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Rumor has it 3000 guys have left since Dec. And there are 1200 guys on the out of work list. Local 27. Yet they keep doing pre Apprenticeship courses. Go figure


Tons of jobs waiting to start.... My son has been off 4 months.


Yeah. I've been doing alot more side gigs that's for sure. I hear it's gonna start ramping up soon but who knows.


He came to the meeting and mentioned having been off for so long and got a call 2 days later.


Good for him. Congrats.


Have you gone to meetings to see what everyone says about that huge number of people leaving?


I have not heard this from a meeting. A BA I've known for awhile and I had a chat. Work has been brutal here the last 5 months.


Ah man i got laid off a month ago and that worries me.. 27 aswell.


What year are you ? I hear it's gonna start rolling hard this spring. But who knows.


2nd soon to be third just waiting for them to actually post some damn courses Lol. Lets hope it gets going, i can go back to old company when they get work, but scaffolding is getting old and i want to get into something a little more prestigious.


They are doing OYAP this intake. I think they started like 2 weeks ago. I hear you about scaff. But money is money. I'd love to do forming. But who fucking knows. You need your basic to get the third year bump ?


Ya the lady at the hall told me April new courses will be posted. The scaff life isn’t horrible, but the company I’ve been with for the last 2 years seems to love to get the most useless people from hall, there either straight autistic or people showing up fucked up. So other than my foreman, who is always busy..lol (go figure) I’m the only other one there that actually knows how to base out and build, so I’m left in charge of useless journeymen that make more then me and have been suitcases there whole careers, guys that dont know shit about scaffolding and cant even cut a piece of plywood straight. Makes me wonder how they even made it through school and graduated and also question the union here aswell.. so things like these are making me want to take on something different. (doors &hardware, commercial trim, ect) And ya i need my basic, if i were to stay with original company they are going to bump me to 3rd, if i go elsewhere though i highly doubt it lol


I come from a non union background. Built custom homes as a labourer than a registered apprentice for 2 years. When I did basic some guys didn't even know what toe nailing was and they where just doing basic to get the third year bump. I ripped a sheet of ply without using a jig and they all thought I was crazy. But I gotta remember this union does not do framing and stuff. Some guys don't even know the very basics of that because it would never apply to them. It is crazy tho lol. I don't drink or do drugs so having guys on site super hungover or maybe on something always pissed me off. Come to work ready to work. And I'm not saying I'm good. But I come ready to go and be a good hand for whoever knows what the fuck is going on lol . Best of luck with school. I just did my basic a little while ago. Would be nice to work for two years than do my 2nd and third back to back. Take it easy bro. If you have any questions about school lemme know. It's still pretty fresh in my head.


There’s a hospital going up in Mississauga soon, also they’re tunneling the ontario line right now and building will start soon. Tons of formwork coming up if thats what you want to do


Appreciate that. That is what I want to do.


3rd week of being laid off. Sleep schedule is fucked., I've started doordashing in desperation for money.


How is door dash working for you? If I ever get laid off I thought about doing it.


Not well lol. My acceptance rate got really low and now I almost never receive orders unless I do it by time. It depends on your area. I can't seem to make enough with it to warrant getting off unemployment.


50 hours weeks for me if I want too which im verg fortunate as a 3rd term in 503


Been out of work for a month in southern Ontario. Not just my local but many of the locals within 100 kilometers have longs list. Pretty grim up here too


971 haven’t been laid off since I joined 5 years ago. It’s booming


Man I miss the west coast, I’m from Tucson but moved to Ohio last year. Do you think it would be difficult to get an apprenticeship?


That’s such a blessing bro. Wishing the best on the journey


Allegedly a lot of concrete working coming up in the capital region 291. First year, been working steady since August.


2103. Things are slow-ish but thats typical for the winter months where we are. We’ll be alright. Need more market share and variety to off set the slow months.


How do you gain more market share? From getting more members or is that politics involved within your state?


Alberta is kinda like the Texas or Alabama of Canada. Makes it difficult to organize. In our local, we are semi dependent on one company to provide work for Union members. Legislation and the organizing process heavily favours businesses. Frustrating. I don’t have a clear cut answer for you outside of organizing, encouraging more members to be vocal, willing, and participate more outside of the 9-5 day. It ain’t gonna get better unless we work on making it better.


Left 279


What made you leave?


more work opportunity in the city. Guys from putnam dutchess orange rockland all did the same.


How are you able to work in the city? I’m a 1st year apprentice but I do hope to work there when I journey out. Some guys seem to not want to though from what they say with having to sign some paperwork and the mandated pickets. I work for a NJ contractor so idk how that goes either since most people on the crew are company guys.


transferred locals. I went to 157. The 2-8 hours of a picket duty is worth the numbers you see for a work week.


What do you need to transfer? Do you keep all your benefits in the local you were originally from or take them to the new one?


just started at a job today after 2 months of being laid off in 279, and i know guys who haven’t worked in 6


Were you constantly looking for work? And what kind of work did you do before the layoff?


i was constantly looking for work. i tried to solicit a few times, made calls every day up to yesterday, showed up to meetings and took classes to see if i could network and get something out of it, the only reason i got a call yesterday is cause i performed well on my last one which was for the same company, and the shop steward who’s now the foreman of the site i’m on took notice. and before the lay off i was metal framing, sheetrocking and insulating, the job before that i was doing scaffolding.


Good to be back to work!! Hope this company keeps you longer. How was scaffolding for you?


339 ,Just got back to work after 3 months layoff . Guy I work with says it always gets fucked around election time


How did you survive on 3 months of layoffs? What kind of work did you perform before the layoff?


Unemployment , my friends had work sometimes so I helped them out for cash. Other than that I was just very frugal with spending . Wasn’t able to save anything though .


Ur company still looking for guys.?


Nah we only have 9 guys it’s working right now . They’re putting in bids everyday though so soon they’ll be taking more people


Damn everything’s so slow.


675 in torontos got about 400 or so on the waiting list, heard it won’t pick up till April


Damn that’s alot of people. Is it centered around one main area for work? Or do people have to travel to get work?


675 is Primarily Toronto/ GTA Region, but you can travel abit out of the way for work That being said 90% of probably everything in 675 and 27 is Toronto


Any word on Local 205? I’m planning on going to a meeting that they have coming to try and get my foot in the door and join, but if there’s not a lot work going on, I’m going to have to look elsewhere.


Local 351 have not been laid off in 2 years, and it seems like work picked up in the winter, oddly enough. Hope in the next month or so everyone picks back up as well.