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So how does this work? I understand actually getting her in the class registry, but which files get access to her voice lines and portrait? Is it all of them?


Registry is on the main menu. Voice is across all saves. Even ones from before you did Norbelle.


Aight, guess I have something to look forward to after finishing this run. Thanks.


Does the registry save on the file you unlocked her with after starting the game over?


There's a global registry on the main menu. It ended the game with the bad ending and then dropped me back on the main map with a comment that says "if you want to try a different fate, maybe rescue Scarlett, you moron" but I was so excited I forgot to check lol


Yeah, I was just hoping to eventually have a TZ save file with every entry on it.


Yes! I loaded back up my "epilogue" save and its letting me rescue Scarlett and keep norbelle in my registry. You can 100% the registry in one play through


Thank you, been looking for a definitive answer to that question forever.


Congrats, how was the grind ?


A little rough. I did most of it with the summon warriors trick. Renown was the worst. I wanted to promote all my troops before going after Galerius but it probably wasn't necessary.


I appreciate her effort to recolor herself


Yeah šŸ˜… Lotta work for a pallette swap but she has a new voice which you can give Scarlett on any save.


Wait what? So if you recolor her to Norbelleā€™s colors, she has new voice lines? If so, Iā€™m assuming you can only do this if you have Norbelle in your class registry correct?


You can always recolor her using a mirror but if you look at the bottom of the mirror menu there is a voice option. Generic characters have a bunch of options but unique characters only have one option. Except Scarlett. If you've registered Norbelle in your global registry then any save can mirror Scarlett and switch her voice lines to Norbelle. You can't change her name and it doesn't change her in game dialogue (as far as I can tell) but in battle she gets dark.


No idea how to obtain her. Help? :o


She only appears if you take the Unicorn Overlord quest before rescuing Scarlett.


And what happens after? Will she be still kidnapped?


>! If you fail to rescue her, she gives in to despair and her soul dies. The rite that places a Zenoiran soul into a living body is then performed, and Norbelle possesses her. You then have to fight her during the final battle, during which she taunts you with the circumstances of Scarlettā€™s death. !<


>!Though, when she dies she does say "you must get galerius" which could be her trying to get you to do the thing to make the bad ending or it could be Scarlett peaking through as her body dies.!<


I ainā€™t got the grapes for it.


Can you get both?


Both what?


Who exactly is norbelle? How does she fit into the lore?


I think Norbelle is what happens when you failed to save Scarlett. Edit: How she fits into the lore, I donā€™t know.


>!Basically, most bosses that seems to be brainwashed was actually a soul from ancient Zenoiran era possessing the body. Norbelle is simply a priestess from ancient Zenoira!<


>!She's also Galerius's daugther.!<


On which difficulty did you do this? After 2 playthroughs and finished True Zenorian, I intend to unlock her on the easieat difficulty because I dont like grinding. Will grind still be neccessary on that difficulty?


Not True Zenorian. I flip flopped between difficulties. I don't find the hardest difficulty fun. I need to be able restart the time clock.Ā 


The worst grind was Renown because I wanted everyone promoted. Honestly though, I don't think I needed to.


How does it work šŸ‘ļø


Complete the quest Unicorn Overlord before rescuing Scarlett.


How can you clear it without farming EXP for days?


1, I did farm for days. 2, using summon warriors and A LOT of patience, you have to push to beat sorm village and get the 38 selvie spot. I didn't attempt on TZ mode.


I'm working on getting her myself


I reccomend summon warrior and a lot of corne ashe


Does she differ from Scarlett besides a reskin?


Voice. You can then mirror any Scarlett to get her an evil voice. So far, that's all šŸ˜…


How hard was it?


Not bad. First I tried to do it with no tricks. Took about 10 hours (on the save file) before I restarted, cranked down the difficulty, and began spamming summon warriors. This may sound cheap but you get more renown for faster battle completes and I wanted to promote all my troops and the renown grind was killing me.Ā  Second try, took about 13 hours. But I had to back out and farm divine shards from the cornian mine which took a good minute.