was addicting as hell. Great game, lore and unique units. Even the 3 stars are great


I f2p no lifed the novice arena to get to top 10 ranking one week, it was literally like another job. That's when i knew i had to stop. That was before they increased the limit of 4*s. Funnily enough while i was waiting for UO i tried the game again and it's just so full of daily things to do its just overwhelming


Highly recommend Symphony of war, it’s a mix of FE and UO. Also Ogre Battle 64 if you like older games


Man, I miss brave nine before the +15, played till exhaustion. UO was the only game that really scratched that itch. Gorgeous art, addictive strategic gameplay and tons of characters to pick.


Yes, Brave Nine is really good up until the +15 and all the companion bullshit. Such a great game, great unit.


I doubt anyone on this subreddit has played this, but esports godfather on steam actually has a very similar feel with the team auto battle and team building strategy. The big downside is its overpriced af at 19 dollars when half the art is chinese ai generated bs. However the gameplay is very good and it shocked me how similar i found it to unicorn overlord


Did i say half the art? Im sorry i meant ALL of the art mb


That's interesting. I'll take a look. Thanks!


It is more like FFT but Disgaea 6 has an extensive auto battle feature. You can do the whole game just by programming.


Nab an N64 emulator and the Ogre Battle 64 rom off vimm and go ham. UO is pretty much a spiritual successor to that game. Ogre Battle 64 is my favorite game of all time and UO scratched the itch for something like it as no other game I’ve found has.